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“A Call for an End of Discrimination Against LGBT Community: The Hindrances of

SOGIE Revelation”

A Qualitative Research presented to the Faculty of

Senior high school High school (SHS) Unit
Ateneo de Davao University
Davao City

In partial fullfilment of the requirements in


Cabaluna, Valery S.
Doctolero, Justin Zack M,
Montes, Jullianne Laberinto L.
Reyes, Ryle Clarence J.
Reyes, Nadine Reign Justine P.
Sabay, Junrey A.

Garde 12 - Bobola

Clarice Angelina Reyes

Practical Research Teacher

October 2019


The rise of the LGBTQ community has been an issue over the years up until the

present time. The community is consisted of unusual types of people who identify

themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. They are not really conforming

to the basic standards in regards with their choice on chosing their partner. The tolerance to

the LGBTQ community have gradually increased, however the members of the said

community are not fully accepted that blocked them in manifesting self-expression,

especially with their families and friends because of the possibility of being discriminated.

Discrimination is an action where people treat people unfairly because of who they are and

what they have become. (Equal Opportunities Commission, 2019) These responses may

cause physical, mental, and emotional damage towards themselves.

In the Philippines, as a country dedicated to Christian traditions and beliefs,

homosexuality is not completely accepted by most citizens. According to the Global Divide

on Homosexuality (2002), 73% Filipinos agreed to accept the concept of homosexuality in

the country. Moreover, the Philippines ranked 10th, out of 17 countries that accepts

homosexuality, despite its religiously inclined culture, however, according to Banas (2012),

there is a strong bias against the LGBTQ’s saying that only talented gay entertainers and

lesbian security guards are accepted and those who are out of these stereotypes are

rejected. According to The Rainbow Project PH (2014), 19.04% of Filipino respondents of

an online survey described them as misfits in this world against the nature and 7.4% of

respondents described them as immoral. The majority of the respondents believed that there is

a moderate intensity of discrimination in the form of bullying within the country. In one of the

Philippine schools located in Olongapo City, a 19-year old gay named Carlos experienced physical

abuse and verbal harassment. His fellow students called him “gay” or “faggot” that frightened the

student to attend school after. (Human Rights Watch, 2017) On the other hand, 14.28% admired
the braveness of the LGBTQ community believe that they deserve love and equal rights. 69.84%

support the LGBTQ community and only 12.69% are against them. Eventually, more of the general

public is now open to embracing the LGBTQ community. According to Being LGBT in Asia: The

Philippines Country Report (2012), promoting understanding is important for it breaks the stigma

and discrimination that the LGBTQ community is facing. Furthermore, this community deserves

protection under education, health, employment, family affairs, media, and politics. The failure in

pushing through this action contributes to a higher risk of LGBTQ members to be mentally and

physically abused and be damaged. (Evangelista, 2017)

In Davao, the LGBTQ community is abused through discrimination due to their sexual

orientation and gender identity and expression (SOGIE). According to Thoreson (2017), homosexuals

are the target of harrasment, bullying and discrimination in workplaces that hinders their coming

out process contributing a negative impact to their mental health. This leads to more difficulty in

some LGBTQ members to accept themselves. According to Aquino (2016), the LGBTQ community is

not asking for special privileges, but the right to be treated equally in accordance with the basic

human rights. According to Barrera (2016), the Davao city passes an anti-discrimination ordinance

that exposes Davaoenos about the existence of the LGBTQ community. This is said to be the solution

in stopping people from discriminating others based on gender, hence it is the way for people to

start upholding gender equality. Pride gatherings exist in Davao that upgrades the strength of the

LGBTQ community in social movements through educating people based with their struggles and

victories. The said gathering unifies the LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ communities succeeding the long-

time objective in accepting the LGBTQ community in our society. Also, this allows everyone to push

their dreams without big dealing one’s SOGIE.

In Ateneo de Davao University, this institution strongly prohibits any form of bullying

by delivering severe punishment to offenders leading to suspension or worst, expulsion. It

also holds anti-bullying campaigns regularly influencing the learners to respect differences
of everyone. In the Jacinto Campus, Fr. Joel E. Tabora S.J. designated an all gender

restrooms increasing understanding and respect for the human needs and sensitivities of

all. In Bangkal Campus, there are also all-gender restrooms that are still under construction.

In the global aspect, the LGBTQ community has been tolerated in the past decade

and it is expected to grow even more tolerated in the decade ahead. However, they are not

totally accepted by the society especially by their family and friends. According to the New

Pew Research Analysis (2013), 56% revealed about their SOGIE to their mothers and 39%

have told their fathers. It was an undeniably difficult situation to confess their SOGIE, despite

the honesty, relationships from their parents were destroyed. In a survey, 39% say that they

were rejected by a family member or a close friend; 30% say that they have been physically

abused; 21% were treated unequally in the schools and workplaces; 58% say that they have

been the target of jokes; 84% were unwelcomed in Muslim region and; 73% in Roman

Catholic religion after fulfilling the process of revealing their SOGIE.

According to Accelerating Acceptance Report (2017), homosexuals dealt with anxiety

and depression at some point of their lives. The unacceptance and judgements from the

society greatly affects how they think about themselves making them feel unloved and

unworthy. In a larger context, the LGBTQ community supporters encourage people to build

camaraderie with the LGBTQ community and let them feel the sense of belongingness

rather than being problematic over their SOGIE. According to NORC at the University of

Chicago (2014), public attitudes toward homosexuals are rapidly changing to reflect greater

acceptance. LAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis believes in quality for everyone and that

LGBTQ community have full rights same with the straight people.

