LB Camden Annual Parking and Enforcement Report 2009

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Table of contents
1 Introduction and context...........................................................................................1
2 Overview......................................................................................................................1
6 Traffic flow data............................................................................................................2
14 Road safety................................................................................................................3
20 Data on car clubs, workplace travel plans, school travel plans and car free
36 Cycle parking, cycle stations and training ................................................................9
44 Air quality ................................................................................................................10
48 Climate change........................................................................................................13
52 Other user satisfaction statistics..............................................................................13
56 Listening to community views on parking................................................................15
60 Camden’s sustainable community strategy and the corporate plan .......................16
67 What’s new.............................................................................................................17
68 Update of the CPZ review programme ...................................................................17
73 Update on the review of the visitor permit scheme south of Euston Road .............17
77 Restructure of Parking Services .............................................................................18
83 Changes to the way Blue Badges are issued..........................................................19
87 Environment Local project ......................................................................................19
91 Changes/closure to parking suspensions office .....................................................20
93 An update on the programme of reviews of waiting and loading facilities in town
centres ...............................................................................................................20
100 Coding by vehicle type when PCNs are issued ....................................................21
105 Asset management project ...................................................................................22
111 Graphical representation of parking bays on website ..........................................23
114 ‘Love your local high street’ campaign .................................................................23
116 Camden’s policy of motorcycles in bus lanes .......................................................24
119 What’s coming up................................................................................................25
120 On-street electric vehicle charging bays ...............................................................25
124 CPZ review programme ........................................................................................25
127 Pay by phone parking and other PIP related projects ..........................................25
129 Review of emission-based parking permits...........................................................26
131 Introduction of emission-based charging for parking places on estates ..............26
135 Waiting and loading reviews .................................................................................27
138 Statistics, financial information, reviews and monitoring ..............................28
139 The number of PCNs issued by contravention type .............................................28
142 The number of PCNs issued by severity of contravention ...................................28
145 The number of PCNs paid, representations made and cancelled.........................29
149 The incidence of clamping and vehicle removals .................................................30
151 Financial statistics .................................................................................................30
159 Statistics on appeals and related ..........................................................................33
164 Performance statistics relating to Camden’s enforcement contracts, environment
locals and CEOs’ safety ....................................................................................34
169 More information..................................................................................................38

Appendix 1: Chronology of changes to parking in Camden from May 2006 ......43


1 Introduction and context

2 Overview
3 This is Camden’s third Annual Parking and Enforcement Report. Four broad
areas are covered in the report:
• The context of the borough, and the wider policy context in which parking
and traffic enforcement sits.
• What’s new – this deals with changes in policy and enforcement practices
and new parking products and services that appeared over the last year.
• What’s coming up – this looks ahead and indicates new changes that are
being considered.
• Reviews and monitoring – this provides updates on parking related reviews
that are occurring and the results of relevant monitoring activity. Reference
is also made to parking and enforcement statistics, as well as financial
information with comparative data for previous years.
4 The box below summarises the context of parking and enforcement in Camden.
The rest of section 1 sets out in more detail issues around managing traffic
demand and flows, road safety, the wider initiatives to reduce demand and
make the borough more sustainable. Parking and traffic enforcement sits firmly
within this wider context, and is a key tool in that wider toolbox for managing
and improving the borough and its road network.

The purpose of parking and traffic regulation and why they are enforced

This annual report sets out some of the facts and figures of Camden's parking and
enforcement activity but it is important also to bear in mind why the borough manages
parking in the first place. The various parking policy objectives are set out more fully in
the Parking and Enforcement Plan, but are also summarised here.

Demand for parking in Camden far outstrips the supply of kerbspace available and the
Council seeks to maintain an active balance between the different demands – from
residents, their visitors, businesses and their deliveries and customers, access for
disabled people, etc. This also needs to be balanced with the duty on the Council to
keep traffic moving, avoiding unsafe and obstructive parking, and making sure there is
good access for pedestrians, cyclists, buses and vehicles of all sorts.
Alongside this is the aim of sustainability, restraining inessential traffic so that we
achieve efficient movements for essential vehicles (e.g. emergency services and
deliveries). In a crowded inner city we encourage people to move in the most efficient
and sustainable ways possible and to help achieve this we improve conditions for
walking and cycling, including making these movements safer, and improve the flow of
public transport. In addition to the efficiency of our road network this has clear links to
minimising the wider impacts of traffic on poor air quality and on the contribution to
climate change.

5 Camden recognises that management of traffic and parking sits within a dynamic
and changing context, and that constant adjustment and improvement is
necessary to guarantee effective and responsive management. Recent years

have seen significant changes, such as the abandonment of clamping following
a unique study, and Camden intends to continue to try and improve the
management and enforcement of parking and traffic controls, delivering a fair
and proportionate system that is seen to be so.

6 Traffic flow data

7 Managing the road network in London is challenging given that there is a finite
supply of road space and kerb space. Demand for the use of this space - for
moving traffic, for servicing and for parking - considerably exceeds capacity in
many parts of London, especially in the inner areas.
8 Camden, situated as it is in the centre of London, experiences some of the worst
congestion in Britain. Parking and enforcement policies offer important and
effective means of managing demand: the extent, location and cost of parking
have major implications for traffic levels, traffic congestion, the efficiency of
public transport services and the health of the local economy. Parking controls
should therefore be seen as a component of wider demand management
techniques that restrain traffic.
9 The introduction of CPZs resulted in a reduction of parked vehicles and hence
traffic associated with it, as demonstrated by our parking beat surveys (Annual
Parking and Enforcement Report 2007, table 3.12).
10 Further details about the relationship between restraining traffic, parking policies
and other Council policies are dealt with in the Parking and Enforcement Plan,
Camden’s Local Implementation Plan and the Network Management Plan,
which may be found on the Council website:
11 Road traffic flows are monitored for changes in volume and type of traffic passing
across screen lines. There are four screenlines in Camden - three assess
changes in north-south radial traffic through the borough and one catches east-
west orbital traffic across the borough. Until 2006 only two screenlines were
measured each year, with data interpolated for intervening years. We now carry
out surveys of all four screenlines every year – two in spring, two in autumn.
12 The results of the latest traffic counts in 2008 are given in table 1.1. Data has
been collected from 1996 onwards, although data is presented here from 2001,
which is the baseline for Camden’s and the Mayor of London’s motorised traffic
reduction target of 15% by 2011.
13 In summary:
• Since 2001 the surveys show a drop in motorised traffic (i.e. excluding
cycles) of 15% (which meets our 2011 target) and a rise in cycling of 137%
(which exceeds the target of 80% by 2010).
• Compared to 2007 the volume of traffic increased for all vehicle types
(except for medium-sized and heavy goods vehicles which have both
decreased). As car traffic and goods traffic have experienced trend declines
since 1996, let alone 2001, car traffic remains stable with a 0.5% increase
from 2007 to 2008 and a further decline of 9% overall for goods vehicles.

There has been a considerable increase in other traffic types including
motorcycles (10%), light goods vehicles (11%) and bus/coaches (11%)
which have contributed to a rise in motorised traffic of 2.8%. This is in
contrast to the sharp declines for motorcycles, taxis and buses/coaches
from 2006 to 2007. The dip in 2007 may be partly explained by the
introduction of the western extension of the congestion charging zone in
February 2007, and partly by the increase in petrol prices and economic
slowdown later in 2007 affecting general commercial activity.
• Cycling experienced a substantial increase of 45% between 2007 and 2008.
Despite the drop in cycling from 2006 to 2007, the 2008 surveys have
established that cycling remains on a long term rising trend.

Table 1.1 Traffic flow data

Calendar year % %
6hr count totals over all change change
screenlines 2001 to 2007 to
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008
Cycle 12,070 12,652 13,974 16,525 20,416 23,496 19,797 28,628 137.2 44.6
Motorcycle 18,026 17,742 17,484 17,231 18,129 19,710 16,251 17,875 0.8 10.0
Taxi 27,081 28,441 30,800 30,654 31,954 35,577 30,999 32,046 18.3 3.4
Light goods vehicle 40,563 38,530 37,718 37,515 38,776 40,219 35,139 38,876 4.2 10.6
Medium goods vehicle 12,737 12,150 11,653 10,969 10,281 10,561 10,565 9,241 -27.4 -12.5
Heavy goods vehicle 1,688 1,426 1,602 1,660 1,865 2,409 2,182 1,832 8.6 -16.0
Bus and other PSVs 5,611 6,220 7,060 7,494 8,820 9,394 8,880 9,803 74.7 10.4
Car 159,577 145,539134,344 129,349 132,672 128,869 116,201 116,789 -26.8 0.5
Total flow 277,352 262,699254,633 251,395 262,912 270,235 240,014 255,090 -8.0 6.3

Motorised vehicles 265,282 250,047240,659 234,870 242,496 246,739 220,217 226,462 -14.6 2.8
Goods vehicles 54,988 52,106 50,972 50,144 50,922 53,189 47,886 49,949 -9.2 4.3

Notes: PSVs are ‘passenger service vehicles’, such as coaches and

Motorised vehicles exclude cycles

14 Road safety
15 Camden enforces its parking and traffic regulations so as to improve compliance
with regulations, which in turn has a general beneficial impact on road safety.
Badly parked cars, for example on street corners, can pose safety hazards,
while enforcing bus lanes has the effect of reducing conflicts between buses
and other road traffic. Enforcing moving traffic contraventions has obvious road
safety benefits, and these can be very localised in nature – such as enforcing
one way working. Under the new system of differential penalty charges, moving
traffic contraventions involve the higher penalty charge rate as an explicit
address to safety concerns (see sections 4.1 and 4.2). Further details about the
relationship between road safety and enforcing parking and traffic regulations
are given in the Parking and Enforcement Plan.
16 Camden continues to adopt a wide ranging approach to casualty reduction in the
borough involving education, training and publicity programmes, engineering

measures and the full use of our enforcement powers. Further details are given
in Camden’s Local Implementation Plan and in particular the Road Safety Plan.
17 For the first time in 6 years there has been a slight increase in the number of
people injured on Camden’s roads based on the latest data available for 2008.
Overall, total casualties in 2008 were up by 1.4% on 2007 to a total of 853
reversing the general downward trend over recent years. Within the total of 853
casualties there were also increases in the total number of killed and seriously
injured (KSI) and specifically in KSI pedal cycles, motorcyclists and children.
The 300% increase in KSI children to 4 was a rise from a single serious child
casualty in 2007, yet for the sixth year running there were no child fatalities. The
only two categories to have decreased was the total number of slight casualties
and KSI pedestrians.
Table 1.2 Road casualty statistics

% annual
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2007 to
Casualty type
KSI total 192 148 131 123 105 123 17%
Slight total 1,078 1,026 905 748 736 730 -1%
TOTAL – all
1,270 1,174 1,036 871 841 853 1%
Casualty totals for target groups
KSI children 18 9 11 8 1 4 300%
KSI pedestrians 86 61 58 57 49 45 -8%
KSI cyclists 23 20 19 16 22 23 5%
KSI motorcyclists 36 37 33 29 19 27 42%

18 Camden, along with a number of other boroughs, had already met most of the
Mayor’s original 2010 casualty reduction targets by 2004. Therefore tougher
targets were introduced at the London level and are set out below. In 2008
Camden had already exceeded all the new 2010 targets except the number of
pedal cyclists killed or seriously injured. Unfortunately the slight increase in
pedal cycle KSI casualties in 2008 suggests that this target is unlikely to be met
by 2010, however this should be set against a background of rising numbers of
cyclists on Camden’s streets. While motorcycle KSI casualties have also
increased, we remain close to meeting the target as the overall trend for
motorcycle casualties is still down. In every other category there were
reductions compared with 2006. In terms of the number of KSI children, despite
the recent increase in 2008, we have now met the new 60% child KSI
casualties’ target. Despite the dramatic fall in motorcycle casualties in 2007, this
category increased again in 2008, although we are now not far from meeting
this target. As can be seen from the comparison with London-wide figures,
Camden has reduced casualties by more than the London average across all
Table 1.3 Road casualty targets

New target for 2010 Camden London-
Baseline 2008 wide %
casualties change
(1994-98 % reduction Casualty (% change from
Casualty type average) required numbers from baseline
KSI total 250 50 125 123 (-51) -47
Slight casualties 1,431 25 1,073 730 (-49) -37
Casualty totals for target groups
KSI children 25 60 10 4 (-84) -67
KSI pedestrians 104 50 52 45 (-57) -43
KSI cyclists 31 50 15 23 (-26) -21
KSI motorcyclist 41 40 25 27 (-49) -21

19 Camden’s success in reducing road casualties was instrumental in the borough

receiving the road safety borough of the year award in the 2008 London
Transport Awards.

