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Isabella Neurock


a. What did you like most about this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
What I liked most about this piece was the motivation I used throughout this piece. For example the line “You can
let the other team continuously beat you to the ground while we continue to embarrass ourselves.” Because it
makes them want to do better.
b. What did you like least about this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
What I liked the least about my piece was the cliches I used such as “You have all worked so hard for this to just
throw it away.”
c. What was most difficult for you while working on this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
The most difficult thing for me was trying to add in stage directions that fit in with this piece, and trying not to
repeat myself. For example, “We have a good chance of winning the game.”
d. What peer editing suggestions helped you the most while revising this piece? Use specific examples from your
The peer editing suggestion that helped me the most was to make my speaker sound not as dull annd to pump up
my word choice more.
e. How does this piece compare to your other work in this course? Use specific examples from your work.
This piece compares to my other work by me having to perform it instead of just turning it in. Also writing with
stage directions as knew for me.
f. What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece over again? Use specific examples from your work.
If I had to change one thing about this piece it would be the topic I chose to write about. For example, I would have
chosen something deeper in meaning.
g. What do you want the reader to take away from your piece? (What’s your purpose/thesis?)
I wanted the reader to take away confidence from this piece. The purpose was to show the reader to always work
hard and not just for yourself.
h. In what areas do you think that you still need improvement? Use specific examples from your work.
I think I need improvement in ym presenting skills and to look up at the audience more and be able to speak with
more confidence.
l. What does this say about you or how you view the world around you?
This piece says that I enjoy working hard no matter what it is, and I don't like to take anything for granted.
j. What is a goal you have for yourself for your next piece of writing?
The goal I have for myself in my next piece of writing is too go deeper into my thoughts.

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