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Marking Scheme Class X Practice Test

1. ‘Young Italy’ and Young Europe’.


Vietnam`s partition.

2. Portuguese Missionaries


Shrinivas Das

3. As old alluvial (Bangar) and new alluvial (Khadar).

4. Four ties

5. Collateral is an asset that the borrower owns (such as land, building, vehicle, livestocks,
deposits with banks) and uses this as a guarantee to a lender until the loan is repaid.

6. Foreign investient

7. Consumers have the right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices and exploitation. If
any damage is done to a consumer, she has the right to get compensation depending on the
degree of damage

8. The different stages that led to the final unification of Germany are recounted as under and in
all the stages Otto Von Bismarck, the Persian Chancellor, played the important role:

(i) The First Stage- To unite Germany and to Frame constitution for United Germany, a
Constitution Assembly met at Frankfurt. This assembly proposed the unification of
Germany under the King of Prussia. The King of Prussia, however, opposed the idea
of becoming a constitutional monarch and declined the offer. Repression soon
followed and thousands of German revolutionaries fled to live in exile. Thus ended the
first phase of the unification of Germany.
(ii) The Second Stage: War against Denmark, 1864- Bismarck picked up a quarrel with
Denmark over the question of control of two Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. In
1864 A.D. he fought war against Denmark and took control of Schleswig.
(iii) The Third Stage: War against Austria, 1866- Bismarck wanted to complete the
unification of Germany by ousting Austria from Germany. In 1855 A.D. Prussia
defeated Austria and annexed the territories of Hanover, Holstein, Luxemburg,
Frankfurt, etc. Thereby dissolving the German confederation once for all. It paved the
way for the subsequent unification of Germany.
(iv) The Fourth Stage: War against France, 1870-1871- In 1870 A.D. Prussia defeated
France in another war occupied Alsace and Lorraine. The impact of Prussia’s
impressive victories was so great that the other German starts also joined the German
Confederation which recognised the Prussian King as its hereditary head.

Features of the ‘Go East Movement’ are as follows:

(i) Both, Japan and China being very close to Vietnam provided models for those who
were inspired by the spirit of nationalism.
(ii) Not, only this, to some other Vietnamese people who were escaping the French
police, Japan and China provided an ideal place.
(iii) These countries could provide a location where a wider network of Asian
revolutionaries could be easily established.
(iv) These early Vietnamese who looked for foreign arms and help expected to get the
same from Japanese as fellow Asians.
(v) Japan had proved its military capability by defeating Russia in 1907. So it held a great
attraction upon the Vietnamese youth.

9. The novel in colonial India was quite useful to the nationalist in more than one way:

(i) It attacked the various social evils prevailing in the society but also suggested
remedies for them.
(ii) Again, the novel took up the cause of poor people and other down-trodden sections
of the society, condemned their economic exploitation and pleaded justice for them.
(iii) The novels also took up the cause of nationalism and urged the people to be true to
their culture and for the freedom of their country.
(iv) Some of these novels when translated into English proved all the more useful in
knowing the intricacies of the Indian society and thus helped them to administer the
country in a far better way.

Thus, the novel was useful both for the colonialist as well as for the nationalists.


There is no denying the fact that the print also connected the different people and communities
and stimulated among them the spirit of togetherness, oneness and nationalism.

There is no doubt that the print culture, both Indian press and the literature, also played a
vital part in the growth of nationalism in India. In the 19th century, a large quantity of national
literature to fight against British imperialism. The Indian press also contributed in arousing the
national consciousness among the people of India. Newspaper like ‘Indian Mirror’. ‘Bombay
Samachar’. ‘the Amrit Bazar Patrik’. ‘The Hindu’, ‘the Kesari’a nd several others had a great
influence on the political life of this country. A Continuous pouring in of national articles by
such great patriots as Bankin Chander Chatterjee, Din Bandhu Mitr, Rabinder Nath Tagore and
Lokmanya Tilak etc, slowly and slowly worked a miracle in rousing political consciousness
among the Indians and prepared them for the national struggle.

10. . i) Provide electricity ii) Control floods iii) source of irrigation iv) Water supply to remote
areas v) development of tourism.
Any other relevant point

11. i) collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, abolition of zamindari

ii) The green & White revolution.
iii) crop insurance, establishment of grameen banks & cooperative societies.
iv) Issuing of Kisan credit card & personal insurance schemes.
v) special weather bulletins & agricultural programmes for farmers.

12. (i)Now it is constitutionally mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies.

(ii) Seats are reserved in the elected bodies and the executive heads of these institutions for the
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.

(iii) At least one-third of all positions are reserved for women.

