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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease biomarkers is questionable.[5] Currently, bio-

Classification and external resources markers which may reflect a higher risk of
cardiovascular disease include:
ICD-10 I51.6
• Higher fibrinogen and PAI-1 blood
DiseasesDB 28808 concentrations
• Elevated homocysteine, or even upper half
MeSH D002318
of normal
Cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular • Elevated blood levels of asymmetric
diseases refers to the class of diseases that dimethylarginine
involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries • High inflammation as measured by C-
and veins). [1] While the term technically reactive protein
refers to any disease that affects the cardi- • Elevated blood levels of brain natriuretic
ovascular system (as used in MeSH), it is peptide (also known as B-type) (BNP) [6]
usually used to refer to those related to ath-
erosclerosis (arterial disease). These condi- Awareness
tions have similar causes, mechanisms, and
Despite the success of the Dean Ornish stud-
treatments. In practice, cardiovascular dis-
ies in the eighties and nineties, most people
ease is treated by cardiologists, thoracic sur-
and doctors are still unaware of the extensive
geons, vascular surgeons, neurologists, and
research showing that stress reduction and
interventional radiologists, depending on the
diet can prevent, eliminate, and reduce
organ system that is being treated. There is
nearly all forms of heart disease. At the same
considerable overlap in the specialties, and it
time many people rely on medications (such
is common for certain procedures to be per-
as aspirin) which may decrease certain risk
formed by different types of specialists in the
factors such as heart attacks, but increase
same hospital.
others such as hemorrhaging, and in the end
Most countries face high and increasing
often have no impact on long term morbidity.
rates of cardiovascular disease. Each year,
heart disease kills more Americans than can-
cer.[2]. Treatment
It is the number one cause of death and
Unlike many other chronic medical condi-
disability in the United States and most
tions, Cardiovascular disease is treatable and
European countries (data available through
reversible, even after a long history of dis-
2005). A large histological study (PDAY)
ease. Treatment is primarily focused on diet
showed vascular injury accumulates from ad-
and stress reduction. [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
olescence, making primary prevention efforts
necessary from childhood.[3][4]
By the time that heart problems are detec- Starts Young
ted, the underlying cause (atherosclerosis) is Population based studies in the youth show
usually quite advanced, having progressed that the precursors of heart disease start in
for decades. There is therefore increased em- adolescence. The process of atherosclerosis
phasis on preventing atherosclerosis by evolves over decades, and begins as early as
modifying risk factors, such as healthy eat- childhood. The Pathobiological Determinants
ing, exercise and avoidance of smoking. of Atherosclerosis in Youth Study demon-
strated that intimal lesions appear in all the
Biomarkers aortas and more than half of the right coron-
ary arteries of youths aged 7–9 years.
Some biomarkers are thought to offer a more
However, most adolescents are more con-
detailed risk of cardiovascular disease.
cerned about other risks such as HIV, acci-
However, the clinical value of these
dents, and cancer than cardiovascular

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cardiovascular disease

disease.[12] This is extremely important con- Some areas currently being researched in-
sidering that 1 in 3 people will die from com- clude possible links between infection with
plications attributable to atherosclerosis. In Chlamydophila pneumoniae and coronary
order to stem the tide of cardiovascular dis- artery disease. The Chlamydia link has be-
ease, primary prevention is needed. Primary come less plausible with the absence of im-
prevention starts with education and aware- provement after antibiotic use.[13]
ness that cardiovascular disease poses the
greatest threat and measures to prevent or
reverse this disease must be taken.
See also
• Oral hygiene

