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(A Central University Established by the Central Universities Act, 2009 No. 25 of 2009)


Department of CSIT PROJECT
Hospital management system



ROLL NO.16207105

I would like to thank MR SUMAN LAHA, Bilaspur (C.G.) under whose

supervision this training was carried out, for his valuable guidance
throughout the training period.

I would also like to thank Pro. P. Pujari , Head of department of GURU

GHSIDAS UNIVERSITY,Bilaspur(C.G.) for her kind permission to carry out
project in this institute with all facilities.

I would also like to thank My friends “Chitrakant Sahu ,Laxmikant patel

,Akhilesh kamal , Dayanand Sahu “ who took her valuable time out from her
own work and extended helping hands towards me by providing me the vital
information regarding this project and completion of it in time.

I would also like to thank staff members of the institute for their kind help,
support and valuable knowledge without which this training would not have
been possible.

Last but not the least I would like to thank my parents for their help in
pursuing my education at every level. .

Lastly I am thankful to the almighty father who has bestowed me with such a
wonderful environment within which I exist


Department of CSIT
Guru GhasidasVishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G.) 495009
(A central university established by the act of parliament 2009 No. 25 of 2009)

This is to certify that AKHILESH SINGH KSHATRI has worked on graduate
dissertation project entitled “HOSPITAL MANEGEMENT SYSTEM” for the
partial fulfillment as part of Bsc. Computer Science degree. I am
forwarding this project to the University for the Award of Computer
Science, during the academic session -2019.

Mr.Suman laha
Department of CSIT
(A Central University)

Forwarding Certificate

This certifies that AKHILESH SINGH KSHATRI Computer Science

project report entitled “HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” for the
fulfillment as part of requirements of Computer Science degree.
I am forwarding this project report to the University for the
Computer Science degree during the academic session 2018-19.

MRS. P. Pujari
(Head of the department)
Dept. of CSIT
( A central University)


I AKHILESH SINGH KSHATRI here by declare that the dissertation entitled

“HOSPITAL MANGEMENT SYSTEM” is a record research work done by
me under the supervision and guidance of Mr.SUMAN LAHA,
department of CSIT Guru Ghasidas University, KoniBilaspur, and that it
has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate
ship, fellowship or any other similar titles.


( 6th sem CSIT)

Chapter Contents Page No.

1 Introduction 7

2 Purpose 8

3 Scope 8

4 System requirement 9

5 Working On Present system 10

6 Proposed System 10

7 Feasibility Study 12

8 Conclusion 15

9 Screenshots page 16

HOSPITAL MANGEMENT SYSTEM is software which is helpful for

authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It
is very time consuming and

costly. Our HOSPITAL MANGEMENTSystem deals with the various

DISEASES control the treatment

There are mainly 2 modules in this software

1. Admin module 2.User Module .

In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types,
hospital user and administrator.

Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit and delete a
user. A hospital employee can register as

user and can add edit and delete his profile. The administrator can add
edit and delete details of the employee. All the users can see the
hospital details

1 this project is about designing a hospital management system

Using the attractive feature.

2 Hospital management system is a software to automate most of the
day to day activities of a hospital.

3 it help in reducing waiting time as patient registration is relatively

faster than traditional paper work and also emergency patient.

4 it also helps in faster diagnosis as patient history and suggestion by

other docters are available at hand

5.pharmecy can work with greater efficiency as store management is

automated and more ortants the docter is available

6.this project is designed visual basic

Our hospital management system designed to help indivisual update
print delete and possibly control your expenses. It supports registration
and information and check out online payment system of hospital
management of both your expenses and income. This hospital
management system provides an integrated set of features to help you
to manage the hospital in the efficient manner.

Hospital management system is a system which will keep a online
payement help of Income-Expense of a patient on a day to day basics,
This System takes Income from patient and divides inhospital
management system allowed, If u exceed that days expense it will cut if
from your income and give hospital management System will generate
report at the end of month to show Income-Expense Curve. It will let
you add the savings amt which you had saved for some particular
medical chekup treatment.

