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Heat & Mass Transfer

Tutorial Sheet: Force Convection

Q1. Dry air at atmospheric pressure and 20°C is flowing with a velocity of 3 m/s along the length of a
long flat plate, 0.3 m wide and maintained at 100°C. Calculate the following at x = 0.3 m:
i. Boundary layers thickness
ii. Local and average friction coefficient
iii. Total drag force exerted from x = 0 to x = 0.3 m
iv. Total heat transfer from x = 0 to x = 0.3 m
At 60°C air properties: density = 1.025 Kg/m3 Cp = 1017 J/kgK, Dynamic Viscosity = 19.907 x 10-6
kg/ms, thermal conductivity = 0.0279 W/mK, Pr = 0.71

Q2. A flat plate 1 m wide and 1.5 m long is maintained at 90°C in air with free stream temp of 10°C
flowing along 1.5 m side of the plate. Determine the velocity of air required to have a rate of energy
dissipation as 3.75 kW Use correlations:
Nul = 0.664Re0.5Pr0.333 for laminar flow
Nul = [0.336Re0.8 – 836]Pr0.333 for turbulent flow
At 50°C air properties: density = 1.0877 Kg/m3 Cp = 1.007 KJ/kgK, Dynamic Viscosity = 2.029 x 10-5
kg/ms, thermal conductivity = 0.028 W/mK, Pr = 0.703

Q3. Engine oil at 60°C flows over a flat surface with a velocity of 2 m/s, the length of the surface being
0.4 m. If the plate has a uniform heat flux of 10 kW/m2, determine the average convective heat
transfer coefficient. Also find the temperature of the plate at the trailing edge.
For plate subjected to const. heat flux, (Pr<0.05 or Pr >50):
Nux = 0.453 Rex0.5Pr0.333/ [1+ (0.0207/Pr)0.67]0.25
ν Pr k
60°C 37 x 10-6 490 0.1384
80°C 83 x 10-6 1050 0.1407

Q4. The velocity and temperature profile for fully developed flow at a particular axial location in 20
cm diameter pipeline may be approximated by the following expressions:
U = 96r – 190 r2 (m/s)
T = 100(1-2r)°C
Calculate the bulk mean temperature of the fluid.

Q5. Estimate the heat transfer coefficient for the laminar fully developed flow (k= 0.175 w/mK) inside
a 6 mm internal dia tube under uniform wall temperature boundary conditions. Also compute the
heat transfer rate between the tube walls and the fluid for a length of 8 m if the mean temperature
difference between the wall and the fluid is 50°C.

Q6. Water is to be heated from 15C to 65C as it flows through a pipe of internal dia 3 cm and length 5
m. The tube is equipped with an electric resistance heater that provides uniform heating throughout
the surface of the tube. The outer surface of the tube is well insulated so that is steady operation all
the heat generated in the heater is transferred to the water. If the system is to provide hot water at a
rate of 10 L/min, determine the power rating of the resistance heater. Also estimate the inner surface
temperature of the fluid at the exit.

At 40°C air properties: density = 992.1 Kg/m3 Cp = 4179 J/kgK, kinematic Viscosity = 0.658 x 10-6 m2/s,
thermal conductivity = 0.631 W/mK, Pr = 4.32

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