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¢Poclain pelles hydrauliques 7 Og, ag en Fie Ne Pe he rE @Pociain — sommaiRE service CONTENTS GENERALITES GENERAL = Desist 600 115°. 1 = Deeripion oP..15. ' = Deering 1600, | 2 Baryon 600%, Yooe 20202 2 = Beserpat 206 Tooie > 32 Bemeon 2206. 1000622 = Garett 60 i Gime 60160 : 5 Garon 220.1000 3 = Sheeran 220. 00 3 = Trane 60 1000 73 _ Tranmareg0 1050, oe = tetrcangessid gois ons 10 Invrpaiiy 2f ckat and ti o = tderetion es goat oe 1% faenaaton of ache bucks ” a 12 = Oiansgrnen ns iB 13 Capes of eeaatr annie a iat” Tieng torque wa? CIRCUITS HYDRAULIOUES HYoRauLiccincuITs ~ Symbian hyestoue — uti cut eymbate a2 = te et ams i 2266 = Grevitaraiae exo = Schama artes de ge CIRCUITS ELECTRIQUES = Symbian deca 18 = Sthimerdecrnue 60 0d. 16.116 = Reteocements sentaue jiet20 CIRCUITS PNEUMATIQUES ~ Symbotiaton preumatus vais & Sohemarpcsrregun OP 8 125.128 © Prestige Passe jniae ese 29 ORGANES HYDRAULIQUES ET MECANIQUES = ves ss0191 = Tein xen a = Mature nyt 138 Pompes hepa 135 = Bimrouteurs 138 = Moss ema jaa Divers = Taya ot ezondemets = 130.182 = saint, 2s = Sooshenphatgoe q 186 = chs pains gris = Cavemen, 19.181 T EstowFIKHIEL-Gouitel Rade de aa, “182 Bees "eotes = ele 185 = Cais 185 5 Sri ohne Lin esure ie rook suse 100 = prea fngbien ie = Camersiane demasies mbtigveiS| 170 Nate cret ogre ow renure78i600 5708 = otc presuresertng dias i. 000" 6.107 ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Etc cheit symbol cece 108 Etc cro dag 6040 1aa..116 = test gram 620 We = tees creat gram 1000. ne = tei comentone sian PNEUMATIC CIRCUITS ~ Preumatie cet oymbole sza128 = breumote iret gems Bib ish 125.128 = Ths ntig pres Acsree 129 HYDRAULIC AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS = opines. sot = Sain otc: 233 = Hee motor 1 = Mh sre poo 1s = Yaw Boner 35 = Engines. io8 various ~ Ppesand comectins 129.182 = Oring at 159155 = uate pts 155 = yee es ard = Lona pnt i 18.168 Te AE Bt Shi wars 162 = Bunn v3.66 = Pht. 165 = bene 166 = Track eo ita 1 = Hog prsadare 68 = Serncng poaoce 160 = te WS mearremertsconenson sie |. $90 OPociain DESCRIPTIF 60 P ... 115 P DESCRIPTION 60 F 115P. 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(2) spending on mounting on shor or fog stacker $Poeciain service HUILES ET GRAISSES OILS AND GREASES aT LUBRIFIANTS: es ota doivent eocepande es ereitits propre dehasue 9 FLUIDE HYDRAULIQUE i fide POCLAIN expose adit a haute pre fon tun crete yeas Maas 40008228, FLUIDE HYORAULIQUE eidon 284) {ob a2 05. FLUIDE HYORAULIOUE fomnee 80 ba) ‘Goons a2. FLUDEHYORAULIOVE 100 4a) Lavi an consiration ae oureseuson quanti etsie~ ‘aren subordoas& tiatan dy FLUIDE HYORAU- TraUE ROCLAIN, dont oe palersont pourves 2 pur. = sucrose — 300 ¢ [210 Fie Ie FLUIDE FNORAULIOUE POCLAIN spe "rand Froi Leura SAE ui trent sant organs ees ‘stone ercondtons eimai upcere 4202 fre OHIO 5 Motu OEUTE F912 ‘Ske30 ou ELFMULTIFORMANCE Z8SAE2OA/ADon ou. twreston Motor OEUT2 BFL9T2 013-413, Uae Thue te PERFORNANCE 2c SAE 201/20 ou Shor ELF MULTIFOMMANCE 3 5AE 200/40 on ous 2, SAEI0 ‘she 200720 Lavine b€ FREINS sie ELF FREELUB HOS. 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Sak 200720 DEUTZ FL s12engine Che LP DEMPORIANCE 295SAE 200/20 or SAE 300i, DELP MULTIPERFORMANCE 26/54 20740 3 il ‘DEUTE BFL 912-919-419 engine Use ELE PERFORMANCE 5E SAE 200/20 or 30 or ELF (MOLTIPERFORMANCE 3C SAE 20740 at a sors, RAKE FLUID Ue ELE FREELUB.HOS Kena. 21m enon ere presi te wiiod for aly ens vans The THANSELE EP, B01" 301 _AUTO}OTIVE GENERAL PURPOSE GREASE ‘is gras uted fr al Bearing, bl or or bsrins seating tte POCLAIN GREASE EP. ‘e002 20 cocseees Cogn FLUID GREASE FOR EXPOSED BEARINGS In adtton to the uel protecthe properties, ts rst ote anu to now protected as (eBoCuaIn GEAR m2 pre ‘00022 “25 ee cece Aeon ean Fapane Phan ‘SERVICING INTERVALS ‘CAPACITES PELLES - PERIODICITES