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Rabies Exposure Registry System

Balagtas, Bulacan

A Thesis Project
Presented to
The Faculty of STI College – Balagtas

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Submitted by:

Fernandez, Reinhard

Tandiama, Adrian Kenneth D.

1.0 Introduction

In this study, the analysis will tackle deeply about the flow of the existing manual
rabies exposure registry system while emphasizing what problems and disadvantages
clinics usually encounters and make it possible to diminish or eliminate these when the
computerized registry system is built. Explains also if it is economic, technical,
operational, schedule and resource feasible from planning phase of the system up to its
implementation and maintenance phase.

A Rabies Exposure Registry is a system within a treatment center where patients

and doctors, and staff have access to a variety of resources. The goal of the Animal Bite
Treatment Center is to eliminate human rabies as a public health problem with absences
of indigenous cases for human and animal.

The Animal Bite Treatment Center exists to provide a range of learning

opportunities for both large and small groups as well as individuals with a focus on
intellectual content, information literacy, and the learner. In addition to clinic visits with
collaborating doctors, the Animal Bite Treatment Center also serves as a learning space
for patients to do independent work for their animals and how to take care of themselves
when they are bitten; to host special events such as doctor visits and staff clubs; and for
safety and treatment.

Animal Bite Treatment Center function as the responsible for managing the daily
activities at an Animal Bite Treatment Center to ensure that all operations run smoothly.
Duties may include supervising staff members and volunteers, educating shelter visitors
about how to properly care for animals, and managing the budget. So as the role of
nurse/doctor should have stored information for all the information about the animal
patient’s record.

Rabies Exposure Registry

In this study, the developers hope to develop a web-based application that will
minimize all paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing doctors and
staff ease in keeping track of patients, reducing patient’s waiting time and increasing the
number of patients served a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective
and efficient.

1.1 Background of the Study

More than ever, people have become more health conscious and are taking
necessary steps to ensure that they have a sound body and mind – that is why
everyday many people come to clinics or health facility for check-ups and
treatments. A medical clinic is primarily devoted to the diagnosis and care of
patients. Basically, patients spend a substantial amount of time in clinics waiting
for services to be delivered by the doctor or health professional.

The degree to which the patients are satisfied with the care received is relative not
only to the doctor expertise in their field, but also to the quality of the clinic
management. And we all know that as the number of patients continually
increase, managing a clinic can also become increasingly difficult, especially if
everything is done manually.

They currently employ the use of hundreds of index cards to keep the medical
information and make use of filing cabinets as the only area to secure these

Rabies Exposure Registry

1.2 Statement of the Problems

1.2.1 General Problem

How to develop an information system that will help the doctor to manage some
patient records more organize, computerize and precise?

1.2.2 Specific Problems

1. How to keep the records of the patients more safely?

2. How to lessen the time finding a very old patient info?

3. How to keep records of payments for the municipal purposes?

1.3 Statement Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of our study is to design and develop a patient management
solution that will serve as proposal to help doctors save time and resources with the
automation of its patient records and billing records.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To computerize keeping records of patients.

2. To allow doctors/nurse to search complete patient’s record by just typing

the name of the patient.

3. To record the payments with a specific amount and date.

Rabies Exposure Registry

1.4 Significance of the Study

Currently the clinic operates a manual records system. With the introduction
of an automated system the following will be achieved;

Socio-economic significance

In this study, the proposed system will inspire other students to develop an
effective and efficient system.


The proposed system will simplify and automate everyday clinic tasks and can
help maximize time spent with clients thereby providing better service making it more


The proposed system will make it easier for the doctors to manage the clinic and
convenient when it comes to retrieving patient records.

Doctor’s staff

Doctor’s secretary and staff can benefit a lot from this study, as they are an
integral part of the whole clinic management.


Patients are the doctor’s principal assets. And the reason why this study is
conducted is to provide a solution to doctors’ need to better serve their patients.

