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Businesses need to invest more in

digital marketing and social media

campaigns to capture the right
target audience

Submitted by: Michael Mckenna

Student Number: G00380180

Submitted to: Clare Gilsenan


Today in business we see how the largest companies 50 years ago are no longer the largest
today due to e-marketing. Social media and digital marketing are the most effective form of
marketing in today’s business world. It’s exciting to see how digital marketing and social
media will grow in popularity as we dive deeper into the digital era. This digitally dominated
world has provided opportunities for entrepreneurs and small companies to expand and
compete with companies that have survived two world wars. Investing In good digital
marketing is essential as e-marketing is all about building a relationship. In this essay we will
look at how businesses have succeeded from e-marketing and the methods and techniques
they have used to achieve this. For example:
Company Years Trading Profit after tax Net Worth
Marks and 135 £66,800,000.00 £2,357,500,000.00

Spenser’s (Marks
and Spensers, 2019)
Asos 19 £82,400,000.00 £2,420,000,000.00
(Asos, 2019)
First, we must examine as to why businesses are choosing e-marketing. To do this we must
examine the advantages and limitations of e-marketing.
 Extremely low risk
 Faster response to both marketers and the end user
 Increased ability to measure and collect data for personalisation
 Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalisation
 Increased interactivity
 Increased exposure of products and services
 Boundless universal accessibility
 24/7 marketing
 Demographic targeting
 Ability to deal with a large volume of potential customers at one time
 Dependability on technology
 Security, privacy issues
 Maintenance costs due to a constantly evolving environment
 Higher transparency of pricing and increased price competition
 Worldwide competition through globalisation
(We want traffic, 2019) (, 2019)
In conclusion we can say that there are already huge benefits to e-marketing. Cost and 24/7
marketing being the two biggest advantages but on the flip side we see how dependant it is on
technology and technology will only work with internet services along with electricity. With
online hacking increasing business must be vigilant and ensure to have the most up to date
security systems. Now that we have assessed why businesses must invest in e-marketing we
will now investigate as to how they reach their target audience.
For a business to successfully reach their target audience they must choose the correct
platform or the one most heavily linked with their target audience. Businesses have a vast
range of platforms to choose from nowadays with the most popular being Social media
marketing (SMM), the others being: Search engine optimization (SEO), Search engine
marketing (SEM), Content marketing, Email marketing, Online advertising, Landing page
marketing, Smartphone marketing, Affiliate marketing, Viral marketing (Barby, 11/3/2019)
We have already seen the benefits of good digital marketing when we compared Marks and
Spensers to Asos and how Asos are now a larger company that are preforming better than
Marks and Spensers. The use of SMM by Asos has allowed them to reach their target
audience by allowing them to create a good self-image, that was appealing to the younger
generation by advertising trending clothing brands amongst younger people, who are very
accessible through digital marketing. This is why businesses must invest in the research of the
behaviour of their target audience. From these studies businesses can strategize social media
campaigns to attract and lure in potential customers. As we are well aware of environmental
issues are very topical, clever businesses are using these issues to their advantage to create
good public relations. For example we will use McDonalds as an example. McDonalds is one
of the largest fast-food chains in the world. They’ve implemented new policies to reduce their
environmental impact to do with plastics
blue marketing book find It
(, 2019)
(We want traffic, 2019)
(Marks and Spensers, 2019)
(Asos, 2019)
(Barby, 11/3/2019)

In this essay we will look at the benefits / drawbacks to e-marketing

What platforms will work best for certain audiences
Creating an image -influencers using the # effectively
Consumer behaviour online {how to target an audience}

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