Unit Ending Student Reflection Survey

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Name: Dome Escudero Date: 22 – 10 - 15 Parallel: A


9 weeks from AUGUST 25th to OCTOBER 23rd

Instructions: answer all the questions from this survey. You need to save this document and send it as an attachment
to my email jgil@colegioterranova.edu.ec. Be completely honest and constructive in your answers. Be reflective and
respectful at all moments. This will receive a HW grade based on completion and analyses reflected in your answers.


1. I am satisfied with the grade I got this unit. Explain why yes or why not.

No because I think that I could have done better and achieve a 9.

2. I know why I have the grade I have, the grading was clear in all my assignments. Explain why yes or why

Yes because you always make clear the reasons why I have the grades I have in homework and tests, so I’m always
aware of how I’m doing.

3. Mention one thing you did well during this unit and that helped you feel successful. Why?

I put attention in class so I did very well in the check for understanding with the Diploma questions and I felt well
for doing them right.

4. Mention one thing you need to improve upon to be successful for next unit.

I have to study for tests.


5. What surprised you in this unit?

How much we have learned without even noticing

6. Were you able to transfer something learnt in this course to any other course or to your home setting?
What was it?

Not really

7. Identify one thing that was very difficult for you related to the content of the unit.

Maybe classifying organisms into heterotrophs, saprotrophs, autotrophs, etc.

8. Identify one thing that was very easy for you related to the content of the unit.

I found it very easy to compare the population growth when species with the same Niche have to share an

9. Mention one thing that the teacher did to bring back some knowledge acquired in your years before that
allowed you to understand something better.

Energy transformations helped me understand food chains better.

10. Do you think the homework assignments sent were sufficient? Was it too much or too little? Explain your

I think the amount of homework was completely okay because it’s enough for us to understand the subject and it’s
not to much so we can actually do other things besides homework.

11. Is the system of HW publications in the shared drive, effective for you? Explain why yes or why not?

Yes it is very effective because it is easy and simple to access to all the homework. I find it useful to have all the
homework in one place because in that way I don’t forget anything.

12. The Mesocosmos lab was appropriate to complement my learning through this unit? Why or why not?

Of course it was! To put our knowledge into practice is very helpful to reinforce our knowledge and we also learn
new things in an entertaining way.


Use the following grading scale to self-evaluate the learning of the specific content throughout this unit. Write the
letter in the space provided next to the statement given.

Self-evaluating grading scale

I Master this content=M (9/10)

I Satisfactorily know this content=S (7/8)

I would need Reinforcement to completely understand this content=R (6/5)

I understand very Little about this content=L (3/4)

I understand absolutely Anything about this content=A (2/1)

Related to this content I understand that:

1. The continued survival of living organisms including humans depends on sustainable communities. M
2. Species are groups of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. M
3. Species can be autotrophs or heterotrophs. S
4. Consumers are heterotrophs that get food by ingestion. S
5. Detritivores are heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from dead organism by internal digestion. S
6. Saprotrophs are heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from dead organisms by external digestion. S
7. The distribution of species is affected by limiting factors. M
8. A community is formed by populations of different species living together and interacting with each other.
9. A community forms an ecosystem by its interactions with the abiotic environment. M
10. Community structure can be strongly affected by keystone species. S
11. Two species cannot survive indefinitely in the same habitat if their niches are identical. M
12. The supply of inorganic nutrients is maintained in the ecosystem by nutrient cycling. R
13. Ecosystems have the potential to be sustainable over long periods of time. S
14. Ecosystems rely on the supply of energy from the sun. M
15. Light energy is converted to chemical energy in carbon compounds by photosynthesis. M
16. Energy is transferred through the ecosystems by food chains. M
17. Living organisms cannot convert heat to other forms of energy. R


18. Mention one thing that the teacher should continue to do. This specific strategy helped you throughout this
unit and will help you in the future as well.
She should continue to explain the subject in a clear and fun way.

19. Mention one thing that the teacher can do differently to help you succeed in the unit to come.

I can’t think of one

20. Free comment about anything related to this unit. Feel completely free to be constructive and respectful
about anything you consider it’s worth giving your opinion about. Your opinion is important.
I liked this unit :)


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