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A Qualitative Research submitted to the Faculty of

Surigao Del Norte National High School-
Senior High School
Surigao City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

Practical Research I

Group 2 Researchers:
Abrea, Reneann
Blancada, Gean
Dayono, Renzo
Magbago, Ellen
Parangan, Edsel
Pejan, Ronel

March 2019

The researchers of the study firstly give their humble acknowledge and gratitude to our
Almighty God who give us knowledge, patience, hope and strength on making the study, and
guiding us in our everyday lives.

Secondly, we acknowledge our Practical Research I teacher, Mr. Gregorio Jr. T. Llano
who never quit of educating, encouraging and cheering all of us.

Thirdly, to our parents who give their undying support, love, care and for lending
everything the researchers needed for the study.
Table of Contents

Contents Page

Cover Page……………………………………………………………………….……………i


Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………..iii

Chapter 1: The Problem………………………………………………………………………1

A.) Introduction…………………………………………………………………..1
B.) Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………….2
C.) Hypotheses…………………………………………………………………....3
D.) Significance of the Study…………………………………………………….3
E.) Scope and Limitation…………………………………………………...……4
F.) Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………..4

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature…………………………………………………….5

A.) The Dangerous Impact of Smoking to the Human Body………………...….5

B.) Perception of Youths to Smoking…………………………………………....5
C.) Primary Causes of Smoking in Students…………………………………......6
D.) Materials commonly used in Smoking……………………………….….…..6

Chapter 3: Methodology……………………………………………………………………..8

A.) Research Design…………………………………………………………........8

B.) Research Locale…………………………………………………….…….…..8
C.) Participants of the Study…………………………………………………….9
D.) Sampling Design………………………………………………….…………..9
E.) Research Instrument……………………………………………………….....9
F.) Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………..…..9
Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data…………………………....…11

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations…………………………...….…13


Curriculum Vitae

Work of Verification

Chapter 1


Smoking tobacco has become a usual thing in the culture nowadays especially to young
or under age people. Smoking is really dangerous and harmful to the human body. A person who
smoke, usually cigarette is seen everywhere; in the street, in films, in books (book characters)
and relatives or friends who smoke.

Cigarette smoking is on the increase among adolescents in developing countries and is a

cause of premature morbidity and mortality worldwide. Adolescents incorrectly perceive that
cigarette smoking is less risky than other behaviors such as alcohol consumption and drug use
(Brenda, 2008). By 1964, it was official. The US Surgeon General confirmed that cigarette
smoking cause lung cancer. But in the 50 plus years that followed, many people learned that
smoking is responsible for a heap of awful diseases contributing to the tobacco epidemic we face

One of the diseases now can get at smoking, mostly young people; teenagers and even
children. Once a person enters the world of smoking, it is not easily to back it off. People who
smoke is already know the consequences once they try this kind of habit, they know the effects
into their body but they will just let their want’s to lead their life. Smoking contributes two types
of diabetes and increases the risk of implications from the disease including poor blood c
circulation to the legs and feet, it can lead on infection and result to amputation of a limb
(Ivanov, 2012).

According to the research of Oleksandr Ivanov (2012), tobacco contains nicotine, a

highly addictive drug that makes it difficult for smokers to kick the habit. Tobacco products also
contain many poisonous and harmful substances that cause diseases and premature death.
Smoking is commonly use of mostly young or teenage students, even they know the effects of
smoking, they will just follow their curiosity go. In addition to that, the researchers of the
Surgeon General’s Report included that many tobacco companies produce and sell electronic

nicotine delivery systems or ENDS such as electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), rape pens, and e-
hookahs. These devices deliver nicotine through an aerosol that is inhaled into the lungs the same
way cigarette smoking is. So far, there are no studies on the health effects of long-term use of
cigarettes and other ENDS, or whether use of ENDS leads to cigarette smoking by youth.

Nearly all tobacco use begins during youth progresses during youth adulthood. More than
3,200 children age 18 or younger smoke their first ever to use a cigarette to smoke (Surgeon
General’s Report, 2014). Everyday many Filipinos are due to smoking-related diseases, on a
daily basis 240 Filipinos die because of smoking-related diseases such as heart failure, stroke
obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease and many types of cancer (WHO,
2009b). Filipinos smoke and an alarming number of youth smokers. Republic Act of 9211 (as
cited in Department of Education or DepED, 2011), or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
specifies the smoking prohibition in public places: Thus, this law of the country protects
specifically the youth from being exposed to smoking (Aguillon, J. & Romano, 2012). But then
there are still who did not abide the law and still smoke until this day.