D'ENTRETIEN CAPACITIES OF EXCAVATORS: OReciain service nlelolelelelele Too a 000 spn ws ce eg "nw 9/1) A VOL, OPociain COUPLES DE SERRAGE service TIGHTENING TORQUES SERRAGE COURONNE D'ORIENTATION TIGHTENING OF SWING GEAR fl : vere OT 8 28 4-2 ren en “nore: soe NOTE Teas tensaning kit (8 28 444 21, Working pressure: 900 ba OPeciain COUPLES DE SERRAGE m.daN TIGHTENING TORQUES m.dalN To. Divanaton [sor 600 75° 75c00° e0c 116 100 |220 300 400 |e00| at Deion + | Ree ora sa] eal ea] sal eal eal e |e | eal wal wa w | analaew 2 | Rehan 28| o9| 09] 09] 08| o8| 33] a3] 15) 92] 22] as oa] aa| oir a Bs allaile 15] 188 138 ee sa] sal 7 @ | 6 | 6) sa} tes] 155 x55] 15a) ses ols is |i |is2|sea)aealtealtar|vas] 3| ne] anal oo | 4 taut 12|142|141|144] a3] 385] 259] 0 | | 209 ocean fs > [oo [so [> ee fos fw [seal ao [on foo tessa ios dasinos | al aul > | | al 5 | ei tao 5 7fefe sal so] 7 | come 50 foo [so [oo |s0 so [os los has fos pao feo feo | 8 | esmemeTiowie P55] a6] 35| 95) a5| 25/9 | 2 | a2 ad) aa] ag] aa] oa ot nr ure ; al asleals |e | a al 5 @ | Zennotee /eurle 18] 34] 95] 5] 95] 95 1a) sa) 50 ‘Bisbur upeent 4155] 165] 155 155 2n6 ave | ral 19a 13a] 20 | to | Savane Surana sa] salsa fans a6] 75] 103133) 20 | 63] 26 aa | Sige dite aslasle le [e |e | asl az] alee | - fra — | — Dirt saneon x6] ~ [16s] - |1ss| — [ane] sa] ng voa) A 12 [Seer wna ~ | v0] = fis] — [iss] — |zza| 174 r]20 [oo | soa Sion der =f e2|—][e |-|© | - jto0] 3 wal o7)—-]- | — va | Seema ea 129) 83] 10587 1a | Comprar wa = [oa = Peal [oa] T= ]- [= f=] -[- comoreor 7 as | Remo ni [ir fis ft [iw fw fsa ena] wal 20 |e | [owe Bei vir aS SSeS 16 3e| - [38] - | 30] - [ae Garin BV ia] [ina]-}-[-|-|-]-|- w | eae |-le 15] — [ius Grain v|-l« l= fe [-|-[-|-|-F-]- 19 | counting /rarserene | ® | = Mover yeast thafa|afa fe ~|-[elalal« 19 | tae moor “1° £18 | 20 | etechvdtaue fia7)rozfzs fas fzs [zo |anafoealaa [oo |azala0 [ae ba0 erate mot a1 | cine i207 202155] 5|255|155 202 [2n7| za] 103] a0 |a0 [30 |e 22 | Pemenrotaion as] s6| 28] 28/ 25] 25| 54| 54) 94) 091 71] 7 [roa Swing pion x 23 | Rentten Js [ae [ae [os [os [oo foo [so [70 [ow pao fas has | Toe bp 2 is fas [a2 feo [ea [ao [so [so [70 [on hao har fos | = ate big ig 6 (COUPLES DE SERRAGE TIGHTENING TORQUES Paciain service OPociain COUPLES DE SERRAGE m.daNv service TIGHTENING TORQUES mdaN Rep. Designation a en |sor |ooc!|7sP |75¢ ao aoc 115"|115¢ 160220 300| 400 7 | sysauie moter Pgnen de wansaton 28 | ratte pinion 1 2 | fo ~ ae pte 2 | dope Pentre 8 S 31 | Tranterce Trntacte ——- 3 f-[s|-[=|-[~]-|-|-|-|- adn curt Shortening Lang counog Pontavant Panes x |-|{=|-|=|-l=]-|-|-]-|- s/slalelels Rove #|-[ol-[#|-l«]-|-|-]-]- @Pociain SYMBOLISATION HYDRAULIQUE service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT SYMBOLS = accordement de const — Gren onde ee anor = senate se = Direction o ow A hytetgve 1 ate 2} pramatinoe vv 2 pooomatie = tnitan de ane fa tb 1H roinseae areton of ow = Indeaton dane tation ~ Taint dition of oetion = tndleton de volt uses ufc Tonge towpath nels ond ebutor — Erearemant de pies appre us Unies seupaes et bute = ‘We proaete eres 2) pee roo THE VTL | i oteremeane — Vr decree 7 = vrai contrat 4 = noe fr sera eter grouped ‘Sawronseulbiee i ‘oper in mse Vv ~ Flee pipe ~ Page ar = Airbed = srrenement ee ere 1) Sue bist 2 en ene brace Ke | certs — accent tide sine lp ant vo | Sik abn cueing witout chek ero “Teoma 2 dsetoapt Ly setnetes = seer rapide mescloet nt eour Sessoms 2 Socrouit = uk rte coupling with check vale SG eanmte 2 sheomestas ~ soit ounan ia rie pasanes ‘orary concierto ere with Seat = Shutavaveshatl cook ‘SYMBOLISATION HYDRAULIQUE HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT SYMBOLS = Réaoe tnehe = herons ~ ve necby as = achat ~ Aare dmen 2 Sotampirowe 3 aes TE ae = abienear ie ~ Commune mécoiqve as a Feet LL | 1 eteetlcn ~ gauge ermmacon Ss = cammande par Stross ~ eheriecotol by