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To: Vice- President

From: Payroll manager

Date: 9/16/2019

Re: Negotiations and Implementation of the new union collective bargaining

In regard to the planned negotiations on the new union collective agreements, I would like to
take part in the negotiation process in order to prevent problems that have been experienced
previously during implementation.

The following problems have been encountered previously due to the absence of the payroll
manager during the negotiations.

1. Limited time of adjusting to the new changes. Absence of the Payroll Manager during
negotiations means that the manager has to be informed on the agreement on a later date.
This can delay implementation if the changes take effect immediately after agreement.
Inclusion can facilitate fast implementation.
2. Previously, absence of the Payroll Manager deters the opinions of the manager
concerning the willingness of the law to make the changes in total compliance without
compromising payroll processes. It is only the payroll manager who well understands the
logistics involved in his department. This has not been represented in the past
3. Exclusion of the Payroll manager, whose department is a shareholder has does not result
to the mutual solving of the problem. This therefore has led to the poor relationship
between the employers and the employee. Late processing and implementation of the
collective bargaining agreement lowers the members’ morale.
4. Exclusion of the Payroll Manager also led to passing agreements which are not feasible
based on the union operation and capacity. This can only be identified by the Payroll
Manager. Some agreements may be cumbersome to implement for example reduction of
payroll cycles may be a challenge to other employers.
5. Also, a Payroll Manager understands the challenges related to payrolls and can, therefore,
suggest the probable solution during the negotiations. Exclusion of the manager infers
that these problems cannot be addressed adequately.

Therefore, the Payroll Manager should be involved during the negotiations and implementation.


Joel Adams

Payroll Manager

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