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Leadership in a Technical World Worksheet

Please view Chuck Harrington’s presentation at this YouTube link:

After watching the video:

1. Describe your professional history and background that make you what you are today, compare
and contrast that with the presenter’s.

As I had recently completed my bachelors, so do not have much of professional history though.
But despite of that as a fresher, I have excellent computer science background with participated
in so many coding challenges and worked as an intern in industry. What I am today is all because
of the work I had done before that I was more focused on math and logical thinking and that led
me into the computer engineering and in that I did many great projects which developed my
skills very much. Presenter changed his career from rice farm to nuclear project at Parsons, but
that is not my case, because I was straight forward to my career path and I also didn’t face any
family problem as presenter received.

2. Describe your current work environment, both internal and external in comparison to the

Currently working as an iOS developer, I need to work in a team, meet deadlines, care about
punctuation in coding, because mistakes should not be acceptable in development. Since it’s a
small team there are no conflicts among us, all are working in synchronization. The
presenter within the video talks regarding making a dynamic tension that is creating opposing
thoughts and beliefs to approach issues from totally different views. However, I feel this sort of
technique needs experience from the managers as they must make sure that these conflicts are at
intervals limits and wouldn’t hindering the development of the corporate.

3. Describe what lessons learned from class you want to take forward in your career to
purposefully establish your managerial, leadership and communication styles.

I learned many lessons from the class that I could apply in my future career to get successful in
my goal. What I specifically learned is how to communicate people in professional way. Because
as an international student I found it very difficult to talk people of US in their accent. I also
improved my presentation skills with presenting four presentations in class, which was difficult
for me because I never done that back in my life. I think as a data scientist in future I need to
have great presentation and communication skills that I can show people what I have done in
my assigned project or work.

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