Rabies Exposure Registry

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study


 The system has a secure log-in for doctors and staff.

 In this proposed system, records of the patients are computerized
and stored for easy accessibility.
 Organize records of payment.


 Web-access of the patients is not included.

 This system is an offline system.
 The system was only designed for Animal Bite Treatment Center in
Balagtas, Bulacan.
 The payment is not automated, it will just record it for Municipality

Rabies Exposure Registry

2.0 Methodology of the Study

In developing the proposed system, the researcher used the waterfall model
developed by Dr. Winston Royce. Each researcher needs method to achieve good results.
The researcher used the Waterfalls method. It is a system development life cycle model
to create a system with a linear and sequential approach. It is divided into different phases
and every phase has to be completed before the next phase starts and there is no going
back to the previous phase and no overlapping of the phases. This system model would
help the proponent to create, design and maintain the proposed system because it
summarizes the main steps to be taken in conjunction with the corresponding deliverables
within computerized system validation framework.

Rabies Exposure Registry

Requirements – In this phase, the requirements of the proposed system are collected by
analyzing the needs of the users. It is concerned about establishing what the ideal system has to
perform. However, it does not determine how the system would be designed or built. The users
are interviewed by the developer and the document called the user requirements document is
generated. The user requirements document would typically describe the system’s functional,
physical, interface, performance, data security requirements as expected of the user.

Design – The proponent analyzed and understands the business of the proposed system by
studying the requirements from the user to figure out the possibilities and techniques by which
the user requirements can be implemented. If any of the requirements are not feasible, the user is
informed of the issue.

Implementation – After code has been generated, unit testing is performed to verify that each
unit meets its specification.

Verification – The programs are integrated and tested as a complete system to ensure that the
system requirements have been met.

Maintenance – involves correcting errors missed in earlier phases of the life cycle,
improving the system implementation, adding performance or functional enhancements or
making changes due to accommodate changes in the system’s external environment. This
is normally the longest phase in the life cycle.

Rabies Exposure Registry

3.0 Data Gathering Procedures and Output

The procedures and output are the varieties that supports data gathering. The tool
used for the research are instruments that provide for collection of data upon which they
were tested. It is essential for the researcher to collect as much reliable information
needed for the investigation of the system to be implemented.

Following techniques to be used;

 Observation – the researcher learned a large portion through the use of

observation method, he was able to identify what the problems or difficulties
experienced by the users in the manual system. This method enabled the
researcher to obtain information objectively. The observation is the simplest
way or procedure of data gathering.

 Interview – the method used to draw information from the interviewee.

Through interview the researcher were aware on how the company for having
the proposed system works its structure and advantages for having it.

 Questionnaire – A research procedure consisting set of questions for the

purpose of collecting information from selected respondents without bias, to
be able to present the proposed system. This method was to secured detailed
facts, views and opinions of the selected respondents. These are made to
obtain their opinions, attitudes and sentiments regarding the study being

Rabies Exposure Registry

 Evaluation – used to know how operationally feasible of having a system is
using a set of criteria to measure the feasibility of the proposed system in
becoming an effective and functional program that users can eventually use.

Following criteria where provided in the evaluation form:

 Accuracy
 Efficiency
 Reliability
 User-Friendliness
 Security

Rabies Exposure Registry

4.0 The Existing System

A Rabies Exposure Registry is a log book within a treatment center or a

clinic that stores the information of all the patients who are bitten by the animals that
goes to this center. Their objective is to eliminate rabies as public health problem with
absences of indigenous cases for human and animal. The nurses of this treatment center
using a manual input for patient records. As a written collection of information about a
patient’s health and treatment, they are used essentially for the present and continuing
care of the patient. It is carry out patient identification and registration procedures. There
used to be a time when working with patient records required a serious amount of time
for all the paperwork and all records were stored at the clinic.

