Juan Mora Training Notes: Understanding, Identifying, & Logging Bug' Related Issues 3

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Juan Mora Training Notes

Table of Contents

Understanding, Identifying, & Logging ‘Bug’ Related Issues 3

‘Bug’ Troubleshooting 3
1. What is a ‘Bug’ & what do we do with them? 3
Section 1 Notes and/or Questions you had: 4
2. How to Report Bugs 5
Section 2 Notes and/or questions: 5
Recap: 7

Device Related Issues: 8

Device Troubleshooting 8
Section 3 Notes and/or questions: 8
Desktop Client Troubleshooting 9
Troubleshooting Google login issues 9
1. Freezing or unable to type issue on Google Login Screen. 9
2. Blank Screen on "Login with your Google account to begin using BlueStacks" page. 9
3. The login screen is miniaturized and does not accept clicks. 9
4. Can't establish a reliable connection to the server. 9
Clear app data (cache) on BlueStacks 3 9
Section 4 Notes and/or questions: 10

Account, Purchase, and Item Related Issues 10

Recharge Troubleshooting 10
1. Player can’t recharge 10
Section 5 Notes and/or questions:: 10
2. Recharged yet did not receive Currency 11
Section 6 Notes and/or questions: 11
Recap: 12
Account Troubleshooting 13
1. Lost Account 13
Section 7 Notes and/or questions 13
2. Reporting an Account 14
Section 8 Notes and/or questions: 14
3. Delayed Tickets 14

Template Examples Used in Training: 15

Already Reported Bug: 15
Generic Device Troubleshooting: 15
Recharge Failure, Please Contact Us: 16
Other Top-Up Error Messages: 16
Recharge yet did not receive diamonds: 17
Reporting an Account: 17
Delayed ticket: 18
Bug and Game Error Reporting

Understanding, Identifying, & Logging ‘Bug’

Related Issues

‘Bug’ Troubleshooting

1. What is a ‘Bug’ & what do we do with them?

A Bug is: Any Features or functionality not working and/or behaving as intended. Some
examples of a ‘Bug’ are:
● Display/Text errors (Text, item, icons (fx. description in Chinese)
● Interactive errors (You do xx and expect yy but instead you get zz)
● Interface errors
● Game-play (an issue affecting the actual game-play, for example - users doesn't take
damage, a skill not dealing damage, unable to move, the enemies are not spawning
etc etc)
● Server issues​ (​E.g. Server XXX is unable to participate in an event or Players are
unable to sign-in to YYY Servers)​ ​general issues​, ​technical issues​, or any other
anomalous issues​ that affect an entire server, a server cluster, a server region, or
all servers within all regions.
● Misleading or wrong information: (E.g. Unclear rules, misleading rules in events,
wrong description of rules, or etcetera).
● Payment: Bugs affecting the payment options or the possibility to recharge (not
single user cases)

It's important that we record bugs that are affecting more than one person. If it is a
single player issue it's not considered a bug as such and if you can't solve the issue they
need to submit a ticket to support. ​By submitting a ticket the support team gets the
registered email for the account and they can investigate even further

In a perfect world you should test if you can replicate or verify the bug before
submitting it here but I know this might not be possible at all times but keep in mind that
the more information we have, the faster it can be resolved. We need good descriptions
that clearly states what is wrong, where the error is occurring, and how it occurs.

Do not wait for someone else to report it, if you notice something you have to take
ownership and provide the information you can about the issue.

The Bug Report Form (​Found Here​) is to be referenced by all moderators of EoC when
documenting and recording bugs. The development team will review and update status
on a frequent basis and it is important that we provide high quality data and
descriptions in order for the development team to locate and fix the bug.

Section 1 Notes and/or Questions you had:

