Introducing Relativity Into Quantum Chemistry: in The Classroom

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In the Classroom

Introducing Relativity into Quantum Chemistry

Wai-Kee Li*
Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

S. M. Blinder*
Department of Chemistry, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1055,
United States and Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois 61820-7237, United States

In the short time span between 1926 and 1928, English unsolved problem in physics involves the unification of gravity with
physicist Paul Dirac (1902-1984) played a pivotal role in two quantum mechanics.) Specifically, Dirac recognized the need to put
important developments in the history of physics: transformation special relativity into the Schrödinger equation. The resulting
theory (a unification of Heisenberg's and Schrödinger's formulations modification of the Schrödinger equation, which describes the
of quantum mechanics) and incorporating relativity into quantum relativistic behavior of the electron, gave rise to the Dirac equation.
mechanics. In this article, an attempt is made to introduce the Miraculously, the existence of electron spin automatically emerged,
important and chemically significant results of relativistic quantum without the need for any additional postulate. Also accounted for
mechanics to chemistry students and teachers. The presentation was the electron-spin magnetic moment, a byproduct of a charged
is essentially nonmathematical. Indeed, not a single equation is particle with angular momentum, with the correct g-factor of 2.
included, so this article is mainly qualitative. (By contrast, the orbital motion of an electron has g = 1.)
To be historically accurate, it should also be pointed out that
Electron Spin Erwin Schrödinger actually wrote down the first relativistic wave
equation (in 1925, and in his notebook!) as he looked for an
When chemistry students first encounter quantum mechanics equation to describe the de Broglie waves for electrons. When he
in their physical chemistry course, the first system they treat is often a applied this equation to the hydrogen atom, he failed to obtain
lone electron trapped in an infinitely deep potential well, the so-called the correct fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum because he
particle-in-a-box problem (1 2,). When the box is one-dimensional, did not take electron spin into consideration. So he abandoned
the solutions (energy levels and wavefunctions) are characterized by a this equation and settled for the nonrelativistic equation that
single quantum number. When the box is two-dimensional, that is, now bears his name. Two years later, Oskar Klein and Walter
when it is a square or a rectangle, the solutions require two quantum Gordon resurrected this equation and found that it correctly
numbers. When the box becomes three-dimensional, as in the case of described the behavior of spinless particles (such as pions). So
a cube, the solutions will have three quantum numbers. So the moral now it is known as the Klein-Gordon equation.
of the story is: in quantum mechanics, the solutions of a k-dimensio- Even the standard procedure for quantization of a classical
nal Schrödinger equation will have k quantum numbers. Indeed, the equation of motion shows the pervasive influence of relativity. The
solutions of the Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom (with fundamental variables of a system can be formulated as a “four
three variables r, θ, and j) have three quantum numbers, n, l , and vector” (x1, x2, x3, x4), with x1, x2, x3 =
√x, y, z, respectively, and x4 = ict
ml . The electron possesses, in additional to its orbital motion, an (where c is the speed of light and i = -1). The energy-momentum
internal degree of freedom called the spin. Spin is somewhat analo- four vector is correspondingly defined by (p1, p2, p3, p4), with p1, p2,
gous to the daily rotation of the earth, which complements its annual p3 = px, py, pz, respectively, and p4 = iE/c (where E is energy). The
revolution around the sun. An electron is said to have “spin 1/2”, fundamental quantization prescription is then given by the operator
which, according to the arcane rules of quantum mechanics, provides replacement pj f -i(h/2π)∂/∂xj, j = 1-4, where h is Planck's
a fourth quantum number ms, with the possible values þ1/2 or constant. (In modern usage, the fourth components of the four
-1/2. Spin was first postulated by G. E. Uhlenbeck and S. Goudsmit vectors are replaced by the real variables x0 = ct and p0 = E/c.)
in 1925 to explain some anomalies in atomic spectra. Wolfgang Pauli
exploited this additional degree of freedom, even before the advent of Nodes of an Electronic Wavefunction
quantum mechanics, to formulate his exclusion principle, which
states that no two electrons in an atom can exist with the same set of In the radial probability distribution function of a (hydrogenic)
four quantum numbers. The concepts of spin and the exclusion 2s electron, r2|R2,0|2, there is a node at r = 2 au (1, 2). In other words,
principle made it possible to understand the periodic structure of the there is zero probability of finding this electron between r and r þ dr,
elements. Although electron spin was already there before Dirac with r = 2 au, although there is finite probability of finding the
extended quantum mechanics to take account of relativity, he gave electron in the regions of r < 2 au (region I) and r > 2 au (region II).
electron spin a rigorous mathematical justification. So how can the electron go from region I to region II (or the other
Dirac believed that the two great advances in 20th century way around) without going through the node? Or, in an analogy
physics;Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics; with baseball, how can the electron go from first to third without
should be part of a unified theory. (Today the most challenging touching second base? Many approaches to this question have been