4.1 Company Background

The Rural Health Unit I Clinic is owned by the government at Barangay

Wawa Balagtas, Bulacan. The Animal Bite Treatment Center is inside this hall.
Their vision is to provide a quality of life through effective and efficient delivery
of comprehensive health services and their mission is to deliver promotive,
preventive, curative and rehabilitative quality health services in accessible,
affordable and sustainable manner by utilizing the two-way referral system within
the Municipality through the Unified Local Health System to create support from
local government units and other sector of society.

Rabies Exposure Registry

4.2 Description of the System

The Animal Bite Treatment center is using a manual system, they are
using pens and paper for processing the records of all their patient and the data is
kept in paper file or box files. This system used is very slow and used more
amount of time for processing the records. It is tedious for clinic records which
are processed manually because it will became prone to errors and data loss.

In this treatment center using manual input system, all the tasks are done
manually. Before a patient can received a treatment from a nurse, first of all they
need to register the patient. In registration process they will check either the
person had ever received treatment from the clinic before or not. If the patient had
been received a service before, then they find back their file where a details of
that particular person had been kept.

4.3 Data Flow Diagram

4.4 Data Dictionary

4.5 Problem Areas

The problem of using manual system for patient records is require a

personnel to log the information of a patient using paper and pens. To support paper
files and to organize countless documents. Paper records are also vulnerable from

Rabies Exposure Registry

break in, losing it from the personnel or from a natural disaster that happens such as
fire or flood, so when it happened the data or the information of the patients will be
loss permanently. Also paper has limited space so sometimes the personnel don’t
have enough space on paper to write the information. Paper records is very slow
and tedious because it used more amount of time writing the information of the
patients to the paper.

The manual registration process leads to data redundancy and also

gives an additional workload to the personnel who is in charge. Because if the
patients have received treatment before, then they need to find back the details on
that particular patient in the archive.

Rabies Exposure Registry

5.0 The Developed System

The integrated Rabies Exposure Registry System are planned to be

develop and to transform the manual system. It will fulfill some of the problem that
occurred in manual system. The proposed system is capable in registration process and
billing. All the information of the patient and the history of the patient if they have
received treatment before are stored in this system. The user are responsible to handle the
system, all registration process and payment of the clinic’s bill from patients are done by
the user. This system process is way of working that will reduce time waiting for the
nurse to see the patients themselves.

5.1 System Overview

The idea to build a Rabies Exposure Registry system is to bring an

effectiveness to the to the service of the Animal Bite Treatment Center, because
of the current manual system used by the clinic leads to many problems like data
redundancies and sometimes affect the service towards patients. So as a solution,
computerized system such as Rabies Exposure Registry system should be
implement because it is more efficient compared to the current manual system.

5.2 Process Specification

In Rabies Exposure Registry system, the registration process is done

computerized. This is to avoid any data redundancy. If the patients have once
received treatment before, the information on that patient are still available in the
patient’s record. The user who is in charge for registration process, just need to
key in a keyword and then the proposed system will search through the database
to find out if patient is new or had a records before. The user can directly view the
details about the old patient by searching the patient profile that are available in
the database.

Rabies Exposure Registry

5.2.1 Data Flow Diagram

5.2.2 Data Dictionary

5.3 Data Specification

5.3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

Rabies Exposure Registry

5.3.2 Tables / File Layout

Rabies Exposure Registry

Rabies Exposure Registry
5.4 Screen Layout

 Registration – It will show the patient’s form to register

 Treatment– In this button, you can see the information of how the treatment goes to the
 Patient Record – It shows the lab items of the center, and manages all the laboratories
assets of the center
 Payments – it shows the payment of transaction, the exchanging of service to financial
 Logs – wherein we can export the report of patient record
 Log Out – To signoff

Rabies Exposure Registry

5.5 Report / Form Specifications

Rabies Exposure Registry

5.6 Program / Module Specifications

 Registration – proceed to registration window

 Treatment– proceed to treatment window
 Patient Record – procced to records of patient window
 Payment –proceed to billing transaction window

Rabies Exposure Registry

6.0 System Coding (Prototype)
6.1 Programming Language

The developers used C# as the programming language as it's stricter

than languages like Python or Ruby, you learn more about computer science in
general while programming in C#. At the same time, the learning curve is not
nearly as steep as for C++, so it's a very decent language for a beginner.

