The 7 Day Testosterone Solution

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The 7 Day Testosterone Solution


The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
In order to increase your testosterone levels and growth hormone over
the next 7 days(and into the future) I want you to introduce as many of
these into your nutritional regime as you can. I want you to take an
incremental approach and I know that some are more difficult to do than
others. Certainly, as you read below, you will ultimately decide how to
integrate these powerhouse foods into your daily life to reap the benefits.
Eating to Increase Testosterone
Testosterone, growth hormone (GH) and insulin growth factor
(IGF-1) are all very powerful elements that work miracles in the body –
building muscle and burning fat at the same time. That rare combination
makes them super effective in transforming the physique. They are so
successful that science and industry have made them available in
synthetic, chemical form to be purchased as a drug. The only problem is
that there are some hard-core side effects that go along with the synthetic
versions. And those side effects can be nasty. Consider the recent case of
bodybuilder Oli Cooney, who Assistant Bradford Coroner Dr Dominic
Bell recorded a verdict of “substance abuse of anabolic steroids” as his
cause of death. Yes, steroids can kill. Good food doesn’t.
Nature’s Advantage
It is possible, however, to boost your testosterone and other growth
hormones in a natural manner. The advantage that nature provides is that
you aren’t forced to run the gauntlet of harmful impairments to your
body that the chemicals cause. By naturally boosting your testosterone,
growth hormone, and insulin you gain the upside without the destructive

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
It is possible to elevate your testosterone activity by nutritional
intake, but not any type of eating will work. In fact eating the wrong
foods can actually harm your attempt to push your testosterone activity
forward. So knowing what to eat is vital for sparking hormonal activity
in the body.
You may be familiar with the standard vitamins such as A and C,
and minerals such as calcium, but there is a host of other elements in
food. Some foods are rich in some areas and not so much in others. And
some foods are “super foods” which are rich in a host of vitamins,
minerals and supporting food items such as phytochemicals. Science is
discovering new aspects in food that reveals we may only know the tip
of the iceberg. Food is more powerful than people realize.
With that in mind, here are some foods you can eat to enhance
your own hormone activity as well as boost your body’s health in a
dozen different ways.
DAY 1 (and everyday)
Milk – Most Powerful Stimulant of All - Drink It Post Workout
Various types of food can promote hormonal responses, but there is
one top gun that should be your ultimate choice and because of this this
is your Day 1 activity to increase your testosterone. Here is how and
Milk’s claim to fame is laid out step by step by nutritional guru
Michael Mooney. Mooney set out the reasons why milk is supreme in
the magazine Hardgainer and interestingly, it is not testosterone that is
the moving force here.

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
Mooney writes “Any endocrinologist will confirm that insulin is more
anabolic in the body than testosterone for everything, including muscle
growth.” Insulin is the power factor for putting on muscle and sparking
growth in the body. Although testosterone has received all the favorable
press, it is insulin that makes the most impact.
Most people are looking hard for tools to get that growth while at
the same time curbing body fat. And everyone from your local health
food clerk to the media blitz in supplements and magazine ads tout
testosterone as the miracle key. Testosterone is certainly effective, but
most people are unaware that it is surpassed by insulin. As Mooney
points out, “insulin is more anabolic in the body” and importantly, even
better for muscle growth. Mooney notes how insulin production directly
affects the rate of muscle growth.
Top Source for Insulin
Mooney then highlights the best source for insulin coming from
dietary intake: “in a more recent study, Doctors Albert Sanchez and
Richard Hubbard of Loma Linda University reported that, largely
because of their different amino acid balances, animal proteins generally
favor more insulin release, and more growth, than vegetable proteins
like soy do.” The unique and specific amino profiles from animal
proteins are more conducive to sparking insulin release in the body than
are vegetable proteins. Animal proteins are more complete than
vegetable proteins and this may play some role in the insulin reaction to
animal proteins.
The catalyst for insulin release to promote muscle growth is animal
protein. But even here there are nuances. Mooney also goes into this