Self-expression may be hard to fulfill nowadays because of the different traditions

and beliefs of the world. However, as the society opens their minds to the new exercises

that the people are embracing in the present time, the genuine acceptance of the SOGIE of

an individual is gradually developing in the hearts of the people. In the modern world, people
are more liberal contributing excellent works making the world a better place to live in

regardless the gender. Everyone is important and worthy. Thus, this study’s objectives are

to hear the stories of the LGBTQ community members in ADDU-SHS regarding their

experiences before knowing that they are part of the LGBTQ community, to know the

struggles they are encountering during their coming out process and to analyze their

realizations, specifically of how can they help themselves and their fellow LGBTQ members

in coming out to the public.

Purpose of the Study

Today in the digital age where people can talk about their thoughts endlessly, the number

of people who judge others have risen. Many fake personalities and fake stories have emerged to

boost one’s popularity. As modern society is focused to let people think in a very open-minded

manner in terms of one’s preferences, the case of homosexual relationships is widely recognized

and respected. A great number of people have found out that they do belong in the said community

and found a new home in it. However, the society are having misconceptions about the uniqueness

of the said community. For them, their being is immoral, therefore are stigmatized especially to

teenagers and workers inside the school institution. These people are thrown harsh judgements and

discriminations, thus they are treated unequally compared to the heterosexual students. This issue

affects the relationships of homosexuals to the community as well as its performance in curricular

and non-curricular activities. The researchers aim to exemplify different kinds of attractions and

sexualities as well as their preferences. It also aims to gain more insight about being part of the

LGBTQ community, their feelings about their sexuality and romantic partners, and the way they feel

about being out in the open. Their experiences about their coming out to their peers and parents.

Did becoming a part of the LGBTQ community affected their lives and did it change drastically? The

researchers would like to dig deep in this field and recognize the struggles and challenges that the

LGBTQ community members have experiences because of their sexuality. Lastly, the researchers
would like to know if there is that much of a difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals in

all aspects of being humans.

Theoretical Lens

Frameworks about the difference of the struggles of a heterosexual and homosexual are

used to identify and analyze how the sexual orientation greatly affects the life of an individual who

is different from what is normal. This section provides an overview of the chosen conceptual

framework used for this study.

Based on a study regarding The Developmental Stages of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual

Adolescents conducted by Reitman (2019), explains that the homosexuals face additional challenges

compared to the heterosexuals from their parents, religious leaders and friends who do not accept

their SOGIE. These homosexuals tend to keep their sexuality leading to a profound sense of isolation.

These stages serve as a guide to the LGBTQ community members in comprehending their

experiences as they become aware of their sexual inclinations.

The first developmental stage is Sensitization wherein, an LGBTQ community member feels

different from heterosexuals during early and middle childhood. These feelings were nonspecific

and nonsexual in nature. The second stage is Identity Confusion wherein, an LGBTQ community

member is in Dissociation, distancing away from the acceptance of sexual orientation to keep their

feelings by denying or changing these during the early and later adolescence. Homosexuals are said

to have the higher risk in experiencing mental health problems such as anxiety and depression that

affects the behavior of an individual towards self and to the public. The third stage is Identity

Assumption wherein, a teenager admits being part of the LGBTQ community to their family and

friends that experiences rejection during the late adolescence. This causes an individual to run away

from home or being frightened in going to school because of the harsh judgements and

discriminations of students and staff due to their SOGIE. In addition, these responses habituate the
individual to use vices such as smoking and liquor drinking to temporarily forget problems. The

fourth stage is Commitment wherein, an LGBTQ community member discloses its SOGIE to their

family and friends as they accept the existence of homosexuals during the young adulthood. This is

also where an LGBTQ community member involves in romantic relationships.

These Developmental Stages serve as a hope to the LGBTQ community members, especially

to those who are having mental problems explaining that what they are experiencing are normal

and that their sexuality will be accepted soon. People tend to respond about homosexuality in a

harsh way because of their beliefs. On the other hand, government officials do not have the same

perspectives toward this community delaying decisions in protecting the civil rights of the LGBTQ

community. As the time develops, people get to be more open minded about the LGBTQ community

as its population increase. It is easier for them to accept this community and treat them equally as

how they treat heterosexuals. With this, the LGBTQ community are now alienated from


Research Questions

This qualitative research about the effects of discrimination experienced by the LGBT

community due to their SOGIE from the society aimed to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the experiences encountered by the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School

LGBTQ learners before being known as part of the LGBT community?

2. What are the struggles faced by the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School LGBTQ

learners during the revelation of their SOGIE?

3. What are the realizations of the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School LGBTQ

learners after all the struggles they faced?

Significance of the Study

This research focuses about the response of the society about the existence of the LGBTQ

community. We have found various kinds of reponses both positive and negative about

discrimination and oppression of the said community, as well as detailed primary sources about the

struggles of LGBTQ members coming out to the public with their sexual identities.

This study aims to raise awareness and to advocate Anti-Discrimination to the Ateneo LGBTQ

community. The result of the study is beneficial to the following:

To the AdDU-SHS learners. The ADDU-SHS learners who are part of the LGBT Qcommunity

involved in this research can express their own experiences as part of the LGBTQ community inside

the institution. This is the way towards self-expression of these members that make them

comfortable in revealing their identity to the public without hesitations.

To the AdDU-SHS teachers. The teachers are one of the learner’s greatest adviser while

growing into the best version of themselves. The teachers are a safe place for students that allows

them to share their problems in life. Therefore, they are the instruments of the LGBTQ learners

where they can open their SOGIE. They provide guidance in their coming out process and help them

handle possible negative outcomes from the public. The stories shared by an LGBTQ learner will

serve as an inspiration for the teachers to support the Anti-Discrimination to the LGBTQ community.

To the ADDU-SHS Community. This study aims to influence the Ateneo SHS community as a

whole. Giving knowledge such as what ideologists say that there is nothing wrong with being part

of the LGBTQ community, thus everyone should build camaraderie to drop the rates of the

psychological issue that an individual encounter. The Ateneo SHS community is encouraged to

support the Anti-Discrimination movement towards the LGBT community to stop the stigma and

spread optimism to the whole Ateneo community.