sleoit ~ Axiant mcg poston OP OPeciain ‘SYMBOLISATION HYDRAULIQUE service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT SYMBOLS = Capt anthetour Simla ee Smo 2 ae canglamant on ration (pet 2 toting in shun ow ctor ‘rena ‘ae 2 Pow tmp 2) Site pice vane 8) femeure iste By bror ci 4) Poe duties 4) autre = Ria de reson Pras current 1 oman ferme Sinomaly cone £) tos poarsie Peter propessty 1 mn reeset presi” 2) nomaieent over 2) noma open 1 er poarenie Stet progeny 1 ms roses bt prepresiiy ~ commande pe prion 5) anu npurabte 21 Floto ext aca eet cement Sees ror rood owed eee ~ tower aceite — wrens Poot ~ Tomita yicon 1 sna to vicoey 4 escceans io is: - > Heart oat 1) Conds deur en ee 2 Conaute au gesur ca nena Su ae 3) Conan err = Divatur dei Flom cer ~ Set conmente ce reston y = Harti searing contr ook Mowe =e 1 Ecc motor Wiecvcue 2 deme © oO Zoran 17 Bact oboe ti ot 2 Duct bow do 5y Boctomto ead OPociain ‘SYMBOLISATION HYDRAULIQUE service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT SYMBOLS ~ comprenoe! ~ Alrcomoreor = Pape doling consane = Fad etcemant pimp Sree ‘eta Hane same toscana crerrrneees = reo = inte ams re TEE tne = oie —— wernt pelsrace Sos. eee tars ae ne os ae HSsee jaan ee = Yr te tan TEs Sones = Socontrinr oa ig a geen Tas taez = Dibra ~ Save vat bank ~ Diva perie ~ Ineaon de posite ~ tmaeaon of rors a ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 60 P HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 P $Pociain service 10 oP: 6002.1 ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 60 P HYDRAUUC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 P OPociain service 0231 1911.18. 0022 aN eNO. 1649 cor cP Peciain service 6002.12. 1611. 1612. 1644, cor a || arene | L& i i | 1 Sa ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 60 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 C service OPaciain 27. ecu: coat HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 C SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 60 C OPociain service ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 60 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 C Poe! service 51-538 ec : 00st Boer Seog? 250. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 75 P ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 75 P service OPociain 28h. wep: 750282 2181 Ter 3022 SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 75 P HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 75 P Pociain service 502.12 25780. 27240, 27268, 27270, 27272. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 75 P ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 75 P $Pociain service 7502.12: 27242, 27246,27260_.77268. 27274 mp SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 75 ¢ HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 75 Pociain service 191 701.1 186 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 75 SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 75 ¢ Pociain service OTE, 9057_, 0008, 06. 108. 9141.9974. 9197 9121, Bt22. 91, a1z0. 9131, 912. 9127. Bian ghar Bias. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 75 0 ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 75 ¢ OPeciain service SCL 780012 = 97D. 58, S54, O55, 9110, 8115 948 851,010. 9122 928,912, 10.938, 18.810, HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 P ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 P OPociain service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 P SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 P service OPeciain | ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 P HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 P service 0: 906012 + 25741. 25972. 25078, aa HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 P ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 P OPeciain service oor 900212 + 25979. 