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5th Paper
( Lower Grade )
Date : 11. 01. 2017 ] [ Time : 10.30 A.M. to 1.30 P.M.
( Max. Marks : 100 )

( English Version )

Instructions to the Candidates :

i) Write your Register Number and Grade clearly.
ii) You must not have any books, notes or written papers with you other than
that supplied to you for the use in this Examination.
iii) Geometrical instruments may be used.
iv) Do not use less than four colours.
v) Neatness and good colour scheme will get more marks.

Question :

Draw an equilateral triangle of 16 cm side and within that make a design with
geometrical forms and complete it with suitable colours.

Draw a hexagon of 3 ( inches ) side and within this hexagon make a design
with geometrical forms and complete it with suitable colours.

Note : Should not use less than four colours.

( Kannada Version )

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[ Turn over
L-5 2

iv) _}⁄√OÊQ O⁄¨Œ⁄r ´¤ƒflQ ∂y|¶M•⁄ Æ⁄„y%Vʇÿ“.

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( Hindi Version )

( +…±…‰J…x…  S…j… Æ˙S…x…… )

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iv) S……Æ˙ ÆΔ˙M… ∫…‰ EÚ®… EÚ… ={…™……‰M… x… EÚÆÂ˙ *

v) ∫¥…SUÙi…… +…ËÆ˙ ∫…®…÷ S…i… ÆΔ˙M… ™……‰V…x…… EÚ…‰ + v…EÚ +ΔEÚ  ®…±…ÂM…‰ *

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∫…⁄S…x…… : S……Æ˙ ÆΔ˙M… ∫…‰ EÚ®… EÚ… ={…™……‰M… x… EÚÆÂ˙ *
3 L-5

( Marathi Version )

( x…C∂……  S…j… Æ˙S…x…… )

 ¥…t…l™……»x…… ∫…⁄S…x…… :
i) +…{…±…‰ Æ˙ V…π]ıÆ˙ x…Δ§…Æ˙ +… h… O…‰b˜ ∫{…π]ı  ±…Ω˛….
ii) ™…… {…Æ˙“I…‰S™…… ={…™……‰M……∫……`ˆ“ i…÷®Ω˛…±……  n˘±…‰±™…… EÚ…M…n˘…  ∂…¥……™… <i…Æ˙ n÷˘∫…Ɖ˙ EÚ…‰h…i…‰Ω˛“ {…÷∫i…EÚ, ]ı“{{…h…“
 EΔÚ¥……  ±…Ω÷˛x… +…h…±…‰±…‰ EÚ…M…n˘ i…÷®…S™…… V…¥…≥ +∫…⁄ x…™…‰ *
iii) ¶…⁄ ®…i…“™… ={…EÚÆ˙h……ΔS…… ={…™……‰M… EÚ∞¸ ∂…EÚi…….
iv) S……Æ˙ ÆΔ˙M……{…‰I…… EÚ®…“ ÆΔ˙M… ¥……{…∞¸ x…™…‰i….
v) ∫¥…SUÙi…‰±…… +… h… ™……‰M™… ÆΔ˙M…¥…±…‰±™……  S…j……±…… V……∫i… +ΔEÚ  ®…≥i…“±….

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EÚØ˚x… ™……‰M™… i™…… ÆΔ˙M……Δx…“ ¶…Ø˚x… {…⁄h…« EÚÆ˙….
3 <ΔS… §……V…⁄ +∫…h……-™…… π…]ıEÚ…‰x……S…“ Æ˙S…x…… EÚÆ˙… ¥… i™…… ¶……Ë ®… i…EÚ +…EÚ…Æ˙…Δx…“ +…J…h…“ EÚØ˚x…
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[ Turn over
L-5 4
( Urdu Version )

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