1) Everything makes sense, but I would like to know in more detail about interactive
and interface errors.
a) - An interactive error would be like: You press mount, but instead your sprite
appears. Or, maybe you use a skill and it's the wrong one. Something like that.
- Interface Errors would be similar to not being able to use a button at all.
Instead of it being wrong it is non reactive.
2) Also, what do you mean in payments when you say "not single user cases"?
a) The most common payment you will get is when the website goes down and
nobody can top up
3) Well, what is the minimum amount required to be designate an error as such?
a) - Typically they would like 5 to 10 individual reports from players that we
have collected all required information from (which we cover in the next
section) before it is considered a bug.
- Even if a player tells you "Nobody on my server can" we still need
individual accounts since we need to collect that information.
4) if I am a moderator and I have an error that I do not know how to solve it, and it
only happens to me, should I send a ticket or inform them through the groups of
a) I would say to talk to your peers first since one of us might know the
5) All information about the problem must be documented immediately, or can
information be obtained little by little? And if I obtain information from
different users, must it be in the same register or should it be for each user?
a) - You are going to get the report about something & the first thing you're
going to want to do is try the troubleshooting steps to solve the problem.
(We will cover troubleshooting a bit later.)
- If those don't work, and you think it's a bug, you're going to want to come
here to Skype to discuss that with your peers to see if anyone else has been
told the same problem.
- It could be that someone has already reported the issue. If they have you
would need to go back to collect that players information to add to their
- If they have not you would go back to collect the players information so
you have it just in case, but you would also want to tell them to create a
ticket at this time just in case this isn't a larger issue.
- You can reassure them that you will retain their information just in case
this does become a larger issue so their report isn't overlooked.
- Then in the event this does become a bug you still have everything you need
without having to go back to ask.
2. How to Report Bugs

Firstly, everyone needs to understand the system for reporting bugs

● We report all bugs that affect the majority of the players and we track down
progress, critical bugs are still reported in their corresponding platform
channel(s), but they should also be recorded on the form
● Every bug should be tested, or at the very least, verified in some capacity (by you or
another moderator) when possible, so that seniors/leads/development can
reproduce the issue. If you aren’t sure if something is an issue it is always best to
discuss it with your fellow mods
● It is also a great idea to get involved, and take part in all Mods training/testing
so that everyone stays up to date with current issues & knows what is going on
and is

Secondly, there is some common information and considerations that need to be made
and noted for bug processing.
● Area where the bug occured​ - pretty self explanatory.
● Long description​ - this should be written similarly to the way you would explain
it to the other player, and with as much information as possible,
● Player Info​ - this is essential in aiding Sin in finding players.
● Bug device/ OS version​ - is important for bugs that only occur during specific
● Players Proof/Claim Information​ - Proof and evidence of bugs is next on the list,
always ask for screenshots in some cases we need video
● Recreation Information​ - We need to try and reproduce all bugs naturally, and in
their normal environment, and we should include images and/or videos of the
steps/measures that we have taken in an effort to recreate/reproduce/verify the
report. (​ Side Note: We simply make a new character for low level Bugs recreation

The Bug Report Response Spreadsheet (​found here​) is to be used by all Moderators of EoC
when documenting and recording bugs to reduce the chance of duplicate reporting.
Additionally, the development team will review and update status on a frequent basis
and it is important that we provide high quality data and descriptions in order for the
development team to locate and fix the bug.

Section 2 Notes and/or questions:

Notes:​ “First, it is important to know what bugs are before knowing how to help with
them, because if you can't tell the difference you will be doing much more work when a
bug could have only been a support or device troubleshooting issue”
1) What do you mean by critical error?
a) Critical bug:
• Please contact a senior moderator immediately and make sure to collect
as much information as possible about the issue.
• Photos, Videos, User IDs and Servers are crucial when reporting these types
of incidents or bugs.
• You can also try to check and verify if you or any other member of the
team can replicate the reported issue.

b) • Critical bug means it is affecting Most/All users, Servers and the game-play.
For example: server down, payments unavailable, severe performance issues,
Sign in issues, Unable to join event (requires more than 1 player/server to be
considered high).
• If more than 15 players reported a high impact issue within 5 minutes you
need to report a critical bug

c) What is the issue?

- Servers are unavailable / Servers are down
- Performance / Users are unable to play due to game crashes, delays or
other performance related issues
- Players are unable to sign on to the game
- Big/Important event is not working (No points calculated, No rewards sent,
Rewards can't be collected, Can't participate)
- Players are unable to recharge
- Other - Any other critical issue that has a big negative impact on a large
amount of users
2) If I cannot reproduce the error that they report to me, can I ask the favor of a
fellow mod to do it for me and give me the information he collected and the
report is automatically transferred for him to do so?
a) Absolutely
3) To say the area where the error occurred, are coordinates, map or how is the area
a) Where in the game. For example World Boss, Wedding, Rings, etc
4) Is there a minimum quality for images and videos?
a) No
5) In case you are a player who does not know how to use the aids that the game
gives you, how can you help him if he has an error, but does not know what to do?
a) You're going to have to hold his hand and walk him through it, lol

● A Bug is: Any Features or functionality not working and/or behaving as intended.
● We record bugs that are affecting more than one person.
● If it is a single player issue it's not considered a bug as such and if you can't solve
the issue they need to submit a ticket to support.
● You should always try to replicate yourself, check for past submissions, and/or
verify with another Mod on the bug before submitting one.
● Bugs are reported on The Bug Report Form.