Future Researchers. This research will help the future researchers to have more knowledge

and to be more aware on how they will improve this research in the future. They can also use this
research as a reference in their research about the how discrimination affects the way of life of an

LGBTQ community member.

Scope and Delimitation

The coverage of this qualitative study is to fully explore the processes that is

undergone by the members of the LGBTQ community within the Ateneo de Davao Senior

High School in terms of being aware of themselves and their sexual orientation, how they

felt when they were coming out and as well as being out in the open as a homosexual. An

example of such is when they were trying to come out, the experiences and feelings are

what the researchers aim to shed light onto in order to comprehend and empathize with

them so that readers may come to understand the genuine feelings felt by the homosexuals

about so many challenges they came to face. We aim to gain the learners of Ateneo de

Davao Senior High School as the participants of this study. We are pursuing to finish the

interviews within 3 days after the given signal to start.

This study does not cover the relationships of homosexuals and it does not intend to

explore the idea of same-sex marriage. Additionally, the study will not cover the idea of

homosexuals fighting for their human rights. As the research is mainly concerned about the

subjective perspectives and experiences of the LGBTQ community members, the sense of

objectivity may be lost and, thus one of the weaknesses of the study. The Ateneo community

is very open-minded about the LGBTQ community so the members are very open within the

instituion and are faced with very little problems about discrimination and such.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study the following terms were defined.

LGBTQ. The term “LGB” stands for lesbian, gay and bisexual that refers to the sexual

orientation of a person. “T” stands for transgender that refers to the gender identity or gender
expression of a person. “Q” stands for queer that refers to people who may choose not to

self-identify with any labels.

Lesbian. A woman who is romantically, sexually and emotionally attracted to a fellow


Gay. A man who is romantically, sexually and emotionally attracted to people of the

opposite sex.

Bisexual. A person who is attracted to people of the same sexes.

Transgender. A term used for people whose gender identity differs from the gender

they were assigned at birth.

Heterosexual. A person who is attracted to opposite sex.

Homosexual. A person who is attracted to same sex.

SOGIE. It is an abbreviation of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender

expression of a person.

Sexual Orientation. It refers to whom a person is attracted to and to whom a person

wants to have a romantic relationship with.

Gender Identity. It defines a person of being a male, female, or in between where it

can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth.

Gender Expression. It is an external appearance of one’s gender identity such as

how a person style one’s self and behave in public.



This chapter will be tackling the related literature concerning our topic about the

struggles of the LGBTQ Community in revealing or coming out to the public. Our research

question are being answered by the help of the review of the related literature. It gives more

knowledge about our research, “A Call for an End of Discrimination Against LGBT

Community: The Hindrances of SOGIE Revelation”.

LGBTQ Community and Coming Out

The LGBTQ community are a group of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual,

transgender and queer. Nowadays, a lot of people are now referring themselves as part of

the LGBTQ community, but are afraid to come out. A person’s sexual orientation is not

something he or she can choose from nor wish to change when options are being presented.
According to Alves (2016), during childhood, behavior expected for boys and girls could

already be observed in children from 2 years old manifesting through the interests of toys

and typical games. The “unusual behavior” in children is observed during the childhood,

adolscence and adulthood. Thus, homosexual boys present traces of a “feminine” gender

identity and homosexual girls present typical child behavior of a male gender identity.

Additionally, based on a study conducted by Dowshen (2018), a teenager’s sexual

orientation is relatively apparent on his or her being regardless of age. As the adolescent

stage happen, many teens could already differentiate their identities from heterosexuals

whether it is being revealed or not. Thinking sensually on both sexes may be quite common

as teens go through emerging sexual feelings. During the exploration of own sexuality, some

experiment with their sexual experiences. Once aware, they may accept their sexuality and

be comfortable with it, meanwhile others are confused and are having a difficulty in

accepting their sexuality. In fact, it takes time for teens to process how they really feel and

to accept his or her own identity before coming out to others.

Based on a research conducted by the University of Washington (2019), coming out

is a difficult process of understanding, accepting and valuing one’s sexuality, thus the society

believes that one should act according to his or her gender, which makes it harder for some

to reveal their homosexuality to the public. In fact, building confidence and courage to

publicly show one’s sexuality is a long process. During this process, one should admit first

to their parents but it turns out they are the last one to know because of the bigger possibility

of being rejected. Some parents may feel upset to accept their son or daughter’s sexual

orientation at first because of its religious and personal beliefs, but still are concerned about

whether they will be mistreated, bullied and marginalized. Teens who are open have a bigger

possibility to be at risk for it faces more harrasment compared to those who have not

revealed their sexual orientation. However, in a recent survey of Dowshen (2018), teens

who had come out reported feeling happier and less stressed than those who had not.
According to Horton (2019), the LGBTQ young people should be supported from

professionals so they will not feel alone and unwanted. The support groups help this said

community as people are adjusting with these happenings.

The Views of the Filipino Community in Revealing Sexuality

Being part of the LGBTQ community is not easy especially to the Filipino homosexual

individuals who are still afraid to come out because of the possible negative judgements and

reactions that they will receive from the society, especially with their family members.

According to Evangelista et al. (2016), as part of a family believing in Filipino traditions and

beliefs, it became harder for homosexuals to come out even though they already want to

come out, especially when a family is part of a religion that does not accept the idea of

homosexuality, therefore it makes them hide longer in their closet. According to the Human

Rights Watch (2015), a 22 year old transgender man who attended high school said that

during teachers lecture, they pass by the topic regarding homosexuality, but let the student’s

refer to the Christian theology, wherein it says that homosexuality is a sin. It is believed that

in order to be a good Christian, they should not engage in these activities of being a

homosexual. On the other hand, according to American Academy of Pediatrics (2018),

family should be the one who you are comfortable with when talking about your problems,

however with these beliefs, it becomes difficult to open up to your family members about

your changed sexual orientation. Nowadays, the Filipino community should be open-minded

and must work together with the LGBTQ advocates to ensure that workplaces become safer

and more welcoming not only to the heterosexuals, but also to the homosexuals as their

population increases up until the present time.