25076, HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 C Pociain service 90013 181.221 Se. oom ter Seo, Seek /o005 1 88 ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 ¢ HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 C service Pociain U1 82163421 525,04, 24.090, ‘ae Bien. wo, B72, 05, a. 2018 ‘oer 940d oH04 aike22k2 dana ease. asad atee Tass, 008,60, dade, aoee 4900. 4591. 4985, 459.4548, 4959, 4956, 4358. 4280, 4364 Sean gear caso. ate das. soc, :s00n12 Soe. /s00 12 0K = 9005.12 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 C OPaciain service 90CL : 9002.12 +8957. S060. 296.6408 415, 8422. 8483. 8440. BEB, B49, BAS. BA, 8471 BOD. 860881. feb ores o704 are oc :900s.12 ; Haast 12a, Tesot Tat 2452. 12467. 12762, 12786, 12768, 1276. 12766 1276,.12770, "i, 130, 3702, tz 207 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 90 C SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 90 ¢ Pociain service S50 | 90812 tensa. taveu t2¥ee, 12. i27S, 12760, 2767. 277, ¥2776,12777 1278. 178, 1278, 80 CL : 900212 : 979, 0760, 8786, 8788, 880, HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 115 P ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 115 P OPociain service 9902.91 281. 1368. ns. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 115 P SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 115 P OPociain service 20978 ‘¥s0202 16 TiS SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 115 P HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 115 P Pociain service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 115 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 115 ¢ Pociain service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 115 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 115 C Pociain service tise 119002 9570. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 160 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 160 C service ” SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 160 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 160 0 OPeciain service ts0ex : 005.2: 12681 ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 220 ¢ HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 220 ORociain service 3 8 a i : ‘ a if 33 Ba a a 5 SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 220 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 220 C OPaciain service 220K: 2200805 2690, 12602. 12634. 12644. 12647, 12682. ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 300 ¢ HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 300 Rociain service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 400 ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 400 ¢ Peciain service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 600 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 600 C $Pociain service 600 ck = 0005.11: 102..1604, S00 Ek: so005 05: 19904 19908, 13208, HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 600 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 600 C Bociain service 00K = 6000505 : 13202 15208, 1326. ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 1000 ¢ HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1000 C Paciain service 2000 cx : 10000508. 1401. HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1000 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE 1000 Pociain service 000 CX : 19000808 14012, ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 75 P - 90 P HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 75 P - 90 P Paciain service ” ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 75 ¢ - 90 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 75 C - 90 C OPociain service Pociain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 115 P. service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 115 P SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 