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AIM:Introduction and implementation of R-Language

2.1 Introduction: R is a programming language and free software environment

for statistical computing and graphics supported by R foundation for statistical
computing .It is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing
statistical software and data analysis polls.

2.2 Features:
1. R language and its libraries implement wide variety of statistical and graphical
2. It is easily extensible through functions and extensions.
3. R community is noted for its active contributions in terms of packages.
4. R is static graphics.
5. R has rd, its own LaTeX -like documentation format.

2.3 implementation:

1) Variable: Variable is any value whose value is not fixed.In r language there is no
need to write data type of variable. It can assign value either using arrow <- or
using assignment character = .
Syntax: variable<- value assign or variable =value assign

2) Vectors: It is simplest data structure in r language. A vector is a sequence of data

elements of same basic type.
3. List:It is the object which contain elements of different type- like
strings,numbers,vectors.It also contain matrix or a function.

4. Operators: R language has mainly 4 categories of operators in R programming

1) Arithmetic operators:+,-,*,/,^,%%
2) Relational operator: <,>,==,<=,>=,!=
3) Logical operator: &,|,1,&&,||
4) Assignment operator:=,<-,->,<<-,->>

5) Matrices:Matrices are the R objects in which the elements are arranged in 2-

rectangular layout. They are similar to vector but they additionally contain the
dimension attribute.
Syntax: m1<-matrix(range,no. of rows,no. of columns,Byrow=True/False)

2.4 functions in R- language: A function in R programming environment,is set

of instructions.A programmer builds a function to avoid same repeating text or
reducing complexity.
1) Built in functions: there are mainly 3 kinds of built in functions.
A. General functions
B. Maths function
C. Statistical function
2) User Define functions: functions written by user is known as user defined
function.It involves name,arguments and a body.
Syntax:Function name<-function(arguments)
Computations on the arguments
Some other code
Call a function:Function name(parameters)
Example: Evaluate the power of any number
Solution: abc<-function(x,y)
Call abc function:abc(5,2)

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