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
when he states “Another interesting article shows that milk is even more
effective than egg protein. As many old-timers would guess, milk may
very well be better for growth than egg. . . Insulin can play a major part
in the production of bigger muscles.”
So you not only want to employ animal protein for the insulin
action, you want that animal protein to be milk. Milk is the best choice
for promoting insulin release in the human body. Milk intake favors the
most insulin release, which in turn super charges the growth response in
the human body.
Miracle Molecule in Milk Fights Fat
The best type of milk to take for insulin release is whole milk (and
specifically whole milk that hasn’t been tainted by anti-biotics or cattle
growth chemicals). Whole milk is by far the best choice as the other
types have been tampered with. That is, they have had some of the
beneficial nutrients removed, and then had other elements added back in.
It is far better to focus on natural, whole milk to maximize insulin
effects in your body.
But what about getting fat from drinking whole milk? Whole milk
won’t make you fat. Recently the journal Cell Metabolism featured a
fascinating article in which researchers revealed that they had discovered
a new vitamin-like molecule in milk. And it turns out that molecule
plays a big role in keeping you from getting fat from milk.
The newly discovered substance in milk has been named
nicotinamide riboside, and this super substance burns fat and prevents
obesity. This molecule provides a huge benefit for those using milk to
build up the muscles because it allows the muscles to grow while also
preventing the body from getting fat.

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
The ability to really ramp up insulin while at the same time
fighting fat makes milk a super food. If you are looking to stimulate
insulin release in the body in order to promote more muscle growth, look
no further than milk.
Milk’s protein design makes it the most effective dietary tool to
push insulin release in the body. And since insulin release is the most
anabolic factor you can generate for building bigger muscles, it is
fantastic for naturally giving your body that growth boost. Add to that
the amazing discovery that milk has an ingredient that acts as a fat
fighting agent, and you have a “perfect storm” for blowing up some
muscle growth without the fat effect. In fact milk actually works against
the possibility of becoming fat. If you are looking for grow from a
dietary source, look no further than your refrigerator - provided you
have stocked it with muscle growth stimulating milk.
Post Workout Power
Milk’s benefits are starting to become better known in the sports
world and milk is becoming the main choice for the post workout
Olympic cycling champion Kristin Armstrong was asked the secret
to her success (she won a gold medal in China). Her answer? She told
Idaho Health that it was "chocolate milk." Why? She revealed "I use
chocolate milk as my recovery drink after races and workouts. The
carbohydrates fuel my muscles after exercise. The protein reduces
muscle breakdown and stimulates growth. And milk’s natural
electrolytes help restore fluid balance." A study published in the
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism backs
up what she knows from experience about the power of chocolate milk:

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
"Our study indicates that chocolate milk is a strong alternative to
other commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover from
strenuous, energy-depleting exercise," coauthor Joel M. Stager,
PhD, from Indiana University in Bloomington, said in a news
release. "Chocolate milk contains an optimal carbohydrate to
protein ratio, which is critical for helping refuel tired muscles after
strenuous exercise and can enable athletes to exercise at a high
intensity during subsequent workouts."
The upshot is that chocolate milk is super for reloading the muscles after
a hard charging workout.
In every way, milk is a super food and should be part of the
foundational base of building the body through its nutritious benefits.
Day 2
Broccoli - Reverse Estrogen and See Your Testosterone Spike
Broccoli isn’t a big favorite of most people, and many kids totally
avoid it. But if you knew the benefits that broccoli brings to your body
you would seek it out instead of avoiding it. Due to its potency it is your
Day 2 food to implement.
And this is not about liking or disliking a taste – it is about
providing your body with top quality nutrition. And broccoli has
nutrition in abundance no matter what it tastes like. The American
Cancer Society points out some of the benefits of broccoli:
Broccoli is considered a good source of nutrients because it is rich
in vitamin C, carotenoids (vitamin A-like substances), fiber,
calcium, and foliate.