20 Data on car clubs, workplace travel plans, school travel plans and car free

Car clubs
21 Car clubs offer members the advantages of being able to use a car without the
inconveniences of ownership – such as maintaining the vehicle, and paying tax
and insurance – since these are dealt with by the car club. There is no need for
a resident’s parking permit – car club vehicles have their own car club bays,
where they are picked up when booked and returned to after use.
22 Camden has been operating car clubs since December 2003 through accredited
operators. There are currently three operators managing car clubs in the
borough – WhizzGo, Streetcar and CityCarClub These operators also provide
vehicles from off-street locations and have been joined by a fourth operator,
ZipCar, solely operating off-street. The location of all car club bays in Camden
(and London) can be found on the website Members can join
one or more car clubs, but typically will join the club with bays closest to their
23 As of summer 2009 Camden has 111 car club vehicles in 68 on-street locations
and 34 off street bays in 21 locations across the borough. Since 2008 there has
been a significant increase in the use of car club vehicles throughout Camden
as well as an increasing number of applications for car club bays being
processed across the borough. Camden’s successful promotion of car clubs is
demonstrated by the rapid increase in car club members (table 1.4).

Table 1.4 Car club vehicles and members (at financial year end)

2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11

Actual Actual Actual Target Target
Number of cars/on-street parking spaces (1) 53 66 73 120 150
Number of cars/off-street parking spaces 34 50 70
Number of members 1,898 2,501 4,050 5,300 6,500

Note (1) There is typically more than one car club vehicle at most locations (i.e. per
car club bay).
24 Some people use car club vehicles as their main car, others as a handy second
or backup vehicle. While the detailed market research results by one Camden
operator is confidential, we can report that some members have sold their cars
after joining the club, that overall car usage has decreased and more trips
formerly made by car are undertaken by public transport, walking or cycling. In
general, UK studies suggest that each car club car typically replaces at least six
private cars (with 4-5 private cars replaced in Belgium and 7-10 in Bremen,
25 Car clubs can bring great benefits to low-income households, who may
experience many barriers to owning a car, often resulting in those households
purchasing cheaper, inferior vehicles with relatively high emission and lower
safety standards. One operator runs a multi vehicle scheme from one of its
locations, offering the user a range of vehicles including a larger vehicle and
one with disabled person access. Other projects have also been developed to
ensure street vans are available for residents and businesses as well as having
vehicles available in social inclusion areas. WhizzGo was the first car club
operator in March 2007 to be involved in a social inclusion project which
enables residents on low incomes and with mobility difficulties easy access to
car club vehicles. Two Council estates were chosen for this project, Maitland
Park Road, NW3 and Troutbeck Road, NW1. Streetcar has also placed vehicles
in the following areas to achieve social inclusion: Lincolns Inn Fields, WC2; Mill
Lane, NW6 and Parkhill Road, NW3.

Workplace travel plans

26 The Council encourages travel plans for facilities that attract large numbers of
staff, visitors or vehicle movements. A travel plan is a site-based package of
measures to encourage walking, cycling, car sharing and public transport use
and reduce the amount of car travel connected with the site.
27 The Council’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP) policy T1 C requires planning
applicants to provide a travel plan to manage travel arising from any
development that significantly increases travel demand or would otherwise have
a significant impact on travel or the transport system. The table and figure
below shows the number travel plans that have been agreed annually through
Section 106 agreements associated with planning applications since 2001/2.

Table 1.5 Annual travel plans agreed through planning applications

Year 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/09

Cumulative number of
28 45 62 73 94 118 133
travel plans since 2001/2
Travel plans per year 16 12 17 17 11 21 24 15

Figure 1.1 Cumulative number of travel plans since 2001/02

Cumulative number of travel plans per year since 2001/02



















28 Camden uses iTrace in the on-going monitoring of travel plans. It is a TfL-funded
travel plan management tool that was developed in recent years in recognition
that a standardised approach to travel plan management is desirable. By
ensuring that a robust, standardised approach to the travel plan process is
applied, iTrace allows for like for like comparisons on travel plan data – year on
year and between organisations and boroughs.

School travel plans

29 There are 89 schools in Camden: 50 in the state sector, 30 in the independent
sector and 9 special schools and pupil referral units. Altogether about 29,000
pupils attend schools in Camden, about 25% in the independent sector.
30 Camden’s independent sector is unusual both in terms of its relatively large scale
and also on account of its tight geographic concentration centred on
Hampstead and Belsize. The school run has become an issue in this area for
local residents, with roads becoming clogged with cars taking children to
school. A cross party School Run Scrutiny Panel was set up in 2002 to look at
this issue, and a parking dispensation scheme for schools was established. The
number of permits issued was decreased by 20% each year from 2004, with the
intention of reaching zero by the end of summer term 2008. By this time parents
and schools were expected to have adjusted their travel behaviour through the
development of school travel plans to take account of the elimination of permits.
31 The Council reviewed the parking dispensation scheme in 2006/7, consulting with
parents, residents, schools, children and other interested groups (Annual
Parking and Enforcement Report 2007, section 2.12). This resulted in permits
being reduced to 1,000 from September 2007 and then to 500 from September
2008 onwards. The permits are limited to nursery and key stage 1 children

(under 7’s) and from September 2008 permits are only issued to schools with a
DCSF (Department for Children Schools and Families)1 compliant travel plan.
32 The tables below show the progress Camden has made with school travel plans
and the percentage of pupils covered by these plan for each sector. The
incidence of car use is greater in the independent sector (where longer distance
are generally involved) and by parents with young children, hence the
concentration in completing plans for the independent and state primary
Table 1.6 Progress with school travel plans (at financial year end)

2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10

Actual Actual Actual Actual Target
DCSF approved plans 27 32 58 76
% of schools 30 36 65 85
Target (% of schools) 89 100

Number of DCSF % of schools in

schools in approved sector with
sector plans approved plans
State primary 41 38 93
State secondary 9 9 100
Independent primary 29 23 79
Independent secondary 1 1 100
Other 9 5 56
Total 89 76 85
33 Detailed analysis of school travel plans and the mode used for school travel has
shown that for the state primary sector the percentage of trips made by car
(including car sharing) fell from a base of 32% in 2003/4 to about 10% in
2008/9. Over the same period, for independent schools car trips fell by about
28% from a base of 70%. If these figures were applied to all state and
independent schools, then the impact of school travel plans on mode shift has
resulted in about 7,000 fewer pupils travelling by car each day.

Car capped and car free housing

34 The Council aims to promote sustainable lifestyles and to reduce the use of
private cars. Where planning applications are made in areas of parking stress,
the Council promotes the development of:
• car free housing - this is housing with no parking spaces on the site or with
no eligibility for on street permits other than for people with disabilities
• car capped housing - this is housing with a limited number of spaces on the
site but no eligibility for on street permits.
35 For car free and car capped housing, a legal agreement is needed to ensure that
future occupants are aware they are not entitled to on-street parking permits.
The table below gives the most recently available data for the number of
agreements that have been made and the number of dwellings involved.

This was formerly known as the DfES (Department for Education and Skills)

Table 1.7 Planning agreements relating to car capped and car free housing

2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/07 2007/08

(1) (2)
Number of agreements 63 127 95 106 117
Number of units involved 460 904 620 1003 373

Note (1) 81% of these agreements involved car free units

Note (2) several major developments S106s were signed this year which involved a
large number of units

36 Cycle parking, cycle stations and training

37 The provision of cycling facilities encourages mode shift, which in turn helps to
reduce car trips and ease car parking pressures. As table 1.1 shows, the
number of cycling trips has been steadily increasing. By 2006 cycle trips had
increased by 95% from 2001, and had exceeded the Mayor of London’s 2000-
2010 target of 80% increase in cycling. In 2007 our screenline counts registered
a fall of 16% from 2006. However, recent data shows that this was a ‘blip’ year
as cycle traffic grew by 45% from 2007 to 2008. In terms of modal share,
Cycling’s mode share increased from 4% of all traffic modes in 2001 to 11% in
2008. We await full 2009 results.
38 Details about cycling in Camden, including downloadable copies of Camden’s
Cycling Plan can be obtained from The fourth version of
the plan went to committee in November 2008.
39 Camden has an ongoing programme of installing on-street cycle stands to
increase the provision of secure cycle parking across the borough. Cycle
parking and facilities are provided in locations such as transport interchanges,
shops, leisure facilities, businesses and other areas of high demand to actively
encourage more people to travel by bike. Due to the high demand for cycle
parking throughout Camden the annual programme aims to implement up to
250 cycle stands each year. The number of cycle parking stands across the
borough is about 1,175.
40 The Asset Management Project (AMP) team has created an inventory of all street
furniture in the borough including details about cycle parking provision (section
2.10). Using this information online maps are available that show where people
can park their bikes (section 2.11). Figure 1.2 shows the location of cycle
parking across Camden produced by the AMP team.
41 Cycle theft remains a significant issue. Although bike thefts have been
decreasing in recent years, the Council aims to find new ways to tackle bike
theft to ensure cycling increases, such as the CaMden stand described in last
year’s Annual Parking and Enforcement Report. Camden has worked with local
businesses such as Front Yard Company and Cycle Hoop to trial new cycle
parking designs in the borough. The cycle hoops are attached to existing traffic
sign posts (thereby reducing street clutter) and provide an effective method of
quickly increasing cycle parking in an area especially where pavements widths
are narrow. As a trial, 29 cycle hoops have recently been installed in Fitzrovia,
Highgate and Kentish Town. If this trial is successful, Camden will seek to
include cycle hoops as part of our annual cycle parking programme.

