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Science Practice Worksheet Unit 1 - Humans and Animals

Name: _________________ Junior: 4__ Date: __/10/2019

Answer the following questions
 1.1: Skeletons
1. What is a skeleton?
2. What are skeletons made of?
3. Why must skeletons be hard and strong?
4. Why do you think the bones of your skeleton are of different shapes and sizes?
5. Bones are not very heavy. How do you think this helps animals?
6. Are all skeletons made of bones?

 1.2: The human skeleton

1. Name the different kinds of bones in the skeleton.

2. Name the following.

a. The bones in your head - ---------------------------------------
b. The bones in your chest – --------------------------------------
c. The row of bones in your back - -------------------------------
d. A single bone in your back - -----------------------------------

3. How many neck bones does a giraffe have?

Ms Raitha Shanu
Science Practice Worksheet Unit 1 - Humans and Animals

4. Is the skull made of one bone or many bones?

5. Why do you think the skull is important?
6. Which is the longest bone in the body? Why do you think this is so?

7. Which are the smallest bones in the body?


8. What parts of your body do you think the ribs surround? Why do you think the ribs are there?

9. Women usually have wider hip bones than men. Why do you think this is so?

 1.3: Why do we need a skeleton?

1. What would happen to a baby if its skeleton did not grow?

2. How do broken bones mend?


3. Why do fractures in old people take much longer to heal than fractures in children?

Ms Raitha Shanu
Science Practice Worksheet Unit 1 - Humans and Animals

 1.4: Skeletons and movement

1. Why is the heart not joined to any bones?

2. How can we make muscles bigger?


 1.5: Drugs as medicines

1. Why do we say that all medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines?

2. Do you think we can use a cream as a medicine for a sore throat? Write why or why not.

3. Why do you think patients in hospital often get their medicines through a drip?
4. How does an inhaler help you to breathe better?

 1.6: How medicines work

1. Predict what you think would happen if you didn’t take all the medicine the doctor prescribed for

2. Why must some medicines be prescribed by a doctor?


Ms Raitha Shanu
Science Practice Worksheet Unit 1 - Humans and Animals

Answer Key
 1.1: Skeletons
1. What is a skeleton?
A skeleton is a hard, strong frame that supports our body.
2. What are skeletons made of?
Skeletons are made of bones.
3. Why must skeletons be hard and strong?
Skeletons are hard and strong to support and protect our bodies.
4. Why do you think the bones of your skeleton are of different shapes and sizes?
The bones of our skeleton are of different shapes and sizes because the bones are in different
parts of the body that do different functions. Example: Skull for protecting the brain.
5. Bones are not very heavy. How do you think this helps animals?
Light bones make it easier for the animals to move its body.
6. Are all skeletons made of bones?
Not all skeletons made of bones. Some animals like sharks, skates and rays have skeletons made of
cartilage, which is softer and more flexible. Our outer ears and nose are made of cartilage.

 1.2: The human skeleton

1. Name the different kinds of bones in the skeleton.
Long bones (arm bones / thigh bone / shin bone)
Short bones (toe bones / finger bones / wrist bones)
Flat bones (shoulder blade / bones of skull)
Irregular bones (vertebrae / spine bones)

2. Name the following.

e. The bones in your head - Skull.
f. The bones in your chest - Ribs.
g. The row of bones in your back - Spine.
h. A single bone in your back - Vertebra.
3. How many neck bones does a giraffe have?
Giraffes have 7 neck bones. The bones are much bigger than the neck bones of humans.
4. Is the skull made of one bone or many bones?
The skull is made of many bones joined together.
5. Why do you think the skull is important?
The skull protects the brain and sense organs like eyes, nose, ears and tongue.
6. Which is the longest bone in the body? Why do you think this is so?
Thigh bone is the longest bone in the body. It supports the whole weight of the upper body.
7. Which are the smallest bones in the body?
Ear bones are the smallest bones in the body.
8. What parts of your body do you think the ribs surround? Why do you think the ribs are there?
Ribs surround heart and lungs. The ribs are there to protect them.
9. Women usually have wider hip bones than men. Why do you think this is so?
Women have babies. Their hips are wider to allow the baby to grow inside the mother’s body and to
be born.
Ms Raitha Shanu
Science Practice Worksheet Unit 1 - Humans and Animals

 1.3: Why do we need a skeleton?

1. What would happen to a baby if its skeleton did not grow?
The baby will stay small and will not grow into a child.
2. How do broken bones mend?
The ends of the broken bones grow back together again.
3. Why do fractures in old people take much longer to heal than fractures in children?
Children are still growing whereas old people are not. This means that their bones grow much
faster and can heal much quicker than an older person’s bones.

 1.4: Skeletons and movement

1. Why is the heart not joined to any bones?
The heart is not involved in moving the body. So it does not need to be joined to the skeleton.
2. How can we make muscles bigger?
When movement is repeated over and over again, the body creates more muscles to help make the
movement easier. In this way, sports and other keep-fit activities help build muscles.

 1.5: Drugs as medicines

1. Why do we say that all medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines?
We say so because medicines are drugs that, if taken according to instructions, make us better;
but some drugs are harmful and therefore are not medicines.
2. Do you think we can use a cream as a medicine for a sore throat? Write why or why not.
No. Creams treat skin problems, not illness inside the body such as a sore throat.
3. Why do you think patients in hospital often get their medicines through a drip?
The patients in hospital often get their medicines through a drip because the blood carries
medicines very quickly around the body and people in hospital may be too ill to swallow tablets or
4. How does an inhaler help you to breathe better?
Inhalers spray a medicine into the air-passages that make them open up, so more air can get to the

 1.6: How medicines work

1. Predict what you think would happen if you didn’t take all the medicine the doctor prescribed for
You would not get better or might not get better as quickly.
2. Why must some medicines be prescribed by a doctor?
A doctor understands the good and harmful effects of the medicines. Medicines can be dangerous
if they are not taken correctly.

Ms Raitha Shanu

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