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
Broccoli is also the source of many phytochemicals (chemicals from
plants) that may have anti-cancer properties as well as myriad other
benefits. For example, broccoli contains several compounds called
isothiocyanates, including sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol (I3C),
which have been touted as possible anti-cancer agents in recent years.
Early studies have shown these substances may act as antioxidants and
may boost detoxifying enzymes in the body.
Broccoli’s Bodybuilding Benefits
Detoxing the body isn’t all that broccoli does. Broccoli also has
some other benefits that bodybuilders in particular should be interested
in. One of the major factors is that broccoli alters body estrogen levels.
An element in broccoli, indole-3-carbinol, has anti-estrogen effects.
When indole-3-carbinol reacts with stomach acid the response is an anti-
estrogen action.
For male bodybuilders, this is magic because what you want to do
is repress the estrogen in your body. Why is that important? Estrogen is
the opposite of what you want when you are trying to build muscle.
Wikipedia notes this about estrogen:
Estrogens (also oestrogens) are a group of steroid compounds,
named for their compounds, named for their importance in the
oestrus cycle, and functioning as the primary female sex hormone.
While estrogens are present in both men and women, they are
usually present at significantly higher levels in women of
reproductive age. They promote the development of female
secondary sex characteristics, such as breasts, and are also
involved in the thickening of the endometrium and other aspects of
regulating the menstrual cycle. Like all steroid hormones,

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
estrogens readily diffuse across the cell membrane; inside the cell,
they interact with estrogen receptors.
Steroids can be beneficial for building muscle, or harmful as different
steroids have different actions. The steroid estrogen is a big negative
when it comes to muscle mass and fat loss. The less estrogen you have
working in your body, the more testosterone has an opportunity to go to
work unhindered.
As noted, some estrogen is present in the male body. The more
estrogen in the body, the more feminine it is. There’s no way around
that fact. And that in turn translates into being fatter and softer. Some
guys have more of this female hormone floating around than do others.
However, intake of broccoli can help suppress this estrogen in the
body to a significant degree. Broccoli shuts down estrogen and opens
the door for testosterone activity. And that is why you want to make
broccoli a frequent guest on your dining menu.
Broccoli’s cousins also have a similar effect. The veggies in the
cruciferous family, which includes cauliflower and cabbage, act to
eliminate unwanted, excess estrogen. Research has shown that when a
significant amount of these foods which contain indole-3-carbinol, (an
element that exists in abundance in cruciferous vegetables) push
estrogen hormones out of the body, and do so in a significant manner.
Aim at eating broccoli several times a week – raw, steamed,
cooked with your eggs – eat broccoli, and eat a lot of it. You may not
learn to like it, but you can flavor it up with cheeses, mushrooms, eggs,
or stir-fry it with other veggies and some meat for a good meal. Have it a
lot and have it in a lot of different ways.
The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
Day 3
Don’t forget Fat! Natural Fats Increase Testosterone
Many of the foods that elevate testosterone, growth hormone and
insulin growth factors in the body are not your typical fare. Oysters and
broccoli are not, and many adults don’t drink milk either, so they miss
out on all the particular foods that can goose their growth hormones.
Most people don’t think of these foods as being necessary for consistent
intake but they are. And there is one entire food category that often goes
blacklisted but shouldn’t be – fat. Introducing the correct fat into your
nutritional regime is your Day 3 activity.
Many people have a hang-up about eating fats because they
mistakenly believe that if you eat fats you become fat. In the extreme,
that can be true as fat packs a higher caloric load than protein or
carbohydrates. However, failure to eat fat can really harm your body.
Fat is an essential nutritional element and your body will fall apart
without it. The fat issue is somewhat nuanced. Your body really needs
fat but eating too much can indeed make you fat. And eating the wrong
type of fat can make you sick.
What is the wrong type of fat? Amazingly, its not saturated fat.
Saturated fat has been the villain for years but it is actually a good type
of fat. The bad fat is any fat that has been altered by man. This includes
trans fat and interesterified fats. You have probably heard of trans fat but
are you aware of interesterified fats?
Interesterified fat is an artificial man-made fat that is now starting
to be produced by industry in place of trans fat. Trans fat was bad