It is a general-purpose language designed for developing apps on the

Microsoft platform and requires the .NET framework on Windows to work. C# is
often thought of as a hybrid that takes the best of C and C++ to create a truly
modernized language. Although the .NET framework supports several other
coding languages, C# has quickly become one of the most popular.

6.2 Special Purpose Language Tools

In our proposed system we used SQL to manipulate our databases and we

strictly used C#, a general language for programming.

Rabies Exposure Registry

7.0 System Testing Plan

7.1 Testing Stages

 Alpha Testing is a type of acceptance testing; performed to identify all possible

issues/bugs before releasing the product to everyday users or public. The focus of
this testing to simulate real users by using Black Box and White Box techniques.
The aim is to carry out the tasks that a typical user might perform.
 Beta Testing is the second phase of Software Testing in which a sampling if the
intended audience tries the product out. Beta Testing of a product is performed by
real users of the software application in a real environment. It allows the real
customer an opportunity to provide inputs into the design, functionality and
usability of a product. These inputs are important for the success of the product. It
reduces product failure risks and provides increased quality of the product
through customer validation. It is the final test before shipping a product to the

7.2 Testing Schedules

Task Name Duration Start Finish

Alpha Testing

Beta Testing

Rabies Exposure Registry

8.0 System Implementation Plan

8.1 Resource Requirements

8.1.1 Hardware Requirements

The system must meet minimum hardware requirements to run the system
 Monitor
o LED/LCD Monitor
 Mouse
o Any type of mouse will do.
 System Unit (CPU)
o Any kind or brand of system unit that can run Windows XP
or higher smoothly.
 Memory
o 2 GB RAM
o 128GB minimum for Hard Drive

8.1.2 Software Requirements

These requirements are defined as the program used to run and make the
system function well. The system unit must have the following:

 Microsoft Windows 7 or higher

o The system is Window based Operating System and
required to have Windows 7 or higher.

 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 or higher (C#)

o The programming language that is used to develop the
system and is required to run the program.

Rabies Exposure Registry

8.1.3 Human Requirements

The system that we developed is simple and user friendly such as there is
no special skill is needed to operate the system. Basically, the system will
need a System Administrator and a user. The System Administrator
(Admin) is the one in charge of the entire system. This person should be
knowledgeable in basic computer operation like opening and closing the

8.2 Implementation Plan

8.2.1 Site Preparation

This system is for Animal Bite Treatment Center at Barangay Wawa,

Balagtas, Bulacan.

8.2.2 Personnel Training

We will be having our personnel training on April 22-24, 2019. It will

include the demonstration, discussion and the questions that they may

8.2.3 System Conversion

Since they do not have a computerized system and only using a log book,
the computerized system will be helpful and it will lessen the time to find
an old patient record. They will have an upgraded system, it will be more

Rabies Exposure Registry

8.2.4 Data Conversion

After this, the programmers will help the clients to input the existing
records from the old existing system to the new system.

8.2.5 Implementation Schedule

The implementation schedule would be after the testing schedules, it

would be around 4/22/2019.

Rabies Exposure Registry

9.0 System Maintenance Plan

The developers will be having maintenance on the system every month, and if there’s a
sudden errors or interruptions they just need to call and will fix it immediately on
working hours. The developers will apply the 4 types of maintenance:

 Adaptive - Making changes to an information system to develop its functionality

to changing business needs or to migrate it to a different operating environment.
 Perfective - Improve the system’s efficiency, functionality or maintainability.
 Corrective - Changes made to repair flaws in its design, coding or
implementation of the system.
 Preventive - Changes made to a system to lessen the chance of future system

Rabies Exposure Registry

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