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Posey 1

Meghan Posey

Professor Emily Kretzer

ENG 1201

8 September 2019

Is Abortion a Human Right or a Women’s Right?

I personally have no experience with abortion, but recently with all of the attention on

lawmakers who are trying to make abortion illegal in the media, I have begun to think more

about this. So that’s where my question comes into play, “Is Abortion a Human Right or a

Women’s Right?”.

I do believe that no woman should ever you abortion as a form of contraception, but also

a woman has a right to do whatever she pleases with her body and no person, especially not a

man, has the right to offer their opinion on what they think. If a woman ever had a medical

condition or got extremely sick during pregnancy and had to make the decision of her unborn

child’s life, she has the right to make that difficult decision.

I honestly hope to walk away with more information on the topic of abortion and all of

the recent news that has been coming through the media about the topic. I am a seventeen-year-

old girl, abortion and knowing what my rights are is something that is very important that I

know, my whole purpose of this topic is to educate myself and maybe even some other people

along the way.

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