Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

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Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) A, B, C, D, or E!

I. Incomplete Dialogue
Question 1-12 are incomplete dialogues. Five sentences marked a, b, c, d and e are given
beneath each dialogue or sentence. Choose the correct answer to complete them.
1. Firda : Are you receptionist?
Bela : No, I am not. I am a secretary. What do you do?
Firda : ... I’m an architect.
A. I file letter
B. I do everything
C. I build a plumb
D. I design building
E. I answer telephone
2. Billy : Diana, ... on Friday night?
Diana : I want to see a new film at Valencia
Billy : oh yeah. I saw it last week. It was great.
A. What did you do
B. What have you done
C. What are you doing
D. What would you do
E. What are you going to do
3. Raka : Mira, I’d like you to meet my friend, Anto.
Mira : Hi, Anto
Raka : Hello, Mira. You look so familiar ...?
A. Did we meet
B. Have we met
C. Will we meet
D. Has she met
E. Should we meet
4. Julian : What do you like to do in your free time?
Parlin : I like reading and listening to music. What about you? ...
Julian : Yes, I love swimming and enjoy jogging in the morning before school.
A. Don’t you have any hobbies?
B. Have you got any hobbies?
C. What sport do you like better?
D. How do you spend your weekend?
E. Do your families exercise regularly?
5. Caller : I have booked a ticket for Sunday aftrnoon. It’s under the name of John Powell
Agent : I’m so sorry, Sir .... We will call you back.
A. Let me check the reservation number first.
B. Will you buy some more tickets?
C. We’re running out afternoon ticket.
D. Can you spell your name please?
E. May I have your book code please?
6. Customer : Excuse me, I bought this jacket yesterday. But I tried it on, ...
Sales clerk : let me see. Okay, I will replace it with the larger size.
A. It was too big
B. It was little smaller
C. It looked great
D. It wasn’t tight enough
E. It was very dull enough.
7. Winda : I have flat tire ....
Lenny : Sure, it is not far from here.
A. Do you know the nearest service station.
B. Would you mind staying with me?
C. Would you give a hand please?
D. Will you help me?
E. Can you give me a lift?
8. Man : ....
Caller : What sort do you need, single or return?
Man : Return please.
A. I would like to reserve a table
B. I want to make reservation
C. I am going to book a room
D. I want to book a ticket to Bali
E. I will take the ticket to Bali
9. Desi : Aji failed his exam
Anna : Yes. He’s never serious ...
A. If I pass, I would work hard
B. If he had study hard, he could have made it
C. If he had study hard, he could have passed the exam
D. If I were him, I wouldn’t study hard
E. If he were lazy, he would get success
10. Dany : Don’t forget to bring the raincoat. The weather forcast said that it’s going to rain
this afternoon.
Audy : ... thanks for reminding me.
A. It doesn’t look though it will rain
B. I don’t hink it’s impossible
C. Yes, that quite possible
D. It’s not likely to rain
E. I don’t think so if it is going to rain.
11. Women : How was your trip to Bromo?
Men : ….
A. It was great. I will go back there someday
B. I prefer to have a cup of coffee
C. I study is finished by this year
D. I spent alot of book there
E. It is greating. I will go back there someday
12. Women : Tell me more about your job
Men : Well, I protect and save people from fire
Women : it’s such a noble. You must be ....
A. A bilionaire D. A police officer
B. A firefighter E. A Fire Regulator
C. An infantry soldier
II. Error Recognition
For question 13-22, each sentence has five words or phrases underlined marked A, B, C, D
and E. You have to identify the underlined words or phrases that should be corrected or
13. The laudress unintentionally tore a silk blouse while she washed it this morning.
14. Mr. Bloomfield’s ID card, whom you found yesterday, is in the filing cabinet.

15. If the hotel servise is good, the visitor would not complain.
16. Mrs. Susanti will take the last flight to Jakarta this afternoon because she miss the morning
17. Sucessful candidates will be invite for the interview soon as we complete our report
18. My cousins have visited the museum a few days ago and they will see the temples next Sunday
19. The news which were broadcasting on TV last night was shocking.
20. The man said that his brothers was busy with his work
21. Doctor should treat them patients politly and carefully
22. Susi : You look much better in shape. Have you lost some weight?
Ari : Yes, I’ve been on a diet for several months
Susi : That’s great, you must be realy proud of yourself. I could try it and exercise
more to reduce my weight. E
III. Reading Comphrehension
Question 23-30 are base on the selectionof reading materials. You have to choose the
correct answer a, b, c, d or e to each question.