The LGBTQ community in the Philippines already has a huge number in the nation.

According to Human Rights Watch (2015) bullying, discrimination, lack of access of LGBT

related information, and in some cases, physical or sexual assault are more common

happening in the school zone in the Philippines. Most of the Filipino youth LGBTQ members
are bullied in the physical and internet world after being observed as different from being

straight as well as after revealing their sexuality that caused the homosexuals today to delay

their coming out for the possibility of getting bullied by the society. In fact, bullying can cause

a traumatic experience and can also cause depression to them which made them think not

to come out.

Approach Towards the LGBTQ Community in School

A school is a home for a developing individual being comfortable with the environment

in all aspects. The lectures about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual education helps

a student nourish its knowledge becoming a moral student who treats their selves and the

whole community with respect. Thus, discomfort within can possibly affect the individual’s

growth as a student and as a human being. (Holden, 2017) These days, being part of the

LGBTQ community is a rampant issue to the society, since they are different from what is

normal. Regardless the age, the population of the LGBTQ community is rising as well as the

good and bad judgements about their identity. In fact, they are striving hard for the society

to accept their identity and embrace their imperfections. However, the traditions and beliefs

of the people overpower for people to accept them in a smooth manner. These are the

reasons why student LGBTQ’s are in the difficulty stage in self-expressing their gender

identity or sexual orientation.

LGBTQ students are the targets of stigmatization and discrimination from schools

that affected their health status. According to Kristen Renn (2017), the LGBTQ students feel

more welcomed and embraced in college compared to their experiences during high school.

(Renn, 2017) Various reports about LGBTQ students getting personally bullied and cyber

bullied, harassed, discriminated in schools that affected the student’s performance in

academics. (Human Rights Watch, 2017) There are core issues concerning the LGBTQ

students. It is believed that higher education is an optimistic location for student’s identity

development. This is where the independency of a student starts creating a space for
exploring sexuality and gender in private. Peers, workers and the administrators who are

open towards the LGBTQ Community provide opportunities for heterosexual and

homosexual students to be interactive with one another. In addition, an LGBTQ student

should not only be focusing on what the society sees them but to be united with fellow

LGBTQ students for them to raise their flags as a community who also deserve human

rights. Administrators are advised not to wait the government mandates thus; they have the

power to implement policies decreasing the rate of bullying inside a campus especially

towards the LGBTQ students. It is part of the agreement to include LGBT’s in any form of

activity inside the school such as leadership programs, educational programs, sport-related

programs and health-related programs. Offering an all-gender restrooms or locker rooms,

counseling and obtaining trans-inclusive healthcare are also recommended to the LGBTQ

students. Faculty and staffs of a school institution are the holders of giving an opportunity to

students regardless of gender identity to engage and be open minded intellectually across

academic fields with topic about different gender identities. This contributes a motivation to

the LGBTQ students to self-express themselves in the public without getting any stigma

from anyone. Additionally, this gives a good impact to them as they are inspired to achieve

excellence in education. (Renn, 2017)

Self-Acceptance is the Key for the LGBTQ Community to Finally Come Out

Accepting their own sexuality is not easy beacuse of some hindrances they might

encounter being part of the LGBT community, but it took a big role for them to fully accept

who they really are. Despite of all the challenges they are facing, they still manage to cope

up with life because of their perseverance to fight over issues thrown at them.

According to Harvard Health Publishing (2016), an individual’s acceptance of all of

his or her positive or negative attributes is called self-acceptance. It includes body

acceptance, self- protection from negative criticism, and believing in one’s capacities. There

are a lot of people who have low self- acceptance becuase of some reasons, but despite of
all the challenges they still manage to develop self-esteem because of the appreciation of


According to Boston University (2016) LGBT community are the one who are high at

risk for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, substance use and suicide but a recent study

investigates how acceptance of mental illness, rather than denial, can help these patients

recover. According to Mizock (2016), a member of LGBTQ community are already dealing

with the stigma attached to their gender or sexual identity and they may not feel they have

the energy to address another stigma associated with mental illness which can lead to

recovery from mental illnesses. The members of the LGBTQ community who accept their

own sexuality and identity tend to recover easily from their mental ilness and are able to feel

comfortable in showing their SOGIE to the public.

Being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer are said to be immoral.

(Mahyudin, 2018) However, these are like heterosexuals who aim to contribute good service

for the nourishment and prosperity of the whole nation. Differences in gender does not

evaluate how useful and effective an individual will be to the community, but the intention of

that LGBTQ member to remain dedicated in being a healthy citizen to a country. Therefore,

with people like these deserve love and affection from the society. This is one of the steps

in building a better world where no discriminations are found, but acceptance towards

differences of self and other people only. In fact, one is now called immoral if an individual

does actions that destroys the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of a person

or a community. This individual does not deserve to be patronized. (Helsinki, 2006)

This literature review elaborates the various issues towards this process of achieving

to be whole-heartedly accepted by the society. There are four points of sub chapters. First,

the meaning of LGBTQ Community and the coming out process helping the readers to get

a clear information about the homosexuals. Second, the hindrances faced by the LGBTQ

Community during the revelation of their identity with their family, friends and to the whole
society as well as the views of the Filipino people towards the LGBTQ Community’s

revelation process that gave a positive and negative impact to the members. Third, the

approaching ways that the society connects with the LGBTQ Community specifically in the

Ateneo de Davao Senior High School. Lastly, the human rights of the LGBTQ Community

in the national and global aspect.