What to include in your report:

● Area where the bug occurred
● A detailed description
● Player Info
● Players Device and Operating System (OS)
● Players Proof/Claim Information
● Your Recreation Information
Customer Assistance and Troubleshooting

Device Related Issues:

Device Troubleshooting
As you will discover, many times, the following measures can be used to correct a
Players game/device issues.

● Ask the player to check his internet connection and try to switch between WiFi
and mobile data.
● Ask the player to make sure his account is linked to GTArcade or to any other
Social Media.
● Ask the player to clear cache/data
● Ask the player to check for any new updates from App Store
● Ask the player to attempt to log in again.
● Ask the player to check their device for memory/ram space and requirements
● Lastly, ask the player to reinstall the game.

If the problem still persists, please ask the player to send a ticket to our support team in
the game or on our website with the following information:
- The Character Name (case sensitive)
- The Server ID
- The Device Model and OS version of the device they are experiencing the issue on.

*Note:​ When you respond to the player, try to imagine yourself in their situation.
Eventually, you will learn to give your responses a personal touch. Always remember to
be compassionate and courteous in your responses including the greetings and endings
(ie "I am really sorry for the trouble you are facing" and "I hope your issue is resolved")*

Section 3 Notes and/or questions:

Notes: ​“This is probably one of the hardest things to do on Facebook...For this reason I,
personally, find it best to include AS MUCH of that information as possible when
responding to them.”
Desktop Client Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Google login issues

1. Freezing or unable to type issue on Google Login Screen.

You could be facing this due to reasons like Virtualization disabled on your machine or
Virtualization being used by any other application like Avast antivirus on your machine.
Please refer to the links below to enable Virtualization and make sure it is not being
used by Avast.
● Enable Virtualization on your machine
● Make sure hardware assisted Virtualization is unchecked in Avast settings (if
● Updating Graphics card drivers may also help.

2. Blank Screen on "Login with your Google account to begin using BlueStacks"

You may try restarting BlueStacks through closing it and launching it again. If this
does not help, try reinstalling BlueStacks. You may refer to​ this link​ to uninstall
BlueStacks and reinstall it from our website ​www.bluestacks.com

3. The login screen is miniaturized and does not accept clicks.

Try resizing BlueStacks by dragging the corners of the main BlueStacks windows, which
is in the background, and see if it expands the Google login screen to the correct
dimensions. If this does not help, you may try restarting BlueStacks through closing it
and launching it again.

4. Can't establish a reliable connection to the server.

You may experience this due to poor internet connectivity. Try launching the default
web browser on your PC and see if it is able to connect with common Internet websites. If
it cannot, please resolve any wi-fi connectivity issues for your PC and then restart

Clear app data (cache) on BlueStacks 3

To clear app data on BlueStacks 3, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the ‘System App’ icon on the ‘My App’ tab, as shown below.
2. Click on 'Settings' icon.
3. Now, tap on 'Apps'
4. Select the app whose cache is to be cleared. Click on the 'Clear Cache' button.
Section 4 Notes and/or questions:
Notes: ​Sometimes it is easier to refer players to use Discord for these issues, as the process
can be long and cumbersome, so it is easier to have a live conversation to resolve in
most instances.
1) Virtualization?
a) CPU Virtualization is a hardware feature found in all current AMD & Intel
CPUs that allows a single processor to act as if it was multiple individual

Account, Purchase, and Item Related Issues

Recharge Troubleshooting

1. Player can’t recharge

There are a few instances that can prevent a player from recharging. The most common
● Expired credit card
● App Store blocked his account for some reason
● not enough balance on account
● it could be blocked by gtarcade for suspicious activity

In such cases please refer the player to contact their app store for more information..

*Note* If the message states “Recharge Failure. Please Contact Us.” they should be
directed to contact support, as their account has been flagged for one of several
possible reasons.

Section 5 Notes and/or questions::

● “The most important thing for you to ask here, if they haven't already told you, is
‘What error messages did you receive?’ That is going to let you know how to
appropriately handle the situation.”
● “If it was something like "Purchase Failure" or "Card Declined" you will want to
instruct them to contact their App Store or Credit Card Provider”
● “If it is “Recharge Failure. Please Contact Us.” you instruct them to contact
● “You don't want to scare them and assume why the hold has been placed either. Let
support, the app store, or their cc company do that”

2. Recharged yet did not receive Currency

Always refer the player to contact support and inform them that they need to include
the following information::
● The name of the character they experienced the issue on.
● The Server ID
● The date and time this occurred.
● The purchase amount
● A hyperlink to the transaction details receipt screenshot which is to be taken
from their App Store
● Any additional information the player may have which they feel would help to
resolve the issue.

