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Adur District Council Parking Enforcement Annual Report

Quantitative item Mar 09* Apr 09 - Mar 10

Number of Penalty Charge Notices Issued 337 6,279
Number of higher level Penalty Charge Notices issued 140 3,478
Number of lower level Penalty Charge Notices issued 197 2,801
Number of Penalty Charge Notices paid 189 4,767
Number of Penalty Charge Notices paid at the reduced rate 187 3,993
Number of first stage appeals received 30 2,661
Number of first stage appeals accepted 8 1,217
Number of first stage appeals rejected 22 1,444
Average time taken to respond to first stage appeal 8 days 9 days
Number of Notice to Owners issued 0 1,205
Number of second stage appeals received 0 515
Number of second stage appeals accepted 0 250
Number of second stage appeals rejected 0 265
Average time taken to respond to second stage appeal n/a 2 days
Number of appeals lodged with the Independent Parking Adjudicator 0 28
Number of appeals accepted by the Independent Parking Adjudicator 0 7
Number of appeals rejected by the Independent Parking Adjudicator 0 8
Number written off for other reasons - CEO error, drive-aways, DVLA untraceable 7 96
Number of Charge Certificates issued 0 592
Number of Charge Certificates paid 0 120
Number of cases registered as debts with the Traffic Enforcement Centre 0 396
Number of cases going to warrant 0 290

*Civil Parking Enforcement was introduced in Adur on 5th March 2009.

The missing appeal results are either where further information was awaited at the end of the year or, in the case of the Adjudicator, further evidence
has been supplied that the Council then felt it was appropriate not to contest further.

Further information regarding parking enforcement and parking operations can be found on the Adur District Council and West Sussex County
Council websites - and

The aim of the Parking schemes in Worthing and Adur is to educate first and issue later. If you are a member of a group who you feel would benefit from
our attendance at a meeting, please feel free to contact us to discuss the matter.

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