The PlantLock is a solid planter which a bicycle can be locked to. The bike
frame and both wheels can be secured to the bar. PlantLock requires minimum
maintenance and is made from robust, durable materials. Each PlantLock
accommodates 2 bicycles, and they are positioned in quieter residential areas.
We are anticipating installing 15 PlantLocks in 2009/10.
Figure 1.2 Cycle stands in Camden

42 Camden was awarded funding to carry out a demand feasibility study for cycle
stations, which are secure indoor cycle parking facilities with shower facilities
and lockers for cyclists.
43 In April 2007 Camden launched the training standard Bikeability for London in
partnership with TfL and Cycling England. Cycle training continues to rise, as
shown in the table below.
Table 1.8 Cycle training figures for recent years

2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/09

Number of people trained 610 653 832 1212
% increase from previous year 7 27 45
% trained who were children 76 67 73

44 Air quality
45 Air pollution is an important environmental issue in Camden. Despite the
reduction in motorised traffic in the borough Camden has exceeded the
Government’s health based air quality standards for nitrogen dioxide and
particulate matter in recent years mainly due to its central London location.

Road traffic is the dominant source (36%) of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
particulate matter (PM10) (58%) emissions, with heavy good vehicles and taxis
contributing proportional higher amounts of these emissions. The role of
European exhaust emissions standards and the London Low Emission Zone in
reducing emission was discussed in last year’s Annual Parking and
Enforcement Report.
46 Camden’s Air Quality Action Plan in 2002 identified a package of measures to
help reduce air pollution from road transport, and other emission sources. The
document was revised and updated in 2009. The Air Quality Action 2009-2012
outlines a number of new measures to tackle air pollution from road traffic
including support of electric, hybrid and bio-methane vehicles, expansion of car
club bays, reducing the impact of freight traffic through promotion of clean
vehicles, freight consolidation and modal shift, working with businesses to raise
awareness about green fleet management, carrying out a hydrogen fuel cell
bicycle trial, reducing the impacts of construction vehicles and raising
awareness about the links between traffic emissions, health impacts and air
47 Further details about air quality monitoring and measures to improve air quality
can be found in the Council’s Air Quality and Action Plan Progress Report 2008.
A number of successful transport and air quality project have been carried out
over the year.
• A green fleet event was organised for businesses in Camden to promote
clean vehicles, fuel efficiency driving measures, provide a national policy
update on low carbon vehicles and case studies from key speakers. The
event attracted over fifty attendees with feedback identifying the event being
informative, well organised and useful.
• The Council launched its portable hydrogen fuel cell generator at the
London Hydrogen Partnerships fuel cell event at City Hall. We are the first
local authority in the UK to own and operate a hydrogen fuel cell generator.
The fuel cell generator will be used to promote clean power at Council
events and will be lent to other public and private organisations. Unlike a
standard diesel generator, fuel cells operate using an electro-chemical
process rather than fossil fuel combustion, resulting in zero air pollution and
CO2 emissions with the additional benefit of operating very quietly. The unit
was funded by TfL. Camden is diversifying its transport hydrogen fuel cell
projects, and embarked on a hydrogen fuel cell bicycle trial with a local
courier company in August 2009.
• Camden in partnership with Veolia Environmental Services, Gasrec (the
UK’s first commercial producer of compressed biomethane (CBM) fuel) and
vehicle manufacturer Iveco, carried out a six month trial of compressed
biomethane (CBM) powered street cleansing vehicle. Biomethane is
produced from the decomposition of organic waste at landfill sites and
upgraded to be used as a sustainable transport biofuel. A CBM refuelling
station has been installed at Camden’s transport depot to support this trial
and future CBM vehicles. The trial delivered impressive results: whole life
CO2 emissions per kilometre indicate 56% savings comparing CBM and
CNG powered vehicles; exhaust emissions where reduced by 90% for
particulates and 60% for nitrogen oxides compared to a diesel van. The

Iveco Daily CBM powered vehicle showed no reliability issues during the six
month trial, and already meets and exceeds Euro 6 emissions legislation,
which does not come into force until 2014. Camden plans to introduce CBM
vehicles into our fleet over the next few years.
Figure 1.2 Street cleaning vehicle used in the compressed bio-methane trial

• Camden is the lead authority in a partnership between Islington, Hackney

and City of London participating in the DfT’s Low Carbon Vehicle
Procurement Programme. The scheme was introduced to stimulate large
scale public procurement of low carbon vehicles and strengthen the
development of electric and hybrid vans in the UK market. Camden secured
DfT funding to procure five new electric vans for our vehicle fleet in August
• Camden procured a large electric van for our fleet in 2009 which has been
modified into an exhibition trailer. The van will be used to transport our
hydrogen fuel cell around the borough to strengthen the sustainability
aspects of using the fuel cell, and to promote environmental initiatives at
Council events. The van has been used at a number of waste recycling and
sustainable transport events.
Figure 1.3 Camden’s new electric van

48 Climate change
49 Carbon dioxide is the main green house gas responsible for global warming and
driving climate change. Road transport is responsible for 13% of CO2 emission
in Camden, with cars contributing the largest proportion of emissions. The
Council’s emission-based charging policy for residents’ permits and its policy of
encouraging the use of electric vehicles (discussed in section 2.3 and 2.4 of the
2007 Annual Parking and Enforcement Report) is intended to assist reductions
in CO2 emissions from road transport in Camden. This will compliment other
measures to mitigate climate change such as encouraging a mode shift to
public transport, walking and cycling. Fuel efficiency and vehicle size are
important characteristics that influence exhaust emissions. Measures to
encourage people to use more fuel efficient and smaller vehicles will help
reduce the impact of climate change. Encouraging residents to downsize their
cars will also benefit air quality as smaller vehicles produce lower levels of PM10
and NOx emissions.
50 Diesel fuelled vehicles are generally more fuel efficient than petrol fuelled
vehicles of similar sizes and consequently produce relatively lower carbon
dioxide emissions per kilometre. However, diesel vehicles give rise to higher
emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter so there is a trade off in
terms of overall effects. Camden’s Life Cycle Assessment study shows that
taking account of the reduced CO2 emissions of diesel with the higher levels of
other pollutants on balance produces an overall pollution rating such that for
most vehicle classes by vehicle size conventional petrol and mineral diesel are
equivalent within confidence limits.
51 The Clear Zone Partnership (CZP), which is made of the City of London, City of
Westminster and Camden Council, developed a web based tool
( to compare the whole lifecycle environmental footprint for all
modes of transport, including walking, cycling, public transport, vehicles, and
flights. This website calculator is the first of its kind in the world to compare and
calculate the whole lifecycle footprint of all modes of travel for climate change
and air quality. The CZP won an award for the most innovative transport project
at the 2009 London Transport Awards for the Travelfootprint website. It was the
result of research on the Life Cycle Assessment of Vehicle Fuels and
Technology (LCA) conducted as the first of its kind in the UK to compare the
environmental costs of different types of vehicles and fuels from cradle to grave
(including carbon dioxide and air quality).

52 Other user satisfaction statistics

53 Every year residents’ surveys are carried out in all the London boroughs using a
set of common questions. Attitudes about perceived service delivery for several
Council services are asked and some results from the Annual Residents’
Survey are given below. The survey involves face to face home interviews with
over a thousand Camden residents and is carried out between January and
March. The results for parking services are given in section 1.9.
54 The Council works with TfL to make improvements to public transport and
endeavours to maintain its urban realm to a good standard and makes
substantial improvements where possible, such as Russell Square, Bedford
Square, Fitzroy Square and Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

55 The results of the annual residents’ surveys (table 1.9 and graph below)
demonstrate that public transport and urban realm related questions have been
given increasingly positive ratings in recent years. Urban realm improvements
encourage walking and cycling, while projects that improve public transport
efficiency will encourage travellers to use public transport more. These effects
should prompt mode shift, and reduce parking pressures and hence are
relevant to this report. They also help explain the trend increases in bus and
cycling flows, and decreases in car flows observed in our screenline traffic
survey (section 1.2). Ratings for these service attributes are generally higher
than the average for London boroughs.
Table 1.9 Sample results taken from annual residents’ surveys (%)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Public transport
Excellent, very good, good 57 64 64 76 80
Average 26 24 23 18 13
Poor, very poor, extremely poor 15 10 11 4 4
Don’t know 2 3 2 2 2
‘Good-excellent’ compared to London average 5 -2 3 15 15
Repair of roads/pavements
Excellent, very good, good 37 42 41 48 49
Average 30 31 30 27 27
Poor, very poor, extremely poor 31 25 27 23 21
Don’t know 1 2 2 2 2
‘Good-excellent’ compared to London average 10 6 3 12 7
Street lighting
Excellent, very good, good 63 63 65 69 73
Average 26 25 24 22 19
Poor, very poor, extremely poor 11 11 10 9 7
Don’t know 0 1 1 0 1
‘Good-excellent’ compared to London average 0 0 0 1 6
Street cleaning
Excellent, very good, good 65 69 68 74 72
Average 24 22 23 18 20
Poor, very poor, extremely poor 11 8 8 9 8
Don’t know 0 0 1 0 0
‘Good-excellent’ compared to London average 22 0 14 22 17

70 Public transport

Repair of
50 roads/pavements
40 Street lighting
Street cleaning
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

56 Listening to community views on parking

57 Parking matters are invariably contentious, with widely differing views often held
within the community. By listening to and taking account of these views, the
Council aims to make its parking policies and practices fairer.
58 Every year residents’ surveys are carried out in all the London boroughs using a
set of common questions. Attitudes about perceived service delivery for several
Council services are asked and some results from the Annual Residents’
Survey are given in section 1.8. The perception of parking was included in the
2007 Annual Residents’ Survey for the first time and the results since then are
given below. While the perception of parking is on balance negative, the
percentage regarding the service as excellent/very good or good continues to
grow year on year. Appendix 1 sets out the changes to parking that have been
made since May 2006. The perception of parking services in Camden was
generally poorer than the London average. Whilst satisfaction is improving, this
is a clear indicator that Camden has more work to do in improving the
performance and perception of the parking enforcement regime, and we will
continue to publish these figures.
Table 1.10 The perception of parking (percentages across the table)
‘Good-excellent’ compared to
London average
Extremely poor

Don’t know
Very good

Very poor




2007 1 3 17 27 22 8 7 15 100 -4
2008 1 3 19 23 19 12 6 18 100 -9
2009 0 3 23 22 17 10 5 20 100 -4

Source: 2009 Annual Residents’ Survey

59 Your views are important to us – they help us make changes you want. The
results of the 2009 Annual Residents’ Survey show that 59% of residents agree
that the Council ‘listens to concerns of local residents’ and 55% agree that we
‘involve residents when making decisions’, higher amounts than the London
borough average (by 5% and 6% respectively). These responses also represent
an increase in the results of the 2008 Annual Residents’ Survey.