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r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. Vol. 88 No. 1 January 2011 Journal of Chemical Education 71
10.1021/ed100523k Published on Web 10/18/2010
In the Classroom

evoked, from those citing the uncertainty principle to arguments that of this problem is considerably beyond the scope of this article.
in the quantum world an electron does not move in a classical fashion. Still, some interesting qualitative results can be extracted.
But an attractive rationalization is suggested by the Dirac equation. When the box is one-dimensional, the wavefunction ψ has just
It turns out that the Dirac electronic wavefunction ψ is a four- two components, ψ1 and ψ2, and the probability density function
component spinor;there is a twofold contribution representing the ψ†ψ is |ψ1|2 þ |ψ2|2. Nonrelativistically, the wavefunction (and
two spin states and another duality determining whether the particle hence the probability density function) of the first excited state has a
is an electron or a positron. (The four-component wave function is node at the midpoint of the box. As we have seen, when relativity is
sometimes erroneously attributed to the four-dimensional structure turned on, this node acquires a small nonzero component.
of spacetime in relativity, but the relativistic Klein-Gordon equation Another crucial question is: when does relativity become an
also describes a spinless particle.) The four components of ψ, design- issue for this physical system? Specifically, at what box length
ated, ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, and ψ4, give a probability density function ψ†ψ of should we take relativity into account? As it turns out, the critical
the form |ψ1|2 þ |ψ2|2 þ |ψ3|2 þ |ψ4|2. For the 2s wavefunction, at length L0 is h/2πmc, where is m the electronic mass, and h and c
r = 2 au, among these four terms, the first two are zero, whereas the have been defined earlier. After putting in the numbers, L0 is
sum of the last two are minutely positive. In other words, the “node” calculated to be about 0.004 Å. When the box length is about L0
of the 2s wavefunction actually has a very small finite value at r = 2 au or smaller, the electron is relativistic. So we now know we are
when relativity is taken into account. So now the 2s electron can go justified to apply the nonrelativistic free-electron model (1, 2) to
through the “node” at r = 2 au without any conceptual difficulty. treat the π electrons of a conjugated polyene such as butadiene
because the length of this box is nearly 6 Å, or about 1,500L0.
The Prediction of the Positron
In addition to accounting for electron spin, the Dirac equation Properties of Heavy Elements
also unexpectedly implied that an electron can have either positive or In the special theory of relativity, when an electron is
negative energy. To avoid this apparent dilemma, Dirac assumed traveling with a velocity v that is an appreciable fraction of the
that, in a given atom, all of the infinite number of negative energy speed of light, its effective mass m behaves like m0[1 - (v/c)2]-1/2,
levels are filled--this being the inherent nature of what we perceive where m0 is the rest mass of the electron. In atomic units, speed of
as the “vacuum”, whereas the positive energy levels are filled by the light c is approximately 137. Thus, the average orbital velocity Ævæ
electrons of that atom from the ground up. When a member of the of a 1s electron in an atom is approximately Z au, where Z is the
negative energy “sea” is excited to a positive energy state, the resulting atomic number. Hence, for an electron in Au, with Z = 79, we
hole in the negative energy “sea” will appear to be a particle with a have Ævæ/c ≈ 79/137, or 0.58. So this 1s electron travels at a
positive charge. In 1928, only two subatomic particles were known: significant fraction of the speed of light. Moving at this speed,
electron and proton. Hence, Dirac at first thought this particle was a mass m of the electron increases to 1.23m0, which has a considerably
proton. However, it was later shown that the hole had to have the effect on the radial distribution of the electron. Recall from Bohr's
same mass as an electron. It cannot be a proton, so Dirac proposed atomic theory that the radius of the nth orbit is proportional to n2/m.
there should be a new particle with electronic mass as well as a Thus, the ratio between the relativistic 1s radius to its nonrela-
“positive electronic” charge, and this particle should also have a spin tivistic counterpart is approximately (1.23m0)-1/m0-1, or 0.81.
of 1/2. In 1932, this prediction became a reality as Carl Anderson This implies that relativistic effects have contracted the 1s orbital in
observed this particle's existence in cosmic rays. He called this new Au by about 20%. Similar contractions in a heavy atom also occur for
particle a “positron”. the higher s orbitals because these become orthogonal to one
Dirac originally got his idea about a filled “sea” of negative- another. The result is a lowering of the energies of all s orbitals.
energy electrons from X-ray spectroscopy on atoms. An X-ray This can also be seen from the Bohr atomic model, where energies
photon can promote an inner-shell electron to an excited level, thus, are proportional to -m. When relativity is turned on, the heavier
leaving behind a hole in the inner shell. This may be viewed as “pair electron makes the ground-state energy lower, or more negative. In
production” of a positive-energy electron plus a negative-energy any event, this is known as the direct relativistic effect and accounts
positively charged hole. When the photon falls back, an inverse for orbital contraction and stabilization of s orbitals and, to a lesser
process of pair annihilation results. extent, p orbitals.
From a more modern viewpoint, the heavy philosophical In contrast, the valence d and f orbitals in Au are expanded and
baggage of an infinite Dirac “sea” can be avoided by the development destabilized by relativistic effects. This is because the contraction of
of quantum field theory. The key idea is that wavefunctions are the s orbitals increases their shielding magnitude, which gives rise to a
promoted from simple functions to particle creation and annihilation smaller effective nuclear charge for the d and f electrons. This is
operators. Known as second quantization, this procedure enables known as the indirect relativistic orbital expansion and destabiliza-
electrons and positrons to be created, from a more rational vacuum. tion. In addition, if a filled d or f subshell lies just inside a valence
Lastly, the positron may also be called an antielectron; it is orbital, that orbital will experience a larger effective nuclear charge
the antimatter counterpart of the electron. Annihilation occurs that will lead to orbital contraction and stabilization. This is because
when a positron and an electron collide, and two or more the d and f orbitals expand when their shielding from the nucleus is
photons (or other particles) are produced. Thus, the Dirac reduced. This is also believed to make a contribution to the
equation first predicted the existence of antimatter and thereby lanthanide contraction.
opened up a whole new aspect of particle physics. The concomitant relativistic stabilization of the 6s orbital
Particle in a One-Dimensional Box and the destabilization of the 5d orbital in Au narrow the energy
gap between these two orbitals. As a result, the [...5d106s1]2S1/2 f
Now let us return to the particle-in-a-box problem, but this [...5d96s2]2D3/2 transition in Au is observed in the visible region;
time with relativity considered. The mathematical treatment (3) this absorption of blue and violet region accounts for the yellow