LGBTQ discrimination gained attention due to its alarming effects to these individuals

belonging this community such as anxiety and depression because of unacceptance and

alienation. There are a lot of literature regarding the experiences of an LGBTQ member

while on the process of revealing their SOGIE to the public especially to their families. Some

members may had a smooth flow of the coming out process as they are easily understood

and accepted. However, a greater number of LGBTQ members had a rough flow in coming

out to due to its peer’s beliefs and traditions. This hardship frightened them to show their

true identity causing them to avoid themselves from interacting with the public for they can

possibly be discriminated. Thus, this study primarily focuses the hindrances the LGBTQ

members experienced before and after revealing their SOGIE. In addition, this study

explains the essence of respect to an individual therefore, anti-discrimination is promoted

helping to strengthen one’s physical and mental health. Moreover, the method section

shows an overview on how the wanted information for the study is gathered, assessed and

presented in an organized manner where the research design, method of collecting data,
approach of the research, participants, ethical consideration and the type of the data

analysis is discussed.

Research Design

This study utilizes a qualitative research as [Shank 2002] claims it to be is “a form of

systematic empirical inquiry into meaning” (p. 5). It is certain that a qualitative research is

grounded on a form of planned out inquiry towards the experience of the participant.

Additionally, qualitative research involves an interpretive and naturalistic approach [Lincoln,

2000]. Therefore, qualitative researchers tend to study things in their natural settings,

essentially drawing empirical evidence on a certain study. Subsequently, narrative research

is the study of how human beings experience the world, and narrative researchers collect

these stories and write narratives of experience [Gudmundsdottir, 2001]. Qualitative

research and narrative research design is closely tied onto one another because qualitative

research designs can all have a narrative form of representation according to [Cresswell,

1998]. This research design is considered to be a real world measure since, the researchers

rely its findings on the personal stories of an individual. Also, researchers observe the

participant’s way of narration that help them evaluate how affected they are with the issues

they encountered.

We, the researchers will perform an ethnographic design that will dwell in the

respondent’s experiences and environment for we aim to provide insights about the

homosexual’s experiences and learnings. We will conduct our interviews in a natural setting

that can minimize biases to procure a satisfying result. The essential information gathered

will be helpful in widening the perspective of the society regarding the existence of the

LGBTQ community.

Research Participants

[Morse (2000)] suggested that the number of participants needed in a

phenomenological study varies to six to ten participants. Furthermore, with the use of
purposive sampling, we the researchers have decided that we should have 10 participants

from the learners and teachers of the Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School that

are involved in this research.

This study targets the participants who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and

queer that are currently working and studying in ADDU-SHS in any of age. We came up with

this idea because we view this as adequate, and it can inform us fully the significant element

of the phenomenon in this study. Also, the time control was also put into consideration

because the whole process of this study, from interviewing and coding can take a lot of time.

Role of the Researchers

In this study, we the researchers will conduct a survey using questionnaires along

with an interview of the student and staff’s participant of Ateneo De Davao University in

trying to access their emotions and feelings upon coming out of their shells as a LGBT

person. The participant’s response will be recorded through an audio recorder. We will set

a proper schedule for the formal interview. We will also devise to formulate our survey and

interview questions and will be sent to our Practical Research instructor to scrutinize our

works. The researchers are going to hand consents to the selected participants before

starting the interview for approval. Then, the other members will be assigned to find a

comfortable and quiet place for the survey and interview to happen. Their role is to ask the

questions and to have an interview while the others will record the response using a mobile

phone that has a audio recorder on it. After the interview all the data information will be

gathered, and the evaluation should be unbiased. The participants identity and information

must be confidential for their privacy.

Data Source

In this study, we will use both primary and secondary data sources to evaluate and

analyze the data gathered. Primary data sources are an original data collected firsthand by
the researchers that can be from case studies, interviews and self-administered surveys.

However, this technique can be expensive and time-consuming. [Salkind 2010] On the other

hand, secondary data sources are information that had undergone through statistical

treatments that can be from the government publications, websites and editorials. [Bhat,


In this study, we will interview students and staff from the Ateneo de Davao University

Senior High School, particularly people who are part of the LGBT community. In fact,

interviewing is designed to collect further information from only limited number of participants

about feelings and behavior. Thus, it helps us explore the phenomena of a person’s life that

gives us bigger understanding of the issue. [Virginia Tech, 2018)] Additionally, interviewing

understands the meaning of what the participant is trying to convey based from its

experiences. [Kvale 1996] With this, we pursue the in-depth information about the topic of

the participant. Secondary data will cover different sources especially from the government

editorials for liability, since LGBT community is facing discrimination by the society that the

government is trying to solve. We gain information from these sources and help them

construct survey questions for an interview with the chosen participants. Interview

Questionnaire is semi-structured therefore, it is not scripted that allows the researcher to

give follow up questions to fully analyze the phenomenon of the participant.

Data Collection

Data collection is a process of gathering and measuring information from the

participants, enabling the researchers to fulfill its objective to answer the research questions

and evaluate the responses after the interview. [Bhat 2019] In order to start the completion

of the study, the researchers gave informed consent to its chosen participants for an

interview. During the interview cited in a private area, the responses of the participants are

expected to be recorded by the researchers through note-taking and voice recording.

Confidential information of the participants are expected to be kept within the research group


In this study, the researchers prepared an open-ended questionnaire for the

participants. The consents were distributed to the selected participants beforehand to inform

them of the possible flow during the interview session. This includes in encouraging the

participants to be open and be comfortable in sharing their experiences to the researchers

for an effective conversation and a useful outcome. The data gathered are storaged in a

private folder to avoid confusion and maintain the confidentiality of the information. These

gathered data were analyzed and translated to further understand the responses.

The data gathered from the participants are compared whether they experience the

same phenomena with another. Hence, the data explains the differences and similarities of

how the public dealt with their SOGIE. Most importantly, the data shows the public’s negative

response with their identity and how they conquered the stigma. Also, their positive

responses to serve as a guide for the current and future LGBTQ members who are striving

to come out. We, the researchers are now aware with these experiences that helps

contribute an action against negative interaction of this community to the public. In behalf of

the Ateneo LGBT community, we stand as their voice to protect them from having physical

and mental issues as well as promoting acceptance and camaraderie.