The researchers conducted this study to make awareness and give essential information to
the students of Surigao Del Norte National High School- Senior High School students. In this
way, researchers would know what are the perception of the students towards the cause and
effect of smoking cigarette.

Statement of the Problem

The intention of the study was to lay down information regarding to the perception of
Senior High School students from Surigao Del Norte National High School towards the cause
and effect of smoking of smoking cigarette.

The study was looking for the answers to the following questions below:

1. What are the perceptions of Senior High School students towards smoking?
2. Why smoking is bad to the human body?
3. What are the effects of smoking to the body?
4. What does the SNNHS-SHS students can suggest towards students who are having their
smoking habit?

5. What are the common materials used to smoke?


The following hypotheses were raised based on the problems of the study:

HO1. Many of the Senior High School students perceived smoking as a bad habit.

HO2. Smoking has many effects on the body.

HO3. Academic Performances of a student who smoke were low.

HO4. Mostly who smoke were male Senior High School student.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study would give aid to the following:

Students. The study is a big help to the students for the reason that they are mostly affected by
smoking, hence this will give them information about the harmful powers of smoking.

Community. The study is a big help to the community for the reason that they can study the
research and to apply the gathered information to their people such as making awareness about
the effects of smoking.

Department of Health (DOH). The study will aid the DOH to add the information of this study
to theirs.

Hospitals. The study is a big help to the hospitals for they are the one who take care sick people.
This study gave information about smoking.

Parents. The study is a great aid to the parents especially, parents that have children that

Health Centers. The study is great aid to the health centers. Just like hospitals they can give
valuable information to their sick patients about smoking or any patients who has smoking-
related disease.

Future Researchers. The study is a huge aid to the future researchers. They can use that study
to use it as a reference to their study.

Scope and Limitation

The study mainly focused on the perception of Senior High School students from Surigao
Del Norte National High School towards the cause and effect of smoking cigarette. The number
of respondents were needed was limited, with only 60 picked students from Grade-11 and Grade
12. Different tracks of the Senior High School students were interviewed. 15 for Academic,
Sports, and TVL Track.

All the results are also limited. Researchers were dependent on the respondent’s

Definition of Terms

The terms enumerated below are defined intentionally to give full understanding to the

Electronic Cigarettes. This refers to cigarettes that has empowered by technology.

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS). This refers to the deliverance of nicotine to an
aerosol to the lungs it is as the same of cigarette when use.

Lung Cancer. This refers to the abnormal growth of cell in the tissues of the lungs. This causes
serious pain and eventually death if left untreated.

Nicotine. This refers as one of the leading harmful chemicals that can be found on tobacco.
Moreover, this chemical gave addiction to its user.

Smoking. This refers to an act of using a cigarette or any smoking-related materials used to

Tobacco. This refers to a plant used to make cigarettes.


Chapter 2

The aim of this chapter is to report the review of related literature that is related to
the research topic about the perception of Surigao del Norte National High School- Junior High
School towards the Cause and Effects to Smoking. This chapter was focused on what are the
causes and the effects of smoking to the Junior High School students and what are their
perceptions regarding to the topic. Also, this chapter gives further information about smoking.

The Dangerous Impact of Smoking to the Human Body

According to CDC or Center for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking has a great
impact to the human body, especially the young ones. Addiction to nicotine, this chemical is
highly addictive according to medical researches. Regularity of smoking forms a habit. This is
the reason why smokers are craving to tobacco. Early cardiovascular and lung damage are the
leading causes. Furthermore, this can lead to more deadly diseases such as lung cancer,
Tuberculosis or T.B. etc. Researchers from U.P. Aguillon and Romano agreed from the 2007
research of WHO (World Health Organization) that smoking exposure and consumption can
cause this three: Death, Disability and Disease. Tobacco is one of the deadliest addictive
products produced by men (WHO, 2007).

Even non-smokers affected its harmful chemicals. According to the 2015 research of
WHO, more than 10% of smoking related death are the results of non-smokers exposes to
smoking. It only proves that smoker or not all are affected by the harmful effects of tobacco.

Perception of Youths to Smoking

According to the research Aguillon and Romano (2012), many people including youths
that smoke are less aware to the harmful effects of smoking. Smokers also perceive that smoking
has a positive effect to them. But, it is wrong. The prime suspect of the positive sensation feel by
the smokers is the nicotine, whom making its user addicted to smoking. On the other hand, non-
smokers perceive smoking has a negative attribute to everyone. In addition to that, smoking

alleviates stress which is very a common enemy of students, especially when there are
burdensome works and studies to do.

