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Camden Hepatitis C Pathway

This pathway has been developed from published guidance, in collaboration with local

This guidance is to assist GPs in decision making and is not intended to replace clinical

Patient Info HCV antibody positive patient discharged post

Newly diagnosed Hepatitis C RNA positive patient successful treatment (RNA negative)
British Liver Trust

Hepatitis C Trust
Notify PHE North East
Offer hepatitis A & B testing and Offer hepatitis A &
and North Central
vaccination if not immune B vaccination
London Health
Protection Team
Tel: 020 3837 7084 Think at risk groups:  Annual review for 5
(option 1) Offer lifestyle advice regarding unprotected sex, drug years for Chronic Liver
Fax: 020 3837 7086 paraphernalia, alcohol, tattooing and piercing. Advise Pregnant women – inform antenatal care Disease
against donating blood, carrying donor organ card,  FBC, LFTs, AFP
sharing razors/toothbrushes etc. Healthcare workers – advise patient to speak
to occupational health if taking part in
Exposure prone procedures (EPP)
If abnormal LFT – check
 AFP, LFT’s (inc AST and ALT), TFTs
 HCV RNA viral load
 HIV (offer)
 (Ultrasound Liver scan)
 (HCV Genotype) HCV RNA positive HCV RNA positive

Consider urgent referral if

 US demonstrates HCC
 ALT> 300
 Evidence of decompensated liver disease
i.e. ascites/ encephalopathy, jaundice
Follow abnormal LFT
References Refer to secondary care

Document co-morbidities. Attach all blood and

Comments & enquiries relating to medication: US scan results
CCCG Medicines Management Team Pathway created by NCL Approved by Camden CCG Clinical
Cabinet + GB July 2016

Clinical Contact for pathway queries: Review due – March 2020

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