115 ¢ HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 115 C OPeciain service =| Le OPociain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 160 C service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 160 C | Le oth I OPociain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 220 C service HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 220 C 4 ———} Lee eS | ¢ SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 300 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 300 C Pociain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIGUE BASSE-PRESSION 400 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 400 C $Pociain service ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 600 C HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 600 C Pociain HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LOW PRESSURE 1000 C ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE BASSE-PRESSION 1000 C $Pociain service SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 60 P HYDRAULIC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 60 P OPaciain service fel _g | OPeciain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 60 P HYDRAULIC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 60 P AVE®.CONJONCTEUR-OISIONCTEUR Amana lo tompiatce du iret yarns & 0° © = Blbrnenar te uyaucarde a plas de sa fursuagetlerboushoonr ecu en poston eal = quar iguana S13 ela beter S13 en Febrarcer es tyoue Ue poi, ese sete en postion ete ors. Verte age Yon oben ene 400 $20 barn mon tied he, Deeraane manometer an (2 Tarr rarer so rotation Debra manometer en (3) Debra mana te rahe en (8). Monten preson sur un rin equipement en me oouret fe thor promesiernt oninag) = le tronowive doit Inder 360" ber ene reve Tee. = Diarearie marci ate bare (€) = itera a deeevon om bust vere us on oan "20 bar ton age wr fo vi 8 rigueur ioe OaeriHoL = Dibrancerie mana = ina tepals oto about500 = Biomac hrte pbs encon panreseting he Dion Seu and tm! thom ointctor war Sin! — Leek's 19 wae bank rputor in pstlan ota a) = Pct slo heey pest Gamers presure pope #0 515 wae bk repor i) ~ Sotormare of 5 19 vate Ban ret ae by ace ‘benicar mort poston ‘oes onde peau of 9 ve Dank eur. ‘ecnoset oot eat pe. ‘ce mesorn awe poston ‘Enna tat» pre of $00 0420 bas ote ‘ne hing com | ‘Bheonnect esr sug conti 32) Seeomsur of uing motion lie aes ‘Disznnat pase aug an conac 3°19) ‘Serpe ofall aero ny ton, Disconnect res gouge sn eanmat 2 (5) ‘Pics lctarn work position ‘ane prasre i acne evn by eroesy ‘marocurang the "oo! ftstantg) © the posars Sima re e's Se a0 an bed oe tan ORBROL Bio pier ace ~ enmeet rere pe, SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 60 P HYDRAULIC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 60 P $Pociain service Cena Peciain service ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 60 P HYDRAULIC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 60 P SANS COMIONCTEUR DISIONCTEUR ~ Amana a empératre ou cuit hyeraiqe & 5096 = Dibarener te ajay are aux pons de vtes (4 sararage ots boushonear (acne posta no rdgltur oe 19 epee er wateuren postion ge ose trbtew S10, en ~ ToS arin Ho S13 opin ene et are uaa 08S 13 ebro tes yeux de potoge. ete sete en postion ge ou Varter ave Fon aon ante #00 20 been mon Sine hee, Diovan mami tl brah en 2). “are smarturde rotion Debraher is manomae tin branche en), Debranernmaomae tin rancher en). OnerTRot. n wrHour MODULATOR = Bring temperate ot byes tab 50°C. = Dhan inate pipe ot aces presureartig rae ‘lor cal ae waa ha of ctr In work po ‘an ~ Leck 12,ae bank rept in potion otachnen = Comet roma guige to S19 vae bank restar een ~ Set presure of $19 vow bank ot ter by setting te comspancig conto a. ~ Pic ance in work poser = toon ad separ of 12 va bank spur = Reconnect plot creat pin. = Pc ncn ae epost. = Ear tat a presie of 4000 420 bai obtain en rarg