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72 Journal of Chemical Education Vol. 88 No. 1 January 2011 r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
In the Classroom

luster of gold. In contrast, the corresponding [...4d105s1]2S1/2f of the mystery surrounding the nodes of wavefunctions, the
[...4d95s2]2D3/2 transition in Ag (Z = 47) lies in the UV region. prediction of antimatter, the relativistic treatment of the one-
In addition, the stabilization of the 6s orbital gives rise to a large dimensional particle-in-a-box problem, and the anomalous
ionization energy for Au, which in turn leads to gold's greater properties of some heavy metals. It is hoped that this nonmathe-
stability: gold does not tarnish in air, whereas silver does. matical presentation will be accessible to chemists. A few
By a similar argument, the relativistic contraction of the 6s2 additional references (6-8) are cited for those who wish to
subshell in Hg (Z = 80) makes this element relatively unreactive: delve more deeply into this topic.
the so-called inert pair effect described in many inorganic
chemistry texts. Indeed, the tightly bound low-energy pair of Literature Cited
6s electrons in Hg makes it comparable to He, nearly a noble gas.
1. See, for example , Blinder, S. M. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics;
Thus, there is reduced interatomic attraction in Hg, which is
Elsevier/Academic Press: Amsterdam, 2004.
responsible for it remaining a liquid at room temperature.
2. See, for example , Li, W.-K.; Zhou, G.-D.; Mak, T. C. W. Advanced
The relativistic effect on the property of heavy metals is now
Structural Inorganic Chemistry; Oxford University Press: Oxford,
a topic covered in books and journal articles (1, 2, 4, 5). This
U.K., 2008.
short section gives only the highlights.
3. Alberto, P.; Fiolhais, C.; Gil, V. M. S. Eur. J. Phys. 1996, 17, 19–24.
Conclusion 4. Norrby, L. J. J. Chem. Educ. 1991, 68, 110–113.
5. Guerrero, A. H.; Fasoli, H. J.; Costa, J. L. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76,
This article attempts to present to chemistry students and 200.
teachers some important and chemically interesting results of 6. Pitzer, K. Acc. Chem. Res. 1979, 12, 271–276.
relativistic quantum mechanics. These results include a mathe- 7. Pyykkö, P.; Desclaux, J. Acc. Chem. Res. 1979, 12, 276–281.
matical justification for electron spin, a possible rationalization 8. Pyykkö, P. Chem. Rev. 1988, 88, 563–594.

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