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7th grade


Test Paper

Name: Date:

I. Choose the correct answer: (5*2p=10p)

1. __________________ my smartphone?

A. What’s C. When’s

B. Where’s D. Why’s

2. One of my chores is _____________the table.

A. laying C. making

B. loading D. tidying

3. Which is correct?

A. She’s quick walking. C. She’s walking quick.

B. She’s quickly walking. D. She’s walking quickly.

4. Where are you going?

A. I’m not. C. To home

B. Slowly D. To the office

5. ____________you at 8 o’clock last night?

A. Where were C. Where was

B. Were where D. Was where

II. Complete the phrases with make or do to express activities that you do at home.

1. _________________the washing-up

2. _________________a cup of tea

3. _________________the ironing
7th grade

4. __________________the vacuuming

5. __________________the beds

III. Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with adverbs of manner. (5*3p=15p)

Happily hard loudly quickly sadly

1. The man is talking in a very high voice.

2. The dog is running around content.

3. Tidy the house fast. Mum and dad are on their way home!

4. We are unhappy that we’re moving to another city in a month’s time!

5. I’m working a lot for my test.

IV. Complete the dialogue. (5*5p=25p)

 Exactly! Next you calmly set up your composition.

 OK, no problem! Are you ready? Say cheese!
 That’s easy to do! So when you’re ready you simply pose and click!
 Well, first you need to carefully choose the background.
 Yes! Then you check it’s appropriate to take a photo.

Rose: So how do you take a good selfie?

Jim: 1__________________________________________________________________________


Rose: So that it’s not too dark or too light?

Jim: 2___________________________________________________________________________


Rose: Do you mean because some people react badly to people taking selfies?

Jim: 3___________________________________________________________________________


Rose: Oh I always do that badly! I usually cut off people’s heads!

Jim: 4 __________________________________________________________________________
7th grade


Rose: You make it sound easy. Go on then! Take a selfie of us!

Jim: 5 __________________________________________________________________________


V. Write about the house chores you do at home. (20p)

20p for granted

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