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Step 1:
Catapult action:
The first step is using a rubber band slingshot to launch a Squash ball. Here we
have used a hot wheels car launcher. The ball rolls with higher momentum as
Momentum=mass x velocity
And the slingshot lets it have a higher velocity than rolling the ball with a hand,
even though the mass remains the same and you can be 100% certain that it
triggers the next step.

Step 2:
The ball hits the dominoes after being launched. The dominoes transfer the kinetic energy and
due to space issues, we curved the dominoes line, but instead of using original dominoes we
used Jenga blocks.
Step 3:
Ball hitting plaster:
The last 17 dominoes have been kept on planks so that the ball balanced on 4 dominoes, falls
down and hits a plaster making it fall down.

Step 4:
Plaster triggers pendulum:
The plaster is balanced on a tissue paper roll, which balances a ball which is a part of a
pendulum, when the plaster falls down it also makes the paper roll fall down and the pendulum
action gets triggered.

Step 5:
The pendulum hits a plank:
The pendulum hits a small square plank. The pendulum is made in a crane format. The stick
stays erect because it is hammered into the mud. A few centimetres from the top of the stick,
an aluminum rod is tied through a rope. On one side is the suspended ball and to keep it
balanced, on the other side a weight has been kept. As you can see from the previous picture.
Step 6:
Plank hits Iron man action figure:
The plank hits an Iron man doll which is connected to a knife, making the doll fall down with the

Step 7:
Knife falls on the banana:
The banana has been cut into two halves! Want a bite?

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