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7/23/2019 Untitled1

Run Anaconda Prompt as admin

1. Create a new environent running python 2.7

conda create --name <env_name> python=2.7

2. Activate the new environment

conda activate <env_name>

3. Install nodejs inside the environment

conda install nodejs

4. Install jupyter

conda install jupyter

5. Install msbuild globally

npm install --global windows-build-tools

6. Locate .windows-build-tools in the Windows Explorer by the following directory

C:\Users\<USER ID>\.windows-build-tools

1. Double click on the vs_BuildTools and it will redirect to Visual Studio Wizard. Click Continue.
2. Click on Modify
3. Tick VC++ 2015.3 v14.00 (v140) toolset for desktop and Click Modfiy
4. Go back to the Anaconda Prompt and enter this command

npm install -g ijavascript

5. Enter this command


6. Open the notebook

jupyter notebook

file:///C:/Users/lowke/Downloads/Untitled1.html 1/1

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