Boor. = Discreet presure gauge and comwce a = Set prosarof sing mation at vas = Diseamact pres ge ard conoe a (3 = Serpresore of rele! aero sy opens = Diseannat pres oo rd cot Tr tering ar fra check tat 3. pres sare of 120 bars abi nt tu ORBI TROL Stok region — Diconect rere pate OPeciain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 60 C HYDRAULIC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 60 C Fr es 8 T 1 4813 > p—----------4 < HYDRAULIC PRESSURESETTING DIAGRAM 1000 C 3ra0 syne Carer) OPociain SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 1000 C HYDRAULIC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 1000 C Amana le tenpértre uate hydraave & $02 = Bromo on anomie & insane am marche let dou motes tenia et ws (ues resign monte 8 7 bar enuron 8 plein Sov preson wet ps aint, peed cone it = Tore le lee rigutur dee meters ere: het roy sgt ae preaon ‘monte pus D0 bo evi Foun tour de ps avi égultur, = Detar es queers des deux 37 ache un mana an. 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Tum elo” row by an extrtrn ~ tect te aero four noaltare = Feta pressure of reat of bo 537 vate ant = Ganmect a presage at an engine rnning, ‘he press sou nn 30 bas hon ln ane Ieee — Shutdown teenie, = Bit i ae pt copia, = Overt rit vals of left hand S37 vale ark WITHOUT REACHING MECHANICAL STOP and re: ese presare of those of te 1phthand S37 vee ant = Mite rietand engine running, pace ste in ‘any ite peton = Ganect presi aug 27 ard on a¢ 8 Ser pesare ofa al vos of Phan § 37 tae Dank vad ot Shut dove the engine and ttton all lef va of (pind $7 eae bank by on fom, Strip ete band engine nk: then sot th at 270 ber sree © rod — Unrro a ret ser of righthand § 37 seb = Shittown ie cio. = feconnct hw ere pot pig a6, dand = Mepaes heoyWsich nea pasion, = Leek ettand $37 apr. = Set presare of rithand S37 olor a 20 br. ‘ad ot 8 then rae prs of Moder Ani Drawives 7 fle 00 bar Then rece presare of mocutor Cunt pres at 5 falta ow. ~ Set pres of rhe hand $37 repr 3290 be ‘mud 98, ton ro pase of moder Bunt the ‘posure ot 2 fh 0 bor Then lee pre oF ‘modulotor D unto prose a fal to kar = Set presare of righthand 8 37 rgltr at 20 bre telere, — Tien right band $27 ruler by on ar, le ene and 5 7 gtr tn wt OPociain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 1000 C service HYDRAULIC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 1000 C ~ Dev un our rigueur 57 droite = Taresmoriorde toon oe ec = Tuyrcremortineuregerotvan:lecureen 3006, = Uneven rit and S37 rgltorby one tar. = Setoremure of fae Wack ave ot rles ( en (Frid tt reir of lt avs of Bock come = Speomure of ing mation raat vats ad 3 = Sipe of retard tak ve twa. made done Ex Co G9 * NOTA Lor du rempcament “Selntouape, 13 483-90 (30 FO1.0) “parissoupeoe 0 18433. 38[HMGD FOI 1) “buen seuape F 14 483-0 SD FORO) porasoupaoe © 18-439 (HHOO Pz.) ‘eter iapurgece cnt soupape ante ae 10) CASDE LAMISE EN PLACE DE LA SOUPAPE ess. = Fare te wroge aproche (aya de plate de far en a niveny tage Gon toon 2p “NOTE hen repcig (ae R12439-99 d30PO.O) we 2 18439-9630 PO Cote 16439" 07 (G0 PC2 0) Byte & 18499-9030 PO2 ‘sled a save Oto srg the eure 10) MOUNTING VALVE 0 19429-28: ~ cary ott earning | = Floste scangn unto comes oot 2 trexd ‘tut sor fry mows = jae preset = (ett por ere ping nut = Gey ove comple prsoreceting of machine >Pociain ‘SCHEMA HYDRAULIQUE DE TARAGE 1000 C service HYDRAUUC PRESSURE-SETTING DIAGRAM 1000 C 29) CAS DE LAMISE EN PLACE DE LA SOUPAPE 2p) MOUNTING VALVE €18499-20 = Fat wane at ra = Gary ou inti presage a eo | oe al fo eo nt 9 i ate a rvs Fetage an soe coup ‘treat ftw ao ky vera ial tase ‘jut prewar rong Fel rage compl bl machine. | Gar ot comolete reir srting of aching 107 |CUIT SYMBOLS ‘SYMBOLISATION ELECTRIQUE ELECTRICAL CIF Pociain service Pociain ‘SCHEMA ELECTRIQUE 60 ... 400 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 ... 