*Note* The image should be uploaded to an image hosting site/service (such as Imgbb.com),
and any videos are to be uploaded to ​http://streamable.com

Section 6 Notes and/or questions:

Notes: ​“We, as Moderators, can not directly assist Players with any Account related
issues. the best we can hope to do is to make this experience as quickly as possible. You
want to try to encourage them to be as inclusive as possible with their details that they
provide to support”

Device Troubleshooting:
● Check his internet connection
● Make sure his account is linked to GTarcade
● Clear cache/data
● Check for any new updates from App Store
● Verify correct login is being used
● Memory/ram space and requirements
● And/or reinstall the app (again, making sure their account is linked to a GTarcade
or Social Media beforehand)

“Player can’t recharge”

● When you receive an error message similar to "Purchase Failure" or "Card Declined"
instruct the player to contact their App Store, Bank, or Credit Card Company.
● When you receive the error message “Recharge Failure, Please Contact Us” instruct
the player to contact customer support.
● Never assume what the cause for the problem is.

“Recharged yet did not receive diamonds”

● Try to relate to the players situation as much as possible.
● Try to encourage the player to give as many specific details as possible when they
contact support on what they were doing that lead up to their purchases..
● Always encourage them to include as much proof as possible. The more proof, the
better (and faster) the resolution.
Account Troubleshooting

1. Lost Account

Occasionally a player may have issues locating their account; however, support can
help them to get it back!

Have them submit a ticket with all the following information:

(1) A brief description of your issue (please make sure you state if you are guest account
player/if you linked your game progress/Have you delete the game?)
(2) Lost account In-Game Nickname
(3) Lost account server number and server area
(4) Lost account character level
(5) Lost account VIP level
(6) Lost account Currency amount
(7) An email address that has not been registered to any GTArcade games before (If we
find your lost account and verify your authenticity, it will be moved to this account).

They can submit a ticket through this link: ​https://support.gtarcade.com​ or use any new
character to submit an in-game ticket.

Make sure that they do not provide any account details in the thread as it might put
their account and personal data at risk.

Section 7 Notes and/or questions

Notes:​ ​When you reach the following question (click link for image) https://imgur.com/Y2VXKTS you do not
need to create a new account!! All they want is an email address that has never been used with a GTarcade
account before.

1) It says: Amount of currency? What do you mean? Should a thread be created in the forum requesting
that they review the ticket, or informing about it?
a) Oh, there is also an account trace back form for this game that they can fill out before submitting
their ticket.
b) For currency they mean the closest approximation of how many diamonds were on the account.
They can also use their last top up date and amount if they know that instead.
2. Reporting an Account

There will be instances when one player wishes to report another player for a variety of
reasons. When this happens always direct the player to support, and the player to
provide the following information:
● The name of their character
● Their Server ID
● The name and server of the character/account they wish to report
● The screenshot or video proving the violation they are reporting

*Note* The image should be uploaded to an image hosting site/service (such as Imgbb.com),
and any videos are to be uploaded to ​http://streamable.com

Section 8 Notes and/or questions:

Notes: ​“Do not take sides. Simply provide the information the player needs to make their
1) Should the procedure always be done, or are there extreme cases in which the
player who is accused is directly reviewed?
a) When it comes to reporting another person we don't get in between that. If
that's what the player wants you just provide the information.
2) If I, as moderator, observe it, should I do the procedure too?
a) You are only a Moderator on Facebook. You are not a Moderator in the
game. If someone is breaking the rules on Facebook it is your job to ensure
that they either stop, or to report their activities to someone that can. If it
is in the game then yes. You report it like any other player.

3. Delayed Tickets

Moderators no longer process delayed tickets.

Please instruct the player to fill out the following document if they have a delayed
ticket they need addressed ​https://forms.gle/HwaQrDHCMAEp72Ls5

The form should be filled out by players after 3 business days have passed. If they still
have not received a reply from support 5 additional business days after filling out that
document you can notify a Senior Moderator for further assistance in getting
Template Examples Used in Training:

Already Reported Bug:

Dear Adventurer,

It is unfortunate to hear that you have been negatively impacted by this unforeseen circumstance... a
circumstance which has inconvenienced you, as well as other invaluable members of this gaming

I realize this is not an inconvenience that saying a simply apology is going to fix, and that is why I am happy
to report that the Development team is, in fact, looking for a resolution on this matter for those affected
by this issue.

