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Home Reading Report


The exposition of story is how Venus becomes jealous about Psyche, making her command her son,
Cupid, to target the girl and make her fall in love with an extremely unpleasant man alive.

Rising Action

The rising action of the story is when Cupid is ready to target Psyche, he shoots himself instead
because he instantly fall for Psyche’s stunning beauty.


Psyche was about to figure out who is her husband and they have an argument leading Cupid to return
back to his mother. Psyche is disappointed and she found her way out to search for Cupid. Psyche
has rough tasks and challenges to surpass given by Cupid’s mother. Because love is a great thing,
Psyche was able to manage the challenges

Falling Action

Psyche finishes all of the tasks given to her except going to the underworld with Persephone. But
miraculously, Psyche succeeded.

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