60 Camden’s sustainable community strategy and the corporate plan

61 Camden’s revised community strategy, Camden Together - Camden’s
sustainable community strategy 2007-20122, was launched in March 2007. At
its heart is a commitment for Camden to develop in a way that improves the
quality of life for us and for future generations.
62 The community strategy was developed closely with the Local Strategic
Partnership – a group chaired by the Leader of the Council that represents
Camden public service providers, including the police and local health services,
along with local businesses and the voluntary and community sector.
63 The overall vision is for Camden to be a borough of opportunity. That means
working together to enable individuals and communities to achieve their full
potential, in terms of both their work and social life. To develop this vision,
councillors held public meetings across the borough, which hundreds of people
attended to give their views. Over 1,200 people took an active role in the
64 There are four themes in the vision:
(1) a sustainable Camden that adapts to a growing population
(2) a strong Camden economy that includes everyone
(3) a connected Camden community where people lead active, healthy lives
(4) a safe Camden that is a vibrant part of our world city
65 Our 2009-13 Corporate Plan Update renews and updates Camden's plans to
deliver our commitments under the new community strategy3. In addition to
delivery plans to achieve the four themes above, the corporate plan update also
includes delivery plans to achieve the following:
(5) a leading Council, delivering efficient and responsive services
66 These themes help to guide the initiatives set out in Sections 2 and 3.

The community strategy and the messages from the consultation can be downloaded from the Camden
Together website (
Details are given on


67 What’s new
68 Update of the CPZ review programme
69 The CPZ review programme was established following a borough-wide
consultation in 2007 (APER 2008, section 3.5).
70 Three controlled parking zones (CPZs) were reviewed in 2008/09 based around
issues raised in the 2007 consultation, all involving longer hours of operation.

Zone Issue
Weekend hours of control in the Talacre
CA-L (outer) West Kentish Town
Road area.
Extending weekday hours of control
CA-P(c) Fortune Green
longer than 2 hours per day.
Longer hours of control throughout the
CA-F(n) Camden Town North
whole week.

71 Consultation steering groups were formed to inform the consultation

questionnaires that were sent to all the addresses in the areas affected.
72 Based on the consultation results the following outcomes were obtained that
reflect the majority views of residents, businesses and groups.
For CA-L (outer) and CA-P(c) it was recommended that the hours of operation
stay the same. The analysis of responses took account of results on a street-
by-street basis in making these recommendations.
In the north west section of CA-F(n) the hours of operation will be extended to
11.00pm, throughout the whole week, Monday to Sunday, although the start
times will remain the same (8.30am Monday-Friday, 9.30am Saturday and
Sunday). It is expected that the new sub area will be formed in October 2009
and that everyone in the sub area will be contacted.

73 Update on the review of the visitor permit scheme south of Euston Road
74 A pilot visitor permit scheme was established for the zones south of Euston
Road in July 2007, and was subject to a review in February 20094. Since the
scheme started there have been no complaints about increased parking stress
south of Euston Road and the quantity of VPs sold show that the effect of VP
take-up levels on global occupancy levels is marginal. For these reasons, the
pilot was considered successful and it was agreed to make the current scheme
permanent with some enhancements.
75 Parking pressures are still high in CA-C (Holborn and Covent Garden), though
this will lessen when some under-used pay & display parking spaces are
converted to residents’ bays. The quarterly allocation of visitor permits will be
retained at 20 visitor permit hours for adult residents but subject to the
conversion housebound residents will be allowed an enhanced allocation of 50
hours per quarter.

Review of Visitor Permit Scheme South of Euston Road (CENV/2008/98), report to the Executive
Environment (Sub-Group), 12/2/2009.

76 In CA-D (Kings Cross) and CA-E (Bloomsbury and Fitzrovia) the quarterly
allocation was increased from 40 hours to 50, with an enhanced quarterly
allocation of 60 hours for housebound residents.

77 Restructure of Parking Services

78 Progressing the Council’s policy and in response to the enactment of Part 6 of
Traffic Management Act 2004 (section 1.12 of the Annual Parking and
Enforcement Report 2008) and the fall and projected continued decline in PCNs
(see section 4.1 for details), the Council decided to review the effectiveness
and efficiency of the parking service structure and the roles and responsibilities
within it.
79 Following an independent external analysis and an internal review, the Council
concluded that the case for changing the current parking service structure was
strong. Weaknesses were identified in the way activity and responsibility was
distributed across the teams, and opportunities were identified to clarify certain
roles and allow more flexibility in the way work is allocated. Ways in which
There was potential for Parking Services to become better integrated with the
rest of the Culture and Environment Directorate so that it could become more
effective at interacting with other public realm responsibilities; offer a more
joined up service to customers; and contribute towards shaping the places in
which our customers live and work.
80 The scope of the restructure is broad. Of 180 posts currently in the parking
service, 162 posts are directly affected in some way by this review. The
proposals will result in a net reduction of 25 posts, although these are not all
occupied by staff at present.
81 The new operational model was approved by the Executive Member for
Environment on 18th June 2009 and went live in September 2009. The key
features of the new model include:
• The permanent establishment of a Directorate Parking Board to oversee the
changes, to achieve a cost-effective and improved customer focus, and
produce a leaner parking service. The first Directorate Parking Board
meeting was held in July 2008. The Board is charged with the responsibility
for and development of all key strategic, policy and financial decisions in
parking, subject to political consideration and agreement.
• The new structure allows the parking service to focus on operational
improvement as operational decisions will continue to be made by the
Parking Services Management Team.
• A more effective allocation of operational responsibilities across the
following three teams:
o Parking enforcement
o Parking infrastructure
o Customer enquiries and debt recovery
• The centralisation of Parking Services’ support functions (business
administration; communications; service improvement; procurement
support) into a Directorate team, to enable the more efficient sharing of
these staff across the Directorate.

• A flatter management structure and broader pools of multi-skilled staff who
are better informed about the breadth of the services offering to customers
and better able to meet peaks and troughs in demand for work.
• Greater variety within roles and more devolved responsibility to staff.
• Advantages for enhanced service delivery to the public through
simplification of the parking regime to make it easier for public to understand
and delivering better value for money by reducing costs.
82 This project also forms an important part of the Directorate’s efficiency
programme. In response to falling parking income and the wider pressures on
local authority finances, we have taken the opportunity to ensure staffing costs
are tightly controlled and resources are scaled according to demand for
services. For example, as parking ticket issuance falls, appeals against those
tickets should fall, and the costs of staffing the service should also fall.

83 Changes to the way Blue Badges are issued

84 The passenger and accessible transport service (PATS) is now responsible for
the administration of Blue, Green, Substitute, Organisational and Dedicated
Badges (for use of a particular bay). This change came into effect in June 2009.
85 Customers using Camden’s concessionary travel schemes are now able to enjoy
a ‘one stop shop’ for the provision of a range of services. The travel schemes
for older/disabled residents include services such as Blue Badges, Freedom
Passes and Taxi Cards. Previously customers had to deal with two separate
teams to obtain the various services: disabled Badges used to be provided by
parking services, while Freedom Passes and Taxi Card were provided by PATS
in housing and adult social care (HASC).
86 The issuing of disabled Badges was transferred to PATS to eliminate the
confusion often experienced by customers and others, to simplify the delivery of
disabled Badges to applicants meeting the eligibility criteria. Parking Services
will continue to combat the theft and fraudulent use of disabled blue.

87 Environment Local project

88 The Environment Local project is part of the corporate Better and Cheaper phase
II programme, agreed as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy in 2007 to
deliver savings from 2008/9.
89 The project’s objectives were to:
• review and simplify parking permits, particularly the duration of permits on
• review the ways (channels and access points) that customers can transact
with the Council for parking permits and suspensions
• increase the use of self service online permit applications
• review the outsourcing of the Suspensions service
• deliver efficiency savings of £300K in 2008/09 and ongoing
• deliver consistently high standards of service across all permits and
suspensions, increasing satisfaction across all customer groups

90 The project has delivered:
• An improved parking contact centre to handle telephone enquiries;
• Rebranded and simplified permit forms and website, including significant
changes to enhance the online permits system;
• Removed the one month permit duration for resident permits, and one and
three month durations for motorcycles;
• Changed the Permission to Park (PTP) permit so that you can now apply,
pay and print off your own Permission to Park permit online without any
officer involvement;
• Builders’ scratch cards were discontinued and replaced by the improved
Permission to Park permit
• A £10 saving for renewing resident permits online by declaration
• The number of visitors to the three Environment Locals and Town Hall
Cashiers has decreased as more residents and businesses obtain their
parking permits online or by other channels. As of September 2009 70% of
residents whose details haven’t changed are now renewing their resident
permit online by declaration. This enabled us to close the Hampstead and
Kilburn Environment Locals on 26 June 2009. The Environment Local at 100
St Pancras Way and the Town Hall Cashiers continue to provide a face to
face permit service for those that need it.
• The Suspensions office was closed 30 March 2009 as part of this project, as
described in section 2.6;
• Restructure the permits team, without any redundancies being made
through agency workers being released; and
• Ongoing savings for the Council of £300,000 per annum

91 Changes/closure to parking suspensions office

92 The Parking Suspensions office at Crowndale Road was closed in March 2009
and the service moved to the back office at Parking Services at 100 St Pancras
Way. This had virtually no impact on users of the service since almost 100% of
applications were made online, by fax, email or post rather than face-to-face. A
range of improvements were made prior to the closure of the service, such as
simplified forms and changes to Camden’s website. Online applications can be
made at Camden’s libraries for those that do not have computer facilities at
home. The closure was supported by a full communication campaign informing
the community of the change.

93 An update on the programme of reviews of waiting and loading facilities in

town centres
94 The Council is conducting a rolling programme of waiting and loading reviews
across Camden’s town centres and commercial areas. The objective of these
reviews is to simplify controls and increase short stay parking provision and
loading bays where possible.
95 These reviews take two years to complete. In the first year an area is studied to
obtain an understanding of the needs of businesses, and proposals for change
are developed. In the second year proposals are consulted on, leading to
implementation of supported components.

96 In 2008/9 a project in Holborn was completed, resulting in more than 60m of
additional loading bays. CPZ CA-C is within the study area and is unusual in
that, due to high demand for parking facilities there are 22 shared-use loading
bays (12 of which can be used by residents and 10 by disabled people in the
evening) in addition to conventional loading bays. Maximum times do not apply
to conventional loading bays in Camden, though for the Holborn project the 20
minutes maximum stay for the shared-use loading bays were increase to 40
97 Two studies were completed in 2008/9:
• In West Hampstead – based around the commercial centres in West End
Lane, and Mill Lane
• On part of the A5 - Kilburn High Road and Maida Vale, as well as side
roads. This is a partnership project involving Brent, Camden and
Westminster with an emphasis on developing proposals to help improve
traffic flow on the A5.
98 The Council is also progressing another project based around a ‘corridor’
approach, which aims to consider an area from the point of view of all road
users, including considering demand for parking and waiting and loading
facilities. As such it seeks a better overall balance in the design and
management of a corridor than would be delivered by a narrower focus on a
single travel mode. The ‘Bloomsbury corridor’ project involves that part of the
A4200 across the heart of Bloomsbury, running from Theobald's Road in the
south via Southampton Row, Russell Square, Woburn Place, Tavistock Square
and Upper Woburn Place to Euston Road in the north. This corridor was
studied in 2007/8 and is being implemented in stages over several years. The
study concluded that the current level of waiting and loading facilities along the
corridor meet existing levels of demand and that traffic flows are not impeded
by the waiting and loading facilities that are provided. The project will involve re-
arrangements parking bays in the area.
99 On completion of each review we will produce a leaflet for use by local
businesses, their customers and suppliers. Our website now features parking
and loading guides for four areas where reviews and changes to loading and
parking facilities have been introduced – Kentish Town Road, Tottenham Court
Road, Fortess Road and Holborn. The leaflets contain information on the
location of pay and display bays, where loading and unloading is permitted and
guidance on how to understand the signs and road markings on street. They
can be downloaded from our website at:

100 Coding by vehicle type when PCNs are issued

101 From February 2009 when a PCN is issued to a vehicle the vehicle type involved
is included in our PCN database. The categories of vehicles coded for include
commercial vehicles (small vans under 3.5 tonnes, large vans under 7.5 tonnes,
rigid lorries and articulated vehicles), cars, PSVs (buses, coaches and the like),

taxis, powered two-wheelers (motorcycles) and ‘others’ (a catch all category).
With this information we are able to establish how many commercial vehicles
receive PCNs in Camden, and if there are geographical concentrations, ‘PCN
hotspots’, where delivery companies are experiencing difficulties in making
delivering to enable us to address particular issues in certain areas in a more
focussed way.
102 Camden’s central London location results in extremely high demand for kerbside
space – including that for loading/unloading on yellow lines where permitted. In
June 2007 London Councils recommended that new uniform maximum loading/
unloading times be applied across London on yellow lines, with the maximum
time increased from 20 to 40 minutes. When Camden introduced the longer
time (Annual Parking and Enforcement Report, 2008, section 2.6) this also
applied to smaller vehicles leading to less effective enforcement, higher
potential congestion and reduced access to yellow lines by larger vehicles that
generally need longer delivery times.
103 Vehicle type coding has enabled us to revise the 40 minute rule to be fit for
purpose. Heavy good vehicles that require longer unloading/loading times –
large vans and lorries - are allowed up to 40 minutes, whereas smaller vehicles
3.5 tonnes under (including small vans) that require less time for this activity are
allowed up to 20 minutes. Vehicle type coding will allow us to monitor the effect
of the policy change.
104 Camden has retained the 11 o’clock rule due to the high demand for kerbside
space (contrary to London Councils recommendation) that allows
loading/unloading to take place on yellow lines where permitted for an unlimited
amount of time from the end of the controlled parking zone restrictions until
11am for all vehicles irrespective of size.

105 Asset management project

106 In April 2008 Camden embarked on the first stage of its highways Asset
Management Plan (AMP) to create an asset inventory of every fixed item on the
public highway for which Camden Council is the maintaining authority. The data
capture phase of the project was completed in December 2008 and covers all
type of street furniture (e.g. cycle stands, cycle tracks, street lights, signs,
pedestrian crossings, trees, bollards and guard railing), all road markings (e.g.
parking bays, yellow lines, cycle advance stop lines) and surface types on
footpaths (e.g. types of paving, dropped kerbs). The location of these assets
can be viewed through a Geographical Information System (GIS) in map form.
107 All highway authorities have a statutory requirement to provide accurate
estimates of the value of assets that each authority maintains. The development
of a street inventory in GIS format provides an example of best practice. The
AMP assists managing an asset over its life, from installation, maintenance and
repair to potential replacement. The GIS representation enables street assets
such as road markings to be reinstalled in their correct positions when a road is
resurfaced, and to be replaced when damages occur due to vandalism or theft.
108 Placing a monetary value on highway assets, assessing each asset’s life cycle
length and using suitable depreciation rates and maintenance fees assists
engineers to seek the appropriate funding streams to keep assets maintained.

109 Information held by the AMP is kept up to date as changes are made to the street
environment. This gives officers who use the AMP the most up-to-date
information. It also improves communication between officers and the public
when queries are raised due to the readily availability of information that is
easily accessible. For example, the AMP can be used by officers in Parking
Services to view the geographic extent and location of all parking bays. Like all
GIS objects held in the AMP, parking bays can be selected through the map
interface and further details can be obtained about that particular bay, such as
the type of bay it is, the hours and days of control and tariff details for pay &
display bays.
110 Information contained in the AMP is being used in other ways. For example, AMP
parking bay information is used on our website to enable the public to find
where various kinds of bays can be found (section 2.10). It is anticipated that
the AMP will be enhanced further in future, for example to show where
London’s Cycle Hire locations can be found.

111 Graphical representation of parking bays on website

112 The ‘where to park’ section on our website has a webpage that enables users to specify a street and type of
parking bay. Information is then displayed on a map showing the location of
relevant bays in the area. The users can zoom in or zoom out of the map. The
map allows residents to locate a range of parking bays including:
• Residents’ bays
• Shared use bays
• Disabled blue badge holder’s bays
• Disabled green badge holder’s bays
• Car parks
• Pay and display bays
• Metered bays
• Coach parking
113 The search map was launched in September 2009 as part of the Council’s wider
promotion of town centres ‘love you local high street campaign’ (see section
2.11). A quick link to the map was included in a YourCamden supplement which
was distributed to 95,000 households in the borough with a further 10,000
distributed to Council reception points, libraries, sports centres, community
organisations and supermarkets.

114 ‘Love your local high street’ campaign

115 This campaign is part of the Council’s wider programme of recession initiatives to
promote our local high streets by providing information on parking options for
use in promotional material and support local businesses during the economic
downturn. The campaign is also aligned with the 2012 London Olympic Games
with the aim of attracting visitors as well as residents to shop locally as well as
promoting local visitor attractions that are currently not being advertised. The
campaign promotes some of Camden’s busy town centres by providing
information on local parking facilities to the public. Key to this campaign is the

new search map on Camden’s website for locating parking bays in any street
around the borough (section 2.10).

116 Camden’s policy of motorcycles in bus lanes

117 The Mayor for London recently made a commitment to allow motorcycles in bus
lanes on TfL’s roads, the TLRN, which are also known as red routes.
Motorcyclist casualties have traditionally been harder to reduce on London’s
roads than other road user casualties. However, pilot studies have found that
there is no clear consensus on whether road safety is improved for
motorcyclists in bus lanes. The issue becomes more complicated when
consideration is given to whether the policy encourages motorcycle use at the
cost of discouraging cycling that is allowed in bus lanes.
118 TfL is negotiating with the 33 London boroughs to extend the proposal onto
borough roads. Currently Camden does not allow motorcyclists to use bus
lanes on its roads. We have considered various policy options: retaining the
current position trialling a scheme to allow motorcycles in bus lanes or to object
to TfL’s proposals. Camden will wait until the results of the TfL trial have been
assessed. There is weight in taking forward a trial on Camden’s roads if the
inner London boroughs agree collectively to the proposal for the purposes of

119 What’s coming up
120 On-street electric vehicle charging bays
121 This pilot scheme became operational in November 2008 with charging points
in five locations: 40 Charlotte Street, 26 Red Lion Square, 8-14 Store Street,
Malet Street (outside University of London Union) and Sardinia Street. Details
about the scheme are as follows:
• The scheme is only available to Camden residents by applying for a
‘Newride permit’ at an annual cost of £50 (the fee is waived for those with
renewable sourced electricity at home).
• Applicants must also purchase a charging cable that connects their
vehicle to the charging point. The cable is purchased for a one-off cost of
£100 from the supplier of the charging point. This is a standard cost that
operates throughout London.
• Permits allow for free on-street charging (there is no charge for the
electricity) and free pay-and-display parking (some conditions apply) for
up to three hours – the time required to fully charge an electric vehicle.
• The pilot scheme will be reviewed after 12 months of operation.
122 Charging points are currently being installed in the following locations: Warren
Street, Bernard Street, Doughty Street and Acton Street. In additional a car
club bay is being installed in Lincolns Inn Fields for use by an electric vehicle.
123 Information about charging points can be found on and Camden
website at

124 CPZ review programme

125 Reviews in several zones were recently completed (section 2.1) and the review
of CA-B will start in Autumn 2009, with that of CA-H to follow.
126 Issues about the hours and days of control have been raised in other zones
and partial reviews are recommended [to be updated after the October
Executive (Environment) Sub-Group meeting] for the following:
• Primrose Hill, CA-J – introducing weekend controls in the south and east
of the zone.
• Highgate zone, CA-U – introducing longer hours of control and at
weekends in the Highgate village area.
• Redington-Frognal, CA-S/W – extending the size of this area.
• Bloomsbury and Fitzrovia, CA-E J – introducing weekend controls

127 Pay by phone parking and other PIP related projects

128 Partners in Parking (PiP) is led by the City of Westminster in partnership
with TfL, LB Camden, City of London, LB Islington, LB Lambeth and RB
Kensington & Chelsea. PiP members are collaborating to harmonise parking
equipment, services, controls and practices so that there is a more consistent
customer experience both within areas covered by individual authorities, and

across Council boundaries. PiP procurements of services also deliver savings
to its partners through the buying power of group procurements.
3.3.2. Projects or procurement framework agreements that Camden is either working
on, or will evaluate in the future include:
• Pay by phone. Several central London boroughs have some form of
cashless or pay by phone parking in place. In the next year Camden will
be investigating introducing pay by phone in the borough.
• Persistent Evaders. New legislation (Part 5 of the London Local
Authorities and Transport for London Act 2008) gives London authorities
additional powers to deal with persistent evaders (a vehicle registered to a
keeper that has at least three PCNs outstanding). Authorities’ taking up
the powers will be able to take enforcement action against a stationary
vehicle belonging to a persistent evader on a road in Greater London,
whether or not it is in contravention. London Councils is running a pilot
project with City of Westminster, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, and TfL.
The pilot is looking to set up a cross borough database of persistent
evaders. No decision has been taken by Camden whether to take up
these powers.
• Blue Badge database. Camden was one of the five authorities who piloted
the Lost, Stolen and Fraudulent Blue Badge Database. The Pilot was
successful and in February 2009 London Councils’ Transport and
Environment Committee agreed to expand this database to all 33 London
Boroughs. Widespread use of this database will improve its effectiveness
in dealing with lost, stolen and fraudulent Blue Badges.
• Procurement contracts. PiP procurement arrangements will be considered
when Camden renews some of its contracts in future, such as those
relating to parking stationery contract and on-street pay & display
equipment contract. The Pre Debt Management contract (that City of
Westminster has in place) will be considered as an option by the wider
Council debt recovery project being led by the Finance Team.

129 Review of emission-based parking permits

130 A review was originally intended to be undertaken in 2008/9 but the
scope for residents to downsize to a smaller vehicle is now reduced due to
the economic downturn and the reduction in new vehicles purchased (and
hence the impact that this will have on the second-hand market). The scheme
will be reviewed in 2010.

131 Introduction of emission-based charging for parking places on estates

132 The Council lets out more than 5,000 parking spaces and garages on its
housing estates through the Council’s district housing offices. Roads in
estates are private and do not form part of the public highway. Consequently,
residents' permits do not apply to parking on estates. Instead, a resident on
estates rent their own specific space that is charged weekly through the rents

133 Following consultation the Executive decided5 to introduce emission-based
charging for parking places on estates. The system is similar to that for
residents' permits and based on the polluter pays principle; the more CO2
emissions that are produced per kilometre travelled the higher the permit
charge that applies. Currently there are various kinds of parking spaces on
estates, each with its own flat rate daily charge. Under the new system four
tariffs will apply to each kind of space depending on the size of the vehicle.
134 The Council's rent accounting systems is being changed to accommodate the
new charges. Pending successful test runs, it is intended that the proposed
charges will be implemented in autumn 2009.