Data Analysis

After the data has been collected, the researchers started analyzing and interpreting

the data that the they gathered from the conducted interviews. The interviews are produced

in word by word from the video. After transcripting the data, the researchers noted some

errors and corrections, provided a fictitious name for the participants confidentiality, remove

some unnecersary movements and gestures, inserted any punctiation, included the

environmental context that might affect the respondents in answering the given research

questions and transcripts for verifications of its content. For coding of data, the field notes
with respect to non-verbal or natural setting that were kept were utilized as an integral

wellspring of data in instances of memory inclination because of the time hole between the

day of the meeting, interpreting, and coding. We, the researchers, do the the data analysis

by using narrative research. The stories and experiences we collected from the participants

are used in our research.

Trustworthiness of the Study

In this section the study’s trustworthiness, credibility, transferability, dependability

and confirmability will be defined and contextualized.

Trustworthiness. The works of Guba and Lincoln in the 1980’s claimed that a

trustworthy study must contain these four aspects: credibility, transferability, dependability,

and confirmability. Establishing the trustworthiness of a certain study will effectively

determine its worth (Guba & Lincoln, 1985). If such a study is trustworthy enough, it could

have a detrimental effect into the cultivation of society because the research will be instilled

in the minds of people. Furthermore, possible application of the research would be seen in

the community. The trustworthiness of a study is important for people to trust all the collected

data within the research and so that it may be used as a valid reference by upcoming studies

that is in-line with the topic.

Credibility. The primary definition of credibility is objective and subjective

components of a source's authenticity. Mills, et al. (2010) stated that credibility refers to how

authentic and appropriate a research account is, particularly with regard to the level of

collaboration between participants and researchers. In a well-thought-out interview, we

intend to capture the rawest of human feelings with issues that will draw the participant's

accurate view on the studies being undertaken. With this, the participants should voice out

realistic answers based from his or her experiences regrading the research questions. In
addition, before the spontaneous interview of our chosen participants who best suit to our

subject, they are given a few minutes in order to prepare.

Transferability. According to Trochim (2006), transferability relates to the degree

which the results of the qualitative research can be generalized or transferred to another

context. One of the study's foundations is to promote unprejudiced views that could be

applied to other situations, but the individual accountable for transferring and understanding

the matter depends on the individual himself. Consequently, the implementation of this

foundation in different situations can be discovered within the research as well as countless

evidence on the possibility of transferability can potentially be viewed in the manner in which

we reveal the account of a certain LGBTQ problem with objectivity thus broadening the view

of the reader.

Dependability. Reliability relates to the stability of outcomes over time (p. 86),

according to Bitsch (2005). The scientists are confident that they will take the suitable action

with regard to the problem, ensuring that no approach or technique is therefore ignored

when confronted with another study in the future, the results will be compatible with the

findings of this present research. In the questionnaire we created for the respondents to

reply, it can be noted.

Confirmability. Confirmatibility is the degree to which other scientists could confirm

the research study results (Korstjens & Moser, 2018). The scientists will conduct interviews

spontaneously within the Ateneo society in this research. The impact of random sampling

will certainly eliminate a scripted interview's suspicions, so objectivity can be noted. In

addition, the respondents will not be able to prepare themselves completely because they

will only be offered a few minutes as a result, responding on the basis of what is the first

idea that will come to mind when confronted with such requests arising in the display of the

participant's raw perception of certain issues.

Ethical Considerations. Ethics are essential in a research for it guides the

researchers’ conduct upon the whole process of collecting the data. The safety and privacy

of the participants are ensured by the reseachers and fabrication or falsify data or

plargiarizing is prohibit, thus the need to adhere to the certain ethical standards (Resnik,

2008). Due to this, the appropriate ethical considerations to ensure that this research would

be completed properly were considered. Anonymity, confidentiality, informed consent, and

voluntary participation.

Anonymity. According to Roanoke (2018), anonymity is a condition which the

personla information of the participants are not known to the researchers such as their

address, email address, phone number, and among others. It would not be anonymous if

our participants in the given data are indistinguishable or if there is a connection to the

participants. Being unidentify to everyone is the major obejctive of anomymity in our


Confidentiality. According to Roanoke (2018), confidentiality means that the

researchers do know the personal information of its participants. However, the identity of the

participants should be held confidential for not all stories of the participants are open to

everyone therefore, we will keep our data in a private folder where we, the researchers can

only view it. If any identification of our participants is revealed, then the data we collected

will not be reported for it can cause a greater risk to our participants.

Informed Consent. According to University of Southern California (2017), informed

consent is a voluntary agreement to participate in the qualitative research given to the

participants before the interview. Therefore, before we conduct the survey to our

participants, we will ask first a consent of the participants to do the survey. It is a way of

informing our participants about what our research is about as well as the research

questions that will be asked.

Voluntary Participation. According to Social Research Methods (2006), the people

or the participants should not be forced by the researchers to participate. We the

researchers should also respect the choice of the participants if he or she will participate or

not on the research survey. The participants also has the right to object on the survey if he

or she is not comfortable on answering the research questions.


This chapter will tackle about the data gathered from the interviews conducted for

the study. It shows the representation and interpretation of the common major themes and

core ideas of the participant’s response in a tabular manner.

Learners Experiences Before Discovering Self From Being Part of the LGBTQ

Major Themes Core Ideas/Responses

Signs the learner realized that he or she * Confusion towards attraction between
is not straight

* Condemning oneself fo being attracted or

having feelings

* Overthinking often about the possible

discrimination towards them

* Male learners are feminine in their

childhood as well as female learners

showing masculine tendencies

* Traumatic experience from the opposite


The following tables showed the major themes derived from the interviews which

answer the research question, “What are the experiences of the ADDU-SHS learners

before discovering self from being part of the LGBTQ community?”

