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Software Testing Methodologies (SS ZG552)

Assignment – Phase 2
Last Date for Submission: 13th November 2019 (Wednesday)
Weightage: 5%

Note: You must complete this assignment with the same group as
formed for the Phase 1 of this assignment.

1. Objective:
The aim of this lab is to make students familiar with Automation testing using
Selenium WebDriver and Apache POI (for interfacing Excel files with Java).

2. Problem Description:
Extend the task done in Phase 1 to incorporate the following:

 You program should read test data for atleast 4 input fields from the
excel files using Apache POI.
 Each input field should have atleast 10 test values. Use BVA/EC to
design the test data.

3. Expected Deliverables
The students are expected to submit the following:
 A document, based on the template file, detailing the generated test cases
 Complete Java project
 Screenshots of the demo of the implementation of various test cases.

4. Additional Material
You can use the lab capsules, tutorial sheets and video tutorials uploaded on the
Platifi portal (Resources) for the STM course in order to understand the use of
various available tools and techniques for the same.
Strict Student Honour-Code: This assignment is to be worked out by individual/groups of
students as per their own understanding of the topics; all submissions will be subjected to
plagiarism test and marks for all such violators of Honour-code will be marked zero for all; and all
such cases will be reported and acted as per the ethical code of conduct of BITS-Pilani.

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