(iv) An independent institution called the State Election Commission has been created in each
State to conduct panchayat and municipal elections.
(v) The State governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government
bodies. The nature of sharing varies from State to State.

13. In World Development Reports, brought out by the World Bank, this
criterion is used in classifying countries. Countries with per capita income of
US$ 12736 per annum and above in 2013, are called rich countries and those
with per capita income of US$ 1045 or less are called low-income countries.
India comes in the category of low middle income countries because its per
capita income in 2013 was just US$ 1570 per annum. Human Development
Report published by UNDP compares countries based on the educational
levels of the people, their health status and per capita income they are
factors of HDI.

14. First of all, the outcome depends on how people perceive their identities.
If people see their identities in singular and exclusive terms, it becomes very
difficult to accommodate.
Second, it depends on how political leaders raise the demands of any
community. It is easier to accommodate demands that are within the
constitutional framework and are not at the cost of another community.
Third, it depends on how the government reacts to demands of diferent
groups. As we saw in the examples of Belgium and Sri Lanka, if the rulers are
willing to share power and accommodate the reasonable demands of
minority community, social divisions become less threatening for the
country. But if they try to suppress such a demand in the name of national
unity, the end result is often quite the opposite. Such attempts at forced
integration often sow the seeds of disintegration

15.(i) The passion for respect and freedoi are the basis of deiocracy.

(ii) Deiocracy is based on eqality.

(iii)Legal basis which works on the principal of individual freedoi and dignity.(any other
relevant point)

16. Grameen Bank of Bangladesh is one of the biggest success stories in reaching the poor to
meet their credit needs at reasonable rates. Started in the 1970s as a small project, Grameen Bank
in October 2014 has over 8.63 million members in about 81,390 villages spread across
Bangladesh. Almost all of the borrowers are women and belong to poorest sections of the
society. These borrowers have proved that not only are poor women reliable borrowers, but that
they can start and run a variety of small income-generating activities successfully.

17. In recent years, the central and state governments in India are taking special steps to attract
foreign companies to invest in India. Industrial zones, called Special Economic Zones (SEZs),
are being set up. SEZs are to have world class facilities: electricity, water, roads, transport,
storage, recreational and educational facilities. Companies who set up production units in the
SEZs do not have to pay taxes for an initial period of five years.Government has also allowed
flexibility in the labour laws to attract foreign investment. rights. In the recent years, the
government has allowed companies to ignore many of these. Instead of hiring workers on a
regular basis, companies hire workers ‘flexibly’ for short periods when there is intense pressure
of work. This is done to reduce the cost of labour for the company. However, still not satisfied,
foreign companies are demanding more flexibility in labour laws

18. Markets do not work in a fair manner when producers are few and powerful whereas
consumers purchase in small amounts and are scattered. This happens especially when large
companies are producing these goods. These companies with huge wealth, power and reach can
manipulate the market in various ways. At times false information is passed on through the
media, and other sources to attract consumers. For example, a company for years sold powder
milk for babies all over the world as the most scientific product claiming this to be better than
mother’s milk. It took years of struggle before the company was forced to accept that it had been
making false claims. Similarly, a long battle had to be fought with court cases to make
cigarettemanufacturing companies accept that their product could cause cancer. Hence, there is a
need for rules and regulations to ensure protection for consumers.

19. i) India`s exports and imports nearly halved between 1928-1934.

ii) Agriculture prices fell sharply.
iii) Peasants producing for the world markets were worst hit.
iv) Peasants indebtedness increased.
v) Peasants used up their savings and sold jewellary to meet the expenditure.


i) Indian industrialist avoided a direct competition with the British goods.

ii) They produced coarse cotton yarn and this was exported to china.
iii) As the swadeshi movement gathered momentum, industrialists pressurised the government to
increase tariff protection.
iv) The export of Indian yarn to china declined, industrialists began shifting from yarn to cloth
v) During the first world war, the British government called upon the Indian mills to produce
goods for British army.

Social changes- Population was increasing. To decongest the city & solve the housing crisis,
British government made houses. The city expanded beyond the range where people could walk
to work. This made the underground railways essential for London.

Criticism- i)Problem of asphyxiation & heat.

ii) Houses were knocked down for its construction.
iii) Added the mess & unhealthy enviornment of the city.