135 Waiting and loading reviews

136 The Council’s rolling programme of waiting and loading reviews is described in
section 2.7. Hampstead town centre is being studied in 2009/10 and the
review covers the main part of the town centre around Hampstead
Underground station and also the commercial area around South End Green.
Proposals developed from the study will be consulted on in due course and
the scheme should be implemented in 2010/11.
137 Parking arrangements are being changed in Chalk Farm Road as part of
a town centre project. A parking and loading leaflet will be published on the
Council website in 2009/10.

Emissions Based Parking Charges on Council Housing Estates (HASC/2009/32), Executive report, 22
July 2009.

138 Statistics, financial information, reviews and monitoring
139 The number of PCNs issued by contravention type
140 Table 4.1 gives details on the number of PCNs issued in recent years by
different types of contraventions
Table 4.1 The number of PCNs issued by contravention type

Financial year
2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9
Parking 463,944 448,085 434,646 404,675 320,304
Bus Lane 45,778 24,514 15,324 11,481 9,019
Moving Traffic 52,091 106,479 109,186 113,718 90,343
Total - all PCNs 561,813 579,078 559,156 529,874 419,666

2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9

Parking Bus Lane Moving Traffic

141 PCN data given in this report excludes ‘voids’ that occur for a number of
reasons, including PCNs that were not issued due to a vehicle driving away,
enforcement staff (CEOs on-street) being prevented from serving the PCN, or
an error in writing out the PCN by the CEO.

142 The number of PCNs issued by severity of contravention

143 From 1st July 2007 a new system of differential PCN charges was introduced
by London Councils (see Annual Parking and Enforcement Report 2008,
section 4.2). The charge for minor parking breaches decreased relative to the
former flat rate, while more serious parking contraventions (such as those
liable to be obstructive to traffic movement, buses, cyclists and pedestrians,
and parking in bays for disabled people), bus lane contraventions and moving
traffic contraventions were increased.
144 Table 4.2 gives the number of PCNs issued by severity of contravention in
Camden, before and after differential charging commenced.

Table 4.2 The number of PCNs issued by severity of contravention in

PCNs issued in 2007/8

April-June July 2007 – 2007/8
2007 March 2008 Total
Flat rate Higher Lower Higher Lower
charges level level level level
Parking 108,791 191,119 104,765 404,675 196,040 124,264 320,304
Bus Lane 2,717 8,764 11,481 9,019 0 9,019
Moving Traffic 29,658 84,060 113,718 90,343 0 90,343
Total - all PCNs 141,166 283,943 104,765 529,874 295,402 124,264 419,666

145 The number of PCNs paid, representations made and cancelled

146 When a PCN is issued the recipient can either pay the PCN or make an
informal representation asking us to cancel the PCN, citing relevant
information and evidence for us to take into account. A leaflet can be
downloaded from our website ( giving advice on parking
and driving in Camden, how to avoid a PCN and what you can do if you
receive one.
147 If a PCN is paid promptly, 14 days from the date of issue, a 50% discount
applies. Representations received within the initial 14 day period can result in
a PCN being cancelled, but if we decide not to cancel the PCN we allow a 
further 14 days from the decision date for payment to be 
made at the 50% reduced rate. Recipients of a formal 
Notice of Rejection, following formal representations 
against a Notice to Owner, can take matters further if 
they wish and make an appeal through the adjudication 
148 Table 4.3 shows, for PCNs issued in 2008/9, the number of cancellations, those
paid in full or at the discount rate, and others not yet paid or in the process of
making a representation or appeal.
Table 4.3 The number of PCNs issued in 2008/9 (with row percentage
shown in brackets)

Cancellations Paid at % paid (sum

Paid in
that have discount Other (1) Total of 2nd and 3rd
representations rate columns)
14,707 137,723 80,600 87,274 320,304
(4.6) (43.0) (25.2) (27.2) (100.0) (68.2)
137 5,012 1,998 1,872 9,019
Bus Lane
(1.5) (55.6) (22.2) (20.8) (100.0) (77.7)
3,611 52,912 20,855 12,965 90,343
Moving Traffic
(4.0) (58.6) (23.1) (14.4) (100.0) (81.7)
Total - all 18,455 195,647 103,453 102,111 419,666
PCNs (4.4) (46.6) (24.7) (24.3) (100.0) (71.3)

Notes (1) Other includes those PCNs not yet paid, cancelled as a result of an
appeal or otherwise still in process of representation/appeal or cannot be
traced ‘cos not registered with the DVLA

149 The incidence of clamping and vehicle removals

150 Table 4.4 gives the numbers of vehicles clamped and removed in recent years.
The number of vehicles clamped has been steadily falling over this period and
the sudden drop in 2006/7 is due to the ending of widespread clamping in
September 2006 (Annual Parking and Enforcement Report 2007, section 2.1).
The small number of clamped vehicles in recent years largely relates to
persistent evaders.
Table 4.4 Clamped and removed vehicles

2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9

Vehicles Clamped 26,070 26,453 8,113 64 7
Vehicles Removed 4,833 8,697 8,732 4,314 3,474







2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9

Vehicles Clamped Vehicles Removed

151 Financial statistics

152 Within the Council’s budgeting processes and procedures the parking account
is a ‘memorandum account’ which is set up and collated into this account
from the Council’s accounts. It is necessary to set up the parking account as
a memorandum account, since any surplus generated must be spent on
certain allowable purposes specified by law and to be accounted for
separately in the Council’s accounts to show transparency in this respect. The
income and expenditure on the Parking Account is presented in table 4.5.
153 The total expenditure stated in table 4.6 relates to direct expenditure incurred in
running the services that generate the parking account income. The income
categories relate to the following:
• Parking meters/pay and display – income from parking meters and pay
and display machines.
• Parking permits: resident’s - income from parking permits issued to
residents in the London Borough of Camden.

• Parking permits: other - income from parking permits issued to
businesses, doctors, visitors, market traders, and miscellaneous permits in
the London Borough of Camden. The increase in income for other parking
permits in 2008/09 was due to the transfer in of the suspensions budgets
and income in the period from the parking meters/pay and display area.
• Clamping and removals – income from the penalty fees from clamping
cars and the removal of cars to the car pound and storage fees while at
the pound.
• Penalty charge notices – income from parking tickets issued to drivers
who commit parking and moving traffic contraventions.
• Other income – this is a variety of income that falls outside the other
parking account categories, e.g. the grant from TfL for the Persistent
Evader Scheme in 2004/5.
Table 4.5 Parking account: income and expenditure

2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9

Income (£,000) (£,000) (£,000) (£,000) (£,000)
Parking meters/pay and
display 11,047 11,822 12,045 12,566 10,178 (1)
Parking permits: resident’s 2,670 2,862 2,910 2,965 2,999
Parking permits: other 1,210 1,444 2,193 1,679 4,903 (1)
Clamping & removals 3,047 2,981 1,928 841 879
Penalty charge notices 23,467 20,178 24,522 26,348 20,164
Other income 287 91 253 219 246
Total income 41,728 39,378 43,851 44,619 39,368
Total expenditure 20,814 24,604 24,833 23,308 25,325
Surplus 20,914 14,774 19,018 21,311 14,043

Note (1) In 2008/9 the fall in pay and display income and increase in parking
permits (other) is due to how suspensions income is now accounted for
(it was moved from the former to the latter category).
154 The 2008/9 figures given here are provisional in that they are from unaudited
accounts and may change as a result of the audit. This does not include all
Parking Service income and expenditure, only the on-street income and
155 Although the level of permit and pay and display charges are set by Camden
Council, the level of penalty charge notices (PCNs), clamping, and removal
fees are set externally – by London Councils with the Mayor of London’s
approval and ratified by the Secretary of State.
156 Changes that have occurred to income levels over this period are due to
several factors:
• Penalty charge, clamping and removal fees are reviewed every four years
by London Councils and TfL. They were last changed in July 2007 (see
Annual Parking and Enforcement Report 2007, section 2.2).
• Recovery rates for PCNs have remained broadly constant in recent years.

• The PCN surplus decreased significantly in 2008/09 due to a fall in issue
rates of c20% from 530,000 (07/08), to 430,000 (08/09), due to
challenging economic conditions. A high recovery rate was maintained.
• At the end of each financial year there are a large number of PCNs that
have been issued but have not been paid. We make a prudent estimate of
the income we expect to receive in relation to these tickets and include the
figure in the accounts for Parking Services in the year in which the PCNs
were issued. Accounts need to be closed two months after the end of the
financial year. If the amount actually collected is different to that estimated
then an adjustment is made in the subsequent financial year. The accrual
made at end 2008/09 was less than in 2007/08, reflecting the downturn in
PCN volumes.
157 Table 4.6 shows how the parking surplus identified in table 4.5 is spent. The
Council has discretion on how to spend any surplus that may arise, within the
allowable uses set by law. Under current legislation the application of any
surplus is limited to meeting the cost of providing and maintaining parking
facilities, highways improvement schemes, highway maintenance, public
passenger transport services and certain other categories (as explained in
Annex C of the Parking and Enforcement Plan).
Table 4.6 Application of surplus

2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9

(£,000) (£,000) (£,000) (£,000) (£,000)
Off-street parking 954 821 663 1,004 935
Highway and traffic
improvement, and highways 10,144 7,243 7,098 8,054 6,657
Concessionary fares
(Freedom Pass) and Taxicard 6,169 6,710 7,195 7,548 6,451
Transport planning costs 1,538 0 1,433 1,859 0
Home to school transport 2,109 0 2,629 2,846 0
Total expenditure from
20,914 14,774 19,018 21,311 14,043
parking surplus

158 Table 4.6 only presents the relevant expenditure in each category up to the
amount of the surplus for each year. Explanations of allowable relevant
expenditure for these categories are as follows:
• Off-street parking – This relates to staff and running costs at the car parks
Camden manages at Bloomsbury Square, Brunswick Square and
Henderson Court. This excludes income and includes staff salaries, rent,
rates, and telecoms.
• Highway and traffic improvement, and highways maintenance - This
relates to the highway and traffic improvement expenditure, the debt
charge and contributes towards maintaining Camden’s public highway. It
covers items such as the highway partnering contract, the public lighting
contract, gully cleaning contract, gully repairs and maintenance, traffic
management and control and contribution to improvements such as

pedestrian crossings, cycling facilities and upgrades to the walking
• Concessionary fares (Freedom Pass) and Taxicard scheme.
• Transport planning costs - This relates to transport planning activities such
as the project management of road safety projects, urban realm
improvements, town centre improvements, preparation of the plans and
strategies such as the Walking Plan, Cycling Plan, Streetscape Design
Manual, school travel plans, workplace travel plans, and other such
activities facilitating the implementation of the Mayor of London’s
Transport Strategy. The contribution to these costs will depend on the
amount of available surplus year on year.
• Home to school transport – This relates to the home to school
transportation expenditure under the special educational needs service for
certain statemented pupils (see the Glossary for definition of this term),
and certain pupils of the primary pupil referral unit. The contribution to
these costs will depend on the amount of available surplus year on year.

