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'Grumpy Cat 2.

0' going viral after being rescued off

Finally a story for the fans of the original grumpy cat
reported by the Express in UK there is a'Grumpy Cat
2.0' going viral. Saul as found Oct. 15 wandering
the streets in London after reportedly being hit by a
car. The ginger tabby, who is believed to have been
living as a stray, was taken to the RSPCA’s Putney
Animal Hospital for treatment. He was in a very
sorry state and injured- leading to his rather unique
look. But the funny thing is whether he’s being
showered with attention and games to play or
spoiled with treats, Saul’s face does little to suggest
he’s enjoying himself. Despite his constant scowl,
Saul’s actually really sweet and friendly. In the
meanwhile the world has fallen in love with this
glum-looking cat..which brings me to my tip for the
day “Smile less” if you want to be famous.

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