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
enough, and when pressure arose to get rid of it, the food industry
simply replaced one bad fat with another (be aware, however, that some
companies are still putting trans fat in foods). And both fats are really
bad. Trans fat, for instance, may stick in your body for a long, long time.
Perhaps that’s why your belly won’t go away – it is full of artificial fat
that the body doesn’t know how to dispose of. Some scientist have
suggested it may stick with you for years. So too with interesterified fat.
It is important to avoid all kinds of artificial fats because they don’t
do anything good for your waistline or your muscles, and worse, they
damage your body internally. Unfortunately industry likes to fill foods
full of this stuff. Many processed foods have these artificial fats put in
These fats are quite harmful, even beyond your belly. Both types
are very bad for the heart.
There are a several places where interesterified fats are showing up
now, including in tortillas and peanut butter.. Many of the main tortilla
makers now put interesterified fat in their tortilla product.
One thing to be aware of is how theses bad fats are labeled.
Some companies label it as interesterified fat, but others do not. Dr.
Joseph Meracola points out:
The FDA has ruled that food manufacturers can use terms like high
stearate or stearic rich fats in place of “interesterified.” To confuse
things even further, if you see the terms fully hydrogenated
vegetable oil, palm oil and/or palm kernel oil on labeling, the
product may or may not contain interesterified fat. And beware
eating out, because while restaurants and their suppliers are touting
removal of trans fats from the foods they serve, very little is being
said about the fats that are replacing them.

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
He goes on to note - “The bottom line is that if a processed food
label includes “vegetable oil” as an ingredient, you can be absolutely
sure you’re about to consume either interesterified fats, or trans fats.”
That’s due primarily to the manner in which the vegetable oils have been
Fat and Testosterone
Before you are totally scared away from taking fat, be aware of
this nuance – fat on the body lowers your testosterone, but fat in the diet
(as long as it is natural fat!) increases your testosterone. That’s right.
And the most vilified fats of all, saturated fat, is key for that
Here is how it works - saturated fat contains cholesterol. And
cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone. So when you cut saturated fat
out of your diet, you are cutting out one of the building blocks for
testosterone in your body. You absolutely want that fat so that you can
maximize your testosterone activity. Remove the fat from the equation
and your attempt to boost testosterone becomes a dud.
Saturated fat is vital for any body to grow. Vince Gironda once
pointed to the absurdity of trying to load up on protein without a
corresponding intake of fat (and primarily saturated fat) because it won’t
work. Protein needs fat to be effective.
Another example comes from babies. Saturated fat is essential for
a baby to grow up healthy and strong. And athletes trying to build up
there muscles are in a similar growth phase, and also need that fat to
help facilitate that growth.
So saturated fat is a good fat, and necessary for testosterone in the
body to flourish. And the other fats (polyunsaturated, monounsaturated)
The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
are also good for the body. Studies have indicated that one of the
premium of all fats for boosting testosterone is olive oil. Coconut oil is
another good fat for elevating testosterone.
Indeed, you want a good mix of all fats in your diet for health and
for promoting growth hormonal and testosterone activity. The egg is a
great example of the benefits of mixed fats. It is not totally saturated fat,
as is commonly believed.
Uninformed doctors have been advising people for years to avoid
eggs supposedly because of the saturated fat associated with eggs. Or
people just use the egg white and toss out the yolk, which contains the
fat. Or they turn to foods such as egg beaters (which by the way, contain
several foreign elements).
The main reason that people ditch the egg yolk is to avoid that
supposed saturated fat. The only problem with this myth is that it is not
true at all. The fat in eggs is not a simply a saturated fat, it is a mixed fat.
An egg has several types of fat. And of that fat, roughly 2/3 is
unsaturated. In fact an egg yolk has less than 30 percent saturated fat
composition. The bottom line – the fat in eggs is more unsaturated than
It turns out that the fat in the egg is an ideal profile, with oleic and
linoleic acids along with some saturated fat and lethicin. That is a nice,
healthy blend. And it perfectly compliments the protein in the egg, for a
great natural combination effective for strong muscle growth (including
the zinc in it).
And once again, saturated fat is not bad for the body. Your body
absolutely needs some saturated fat, and eggs contain a moderate