400 PLancne pare 1 Diode ce pee 2 Rel debates 5 Commande démarsur 6 Rawos commande 2 Prichatane o 8 Ame 0 10 Elctoremne o 11 Thoin ae rhautone a 12 Raa de commande 12 Pachatoe © 3 Aikeeur 5 irpillenaaur770 6.38400 Oh "Laake ruses eoore 18 Voyanedechone 19 Regu miu nerpor 20 Comaraye ive ae fol e— y 5 a : sie Oe =| F iE] i i / i i 5 : i 1 rote de 2 ate ry « ‘ison er 4 Sime 1 plese eae Pea 4 corte 13 Seon 11 sabrina 4 ee 1 ratte Ione Te 88 0 a a ess 1a Carson 13 soa 2 Amc cue 5 Sime 2 earner ¥ Bo ot tererne me aes a > lace n s eave 25 Tonportaeietor OPaclain ‘SCHEMA ELECTRIQUE 60 .. 400 service ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60... 400 PLANCHE FEANEME ary ; 8 Eisegtecran te oo | (sae ° | ee on crest ee : os! 1 a a Ae Asia eei eas lise oS i ee 4 NUT ee i fF a Pe Ht ul a a i | ee = ERE a sanetgesetysieemesunsut He § 9 Who on ree . 400 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 ... 400 SCHEMA ELECTRIQUE 60 OPeciain oa Pociain —scHema ELECTRIQUE STEEtMICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 .. 400 BLANCHE yg Mare LEeeEeeweswm tif} : sane erm nt eg (18) fo 1 Ba ; Se ee 7 Sine . = Pociain ——_scHEMA ELECTRIQUE 60 ... 400 service ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 .. 400 TABLEAU DE BORD CIRCUIT IMPRIME -Planche 1/4 PRINTED CIRCUIT CONTROL PANEL -Piate 14 1 Steep 1 3 Sasa en © awa Se va ord sero omni iim norm Heisman ge const Mt Prschauto 12 frau 13 Elewossne i Low 18 Novant le prshattne ee 2 METS, pooime eo ee 2 ares contact neg: sora 1 Pointy ode 3 Storer sion ay ana 90 on 11810400 5 Praag 8 Conmetensr 3 Gonctmater 8 Enron 8 Praetng narig ight 14 Ar tlowcorector 15 Pyenowing warning ihe 1 Conte mamenance iy topionion sae "90 18 Dame tight 19, Grecian 20 Aamstor27 A, 500160 21 falwnetar 254,220. 200-400 22 Charing ning i 23 Spa nestor 26 Svein ine ma Paciain ——_ScHEMA ELECTRIQUE 60 ... 400 service ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 .. 400 ‘TABLEAU DE BORD CIRCUIT IMPRIME -Planche 2/4 PRINTED CIRCUIT CONTROL PANEL - Pate 24 Sonsooeu 5 3B : ; 5 i 5 8 a ne i 4 i 2 i aes! oovowaun. SREHRREMESE BURR RENEE: Pociain service ‘SCHEMA ELECTRIQUE 60 ... 400 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 .. 400 ‘TABLEAU DE BORD CIRCUIT IMPRIME -Planche 3/8 PRINTED CIRCUIT CONTROL PANEL - Plate 3/4 1 Moss esuitoe commande enue tone 3 Lavegace 4 Aerisur sur manus a & Gonmande eta arrtnur 8 Avenue 2 Pri ture 4 Commande voyat aux tourant 10. Commande tvoyant pare gupament 1 ino upemern a 12 Preceatee © 14 Fone ea 15 Datenageranasion ” 1G Caupure eae o o 2 Déteageotacan ascii secede pot) eae pont a.) (Sub) eter proxi Denentede subir: 1 Mind wor motor 8 fom F Uppers conection 1 Roy light cara and waning He 3 Roy Ihe ‘echt a waning ht ond con 2) ‘aectnene comecon ‘tctnnt ge ea ‘Senna ‘cee rate re Frw cout ‘oharling or anisming ‘reaming wanig te fataning wong oe. Shing rae le Baddptcsmane 10) ‘le fching 1) ‘emai se tng Ses) Fair wing ge Canning oretion @Bociain —_scHEMA ELECTRIQUE 60... 400 service ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60... 400 TABLEAU DE BORD CIRCUIT IMPRIME oe 4a 25 | aon 24| 0s 40-26] or 0.24 OBoctain BATTERIES - LAMPES service BATTERIES ~ LAMPS. BATTERIES SECHES DRY BATTERIES Poon ds tore vif cade antics | *atamenes | TYPE Farina" [Poston ofteminse| TYPE Tym fal ‘ideal em Joosaa-e1) [Sets 2f21] | mauca | 120 [asa] 6 7m J oosra-eo| (Szfs tat] | mtsuoa | 60 [ss | 7 {200 fore zat | ja2}2| 21 so Fev o| [ESTES] [mw we | we foals ELECTROLYTE : Lin ncarton de acon ELECTROLYTE : pin in bot ton Neorat won 036-35 Normal 1 09095-2 rand ro 3 00036 °31 Exrome colt 8 09036-87 Pnyrehmade | M0035 26 Trl Someries 030035. 