20. (i) One of the iost iiportant features of the Civil Disobedience Moveient was the large scale
partcipaton Of woien. During Gandhiei’s aalt March, thousands of woien partcipated in iarches,
ianufactured salt and picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops. Many went to eail.
(ii) In urban areas, these woien were froi high caste educated faiily e.g. aaroeini Naidu, aatyavat Devi,
Kaiala Nehru, Vieayalakshii Pandit, Kasturba Gandhi, etc. In rural areas, woien caie froi rich peasant
(iii)Bengal being the nerve centre of feiale educaton in India, increased the woien’s partcipaton in
natonalisi. In 1930, woien rallied before Bethune College, Calcuta in support of Gandhiei’s Civil
Disobedience Moveient.
(iv) In Boibay, large secton of woien of Guearat coiiunity was infuenced by Gandhiei’s idealisi and
partcipated in Natonal Moveient. But all these partcipaton were syibolic, woien were not allowed
to hold an positon of authority for a long tie.
1) Surrender of Titles 2) Boy Cott of Legislative Councils 3) Boy Cott of law courts by the

lawyer 4) Boy cott of Govt. School of College and with drawal of children from these school and

college 5) Boy Cott of British Goods.

21. .(i) Eiployient generaton

(ii) aource of foreign exchange

(iii) Reduces pressure froi agriculture

(iv) Reioval of econoiic probleis.

(v) Proper utlizaton of raw iaterial

22. .(i) Constructon costs of roads is iuch lower than that of rail lines

(ii) Roads can transverse relatvely higher gradients of slope useful for iountain areas

(iii) Econoiical in transportaton –sialler aiount of goods and persons over short

(iv) Provides door to door service.


Merits of air transport:

1. Fastest, comfortable and most prestigious mode of transport.
2. It covers very difficult terrains like mountains, deserts, dense forests with great ease.
Air transport is considered an important part of transport in the north-eastern part of India

1. Big Rivers: It is difficult to construct roadways, railways due to presence of big rivers
like Brahmaputra.

2. Dissected Relief: Uneven surface is most suitable for the construction of road and

3. Dense Forest: It hampers the construction of road and railways.

4. International Frontiers: International borders of Bangladesh, Myanmar, China etc. can

be easily travelled by airways.

23. Influence of caste on politics :

(i) While choosing the candidate political parties consider the caste composition .

(ii) While forming a government political parties take care of the representatives from different
caste to find place in the government.

(iii) Political parties make appeal to the caste sentiments to win in election.

(iv) Some time political partiesare known to favour particular caste .

(v) One person one vote one value compelled political parties to bring caste sentiments into

24. Following reforms can be advised to strengthen parties:

1. To prevent defection, the law has been made by the parliament.

2. It has been made mandatory by the Supreme Court to file an affidavit giving details of
property, criminal cases etc. of candidates contesting elections.

3. The Election Commission passed an order making it necessary for parties to file their
income tax returns.

4. It should be made mandatory for parties to give one-third of their party

tickets to women candidates.

5. There should be state funding of elections.

(Any other relevant point)

Political parties are necessary in a democracy due to following reasons:

i) In democracies, political parties contest elections for the formation of the government.
ii) Various policies and programmes are prepared by the
parties based on which the
voter decides to vote.
iii) When the political party form the government, it makes laws for the country.
iv) Political parties which are in opposition put a check on the functioning of the
government by criticising them for any wrong policies or politics.
v) Parties by supporting various pressure groups and movements shape the opinion of
the public.
vi) Parties’ help people access the government machinery and help them utilise the
benefits of the welfare schemes.

25. ahai works in aecondary or Manufacturing aector where as Rahul works in the
Tertary or aervice aector

Role of Secondary/Manufacturing Sector –

This sector covers actvites in which natural products are changed into other foris
through ways of ianufacturing that we associate with industrial actvity, hence it is
also called as industrial sector.

The product in this sector has to be iade and therefore soie process of
ianufacturing is essental, iay be in a factory, a workshop or at hoie. For
exaiple, using coton bre froi the plant, spinning yarn and weaving cloth etc

This sector provides large scale eiployient and helps in earning huge revenue. It
helps in the developient of a naton.

Role of Tertiary/Service Sector –

These are actvites that help in the developient of the priiary and secondary sectors.
These actvites, by theiselves, do not produce a good but they are an aid or a support for
the producton process. For exaiple, goods need to be transported by trucks or trains and
then sold in wholesale and retail shops; they have to be stored in godowns

ao, transport, storage, coiiunicaton, banking, trade are soie exaiples of tertary
actvites. aince these actvites generate services, the tertary sector is also called the
service sector. It also includes services of teachers, doctors, and those who provide
personal services such as washer ien, barbers, cobblers, lawyers, and people to do
adiinistratve and accountng works. In recent ties, certain new services based on
inforiaton technology such as internet cafe, ATM booths, call centres, sofware
coipanies etc. have becoie iiportant.
aervice sector contributes the iost to the natonal econoiy these days and is further

26. (i)Dandi

(ii) Calcutta

27. (ii)(a)Ajmer


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