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
So you can enhance the production of testosterone in your body by
also supplying the body with a good, constant intake of healthy fats.
Yes, that includes saturated fats as well as other fats such as the omegas.
This means getting some dairy fat as along with fat from olives or olive
oil, avocados, coconut oil, etc.. into your diet on a daily basis. Your
body needs these healthy fats to maximize testosterone building and
activity in your body. So don’t buy the protein supplement and ignore or
avoid the fats necessary to facilitate the action of that supplement.
Healthy fat is just as much a part of the testosterone boosting process as
the fancy supplements.
The smartest path is to get all the good testosterone boosters
(exercise, food, supplements and especially healthy fats) working
together to create a super boost of your testosterone to take your muscles
to the next level of development.
Day 4
The Zinc – Oyster Growth Connection - Massively Boost Virility
Like broccoli, oysters are a food that is ignored at best. Yes, oysters
are occasionally eaten as an appetizer by some people or eaten very
infrequently as a specialty food. However, oysters are a testosterone-
boosting powerhouse. That’s because oysters are rich in zinc. And zinc is
one of nature’s most potent positive growth promoters. Be a bit
adventurous and try some oysters for your Day 4 nutritional
implementation. I have mine cooked with hot sauce or in a carbonara
Zinc is a fabulous mineral and the mineral of choice use in burn
units. These hospital specialty areas focus on helping the body heal and
regrow and they use the element that brings the quickest response – zinc.

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
Zinc not only jumps starts and promotes growth of the muscles and
more, it also enhances endurance to a high degree. And it improves
sperm production to boot. And zinc tops it off by cranking up
testosterone production
The downside about zinc is that it doesn’t reside in too many food
sources. It is fairly rare. And forget about the synthetic version, which
has poor absorbability and other issues. There is one super rich source,
and that is oysters. If you want to load up on zinc, you want to eat
oysters. Other fairly decent sources include pumpkin seeds, nuts wheat
germ, cocoa (raw form) and mushrooms. Eggs, spinach, beef and beans
also contain a decent amount of zinc, but oysters are far and away the
top gun for the amount of zinc they contain. If you want to load up on
zinc, then load up on the oysters.
The best way to have oysters is in cooked form. You can also have
them as an appetizer or as part of a soup, or add them into other dishes.
And, like broccoli, you might not be enamored with the taste but eat
them anyway. And eat a lot.
Day 5
Sugar’s Negative GH Attack
Managing your sugar intake and implementing it at the right time
is your Day 5 activity. The food items noted have been boosters of
testosterone, growth hormone and insulin. There is, however, one food
that you want to avoid at a particular point in time. Fitness author Phil
Campbell (Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness) makes a crucial point about
taking sugar at a particular point in time:
Campbell notes that there is no problem in having protein or fat, or
even a few complex carbs after a workout. However, it is the
The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
sugars that are the source of the problem. Campbell points out
that a high sugar meal, or a drink that is full of sugar, when taken
after training, may stop the benefits of growth hormone activity in
the body. The reason he states it is so important to avoid the sugar
in this time period is that “growth hormone in your system
stimulates fat burning during the two to three hour recovery period
after training - you can lose fat dramatically by increasing growth
hormone during training and not eating refined sugar.”
He suggests avoiding all sugar during that time frame to maximize
the growth hormone effect.
Day 6
Powerful Vitamins & Minerals
Getting your full range of vitamins and minerals is important
because some of them provide a boost to your growth hormones. A
couple of key areas to target for testosterone elevation – magnesium and
Vitamin D. Finding and implementing these into your diet is your Day 6
A caveat here - when you take vitamins and minerals, explicitly do
not take a one-a-day vitamin or one-off tablets for specific minerals.
Industry may market them that way, but in reality they don’t work that
way. For example, many women take calcium supplements and think
they are covering their bases. They are not. That’s because calcium
requires magnesium to make it work in the body. So when they load up
on just calcium, they are using a non-natural input that the body doesn’t
really use. In fact there are some studies showing that the use of
synthetic vitamins and mineral supplements actually do more harm than
good. The answer – get your vitmains and minerals from food. And that