159 Statistics on appeals and related

160 Table 4.7 gives the results of parking appeals considered by London’s
independent adjudicators, the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service, PATAS,
and the data is derived wholly from PATAS’s own statistics published on
London Councils’ website. Recent data is given up to the latest information
available - for 2008/9.
161 The number of ‘appeals allowed’ are those cases which are found against the
Council. The number of ‘appeals refused’ are those cases which are found
against the appellant.
162 The table shows that for parking contraventions Camden performs better than
most London authorities. For Camden the percentage of appeals found
against the Council is lower than the London average and Camden ranks
highly compared to other boroughs. In table 4.7, the lower the percentage
allowed the better a council is performing relative to its peers – i.e. it has won
relatively more cases at appeal. In 2008/9 Camden’s rank of 1 out of 34
means that it won more cases at appeal than any other London authority. The
table shows that the percentage of appeals lost by London Councils, on
average, has increased over time. The percentage of cases going to appeal
in Camden relative to the number of PCNs issued is less than the London
average and reflects the Council’s success in resolving matters at an early
stage when representations are made to the Council about tickets issued.
163 The number of bus lane appeals has steadily fallen over this period, with
Camden generally performing better than the London average and is ranked
towards the top of the ‘league’ table.
For appeals relating to moving traffic contraventions, Camden has
consistently won more appeals than the London average and has ranked
As shown in the table the number of authorities enforcing bus lane and
moving traffic contraventions has increased over time, so Camden’s rank
should be looked at from that perspective.

Table 4.7 PATAS Statistics for Camden and London Authorities

% of PCNs
going to
Of cases going to appeal, % allowed appeal in

Appeals refused
Appeals allowed
Rank in London



In London
Camden authorities Number Out of…
Parking 2004/5 530 969 35.4 60.8 6 34 0.32 1.13
2005/6 731 1,092 40.1 55.6 9 34 0.41 1.00
2006/7 1,482 1,740 46.0 68.5 7 34 0.74 1.09
2007/8 1,101 1,001 52.4 72.3 13 34 0.52 0.77
2008/9 910 1,769 34.0 72.9 1 34 0.84 1.34
Bus 2004/5 36 90 28.6 43.2 2 20 0.28 0.54
lane 2005/6 48 54 47.1 40.5 15 25 0.42 0.45
2006/7 18 36 33.3 45.6 5 28 0.35 0.63
2007/8 15 25 37.5 48.7 11 28 0.35 0.47
2008/9 11 13 45.8 58.6 9 28 0.27 0.54
Moving 2004/5 41 36 53.2 54.7 1 5 0.15 0.23
traffic 2005/6 145 167 46.5 55.6 3 10 0.29 0.22
2006/7 558 451 55.3 56.7 7 18 0.92 0.51
2007/8 271 283 48.9 59.8 6 18 0.49 0.74
2008/9 344 595 36.6 64.7 3 23 1.04 1.14

Source of data: London Councils

164 Performance statistics relating to Camden’s enforcement contracts,

environment locals and CEOs’ safety
165 The Council operates two parking enforcement contracts, for north and south of
Euston Road, and uses the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to
monitor the performance of its parking enforcement contracts:
• KPI 1, Staff retention – the contractor has to ensure that the majority of
parking enforcement staff has more than six months experience. It is
expected that more than 75% will have more than six months experience
through the contractor’s staff retention scheme.
• KPI 2, Staff training and training plan progress - the staff training package
has to include a minimum of two weeks classroom based and four weeks
on the job training for each CEO. This should cover technical issues on
the Road Traffic Act 1991, customer care and dealing with confrontational
• KPI 3, Daily deployment levels - minimum daily deployment levels of
CEOs and supervisory staff are set to ensure that parking compliance is
achieved across the borough.

• KPI 4, Complaints upheld against Parking Attendants – this indicator
measures the number of complaints about Parking Attendant behaviour
that are upheld in the complainants’ favour. -
• KPI 5, Reduction in CEO errors – the contractor has to ensure that
measurable CEO errors are kept to low levels, with targets for the number
of errors as a proportion of PCNs issued set to reduce over the period of
the contract.
• KPI 6, Penalty charge notices with photos. This was introduced in August
2007. We expect that a minimum of 95% of PCNs issued by handheld
devices with an integrated camera will have at least one photo attached.
166 The current enforcement contracts started in 2005/6 and table 4.8 gives the
expected and actual KPIs for the last three financial years.

Table 4.8 KPIs for Camden’s parking enforcement contracts


PARKING ENFORCEMENT Expected 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9
KPI 1: Staff retention More than 75% 70% 82% 83% 81%
KPI 2: Training plan progress 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
KPI 3: Daily deployment (1)
2005/6, target greater than 90% 98%
2006/7, target greater than 92% 96%
2007/8, target greater than 94% 96%
2008/9, target greater than 96% 97%
KPI 4: Complaints upheld against
Less than 240 2 0 1 2
PAs per annum
KPI 5: CEO errors (2)
2005/6, target less than 5% 2.4%
2006/7, target less than 4% 2.0%
2007/8, target less than 3% 2.6%
2008/9, target less than 2% 2.8%
KPI 6: PCNs with Photos 95% N/A N/A 97% 96%
KPI 1: Staff retention More than 75% 66% 83% 78% 78%
KPI 2: Training plan progress 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
KPI 3: Daily Deployment (1)
2005/6, target greater than 90% 101%
2006/7, target greater than 92% 98%
2007/8, target greater than 94% 99%
2008/9, target greater than 96% 97%
KPI 4: Complaints upheld against
Less than 240 0 2 2 0
PAs per annum
KPI 5: CEO errors (2)
2005/6, target less than 5% 1.9%
2006/7, target less than 4% 2.1%
2007/8, target less than 3% 2.3%
2008/9, target less than 2% 2.9%

KPI 6: PCNs with photos 95% N/A N/A 95% 92%

Notes (1) Targets for this indicator are subject to continuous improvement year on
year. The target is to achieve greater than a certain percentage of the
planned deployment.
(2) Targets for this indicator are subject to continuous improvement year on
year. The target is to achieve less than a certain percentage of the PCNs

167 Camden also collects KPIs for its environment locals – those directly operated
by Parking Services (St Pancras Way, Hampstead and Holborn, which closed
in 2006/7) and under contract in Kilburn.
Table 4.9 KPIs for Camden’s Environment Locals


ENVIRONMENT LOCALS Expected 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9
KPI 1: Opening/closing hours 100% 100% 100% 100% 99%
KPI 2: Number of complaints Less than
0 2 4 3
upheld per annum 60
KPI 3: Cash handling accuracy 98% 100% 100% 100% 100%
KPI 4: Errors in administration of Less than
0% 0.16% 0% 0.01%
permits and other products 1%

168 Unfortunately, CEOs are subject to high levels of abuse and assault, both
verbal and physical, whilst carrying out their duties. In order to provide
support to CEOs our contractor has implemented an alarm system that can
be sent by personal radio to their control room.
• If code yellow is sent by a CEO it indicates that he or she is being
subjected to an intense verbal assault that could become physical. CEOs
are encouraged to distance themselves from the person who is abusing
them at this point.
• Code red indicates that a CEO either has been subjected to a physical
assault or feels that it is imminent. If a Code Red is broadcast all CEOs
and mobile units in the area will move to provide support to the threatened
Table 4.10 gives the number of physical (code red) and verbal (code yellow)
Table 4.10 Annual statistics on civil enforcement officers’ safety

2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9
Code Reds 89 111 89 47
Code Yellows 65 33 47 46

169 More information
170 Camden’s parking and enforcement activity is described in detail in the
Council’s Parking and Enforcement Plan, which can be viewed and at The Annual Parking and Enforcement Report can be
downloaded from the above webpage.
171 The Parking and Enforcement Plan and this document are companion
documents. The former is the more comprehensive document and it is
intended that it will be revised every four or five years. The Parking and
Enforcement Plan not only covers the enforcement of parking regulations, but
also that of bus lanes and certain moving traffic contraventions.

A note on the Council website

172 In addition to the Parking and Enforcement Plan and the annual parking reports
the Council website provides up to date information about parking related
matters in the borough.
173 Motorists can search for places to park in particular streets or CPZs at and Information given
includes the types of bays available and the hours of parking control that
apply. Other general information about parking bays in Camden can be found
174 Drivers can look up current and planned parking bay suspensions in any street
or CPZ in the borough by visiting
Details about the Council’s online email alerts for suspensions are given on
175 Suspensions may arise for various reasons including, in particular, streetworks.
Streetworks can affect local traffic flows, for example if they involve temporary
street closures. Advance notification of streetworks is given on the Council
website at
176 To obtain advice on parking and driving in Camden, and how to avoid a fine (a
penalty charge notice or ‘PCN’), a leaflet can be downloaded at
177 The Council adheres to its parking charter, which sets out our role and our aims
in delivering a high quality parking service; visit
178 Drivers have the right to challenge a PCN; details of how to do this are
contained on our website at
When considering appeals, Camden uses its discretionary powers to cancel a
PCN at any point during the process if it is deemed that reasonable
circumstances warrant this. For further details see

Obtaining committee reports from the Council website

179 The Council is committed to making its decision-making, strategies and plans
as transparent as possible. Committee reports can be downloaded from our

website, including those referred to in this document. Visit
Enter a suitable keyword and select the period you are interested in, and a list
of possible entries will be produced. If you open an agenda item for the
meeting in which you are interested, a list of hyperlinks to available
documents dealt with at the meeting are given at the end of the agenda,
including annexes and supplementary documents.

This glossary provides:
• The full title to common acronyms used through the document.
• Definitions of technical terms used.

ALG Association of London Government, now known as London Councils.