26 LaMPEs 24 VOLTS: LAMPS 24 VOLTS ss] codec ition emo] oo e05 76 ihbeum end owbaan hs eo [reosos-00 | Poeewursconpertinens mows Engine compare! is pe = laoosca-oe || Fede ontion AR ‘esr postion igre Fe) seater de acon gl de ene [P2488 78 | cretion nestor, toting sina > Inco aoe oo | Fa troine de abla de bt Ill Cone para weighs aude positon AV Frontpestion is Convo pane! thang Patormar 5 fs onans-0s a x bx cf eb 70 fr codos.as_ | omer x 70 fcoaaos.or | Poems “Teno tens de bord cro irpeind Pred cia cona art wag Ie 12 fp coe0s-08 Bad 9ageeae ra Pociain FUSIBLES: service Fuses runes [ane] core ‘an Z| uses, Amp.) “Poena soot sleleleseaiea | 10 | wooarz-27 | Moteur thermigue - Options )x | x1 x | x) x] xx | Ee sn 20 | 2 coara-ao | Sing Dunas fx x Tete eee eae 2% | C.00412-41 Frage motor ain Engine ine Fone roi: Vera Caatoge ‘Alera Mebclct cl | | fil onara-aa | Ean! bume: Vento Howtg » "242 | Cpt hte 6.25 1.31 mm Pons sane BUDE) sth aaa oesdon pure SUDEX) ‘ignorant: Ps: Larenat Fax ts| eooar.n | inter foelighs- sie ames ow 215] € 0041248 | Seem ia spe gone (FOG) cansion pump (F00) ‘vara: Camm anaTios 10 | conara-61 | Amon ix\x tom’ rearing cone Alweeut ‘Vaya car - Colma ee "Peknmornon: Eom pct Love ge Pifonarelsrage move 1a | 00419. 0 | Suvpiny woring ino a closing ix} ‘hatin Cauoge- Ala Phare oure et pee Phare oe aa Gaiam Tals Se bord 25 | Zonar2 81 A ipatooner- hat - iat her x rere an aracenn its oe ight inp hen} 9108 L30mm ane baton oy. oe nor : 7 82 | Cuntraized lubrication (SUDEX) IX] =n ke IE eS a hon ee 208412-24 | Fiting hydraulic fd tok te a 4 3.15 | § 08 412 | Centralized lubrication (FOG) | anti ee s [omer [memetieme toma | hlbhlah es pcr i ale |cwsw [axerscmmccmnsa™ (hh kl asd 10 | 8 0841s Ectairage suis \x | bx {x [x |x [x | iq 2 [Se Ke se | pone a asm — Eh {fie [none frases ae pgoggag ee Comteeeen hhc ke L B ‘eet wasn @ |e msna-an | Azsany women x2 Fee >Pociain service ‘SYMBOLISATION PNEUMATIQUE PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT SYMBOLS REGULATEUR ‘SOUPAPE DE SECURITE RecuLaTeuR ‘SOUPAPE DE SECURE PRISE OE PRESSION nEGULATOR Savery valve PRESSURE TAPPING coupnesseun cournesson PURGE AUTOMATIOUE AUTOMATIC BLEEDING Powe aNTiGeL, AwTiFReeze PUMP ‘PRISE OE PRESSION PRESSURE TAPPING PEDALE DE FREIN BRAKE PEDAL Manocontact TRANSDUCER Lame TeWom WARWING LIGHT mawoweTre PRESSURE GAUGE cournot swurore OPociain ‘SYMBOLISATION PNEUMATIQUE service PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT SYMBOLS ‘VALVE O‘ARRET DOUBLE ‘DOUBLE STOP VALVE VALVE DE DESSERRAGE RAPIDE uicK. RELEASE VALVE ‘GROUPE OLEOPNEUMATIOUE ArmoveR woRAULIC ‘assewouy CeVLINORE DE COMMANDE 4 VALVE DE REDUCTION i ‘REDUCING VALVE is VALVE DE BARRAGE aumne vaLve ee CONTROL CYLINDER PRISE DE PRESSION PRESSURE TAPPING oa Pociain SCHEMA PNEUMATIQUE 60 P - 75 P - 90 P service PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 P -75 P - 90 P cor ay}. 1. Som: eee 2 27212 Hak re. 7,00. soe 8.7. 7b! TBOL32 BNE tren. rau, 27070 27002708 27a 27902. 27406, 2740.2742.2708 286 256i. 96198, 26098. 2614, 2646, 26145, 6147. 28148, 26160, 28159. 26152, 264, 26187, Et ‘TOURELLE UbPERSTAUCTURE PORTEUR 7 CARRIER FRAME OPeciain ‘SCHEMA PNEUMATIQUE 60 P - 75 P - 90 P service PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 60 P - 75 P - 90 P sop: soo2s2 : 797 1801, 1800, gb: Seuzia drag’ arakariag era zis 27ay 2roon ane, rez, 7494 27440, 27654 bes googie | 2ersr.2otea ao14d, 2640, 2019, 2512 26158, 26160. 208.26 UPPERSTRUCTURE PORTEUR, TOURELLE CARRIER FRAME S ayant OPociain ‘SCHEMA PNEUMATIQUE 115 P service PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 115 P Hib: Heda 2a gears ic CARRIER FRAME TOURELLE UppERSTRUCTURE PORTEUR, _# a aus H3iaVO unaiwos Junionuisussan auNOL ‘SCHEMA PNEUMATIQUE 115 P PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 115 P Peciain service OPociain PNEUMATIQUES ~ PRESSIONS DE GONFLAGE - ACCESSOIRES: service TYRES - INFLATING PRESSURES ~ ACCESSORIES g 126-61] : “SF | ae . gs as a8 es | e2 | 38 os °8 3 vee pe g§ a a8 ge | be |e: ay TE, Pe pment fnew Ss golly Page 3 ale * leis aR en. 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