Technology Used:-
The scope of the project is the system on which the software is
installed, i.e. the project is developed as a desktop application, and it
will work for a particular Hospital. But later on the project can be
modified to operate it online.

System Requirement:-
Hardware System Requirement :-

Minimum RAM:-256 MB
Hard Disk:-40 GB
Processor:-Intel Pentium 4
Software System Requirement :-
Windows XP /2000/98.
Existing System:
In the existing manual system a lot of time is spent in communicating
the information across different branches.There is a need for an
integrated automated system, which has some centralized control
over the entire process. Conventional System makes use of huge
amounts of paper for recording transactions. The existing system is a
manually maintained system. All the Hotel records are to be
maintained for the details of each customers, Fee details, Room
Allocation , Attendance etc. All these details are entered and
retrieved manually.
Working Of Present System
In the present system all work is done on paper. The whole session data
is stored in register and at the and of the session the reports are
generated. We are not interested in generating report in the middle of
the session or as per the requirement because it because the retrieval
of data is very slow and data is not maintained efficiently.
• User Friendly:- The proposed system is user friendly because
the retrieval and storing of data is fast and data is maintained
efficiently. Moreover the graphical user interface is provided in
the proposed system, which provides user to deal with the
system very easily.
• Reports are easily generated: reports can be easily generated
in the proposed system so user can generate the report as per
the requirement (monthly) or in the middle of the session. User
can give the notice to the data so become regular.
• Very less paper work: The proposed system requires very less
paper work. All the data is feted into the computer immediately
and reports can be generated through computers. Moreover
work become very easy because there is no need to keep data
on papers.

• Computer operator control: Computer operator control will

be there so no chance of errors. Moreover storing and retrieving
of information is easy. So work can be done speedily and in time.
1. Login Form
This login Form is made For Security purpose. So only
Authenticated User only Access in to the Project. There are two
Type of persons can enter in the project
1. Administrator 2. User
2. Hospital management SYSTEM

2. Add Information Form

This form is showed when authorized administrator enters his
correct User Name and Password. This Form gives the option to
fill the new item and the new feature.
Hospital management SYSTEM
3.New Item Information Form
This form enables the Administrator to fill the name of New item
and there feature where the user Id will change automatically
when a item is saved in the Database. And course Will Be remain
same because this System is made for New Item.
4. hospital manage form
The Hospital Administration can handle administrative functions
in a hospital. To manage Curriculum focuses like accounting,
finance, human resource management, information systems,
management, marketing, hospital laws and many more By the
Hospital administration .

5. User Form
This form is opened when user fill up his correct User Name and
Password and User Type Is user. This form enables the user to fill
up data of every form and see which data is short listed and
what is the total information of each individual data in a
particular form and in a particular month.

Feasibility study Feasibility Study of Hospital Management System

1. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hospital Management Business Case is