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
applies as well to crucial testosterone boosters such as the mineral
magnesium and the vitamin D.
Magnesium is a testosterone powerhouse. One study found that
taking 750 milligrams a day of magnesium for a one month period
elevated the testosterone levels of the study participants by a whooping
26 percent. Other studies have found a corresponding link between low
magnesium intake and low testosterone levels, and high magnesium
intake and high testosterone levels.
That should motivate you to start making magnesium intake a
priority. What are the best sources? Milk, the super drink, is high in
magnesium. Dark chocolate, in its raw form, is a great source. So are
Brazil nuts. So are other nuts and seeds. Spinach is a good source, as are
avocados, fish, beans, bananas, figs and yoghurt.
Eating these foods frequently can help you keep a steady flow of
magnesium running strong in your body and sparking testosterone
activity. Make magnesium, in its natural form (forego the synthetic
versions) a regular part of your diet and watch how well your body starts
to respond.
Just as low levels of magnesium correspond to low levels of
testosterone, and high levels of magnesium link to high levels of
testosterone, the same is true for vitamin D. Worse, one study found that
low levels of vitamin D also corresponded with higher levels of the
feminine hormone estrogen.
Vitamin D has similar effects on increasing testosterone levels as
magnesium on the percentage numbers as well, with one study finding
that it boosted testosterone levels by 20 percent, fairly close to what
magnesium does.

The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
So where do you get vitamin D? Get outside and the sun will bake
it onto your body. Sunshine is one of the best sources of vitamin D.
Other top sources include cod liver oil, various other types of fish and
oysters. Eggs and mushrooms are high in vitamin D, so an egg omelet
with mushrooms and ham (which contains vitamin D in fairly good
amounts) is a great way to get a lot of vitamin D. Eat your omelet out in
the sunshine and get a huge amount of vitamin D.
Day 7
A Food Secret That Doesn’t Involve Food
As vital a role that food plays in sparking testosterone, growth
hormone and insulin activity for muscle gains and fat loss, there is a
place for avoiding food and in turn getting a corresponding blast of
growth hormone gains. *Day 7 is an optional nutritional activity and
should be done at a time when you can minimize your activity.
This rather bizarre approach actually works. Indeed, the Journal of
Clinical Investigation ran a study on it quite some time ago titled
“Fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex
rhythms of growth hormone secretion in man”.
The process works like this – you fast (abstaining from foods, but
taking plenty of water) and the fasting acts as a catalyst for natural
growth hormone release in the body. It does so because the growth
hormone turns to burning body fat in order to dig out calories to prevent
the body from starving.
Fasting times can vary. And results can be made from long fasts.
Indeed, the study cited previously (Journal of Clinical Investigation)
found that a five day fast was effective - “The 5-day fast resulted in a
significant increase in discrete GH pulse frequency.
The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
A caveat – don’t go overboard with this approach. This
employment of fasting is a nuanced tool to use. You want to get the
fasting going in order to light up the growth hormone reaction, but you
don’t want to go too far because a longer term fast can cause muscle
catabolism (really muscle cannibalism). And you don’t want all that hard
earned work of building the muscles up to go down the drain if the body
starts consuming the muscles for fuel. So you need to time the fast to be
a short fast, used in a cyclic fashion.
Another study found this interesting result – “During the first days
of fasting, urinary nitrogen excretion has been reported to be either
unchanged (2,6) or increased (3), whereas whole-body protein
breakdown has been reported to increase after 3 days of fasting”
Fortunately the growth hormone stimulation from the fasting
seems to kick in relatively quickly.
You can experiment to see how your own body reacts, trying out
shorter fasts (perhaps just a couple of meals) and longer fasts (a day or
even three to five days) and observe if you get some gains from your
fasting periods once you start eating again.
The Power of Nutritious Foods
Notice that some of these foods double up on their nutrient load.
For example, spinach provides both magnesium and zinc, which
provides your body with a double blast of testosterone and growth
hormone gains.
The same is true of beans and nuts and seeds. They come nutrient
dense and loaded with more than one avenue of blasting your
testosterone higher.
Oysters are loaded in zinc, as noted, but they are also high in
vitamin D, making them a food that has dynamic capabilities also.
The 7 Day Testosterone Solution
And the foods that are great at boosting testosterone, growth
hormone and insulin also provide a host of other benefits to boot. They
build up the bones and boost the immune system strongly so when you
eat these foods for the testosterone benefits, you get a whole lot more as
well. Typically when a food is building you up in one area it also can
help in several others.
It is possible to really crank up the testosterone, insulin growth
factor and growth hormone activity and levels in your own body, and to
do it naturally. Your diet plays a huge role in this process and if you
know what you are doing, and eat in a specific manner, you can give
your hormones a healthy blast that will make your more muscular and
leaner at the same time without unwanted side effects. Food can be quite
anabolic if you eat in the right way.


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