Until a solution presents itself we, as a Moderator team, will work vigilantly to request feedback in an
effort to provide players with any up-to-date information as it is made available to us.

In the meantime, if you have not done so already, you may try uninstalling the game and reinstalling to see
if that will resolve the issue for you at this time.

*NOTE* Please make sure your Game Center account is bound to a GTarcade Account prior to any app and/or
game file modifications in order to prevent the loss of your character(s) or account information.

I hope for your understanding and thank you for your patience at this time.

Kind Regards,
EoC Mod MrCellophane

Generic Device Troubleshooting:

Dear Adventurer,

Thank you for contacting us with this matter.

Given the lack of contextual information included in your post, regretfully, I am unable to determine the
cause of your experience; therefore, please refer to the following generalized troubleshooting steps to
seek a resolution:
• For PC:
- Clear system/browser cache .
- Reset your modem/router by turning it off for at least 10 seconds and then back on.
- Flush your DNS by opening a command prompt (if you're on Windows, open the start menu and search for
CMD) and typing: ipconfig /flushdns
- Update your Flash Player to the latest version, if it isn't already up to date.
• For Mobile:
- Please clear your cache and/or ram
- Restart the game

Kind regards,
EoC Mod MrCellophane
Recharge Failure, Please Contact Us:
Dear Adventurer,

At this time the best course of action to take would be contacting the support team. To do so, please submit a
ticket, either in the game or on our website at ​https://support.gtarcade.com/​ containing the following

• Your Character Name (case and character sensitive)

• Your Server ID
• A detailed account of the problem you are experiencing
• The date and time this occurred.
• A hyperlink to the transaction details receipt screenshot (from your past purchase history) which is to be
taken from your App Store
• A hyperlink to any additional supporting screenshot(s) or video(s) supporting your claim
• Any additional information you may have which you believe would assist the Support team in finding a
resolution for the problem at hand

Note The image should be uploaded to an image hosting site/service (such as ​http://www.imgbb.com​, and the
preferred site for videos to be uploaded is ​http://streamable.com

Kind regards,
EoC Mod MrCellophane

Other Top-Up Error Messages:

Dear Adventurer,

Due to the error message you received relating to your Top-Up, at this time the best course of action would
be the following

Contact Google Support at ​https://pay.google.com

Contact Apple Support ​https://support.apple.com/
Contact Your Bank/Credit Card Providers

If you continue to have any future errors, or have additional questions after this process, please, do not
hesitate to contact us further.

Kind regards,
EoC Mod MrCellophane
Recharge yet did not receive diamonds:
Dear Adventurer,

Thank you for contacting us with your concerns on this matter.

It is unfortunate to hear that you have been negatively impacted by this unforeseen circumstance, but just
know that I am hear to help guide you through this in an effort to find a speedy resolution. In order to best
do that, at this time, please submit a ticket, either in the game or on our website at
https://support.gtarcade.com​ containing the following information:

-Your Character Name (case and character sensitive)

-Your Server ID
-A detailed account of the problem you are experiencing
-The date and time this occurred.
-The purchase amount
-A hyperlink to the transaction details receipt screenshot which is to be taken from your App Store
-A hyperlink to any additional supporting screenshot(s) or video(s) supporting your claim
-Any additional information you may have which you believe would assist the Support team in finding a
resolution for the problem at hand.

Note The image should be uploaded to an image hosting site/service (such as ​http://www.imgbb.com​, and the
preferred site for videos to be uploaded is ​http://streamable.com

Kind regards,
EoC Mod MrCellophane

Reporting an Account:
Dear Adventurer

Thank you for contacting us with your thoughts and concerns on this matter.

If you would like to report a violation of the Terms of Service or the Fair Play Policy, please submit a ticket,
either in the game or on our website at https://support.gtarcade.com/ containing the following

- You Character IGN

- Your Server ID
- The name and server of the character/account you wish to report
- The screenshot or video proving the violation you are reporting

Note The image should be uploaded to an image hosting site/service (such as Imgbb.com), and any videos are
to be uploaded to http://streamable.com

Kind Regards,
EoC Mod MrCellophane
Delayed ticket:
Dear Adventurer,

Thank you for contacting us with your thoughts and concerns on this matter.

Players are now able to submit their own delayed ticket escalation by using the following form:
https://forms.gle/HwaQrDHCMAEp72Ls5​ & escalation is no longer processed by the Moderation team (this
includes status updates)

I hope for your understanding and thank you for your patience at this time.

Kind regards,
EoC Mod MrCellophane

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