Table 1. Learners’ experiences before discovering self from being part of the LGBTQ
Signs the learner realized that he or she is not straight. The table shows the signs that

the learner have observed from him or herself that he or her is not straight. They have

observed that they do not act on accordance with their sex at birth, are attracted to their

same-sex as well as their opposite sex and often overthink about the possibility of being

discriminated by the public. Below is the transcript of a response supporting this claim:

To begin with, there’s parang this attraction towards the same sex even at a

younger age or atleast my quintessential age, I have this feeling whenever I parang

whenever I see parang ahh, what’s this brochure of a of brands where parang guys
are half naked or are in their briefs so parang ganun and parang ahh what is this

ahh attractive men gives me some feelings noon.

[ To begin with, there’s like this attraction towards the same sex even at a younger

age or atleast my quintessential age, I have this feeling whenever I parang

whenever I see parang ahh, what’s this brochure of a of brands where like guys are

half naked or are in their briefs so like that and it is like ahh what is this ahh

attractive men gives me some feelings before. ]

Uhm maka ano sa ano opposite gender and same same. I think last year kay basta

I have ay basta naka relasyon ako same-sex.

[ Uhm I, opposite gender and same. I think last year I had a same-sex relationship.

Mas boses lalaki ako kaysa babae. When I was grade 6 I started to like girls.

[ I sound like a boy than a girl. When I was grade 6 I started to like girls. ]

Learners and Teachers Struggles During the Coming Out Process

The following table showed the major themes derived from the interviews which

answer the research question, “What are the Struggles faced by the Ateneo de Davao

Senior High School LGBTQ learners during the revelation of SOGIE?”

Major Themes Core Ideas/Responses

Environment in School * Harsh judgements that affect their mental


* Controlling one’s words and actions

* Academics and attendance are affected

due to lack of motivation and focus

* Welcomed and accepted in school

Environment at Home * Uncomfortable

* Controlling one’s self-expression

* Closeted

Table 2. Learners’ Struggles faced by the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School LGBTQ
learners during the revelation of SOGIE

Environment in School. The table shows that some of the learners in ADDU-SHS
are uncomfortable of the school’s environment for they are mostly secretly bullied by their
fellow learners through backstabbing. With this, they try to control their actions that stop
them from being real. Sometimes, they lack motivation in going to school for they overthink
too much of what people see them that affects their attendance and academics. Below is
the transcript of a response supporting this claim:

When it comes to my friends, it did not affected my studies pero sa family ko. I am
still closeted so I have not come out yet.
[ When it comes to my friends, it did not affected my studies however, in my family.
I am still closeted, so I have not come out yet. ]
Luckily here in Ateneo, people tend to be accepting enough. I do not feel parang
any discrimination at all, actually.
[ Luckily here in Ateneo, people tend to be accepting enough. I do not feel like any
discrimination at all, actually. ]
In Ateneo, there is no problem of me coming out because I feel like very accepted
in this school.

Sa mental health parang ga overthink lang pero hindi lang magpa-affect.

[ My mental health, it is like im overthinking but, I dont let myself be affected from it.

Sige lang kog overthink. Usahay, ginatago nalang nako akong sarili.
[ I always overthink. Sometimes, I prefer to hid myself. ]

Environment at Home. The table shows that some of the learners in ADDU-SHS
are comfortable in expressing their sexuality, however they do not act normally when they
are at home. These participants have come out already to their friends and teachers inside
the institution however, not with their families because of the tendency to be unaccepted
and neglected by their parents once being aware of their sexuality. Below is the transcript
of a response supporting this claim:

Dahil di pa ako nag come out, it was really difficult for me to act the way I act in
school and at home. So, there is a huge difference in the way I act, but I am so
thankful for them. With the learners, I am not really struggling because I am able to
act the way I wanted to, so I feel really open in the university and I am not hiding
anything except at my house.

[ Because I have not come out yet, it was really difficult for me to act the way I act
in school and at home. So, there is a huge difference in the way I act, but I am so
thankful for them. With the learners, I am not really struggling because I am able to
act the way I wanted to, so I feel really open in the university and I am not hiding
anything except at my house. ]

I did not come out yet. I am afraid that they will not like who I am and I am afraid
that they will judge me for what I’ve become.
Uhm from my parents alone, they would give comments that I, parang will end up
having parang bayarang boyfriend or di kaya parang boyfriend that would only love
him because I give him parang monthly fund and parang my parents has this
mindset that parang it holds some family consist of opposing genders and in order
to have to fully fulfill your life, you should have a wife. Parang ganun.

[ Uhm from my parents alone, they would give comments that I it is like will end up
having like a paid boyfriend or a boyfriend that would only love him because I give
him like monthly fund and my parents has this mindset that like it holds some family
consist of opposing genders and in order to have to fully fulfill your life, you should
have a wife. Like that. ]

Sometimes, ang family ko, sinasabi nila na mali daw yun. I will not go to heaven.
[ Sometimes, my family, they say that it is wrong. I will not go to heaven. ]

Learners Realizations Regarding the Hindrances Faced After the Coming Out
The following table showed the major themes derived from the interviews which answer

the research question, “What are the realizations of the learners as part of the LGBTQ

community in the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School?”

Major Themes Core Ideas/Responses

Ways in Treating Self to Feel Better * Self-love

* Self-acceptance

* Self-protection

Table 3. Learners’ Realizations Regarding the Hindrances Faced After the Coming out

Ways in Treating Self to Feel Better. The table shows that as the LGBTQ learners of

ADDU-SHS have personally recieved and are still recieving negative judgements from
their surroundings affecting their well-being, they have realized that one should incorporate

self-love, self-acceptance and self-protection. This value helps them to accept themselves

enabling them to love who they are, protect themselves from physical, mental, emotional

and spiritual conflicts as well as being comfortable in showing to the public. Below is the

transcript of a response supporting this claim:

Ahh well, I wasn’t still out so parang years before i came out to myself mismo.
There were confusion, but then when I finally accepted and parang uhmm graft the
reality na that I am not straight so parang the confusions were rather parang
accepted as the truth of myself.