Platelet and Fibrin complexes can be seen
with the technique of dark field microscopy. [1] Maton, Anthea (1993). Human Biology
They are much bigger than red blood cells and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New
and easily block capillaries. These complexes Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN
are clearly visible in dark field but not in 0-13-981176-1.
stained bright field samples because the dif- [2] United States (1999). "Chronic Disease
ferent staining methods disburse them. Overview". United States Government.
However, they are not visible in unstained
blood smears. This method of early detection overview_text.htm. Retrieved on
allows to identify people at risk and take ap- 2007-02-07.
propriate measures. [3] Rainwater DL, McMahan CA, Malcom
• [1] GT, et al. (Mar 1999). "Lipid and
apolipoprotein predictors of
atherosclerosis in youth: apolipoprotein
Types of cardiovascular concentrations do not materially improve
diseases prediction of arterial lesions in PDAY
subjects. The PDAY Research Group".
• Aneurysm Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 19 (3):
• Angina 753–61. PMID 10073983.
• Atherosclerosis
• Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=10073983.
• Cerebrovascular disease [4] McGill HC, McMahan CA, Zieske AW, et
• Congestive Heart Failure al. (Aug 2000). "Associations of coronary
• Coronary Artery Disease heart disease risk factors with the
• Myocardial infarction (Heart Attack) intermediate lesion of atherosclerosis in
• Peripheral vascular disease youth. The Pathobiological Determinants
• purple dots of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY)
Research Group". Arterioscler Thromb
Research Vasc Biol. 20 (8): 1998–2004. PMID
The causes, prevention, and/or treatment of
all forms of cardiovascular disease are active
fields of biomedical research, with hundreds
[5] Wang TJ, Gona P, Larson MG, Tofler GH,
of scientific studies being published on a
Levy D, Newton-Cheh C, Jacques PF,
weekly basis.
Rifai N, Selhub J, Robins SJ, Benjamin EJ,
A fairly recent emphasis is on the link
D’Agostino RB, Vasan RS (2006).
between low-grade inflammation that hall-
"Multiple biomarkers for the prediction
marks atherosclerosis and its possible inter-
of first major cardiovascular events and
ventions. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an in-
death". N. Engl. J. Med. 355 (25):
flammatory marker that may be present in in-
2631–9. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa055373.
creased levels in the blood in patients at risk
PMID 17182988.
for cardiovascular disease. Its exact role in
[6] Wang TJ, Larson MG, Levy D, et al. (Feb
predicting disease is the subject of debate.
2004). "Plasma natriuretic peptide
alksdjalkdj levels and the risk of

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cardiovascular disease

cardiovascular events and death". N Engl J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 13 (5):

J Med. 350 (7): 655–63. doi:10.1056/ 718–23. doi:10.1097/
NEJMoa031994. PMID 14960742. 01.hjr.0000214611.91490.5e. PMID
[7] McGill HC, McMahan CA, Zieske AW, et 17001210.
al. (Aug 2000). "Associations of coronary [13] Andraws R, Berger JS, Brown DL (Jun
heart disease risk factors with the 2005). "Effects of antibiotic therapy on
intermediate lesion of atherosclerosis in outcomes of patients with coronary
youth. The Pathobiological Determinants artery disease: a meta-analysis of
of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY) randomized controlled trials". JAMA 293
Research Group". Arterioscler Thromb (21): 2641–7. doi:10.1001/
Vasc Biol. 20 (8): 1998–2004. PMID jama.293.21.2641. PMID 15928286.
External links
[8] Ornish Dean (Jan 1996). Dean Dr. Dean Informational
Ornish’s Programme for Reversing Heart • Total Cholesterol Distribution vs. CHD
Disease Ivy Books. ISBN 0-8041-1038-7. deaths
[9] Ornish, Dean, "et al." (Jul 1990). "’Can • Drug Class Review on Beta Adrenergic
lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart Blockers Sep 2007
disease?’ The Lifestyle Heart Trial.". • [2]
Lancet 336 (8708): 129-33. Organizations
[10] Ornish, D., Scherwitz, L. W., Doody, R. • Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2006
S., Kesten, D., McLanahan, S. M., Brown, Update from the American Heart
S. E. "et al." (1983). "Effects of stress Association
management training and dietary • Cardiovascular Disease Foundation
changes in treating ischemic heart • The British Heart Foundation
disease". JAMA 249 (54). • World Health Organization cardiovascular
[11] Ornish, D., Scherwitz, L. W., Billings, J. disease site
H., Brown, S. E., Gould, K. L., Merritt, T. Public information
A. "et al." (1998). "Intensive lifestyle • Informations
changes for reversal of coronary heart website for patients, families and care
disease". JAMA (280). givers with animations, interviews and
[12] Vanhecke TE, Miller WM, Franklin BA, glossary - Created by the Heart Failure
Weber JE, McCullough PA (Oct 2006). Association of the European Society of
"Awareness, knowledge, and perception Cardiology.
of heart disease among adolescents". Eur

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Categories: Cardiovascular diseases, Medical conditions related to obesity

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