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Sec3a Sec3b Sec3c Sec3d Sec3e sec4a sec4b sec4c

N Valid 385 385 385 385 385 385 385 385

Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.5922 2.8649 3.3818 3.0182 3.7351 2.8026 3.0260 4.0104
Std. Deviation .99344 .86749 1.22142 1.19773 .94508 1.02189 1.08222 .75684
Variance .987 .753 1.492 1.435 .893 1.044 1.171 .573

Regulation Mean St. Deviation Variance

There is a need to revise current Islamic banking 3.3267 1.35358 1.832
practices to hear the diverse voice of Muslims
Islamic banks should provide training and education for 3.1933 1.15681 1.338
young and/or female entrepreneurs
There is a need for Islamic banks to offer specialised 3.1267 1.18886 1.413
products for women and young children
Islamic banks can help poor Muslims by offering Qard 3.2933 1.30331 1.699
Hassan loans to improve their life conditions
Islamic scholars from all four schools of thought should 3.6800 1.30331 .877
undertake Ijtihad and Qiyas before deeming products to
be Shariah-compliant

Regulation1 Regulation2 Regulation3 Regulation4 Regulation5

N Valid 150 150 150 150 150

Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.3267 3.1933 3.1267 3.2933 3.6800
Std. Deviation 1.35358 1.15681 1.18886 1.30331 1.30331
Variance 1.832 1.338 1.413 1.699 .877

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