[ Ahh well, I was not still out so years before I came out to myself alone. There
were confusion, but then when I finally accepted and uhmm graft the reality that I
am not straight, so it’s like the confusions were rather accepted as the truth of
myself. ]

Sometimes jud they are against LGBT pero wala ko’y pake sailaha. I am me.
Judgement is inevitable.

[ Sometimes, they are against LGBT but I don’t care about them. I am me.
Judgement is inevitable. ]

I guess it was year 2015 when I have finally grasp the concept of homosexuality as
I have accepted that I am not straight and it was actually a process wherein I stood
in front of a mirror and slowly accepted that I am not straight.

I know that coming out is hard. It really has a lot of consequences. It affects your
happiness but I know that you are thinking what would other people think about
you, what your family would think of you, how would people react. Would they
accept you or not. There’s a lot of circumstance that you are to risk when you come
out. But I am telling you that freedom and happiness starts within yourself. If you
start being honest with yourself, then you don’t need to sugarcoat everything. You
don’t need to hide from nything. I think you would live a life that your truly would
enjoy. It’s normal, it will always be hard. There would be no other easy way in
coming out. Have faith and keep strong always.



In this chapter, a more detailed account of the themes and key responses in the

previous chapter will be presented. Points of alignment and deviance of the responses to

the assumptions derived from the readings of the related literature and interpretations of

the participant’s contexts will be explored.

Experiences Encountered by the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School LGBTQ

Learners Before Being Known as Part of the LGBTQ Community

The inquiry on “What are the learners’ experiences before discovering self from being part

of the LGBTQ community?” is answered by a major theme elaborated below.

Signs the learner realized that he or she is not straight. Results show that the

learners knew that they were not straight because of how they manifest self-expression

including the activities they get involved in and to whom they are attracted to. In a research

conducted by Alves (2016), as early as 2 years old, children’s sexuality can be observed

through the activities they do such as the toys they use and the games they play.

Sometimes, children act differently from what is normal and that it could be traced easily

by how one expresses their sexuality unconsciously. According to Dowshen (2018), as

teens on the other hand, explore sexual experiences like being attracted to a specific

person, some may get confused of who they really like. Now, this causes one to start

questioning one’s self regarding their sexuality. However, some may be comfortable with

their sexuality and can accept one’s self right away.

Struggles Faced by the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School LGBTQ Learners

During the Revelation of their SOGIE

The inquiry on “What are the learners’ struggles during the coming out process?” is

answered by a 2 major themes elaborated below.

Environment in School. Results show that the learners are more comfortable at

school rather at home despite for the fact that LGBTQ students are discriminated through

bullying by their fellow students. According to the Human Rights Watch (2017), there are

many reports regarding homosexuals are being bullied inside the school campuses that

affect their mental health and its academic performance. However, school administrations

are strongly observing rules and regulations regarding Anti-Bullying campaigns that are

implemented up until the present time bringing peace within the community. According to

Renn (2017), high school is a place for student’s identity development, wherein they are

able to explore sexuality and gender in private. Hence, the school community should help

in providing opportunities for the heterosexuals and homosexuals to interact with one

another. With the negative issues of the LGBTQ students inside the school, teachers and

administrators are advised to implement an Anti-Discrimination movement to reduce the

rate of bullying and to promote fair treatment to everyone.

Environment at Home. Results show that the most of the learners are

uncomfortable showing their sexuality at home for the possible negative reactions that they

parents will show to them. According to Evangelista et al. (2016), homosexuals belonging

in the Philippines have a harder time in coming out for their families are dedicated to their

traditions and beliefs that does not completely support the idea of homosexuality. They

may have knowledge regarding the LGBTQ community, but their beliefs are much stronger

than what people advise. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2013), family

should be the first one to know about one’s sexuality, however their sons or daughters

much more likely is more comfortable in showing their gender expression in school than at

home at first. Nowadays, students are more educated about the LGBTQ community as the

school administration promotes respect to them. As the LGBTQ community in the

Philippines is growing, people should be open-minded influencing Filipino families to

welcome and slowly accept their sons or daughters who are homosexuals. In fact,

homosexuals who admit to their parents experienced harrasment however, were said to be

the happier ones and less stressed eventually compared to those who have not come out


Realizations of the Ateneo de Davao Senior High School LGBTQ Learners After All

The Struggles They Faced

Ways in Conquering Discrimination from Others. Results show that the LGBTQ

learners may have experienced struggles in coming out, however they know themselves

that in time, everyone will not only tolerate their sexuality but to also accept them whole-

heartedly. Although, people are practiced to validate the LGBTQ people’s emotions even

though they are now widely accepted but still are discriminated telling that they are

immoral. However, according to one is only called immoral if an individual does actions

that destroys the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of a person or a

community. According to Dowshen (2018), coming out takes courage. LGBTQ members

who have not come out yet often deal with an extra layer of stress such as whether they

have to hide who they are, whether they will be harrased about being gay, or whether they

will face stereotypes or judgements unless they are honest who they are. Thus,

conquering LGBTQ discrimination starts within self. Discrimination is inevitable, therefore

the most effective way that an LGBTQ member can do in order to get away from it is self-

acceptance. It helps one to accept imperfections, believe in one’s strengths and protect

self from negative criticisms. Once one accepts his or her self, the sanity follows as

everyone will not be affected with all the harsh judgements of people and the judgements

thrown will serve as their inspiration to be the best version of themselves. The LGBTQ

community is just like the heterosexuals that should be treated well and with just.

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