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ArduPilot Development Report

June 2019

Andrew Tridgell, Randy Mackay, AP Dev Team

The last month saw a high level of activity in our github repository as usual:
● 367 patches affecting 80k lines of code, 42 wiki updates
● 39 contributors
● Weekly dev call attendance regularly 25+ people
Driver Changes
This month saw changes to the following sensor and system drivers
● Fixed bootloader hang on GPS data
● Added new board mRoControlZeroF7
● Added watchdog logging system (Marco’s video)
● Support HereFlow CAN flow sensor (wiki)
● Support CAN rangefinder
● Support NMEA output to UARTs
● Guarantee logging of RCIN on switch changes
● Implement new sensor config system in hwdef.dat
● Added NMEA wind sensor support (installation discussion)

Calypso Windvane
Copter Updates
Copter-3.6.9 released (ReleaseNotes)!
● CX-OF on all boards
● CUAVv5 Nano board support
● TradHeli fixes including Acro Trainer fix

Copter-3.7 developments being developed include:

● Non-GPS with Intel RealSense T265 (GSoC, Ali's Video)

● Object avoidance and stay-out zones
● High vibration “failsafe”
Plane update

Please stable release is at 3.9.8. No new release this month.

Changes in master:

● Improvements in QACRO mode

● New watchdog logging system
● Support Octo-I frame
● New EKF compass handling
New EKF compass handling
Improvement to EKF earth field learning

● Uses world magnetic model tables to constrain earth field

● Leads to much more robust compass offset learning
● Able to handle higher levels of motor interference
● New EK2_MAG_EF_LIM parameter
Rover Updates
Rover-3.6 enhancements under development:
● Object avoidance using BendyRuler and Dijkstra’s algorithms
● Sailboats support NMEA windvanes, motors (GSoC)

Sebastian Schürmann’s OmniX Rover

BendyRuler Dijkstra’s
GSoC students have begung coding!

● PeterH : Further Development of Rover’s Sailboat Support

● Matt Kear : Autonomous Autorotations for Traditional Helicopters
● AkshathS : MAVProxy GUI and module development
● RajatS : AirSim Simulator Support
● Nguyen HT : Integration of VIO camera for Non-GPS localization and navigation

Coding continues until Aug 20th (Blog with more details here)
Upcoming events
● Jun 20th ~ 22nd: SZUAVIA in Shenzhen (Blog). Contact: Jani Hirvinen
● Sep 3rd ~ 6th: InterDrone in Las Vegas (overview). Contact: Craig Elder

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