Primary Causes of Smoking in Students

According to the research of McRobbie (2014), low socioeconomic status, adverse

childhood experiences and mental illness is the few factors why students smoke. Friends and the
presence of WHY PEOPLE SMOKE people around them who smoke are major influencing
factors. In one study, 10% of children who became regular smokers showed signs of nicotine
dependence within two days of first inhaling from a cigarette, and 25% within a month. Within a
year of starting to smoke, it has been reported that children will be inhaling the same amount of
nicotine as adults, will experience cravings when they do not smoke, will make quit attempts and
will suffer withdrawal symptoms. The research of Burke & Gotter (2018) stated that the primary
withdrawal symptoms of smoking intense craving of nicotine, sweating, coughing, headaches,
sore throat, difficult concentrating, depression etc.

Furthermore, some other causes why a person or a student smoke is because it can lose
weight. Smoking causes increased cortisol levels in the body which may be augmented by the
stress. Moreover, most common cause of starting of smoking are ‘peer pressure’ and next to that
‘image’ of the smoker, meaning it makes the user ‘cool’ (Raghu, Rao, Pulviarthhi & Srikanth,

It is truly sad that many of the youth today enjoys the temporary positive sensation of
smoking. But if it is closely observed, it makes its user to become addictive and gluttonous of
cigarette smoking and making its user delusional perceiving that smoking is good. Smoker or
not, everyone is affected (Aguillon & Romano, 2012). Its harmful chemicals travel on the air
making it hard to avoid. At such a young age, today’s youth are destroying their bodies not
knowing that the chemicals from the cigarette or any types of smoking-related materials are
affecting heavily there fragile bodies. Cancers, cardiovascular, respiratory diseases are the
commonly diseases on smokers. Moreover, they destroy someone’s health, not knowing also that
the chemicals are free traveling to another person.

Materials commonly used in Smoking


Electronic Cigarettes

Chapter 3

The chapter contains the research methodology used by the researchers to gather data for
the study. It includes the research design, research locale, population and respondent, sampling
design, research instrument, and data gathering procedures used by the researchers to find
answers for the study.

Research Design

Qualitative method is used on gathering the data needed in the research. Its mission is to
know the perception of the Senior High School students from Surigao del Norte National High
School towards the cause and effect of cigarette smoking.

The researchers used interview. The type of interview used on the study is unstructured
interview. Researchers used this type of interview so that respondents will freely give their
answers with ease. The interview contains the respondent’s background and their perception
towards cigarette smoking.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Surigao del Norte National High School, a famous public
school located at Penaranda St. Barangay Taft, Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippines. This
study randomly interviewed students from the said school, specifically Senior High School
students to gather information needed in the study.

Figure 1: The map of the research locale


Participants of the Study

The participants of the study are the students of Surigao del Norte National High
School-Senior High School Grade 11 and 12. The chosen Grade 11 male student participants
only had total 20 participants while Grade 11 female only had an exceeding 21 participants. The
chosen Grade 12 male student participants only had 6 participants while the grade 12 female
student participants only had 13 participants. Table 1 shows the total number of participants of
the study.

Table 1.Distribution of Participants of the Study

GRADE 11 20 21 41
GRADE 12 6 13 19
26 34 60

Sampling Design

In order to collect the data needed in the study, the researchers used unstructured
interview wherein researchers randomly selected students from Surigao del Norte National High
School-Senior High School as the respondents or participants of the data gathering for the study.

Research Instrument

Researchers of the study used interview as a channel to gather data. The interview
consists of two parts. The first part of the interview starts with asking the respondent’s
background (name, grade level. The second and the final part of the interview is the asking or
knowing their perception towards the cause and effect of cigarette smoking.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission to the students of the Surigao del Norte National High
School-Senior High School to gather valuable data for the study. After the approval, the

researchers straightaway set and conduct their interview with their chosen interviewees. Then,
collected the data gathered from the interviewees to break down the meaning of the data.

Chapter 4

This chapter contains the interpretation of data gathered by the researchers for their study.

Problem 1. What are the perceptions of Senior High School students towards

Majority of the Senior High School students perceived that smoking is a very bad habit
because according to them it causes the user to be addicted on it, damages the body and people
see them as lesser beings of our community especially if you are still a student. Other
respondents perceived that smoking is a natural habit because smokers were addicted to it
already that's why it is natural for them. This just proves that mostly of the students knew the
consequences if someone will try to smoke. Also, proves the first hypothesis that smoking is a
bad habit.

