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Personal SWOT

Create a SWOT for yourself, using the following link as a guide to help you
navigate your way through the process. You should have a MINIMUM of 4 things per category.

Strengths: creative, organized, patient, Weaknesses: over organized, procrastinate,

focused ADD, not a morning person,

Opportunities: I get to play soccer every day, I Threats: Soccer practice every day, I run a lot,
get to meet new people every day, I get to Barely any sleep, I get cramps all the time.
help kids in sporting events, I get to learn
something new everyday

When you are done filling in the chart above and reflecting on what kind of job you potentially
want to have one day, think about how you can improve upon any of those categories to
prepare yourself to have that job. List 3-5 SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,
Time Bound) strategies that you can accomplish in the next 1-3 years to help you achieve your
goals. Be specific with your answers below.

1. What is your dream job? Aerospace Engineer

2. Why do you want to have that job? Because it includes a lot of designing which I love to
3. Why do you think you would be good and enjoy that job? I think I would be good at that
job because I am a very creative person when it comes to designing and i would enjoy it
because I just have always loved to design, build, and stuff like that when I was little.
4. List your SMART strategies to help you achieve that job. (Specific) I would like to tone
down myself down when it comes to organization in the workplace in 1 year so I am not
wasting so much time organizing. (Attainable) I would like to improve my mornings by
getting more sleep, not falling back asleep, and have something exciting to look forward
to. (Time Bound) I want to start making a 1 day due time from when i get something that
needs to be done for a year to see if I can develop a way to avoid procrastination.

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