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Blackpool Council

Civil Parking Enforcement

Annual Report 2008/ 2009

1. Introduction

2. Aims & Objectives of Service

3. Parking Profile

4. Enforcement

5. Appeals


Appendix A……….Financial Report

Appendix B……….Statistical Report

Civil Parking Enforcement in Blackpool – Annual Report 2009

1. Introduction

1.1 Blackpool is a Seaside Town home to approximately 150,000 local

residents as well as being a holiday resort to 14.7 million visitors each year
(based on 2008 figures) and is base for many businesses. We are home to
a number of famous attractions such as Blackpool Tower, the Pleasure
Beach Amusement Park and of course the Illuminations, which light up the
entire Promenade.

1.2 Blackpool Council became responsible for the implementation of both on and
off-street parking enforcement in November 2003. In addition to its own
previous responsibilities for off-street parking, Blackpool Council became
responsible for various parking restrictions on-street. These functions were
carried out under the provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1991 and was known
as Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE). On 31 March 2008, Civil
Parking Enforcement (CPE) replaced DPE functions under the provisions
contained in Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. This introduced
variable charges relating to the type of parking contravention and, more
recently the ability to enforce some moving traffic offences such as drive aways
and parking on a dropped kerb/ double parking (i.e. one vehicle parking
alongside another).
1.3 Waiting Restrictions are introduced after much consideration and are intended
primarily to improve road safety and maintain traffic flow, assisting both
pedestrians and road users. We aim to facilitate both residents in the town and
local businesses, as well as our visitors.
1.4 These restrictions are made by way of Traffic Regulation Orders formulated by
the Council.
1.5 Blackpool Council car parks are also covered by regulations and these are
operated as Pay and Display or Pay on Foot facilities.

2. Aims & Objectives of the Service.

2.1 The current Parking Service was established in 2003, under decriminalised
arrangements to ensure effective, efficient and economic enforcement of
parking regulations throughout Blackpool in accordance with the appropriate
legislation and government guidance.
There is a clear requirement for both on and off-street functions to be
separately accountable and careful planning and management are essential to
achieve this.
The Service aims to help deliver the Council's objectives as set out in its
approved corporate, parking and transport strategies.
2.2 The Primary objectives of the service are:
-To maintain public safety
-To assist the free movement of traffic
-To ensure compliance with parking regulations

2.3 We strive to achieve the above objectives in our operation of CPE through
close involvement with the Council’s Traffic Management Department and
liaison with the Police and Fire Services.
2.4 The Council's Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) provide a service which is fair
and even-handed, and one that acts as a deterrent to drivers who would
normally seek to park in contravention of restrictions.

3. Parking Profile
3.1 Off Street
There are a total of 27 car parks within the borough providing 6’353
spaces. 248 of these spaces are designated for disabled drivers (plus
unlimited spaces for disabled drivers on an unmarked car park with a
capacity of 400 vehicles).
112 of these spaces are designated for coaches as well as a newly
developed ‘drop off and pick up’ facility designed to assist day trips.
There are also designated motorcycle bays on several of our car parks.
Our car parks use a Pay and Display or a Pay on Foot System and permits
are available for the majority of car parks for reduced parking rates.
Locations of all of our car parks can be found on the Blackpool Council
website (
3.2 On-Street
On street enforcement is carried across the borough in all areas where
designated Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) exist.
There are approximately 470 Pay and Display bays throughout the town
centre and approximately 88 designated Disabled parking bays.
We also have approximately 10 designated Motorcycle bays on street.
Locations of all the above can be found on the Blackpool Council website
detailed above.
4. Enforcement
4.1 Enforcement is covered by approximately 10 Civil Enforcement
Officers (CEO’s) per shift (inclusive of two used for cash collection and one
designated Dispatcher). This number will decrease out of season during
quieter times.
Staff deployment is currently undertaken in shifts using a system of "beats" to cover areas
where enforcement is carried out. All beats are patrolled as often as possible, resources
allowing, but with special attention always being given to priority areas e.g. town centre.

4.2 Contrary to popular belief, there are no targets for PCN issue and neither are
CEO’s paid a bonus for the number they issue.

4.3 However, work rates are monitored and in the interest of fairness CEO’s are
expected to issue PCN’s when they see a contravention.

5 Appeals

5.1 Motorists who have been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and who wish to
contest it have the option to do so. All contact details are available on the reverse of
the PCN including postal and e-mail address.

5.2 In the first instance, a motorist may make a written ‘challenge’ to the Council. They can
do this by letter or now by e-mail. Should this be rejected and the PCN remain unpaid,
a Notice to Owner (NtO) will be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle who then
has the opportunity to make representations to the Council.

5.3 If such representations are rejected, motorists may then formally appeal to the Traffic
Penalty Tribunal (TPT) where an independent adjudicator will hear the case. Appeals
can be heard in person, by post, and now by telephone, which provides more
convenience to the appellant and speeds up the process.

5.4 The adjudicators decision is final and binding on all parties.

Appendix A

Financial Report for 2008/09

Total income in parking………………………………… 7,096,048

Total expenditure……………………………………….. 4,869,349

Net Surplus………………………………………………. 2,226,699

The surplus forms part of Blackpool Council’s overall financial position.

Income breakdown

Off-Street Pay and Display……………………………… 4,610,938

Off-Street PCN income………………………………….. 388,537

Other Off-Street income (permits etc)…………………. 202,020

Total……………………………………………………….. 5201,495

Expenditure……………………………………………….. 4647,911

Surplus……………………………………………………... 553,584

On-Street Pay and Display……………………………….. 962,215

On- Street PCN income…………………………………… 871,013

Other On-Street income (permits etc)…………………… 61,325

Total…………………………………………………………. 1894,553

Expenditure…………………………………………………. 221,438

Surplus………………………………………………………. 1673,115
Appendix B

Statistical Report for 2008/09

Number of higher level PCN’s issued……………………………. 18,110

Number of lower level PCN’s issued……………………………… 23,943

TOTAL 42,053

Number of PCN’s paid……………………………………………… 28,787

Number of PCN’S paid at discount rate. …………………………. 24,112

Number of PCN’S against which formal or informal representation

This information is currently
made……………………………………………….. ………………. not available. We are
working on new data
capture systems to enable
accurate recording of such

Formal Appeals to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT) . ………… 44

Appeal Allowed 27
Appeals Dismissed 17
Appeals Not Contested 15

Number of PCN’S Cancelled as a result of a formal/informal

Representation……………………………………………………… 5,553

Number of PCN’s written off for other reason

(e.g. CEO error-including voided, not issued/untraceable)……… 10,920

Number of vehicles immobilized……………………………………. Blackpool Council do

not immobilise any

Number of vehicles removed……………………………………….. 220

(This number

CEO Civil Enforcement Officer

CPE Civil Parking Enforcement

DPE Decriminalised Parking Enforcement

NtO Notice to Owner

PCN Penalty Charge Notice

TMA Traffic Management Act

TPT Traffic Penalty Tribunal

TRO Traffic Regulation Order


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