Problem 2. What are the effects of smoking to the human body?

According to the respondents smoking has no good effects on the human body. The
students of Senior High School mostly answered that smoking can cause lung cancer which is
one of the major diseases of smoking. This aligns to the study of US Surgeon General.
Furthermore, addiction is highly perceived by the respondents. Other diseases that the
respondents perceived were tuberculosis (TB), asthma, teeth decay, and bad breath. This just
proves the statement of US Surgeon General and World Health Organization that smoking is a
very bad habit. Therefore it is a very bad choice.

Problem 3. Why Senior High School students try this kind of habit?

The interviewees had a mixed respond to the question. The half Senior High School
students said that the reason why other Senior High School student smoked because it is a stress
reliever, and it has a good aftertaste. Others said that because of peer pressure, family problems,
influenced by friends or the people around them, it makes them look like a cool person, curiosity,
and insecurity. This aligns to the study of McRobbie (2014) and Raghu, Rao, Pulviarthhi &
Srikanth (2015) that students’ causes of smoking are stress, and other problems.

Problem 4. What does SNNHS-Senior High School students can suggest towards
students who are having their smoking habit?

Many of the Senior High School students who were the respondents of the study
suggested that they should stop smoking because it is a bad habit and can affect others. Stop it
for longer life. While other students suggested that parents should take action to their children’s

bad habit such as smoking because they're the one were responsible of guiding and disciplining
they're offspring. They also suggested neutrally in which the students said that smoking should
be moderately taken up by a smoker.

Problem 5. What will be the possible outcomes if the SNNHS-SHS students who
smoke will stop smoking?

The researchers reveal the findings of the data gathered on this question that the possible
outcome when a smoker or user stop from smoking will be good especially in health. Students
who smoke also have a better future ahead of them. They will live stably and normally without
any prejudice on other people because of their bad habit. In contrary to that, there were students
that answered that it depends upon the user's condition, like if a person has heavily affected by
the consequences of smoking it has a thin chance of surviving while if a smoker or user is still on
the first stage of smoking it has a high possibility that he/she can live. This aligns to the study of
Burke & Gotter(2018).

The researchers drew few questions so that this will strengthens the study.

Problem 6. What makes them stop from smoking?

The researchers reveal the results that the reason why students or other people stop from
smoking because of their loved ones who guided and gave them advices about smoking. Other
said it is because of realization that smoking is very bad and has no good or positive that can
contribute to their bodies.

Problem 7. What are the effects of smoking to daily needs and to studies?

The findings of the researchers on this question is that the chosen Senior High School
students of Surigao Del Norte National High School perceived that financial problem were
mostly the effects on smoking to daily needs because of the everyday intake of the user which
makes their money easily diminished. In studies, students who smoke will have a low academic
performance and cannot focus perfectly on the studies. Thus, imply that it will lead to a downfall
in the future. This proves the third hypothesis that students who smoke have a low academic
performance due to the nicotine effects from smoking.


Chapter 5


This chapter summarizes the entire study, conclusion and recommendation based on the
findings of the study.


The researchers used unstructured interview, approaches used in the interview were
mediated and individual interview specifically using synchronous mediated interview for some
of the researchers interviewed their respondents on social media platform. This was the
instrument used by the researchers in gathering data for the study.

The results of the interview show that mostly the Senior High School students perception
towards smoking is that smoking has no good or positive effect on the human body. It is also
stated by the respondents that smoking can create lung cancer and other implications on the
human body. This implies that many of the students know the bad consequences of smoking
inside and out and this proves that they're in a good league. Furthermore, interview results show
that the main causes of student smoking are stress, family problems, peer pressure, insecurity and
somehow smoking makes a person "cool."

Moreover, students suggested that smokers should stop from smoking for it can't give
long life instead it gives suffering and smoking fallacy. In addition to that, interviewees
suggested smoking has a bad outcome on the studies, because they get attached and addicted to
its false positive environmental effect (good aftertaste, relieves stress etc.).


Based on the findings of the researchers from the overall results from the interviewed
Senior High School students, the following conclusions were formulated.

The students of Surigao Del Norte National High School-Senior High School has a
remarkable answer about the problematic cause and harmful effects of smoking. Secondly,
students know the outcomes or implication of smoking. It can be educational or health outcomes.
Students suggested that students that are smokers should stop smoking for it can affect non-
smokers. This implies that students have a vast knowledge about smoking and what can possibly
smoking can do to their body if they will try smoking. They're also aware that smoking can only
affect smokers but also the non-smokers that is around them.