aimed to provide a self-diagnosis for user staying far from the hospital.
The software product to be produced is a Hospital Management System
which will automate the major hospital operations. This application will
be useful to the people who are far away from the hospitals and the
patients can get treatment when the doctor is not available in hospital
also. This system will be helpful to the people who are busy with their
professional work. Because, they can get doctor suggestions through
online and can share their problems with doctor. The self-diagnosis
feature helps the patient for taking medicine without consulting the
doctor. But, it can provide treatment up to some level that means
rectifiable diseases without doctor suggestion with some dosage of
tablets. This may be useful to the patients who are in far distance from
hospital and to the doctors also to interact with patients in or out of the
hospital. Administrator can update medicines in database frequently.
We can facilitate a suggestion box to the patients to improve my
application. INTRODUCTION The system aimed to the Self-diagnosis
with advanced hospital management system is to provide a self test to
the patient, if hospitals are not available in near places. Our project
includes registration of patients, storing their details into the system and
also computerized billing in the pharmacy, and labs. This application is
developed by using one of the heuristic search techniques in artificial
intelligence i.e. greedy local search. This system provides an additional
facility, that is patient can interact with an appropriate doctor through
online chatting or discussion forum. Patient can get appropriate
suggestions to his problem. PURPOSE The purpose of this project is to
automate the major hospital operations. The self-diagnosis feature
helps the patient for taking medicine without consulting the doctor. But,
it can provide treatment up to some level that means rectifiable
diseases without doctor suggestion with some dosage of tablets. Our
software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient and stores
the details of every patient and the staff automatically. It includes a
search facility to know the current status of each room. User can search
availability of a doctor and the details of a patient using the id. The
Hospital Management system can be entered using a username and
password. It is accessible by the administrator. Only he can add data
into the database. The data can be retrieved easily. The interface is
very user-friendly. The data are well protected for personal use and
makes the data processing very fast. TARGET AUDIENCE
2. 2. This application will be useful to the people who are far away from
the hospitals and the patients can get treatment when the doctor is not
available in hospital also. This system will be helpful to the people who
are busy with their professional work. Because, they can get doctor
suggestions through online and can share their problems with doctor.
self-diagnosis with hospital management system is to provide a self-
test to the patient, if hospitals are not available in near places. This
system provides an additional facility, that is patient can interact with an
appropriate doctor through online chatting or Discussion forum. This
system includes registration of patients, storing their details into the
system, and also computerized billing in the pharmacy, and labs
ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT This system can be helpful to the hospital
management, because it consists of patient billing system from the time
of admission in the hospital. Patient billing means the payment for the
doctor, dispensaries, medicines and staff. This application useful to the
people who are far away from the hospitals and the patients can get
treatment when the doctor not available in hospital also. BUSINESS
IMPACT All the medicines information is stored in the database tables
for each disease, as well as symptoms also maintained in the tables.
Details of doctors and patients will be maintained in the tables. The
software will be having security functions to keep the user’s record
safely. Hospital management application will be made available for any
users. The availability of the software will be 24/7 hrs. PROCESS
IMPACT User don’t need appointment to meet the doctors, they can
directly discuss their problem with doctor in our online discussion forum
or can send their queries. An app is made of the HMS software. The
end users can use this alternative while travelling or in emergency. The
app will contain basic functions like self-diagnosis and medicine
prescription. This app will be free and no registration is required for the
users having login with the product. SOLUTION OBJECTIVES Our
system helps general people for suggesting the required medicine. In a
modern era, less people are going to use homeopathic medicines,
because it takes much time to recover from problem. So, this system
would be helpful to develop that type of self-diagnosis system for
pharmaceutical medicines.
3. 3. SOLUTION SOLUTION STATEMENT The goal of any system
development is to develop and implement the system cost effectively;
user-friendly. This suggestion may be in the two forms. First suggestion
may be an appropriate medicine based on symptom Intensity level.
Second suggestion may be a specialized doctor meeting that means his
disease may be in a critical state. ANTICIPATED IMPROVEMENTS
The first step in system development life cycle is the identification of
need of change to improve or enhance an existing system. The cost of
using this software will be minimal as it will be used by the people
staying in remote area and urban area. The user doesn’t need
appointment to meet the doctor; they can directly discuss their problem
with doctor in our online discussion forum or can send their queries.
Using this software will save the doctoral fees and extra charges that
are above the reach of common people. SOLUTION IMPACT There is
no need of being technically expertise to use the software. A person
