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HRTM 344 Personal Organization and Supervision

Chapter 9 Creating and Maintaining High Performance Organizations

Company Culture:
“Something” that is pre-existing in your company’s genetic code
 How do you demonstrate your company culture?
 Vision Statements, Mission Statements, Values, L&S Term Goals
 Symptoms of a healthy/unhealthy company culture
 Key Advantage or Achilles’ Heel
 Culture is driven from the TOP-DOWN

“Happiness may come from within, but job satisfaction begins with job
creators caring about the people in their charge.”
-William Craig

High Performance Work Organization:

Right combination of people, technology and organizational structure to make full

use of resources and opportunities in achieving their organization’s goals
 Teamwork and Empowerment
 Knowledge Sharing
 Job satisfaction and Employee Engagement
 Ethics

High Quality HR results in….

Employee Engagement
Degree to which employees are fully involved in their work and the strength of their
job & company commitment

A proven driver of:

Employee loyalty
Employee discretionary effort
Proven to lead to:
Higher performance
Higher retention

Gallup Study Findings:

 Average Companies
 16% Actively Not Engaged
 52% Not Engaged
 32% Engaged

 High Performance Organizations

 7% Actively Not Engaged
 26% Not Engaged
 67% Engaged

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