The letter is for question number 23-24

WienBach Stationary Ltd
27 Jl. Kayu Manis, Jakarta 13210
(021) 4721454
March 16th, 2015
Mr. Denia
Hope Ltd
18 Jl. Tarumanegara 45 Pontianak
Kalimantan Barat 22543
Dear Mr. Denia
Thank you fr ordering 20 cases of premium paper from WienBach Stationary Ltd. Your order has
been shipped and should reach you within the next five bussiness days.
Find your enclosed total bill for the above order amounting Rp. 5.000.000,00 and the cash for Rp.
500.000,00 is your refund. Because you paid in advance, we are giving you a 10 percent cash
discount and we are paying for the shipping and handling, also WienBach Stationary Ltd is pleased
to add you to its list of customers. We took forward your next order.
Customer Service
2 Enclousers
23. Where is the order delivered to?
A. Jakarta D. Pontianak
B. WienBach Warehouse E. WienBach Stationary Ltd
C. Jl. Kayu Manis Jakarta
24. Pragraph two tell us about?
A. The half price of total order.
B. Shipping and handling fees of the products
C. The rebate of the total payment
D. The percentage of billing payment
E. The amount of billing payment

The reading text is for question 25-28

Your personal safety at an Absa ATM is our first priority. For this reason, Absa has taken
great care to make ATM Banking as safe as possible. Here is what you can do to make sure you
and your money are safe.
a. Approach an ATM only under the right condition and be aware of your surroundings.
b. Check the area for suspicious-looking characters before you approach the ATM. Leave them
immediately and try to use another ATM
c. If you think the ATM is not working, cancel the transaction immediately and try use another
d. Always concentrate and keep your eyes on the screen when performing a transaction.
e. When entering your PIN, cover the keypad with your hand, making sure no one else see
your PIN.
f. If you need help, asks your Absa bank official rather than the security guard.
g. If your card is lost, stuck the machine or swallowed, cal the Absa lost card line or contact
your nearest Absa branch immediately.
25. What is the text about?
A. The priority of Absa ATM Banking.
B. Advice for users of Absa ATM
C. How to draw money from Absa ATM
D. Things to do while using Absa ATM
E. How to withdraw for Absa ATM
26. According to the text, what should you do when doing a transaction?
A. Be calm D. Be harmful
B. Be great E. Be focused
C. Be careful
27. What should you do if you don’t feel secure?
A. Go away D. Take away
B. Put away E. Stay away
C. On away
28. “Always concentrate and keep your eyes… “
The underlined word has the close meaning with...
A. Distracted D. Dissapointed
B. Focus E. Amused
C. To entertain

The Graph is for question 29-30

29. In what year did most graduates find work?
A. In 1999 D. 2002
B. 2000 E. 2003
C. 2001
30. What is the purpose of the graph?
A. To provide data of SMK graduated for readers
B. Intake and output rate of SMK
C. To know the number of male and female graduates
D. To know the number of married and unmarried graduates
E. To know the number of graduates

IV. Essay
Question number 46-50, answer the question correctly.
31. Arrange the words in to good order1
Does – long – he – to – make – intend – how – reservation?
32. What is the meaning of conditional sentence below!.
- If you had worn a lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier.
- If it didn’t rain, we’d be in the garden.
33. Change the sentence into Indirect Speech ones!
- I said to my mother, “ I want coffee now.
The reading text is for question number 4-5
Bored of eating the same food day after day? Do you want a change? Try the Steak House
Restaurant. The Steak House Restaurant is on the third floor of the most famous meeting point
in a town; the Plaza. Enjoy our salmon steak for only ten dollars and forty five cents, or our
chicken steak for only eight dollars and ninty cents, or you might taste our beef steak with
mashed potato. Mmm marvelous! Come with your family and have a big feast at the Steak
House Restaurant on the third floor of the plaza.
34. What product is advertised?
35. How much money we spent if buy 2 Salmon Steak and 2 chicken steak in the Steak House

Good Luck

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