having basic knowledge of computer can use the software. This has
been discovered that many people have to wait for long in scheduling
appointment with the doctors, but this problem is also solved by our
software. Hospital management system created the computerized
hospital environment by eliminating the manual work by the staff. This
system (HMS) provides online diagnosis, retrieval and updating facility.
This system provides very less paper work and everything is stored
electronically. Information can be retrieved very easily without searching
into registers. SOLUTION RATIONALE Users just need to register once
and can use the services without any kind of inconvenience. They don’t
need appointment to meet the doctors; they can directly discuss their
problem with doctor in our online discussion forum or can send their
queries. ALTERNATIVES ALTERNATIVE 1: An app is made of the
HMS software. The end users can use this alternative while travelling or
in emergency. The app will contain basic functions like self-diagnosis
and medicine prescription. This app will be free and no registration is
required for the users having login with the product. ALTERNATIVE 2:
4. 4. 20% 30% 20% 25% 5% Effort Distribution Requirement analysis
Design Coding Tesing Support Mobile number of the consulting doctors
will be provided for emergencies. In case of there is patient in serious
condition then he can contact their respective physician or doctors.
ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES:- This system (HMS) provides online
diagnosis, retrieval and updating facility. This system provides very less
paper work and everything is stored electronically. Information can be
retrieved very easily without searching into registers. Alternative 1 will
bring the attraction of majority of people as nowadays 90% of the
people stay connected with their mobile phones. Alternative 2 will make
the users more secure especially for the handicapped and the old age
people. But there will be a fine of $50 in case of unnecessary calls.
METRICS USED:- Performance metric is being used in the Hospital
Management System. The objective of this metric is to measure
productivity of resources involved in project and let PM assess over or
under-utilization cases. Utilization% = Total Effort spent by
resource/Total Budgeted Effort for the resource Budgeted effort is the
planned billable work of resource. Any over-utilization and under-
utilization indicated by this metric has an impact on the project’s
5. 5. COST AND BENEFIT ANALYSIS To assess economic feasibility,
management has to analyze costs and benefits associated with the
proposed project. The capital cost of a project affects the economic
evaluation. Cost estimating is essentially an intuitive process that
attempts to predict the final outcome of a future capital expenditure.
Even though it seem impossible to come up with the exact number of
costs and benefits for a particular project during this initial phase of the
development process. COST AND BENEFIT ANALYSIS Developing an
IT application is an investment. Since after developing that application it
provides the organization with profits. Profits can be monetary or in the
form of an improved working environment. However, it carries risks,
because in some cases an estimate can be wrong. And the project
might not actually turn out to be beneficial. Cost benefit analysis helps
to give management a picture of the cost, benefits and risks. It usually
involves comparing alternate investments. Cost benefit determines the
benefits and savings that are expected from the system and compares
them with the expected costs. In performing cost and benefit analysis it
is important to identify cost and benefits factors. Cost and benefits can
be categorized into the following categories: 1. Development Costs –
Development costs is the costs that are incurred during the
development of the system. It is one time investment. 2. Operating
Costs – Operating Costs are the expenses required for the day to day
running of the system. Examples of Operating Costs are Wages,
Supplies and Overheads.
6. 6. Both Decreasing costs, or  Increasing income, or  BENEFITS
We can define benefits as Profit or Benefit = Income – Costs Benefits
can be accrued by: 3. Hardware/Software Costs – It includes the cost
of purchasing or leasing of computers and it’s peripherals. Software
costs involves required S/W costs. 4. Personnel Costs – It is the money
spent on the people involved in the development of the system. 5.
Facility Costs – Expenses that are incurred during the preparation of the
physical site where the system will be operational. These can be wiring,
flooring, acoustics, lightning, and air- conditioning. 6. Supply Costs –
These are variable costs that are very proportionately with the amount
of use of paper, ribbons, disks, and the like.

Project is related to Hospital Management System. The project maintains two
levels of users:• Administrator Level-Doctor • User Level-Data Entry
Operator Main facilities available in this project are:• Maintaining records of
indoor/outdoor patients. • Maintaining patients diagnosis details, advised
tests to be done. • Providing different test facilities to a doctor for diagnosis
of patients. X-Ray Urine Test Stool Test Sonography Test Gastroscopy Test
Colonoscopy Test Blood Test Biochemistry Test • Maintaining patient’s
injection entry records. • Maintaining patient’s prescription, medicine and
diet advice details. • Providing billing details for indoor/outdoor patients. •
Maintaining backup of data as per user requirements (between mentioned
dates). • If user forgets his/her password then it can be retrieved by hint
question. In this project collection of data is from different pathology labs.
Results of tests, prescription, precautions and diet advice will be
automatically updated in the database. Related test reports, patient details

1. The complete Reference Visual Basic.NET

2. Beginning VB.NET (W rox Publication)

3. System Analysis and Design – Alias M. Awad

4. Software Engineering – Roger Pressman


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