Bases from the results of the study, the researchers formulated the following recommendations:

 The Senior High School staff should make program that aware the students about the
problematic cause and effects of smoking.
 Parents should discuss to their children about the harmful effects about smoking.
 Surigao Del Norte National High School-Senior High School staff should make posters
that prohibit smoking inside the campus’s ground.
 The school should make a symposium about smoking so that students of both Junior High
School and Senior High School student will have knowledge about smoking and making



Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health (2014). Smoking and Youth.

Surgeon General's Report on Youth and Young Adult Tobacco Use (2012). Cause and Effect:
Tobacco Marketing Increases Youth Tobacco Use.

Aguilon, J., Romano P. (2012). A Study on the Effects of NCR Male High School Students’
Exposure to and Recall of Anti-Smoking Advertisements to Their Perceptions of and Attitudes
toward Smoking.

Ivanov, O. (2015). Development of Smoking Behavior in Adolescence.

Burke, D. & Gotter A., 2018. Everything you need to know about smoking.

McRobbie (2014), PHO Performance Programme-Why People Smoke?


Srikanti Raghu, Modini Venkata Rao, Surya Kiran Pulivarthhi, Juvva Kishan Srikanth.
“Awareness of Harmful Effects of Smoking among Smokers”. Journal of Evolution of Medical
and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 80, October 05; Page: 13937-13942, DOI:


I. Personal Details
Name: Reneann Y. Abrea
Contact Number: 09306461529
Home Address: P-Tower, Brgy. Canlanipa, Surigao City
Date of Birth: February 11, 2002
Place of Birth: Surigao City, Surigao Del Norte
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Rene D. Abrea
Name of Mother: Analiza Y. Abrea

II. Educational Attainment

Secondary: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Senior High School


Taft National High School

Junior High School


Elementary: Canlanipa Elementary School



I. Personal Details
Name: Gean B. Blancada
Contact Number: 09382558835
Home Address: Brgy. Mabua, Surigao City
Date of Birth: May 24, 2001
Place of Birth: Libertad Genaral Luna Surigao Del Norte
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Gregorio Blancada
Name of Mother: Gloria Blase Blancada

II. Educational Attainment

Secondary: Surigao Del Norte National High School
Senior High School
Fe National High School
Junior High School

Elementary: Libertad Elementary School



I. Personal Details
Name: Renzo Dayono
Age: 17 years old
Contact Number: 09304786864
Home Address: P-2 Cayutan Brgy. Caniog, Surigao City
Date of Birth: May 22, 2001
Place of Birth: Espina Ext. Surigao City
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Lorenzo M. Gallardo
Name of Mother: Maricel S. Dayono

II. Educational Attainment

Secondary: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Senior High School


Taft National High School

Junior High School


Elementary: Rc Onano Mermorial Elementary School



I. Personal Details
Name: Ellen G. Magbago
Age: 16 years old
Contact Number: 09501368465
Home Address: P-4 Brgy. Cagniog, Surigao City
Date of Birth: April 5, 2002
Place of Birth: Brgy. Muzon, San Jose Del Norte, Bulacan
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Rogelio Z. Magbago Sr.
Name of Mother: Elizabeth M. Magbago

II. Educational Attainment

Secondary: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Senior High School


Surigao Del Norte National High School

Junior High School


Elementary: Melquiades N. Cagasan Memorial Elementary School



III. Personal Details

Name: Edsel V. Parangan
Contact Number: 09306461529
Home Address: P-Kalipayan, Brgy. Washington, Surigao City
Date of Birth: March 7, 2001
Place of Birth: Dasmarinas, Cavite
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Edzel C. Parangan Sr.
Name of Mother: Merlisa V. Parangan

IV. Educational Attainment

Secondary: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Senior High School


Elementary: SWESES Elementary School



I. Personal Details
Name: Ronel E. Pejan
Age: 17 years old
Contact Number: 09270030834
Home Address: Silay Hills, P-Matinabangon, Brgy Taft, Surigao City
Date of Birth: October 13, 2001
Place of Birth: Caraga Regional Hospital, Surigao City
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Rolito E. Pejan
Name of Mother: Nerissa E. Pejan

II. Educational Attainment

Secondary: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Senior High School


Surigao Del Norte National High School

Junior High School


Elementary: Surigao City Pilot School


Mode of Verification

The pictures below show the few evidences of the researchers while they were conducting or
gathering their data purposely for their chosen study.

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