Annual Report This is the abbreviated name for this document, the Annual
Parking and Enforcement Report.
Bands (for PCNs) PCN levels for Camden are in Band A – the highest band –
except for a few boundary roads that are in the next lowest level,
Band B, which generally applies in Outer London. The Parking
and Enforcement Plan specifies which roads are in Band B.
CCTV ‘Closed circuit television’: relates to the camera and associated technology that
may be used for surveillance and enforcement purposes.
CC Charge certificate
CEO Civil enforcement officer. Following the enactment of Part 6 of the Traffic
Management Act 2004 on 31st March 2008 with respect to civil
parking enforcement, ‘Parking Attendants’ are now referred to as
CLFQP Central London Freight Quality Partnership
CPZ Controlled Parking Zone. All public highways in Camden are covered by CPZs
in which parking is regulated within certain controlled hours. The
hours of control vary between CPZs, and in some CPZs there are
sub-areas with their own hours of control. The hours and days of
control in CPZs and sub-areas have been developed to meet
local community needs following detailed consultation.
Contravention This refers to a breach of parking, bus lane and certain moving
traffic regulations. This was formerly referred to as an ‘offence’
when regulations were enforced by the police. All London traffic
authorities – the London boroughs, the City of London and
Transport for London (TfL) – have taken up enforcement powers
for parking and bus lanes. Not all London traffic authorities have
taken up enforcement of certain moving traffic contraventions
(see Appendix 1), though an increasing number of authorities are
doing so. Other traffic offences, such as speeding and dangerous
driving, are still enforced by the police.
Decriminalisation This is the process whereby local authorities take up enforcement
powers from the Police. Camden has taken up powers to enforce
parking, bus lanes and certain moving traffic contraventions (such
as banned moves).
EN Enforcement notice
Enforcement In this document ‘enforcement’ activity by the Council covers that of
parking controls and decriminalised traffic contraventions
(enforcement of bus lanes and of moving traffic offences).
FQP Freight Quality Partnership

GLA Greater London Authority. This was formed in 2000 by the Greater London
Authority Act 1999.
KPI Key performance indicator
KSI Killed and seriously injured – this relates to annual road casualties.
London Councils This body represents the interests of local government in London,
comprising nominated representatives, with a small specialist
staff. It is responsible for the parking adjudication service, PATAS,
and administration of the London lorry ban.
MTCs Moving traffic contraventions. These relate to contraventions such as banned
turns, the banning of certain vehicles in parts of the carriageway,
box junctions and school zigzags and have safety implications.
They are fully defined in the PEP and in Appendix 1 of the Annual
Parking and Enforcement Report 2007 – see
NOx This term refers collectively to the oxides of nitrogen, pollutants that can arise
from vehicle emissions.
NTO Notice to owner
PATAS Parking and Traffic Appeals Service
PA Parking attendant; from March 31st 2007 known as a civil enforcement officer
PCN Penalty charge notice
Persistent evader A persistent evader is defined as a vehicle with three or more
unpaid penalty charge notices that have progressed to the charge
certificate stage and which are not the subject of a representation
or appeal. Charge certificates are issued to evaders that have not
paid penalty charge notices and continue not to respond to further
calls to pay PCNs after a notice to owner has been sent to the
vehicles registered keeper. See section 6.1 of the Parking and
Enforcement Plan for the stages leading up to the Charge
Certificate stage.
PM10 PM10 refers to particles measuring 10µm or less; 1µm is a ‘micrometre’ - a
millionth of a metre). Particulate matter can cause health
problems especially in combination with other pollutants. The
PM10 standard was designed to identify those particles likely to be
inhaled by humans, and PM10 has become the generally accepted
measure of particulate material in the atmosphere in the UK and
in Europe. The main sources of primary PM10 are road transport -
all road transport emits PM10, but diesel vehicles emit a greater
mass of particulate per vehicle kilometre.
Recovery rate The percentage of PCNs issued that have been paid. Non
payment of PCNs may arise due to those receiving the PCN or as
a consequence of the Council not being able to obtain the keeper
details from the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency).
Statemented pupils This relates to pupils with special education needs, whose needs
are assessed by the Council and described in a ‘statement’
describing the special help they should receive.
TEC London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee (formerly ALG TEC).

TfL Transport for London, one of the bodies that the GLA and the Mayor of London
is responsible for.
TLRN Transport for London Road Network - This is the ‘GLA Road’ network as
defined and brought into being by the Greater London Authority
Act 1999.
TMA Traffic Management Act 2004
TMO Traffic Management Order. TMO is used as a generic term in this report to
cover any traffic management or traffic regulation orders that are
used to designate parking and traffic controls.
Traffic authority This has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Regulation Act
1984. ‘Local traffic authority’ (“LTA”) means a traffic authority
other than the Secretary of State or the National Assembly for
Wales – i.e. the appropriate level of ‘local government’ that
pertains to a particular area. In London each of the 33 London
boroughs (including the Corporation of London) is the LTA for
borough roads. TfL is the LTA for the TLRN.
VED Vehicle exercise duty – the annual ‘car tax’.

The Parking and Traffic Appeals Service website provides explanations for a number
of terms and phrases related to parking and traffic at

Appendix 1: Chronology of changes to parking in Camden from
May 2006
The following chronology charts the main parking changes made in recent years.
Where further details about the changes are including in last year’s Annual Parking
and Enforcement Report (APER, 2007) or this year’s report (APER, 2008) the relevant
section is given.

Year Month Change that occurred

2006 June The Partnership Administration set out its agreed policy agenda that
included a fair deal on parking for residents and improving Camden’s
environment. (APER, 2007, Foreword)
2006 July A report was presented to the Executive recommending that clamping
should cease except for persistent evaders (with three or more repeatedly
unpaid and unchallenged parking tickets) and Blue Badge fraudsters.
(APER, 2007, section 2.1)
2006 July A report was presented to the Executive giving the results of consultation
on the Parking and Enforcement Plan. (APER, 2007, section 1.4)
2006 July Camden entered into a ‘Partnership Plus’ agreement with the Police and its
parking enforcement contractor covering: reporting/ investigating assaults
on CEOs; sharing information/intelligence to prevent crime, disorder and
similar incidents; the provision of support to deal with civil and local
emergency events; and training relating to these issues. (APER, 2007,
section 3.10)
2006 September Widespread clamping of vehicles ceased. (APER, 2007, section 2.1)
2006 September The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed to introduce a pilot visitor
permit schemes south of Euston Road and to increase the quantity of
visitor permits to disabled and elderly housebound people. (APER, 2007,
sections 2.5, 2.6)
2006 October The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed to introduce a mobile
patrol to monitor suspended parking bays and release them back into use
more quickly; e-mail alerts to inform recipients when bays are due to be
suspended and a new charging system for parking suspensions requested
by utility companies undertaking statutory works. (APER, 2007, section
2006 October The mobile patrol to monitor suspended parking bays started. (APER,
2007, section 2.7)
2006 October Vehicle removals no longer applied to the certain situations: permit holder
will have a seven days’ grace period when permits expire; resident permit
holders will not have their vehicle towed at all if they park in another zone
provided they are not committing a contravention that would make them
liable for removal. (APER, 2007, section 2.8)
2006 November The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group and the Culture and Environment
Scrutiny Committee considered a report about reviewing the school run
policy - setting out the review process to be agreed, the scope of the
review and the evidence to be collected. (APER, 2007, section 2.12)
2007 January The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed to introduce an emission-
based resident parking permit scheme. (APER, 2007, section 2.3)
2007 January The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed to policies designed to

Year Month Change that occurred
encourage electric vehicles. (APER, 2007, section 2.4)
2007 January The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed to a methodology for a
borough–wide consultation on CPZ arrangements. (APER, 2007, section
2007 January The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed to the formation of a
multi-borough Partners in Parking arrangement for group procurement
relating to parking and harmonising/updating parking technologies,
services and practices across councils and TfL. (APER, 2007, section 2.9)
2007 February The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group and the Culture and Environment
Scrutiny Committee considered a report about consultation of the school
run policy. (APER, 2007, section 2.12)
2007 March-April Consultation on the school run policy took place. (APER, 2007, section
2007 April ‘Email alerts’ for bay suspensions started. (APER, 2007, section 2.7)
2007 April Daily charging started of utility companies that suspend parking bays.
(APER, 2007, section 2.7)
2007 May-June The ‘CPZ Arrangements Consultation’ took place. (APER, 2007, section
2007 June The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group considered the school run
consultation results and agreed to changes in the dispensation scheme.
(APER, 2007, section 2.12)
2007 June The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed that a vehicle parked in
contravention in a pay and display or residents’ bay will not be towed away
on the day the contravention occurs, but will be liable to removal on the
following day. (APER, 2007, section 2.8)
2007 July Differential PCNs were introduced by all London boroughs and TfL.
(APER, 2007, section 2.2)
2007 July The pilot visitor permit scheme south of Euston Road commenced. (APER,
2007, section 2.5)
2007 July The increased quantity of visitor permits for disabled and elderly
housebound people commenced. (APER, 2007, section 2.5)
2007 July Options for administrating the electric vehicle pay and display permit were
put to and agreed by the Executive Member for Environment. (APER,
2008, section 2.1)
2007 July A new ‘builder’s permit scheme’ was introduced and being marketed as
‘scratch-off permits for trades people’. (APER, 2008, section 2.5)
2007 August Camden’s new system of emission-based charging from residents’ parking
permits commenced. (APER, 2007, section 2.3)
2007 October The Council’s first Annual Parking and Enforcement Report was published.
2007 October A text messaging service was introduced for vehicles that have been
removed to the pound. (APER, 2008, section 2.13)
2007 November The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group considered the ‘CPZ
Arrangements Consultation’ results and agreed to a programme of CPZ
reviews. (APER, 2008, section 3.5)
2007 November The process for renewing residents’ permits was simplified. Only if a
resident’s circumstances have changed since their last permit do we

Year Month Change that occurred
require that documentation is presented. (APER, 2008, section 2.10)
2007 December The Executive agreed new contracts for debt recovery operations (which
include a number of customer care measures). The new contracts start in
December 2007. (APER, 2008, section 2.14)
2007 December The maximum time for loading and unloading on yellow lines where
permitted was increased to 40 minutes. (APER, 2008, section 2.6)
2008 January The conditions of use for visitors’ permits were changed; the period of stay
can now be topped up to the maximum stay of 4 hours. (APER, 2008,
section 2.11)
2008 February - Consultation on converting underutilised pay & display parking spaces in
April zone CA-C into residents’ bays took place. Following strong support it is
expected that conversion of some parking spaces will be implemented by
autumn 2009. (APER, 2008, section 2.12)
2008 March The Executive considered recommendations proposed by the
Sustainability Task Force report on transport. (APER, 2008, section 3.1)
2008 March Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to civil parking
enforcement was enacted. (APER, 2008, section 1.12)
2008 August - Following consultation on extending the parking controls in the Camden
September Town (North) CA-F(n) controlled parking zone, the Executive agreed the
creation of a new sub-zone within CA-F(n) with longer controls to be
implemented in October 2009. (APER, 2009, section 2.1)
2008 November Following consultation on extending the parking controls in the West
Kentish Town (Outer) CA-L(outer) controlled parking zone, the Executive
agreed that the existing control hours be retained. (APER, 2009, section
2008 November Following consultation on extending the parking controls in the Fortune
Green CA-P(c) controlled parking zone, the Executive agreed that the
existing control hours be retained. (APER, 2009, section 2.1)
2009 February The visitor permit scheme in the zones south of Euston Road was
reviewed. The Executive (Environment) Sub-Group agreed to increase the
quarterly allocation of visitor permits in CA-D (Kings Cross) and CA-E
(Bloomsbury and Fitzrovia) from 40 to 50 hours and the higher allocation of
60 hours for housebound residents. In CA-C (Holborn and Covent Garden)
the quarterly allocation of visitor permits was retained at 20 hours with 50
hours for housebound residents. (APER, 2009, section 2.2)
2009 March From mid February 2009 the type of vehicle that PCNs are issued is
included in our PCN database. (APER, 2009, section 2.8)
2009 March The Parking Suspensions office at Crowndale Road closed and the service
moved back to the Parking Service office at 100 St Pancras Way. (APER,
2009, section 2.6)
2009 June The administration of disabled badges (Blue Green, Substitute,
Organisational and Dedicated Badges) was transferred to PATS. (APER,
2009, section 2.4)
2009 June The Hampstead and Kilburn Environment Locals closed on 26 June 2009.
The Environment Local at 100 St Pancras Way and the Town Hall cashiers
continue to provide a face-to-face permit service. (APER, 2009, section
2009 June A restructure of Parking Services was approved by the Executive Member

Year Month Change that occurred
for Environment on 18th June 2009 and went live in September 2009.
(APER, 2009, section 2.3)


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