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222 Orthopedics and Clinical Science

Sports Injuries Related to Flexibility, Posture, Acceleration,

Clinical Defects, and Previous Injury, in High-Level Players
of Body Contact Sports
A. W. S. Watson
Sports Injuries Research Centre, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

Watson AWS. Sports-Injuries Related to Flexibility, Posture, Ac- factor in American football [1]. Several studies, reviewed by
celeration, Clinical Defects, and Previous Injury, in High-Level Knappick et al. [7], have found that other types of muscle im-
Players of Body Contact Sports. Int J Sports Med 2001; 22: balance increase the risk of injury. A number of studies, all pro-
222 ± 225 spective in design, have demonstrated a link between injuries
and posture defects: Cowan et al. in a study on male infantry
Accepted after revision: July 15, 2000 trainees [2], Powers et al. on athletes with patello-femoral pain

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[11], Shambaugh et al. in basketball players [14], and Watson
in footballers [22]. A prospective study of soccer players has
identified weakness due to previous injury as a risk factor for
nnnn One-hundred-and-two high-level players of the field- further injury [4]. Other factors such as poor development of
games soccer, Gaelic football and hurling began a two-year in- the muscles that stabilize the knee joint [4, 21] and running
vestigation into the intrinsic causes of sports-injuries; 86 com- speed [8] have also been suggested in studies on runners and
pleted the study. During the first year all injuries, and the time in literature reviews. Injury prevention programmes are often
affected by injury, were recorded. The subjects then underwent based upon the assumption that improvements in the above
flexibility tests, an accurate photogrammetric assessment of factors will result in a reduction in the incidence of sports-in-
posture, measures of speed and acceleration, and a clinical as- juries [12,13]. Despite the wide adoption of such injury-pre-
sessment of anatomical and physiological factors thought to be vention practices, few prospective studies have been undertak-
associated with the risk of sports injury. Time affected by injury en on the relationship of intrinsic risk factors to the indidence
was then recorded for a further 12-month period. Stepwise mul- of injury. The present paper describes such a study.
tiple-regression analysis revealed that the number of days of in-
jury during the second 12-month period could be predicted from Material and Methods
(1) the days of injury during the first 12-month period, (2) pos-
ture, (3) acceleration over 10 m from a standing start, and (4) The subjects were all involved in one of the field games: ± soc-
the number of musculo-skeletal clinical defects. Flexibility cer, Gaelic football or hurling at county or good club level, and
scores were not found to be significant predictors of injury. It is gave their informed consent to take part in a two-year investi-
suggested that injury prevention programmes should concen- gation into sports-injuries. Gaelic football and hurling are tra-
trate on improving posture and the rehabilitation from previous ditional Irish games and are played by teams of 15 players. In
injury rather than flexibility; and that research should be under- both games the goal posts have uprights (as in rugby), and 3
taken into the effectiveness of such interventions. points are scored for placing the ball into the opponents goal
below the upright; 1 point if it goes above the upright. The ball
n Key words: Football, hurling, soccer, pre-participation medi- used for Gaelic football is similar to a soccer ball but unlike
cal examination, clinical examination, physiological examina- soccer, in Gaelic it is possible to punch the ball with hand or
tion, injury risk factors. run with it for short distances. Hurling is played with sticks
and a small ball, but unlike the game of hockey most of the
play occurs in the air. Both games are free from an off-side rule
Introduction and other restrictive rules. Heavy contact is allowed during
tackles, and both games involve a considerable amount of
A number of intrinsic factors have been associated with sports physical contact between players.
injuries. Poor flexibility was found to increase the risk in a pro-
spective study of soccer players [3], imbalance in the strength During the first 12-months of the study the injuries sustained
of the knee flexors and extensors has been identified as a risk at any of the above sports were recorded. Each subject then
undertook a fitness assessment that included 1) measurement
of flexibility, 2) assessment of posture, 3) measurement of run-
Int J Sports Med 2001; 22: 222 ± 225 ning speed and acceleration from a standing start over distan-
 Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ´ New York ces of 5, 10, 15, and 20 m, 4) a clinical examination concentrat-
ISSN 0172-4622 ing on the musculo-skeletal system. The above measurements
Intrinsic Factors Related to Sports Injury Int J Sports Med 2001; 22 223

and observations were made in the rest period at the end of amined after a period of between 3 and 7 days. In all cases the
season-one. At this stage nine subjects who were suffering subjects re-test score was found to be within  2 units.
from injuries were excluded from the 102 who began the
study. Sports injuries were then recorded for a further 12 Data analysis
months. A further 7 subjects left the study during year 2. Thus
data is reported for the remaining 86 subjects who completed The relationship between individual clinical deficiencies and
all stages of the investigation. the number of days of injury in the second 12-month period
was investigated using t-tests for independent samples with
All injuries were treated by physiotherapists or physicians who the application of the Bonfiori correction for multiple t-tests
made a diagnosis of each injury and recommendations of [17]. When it became apparent that there were no relation-
when each player should return to sport. The analysis in the ships between individual general or musculo-skeletal deficien-
present paper uses the number of days on which the subjects cies and the number of days of injury, the number of each kind
were affected by injury during the second 12-month period as of clinical deficiency for each subject was summed and used as
the dependent variable. The definition of injury used was independent variables in the multiple regression analysis.
based upon those of McLennan and McLennan [9] and Watson
[19], ªa mishap occurring during training or a match that Since it has been suggested that the incidence of sports injury
resulted in the inability to train or compete normallyº. The may be increased if flexibility is either markedly below aver-
number of days of hospitalisation, off sport, and of restricted age or above average [7], the following function was computed
activity were summed to obtain the total days of injury. for each individual for each of the six measures of flexibility, X1
to X6.
Six aspects of flexibility were measured as described by Wat-
son [20]. The subjects wore only swimming trunks for the as- Flexibility Functions (X)1 ¼¼ 6 = abs (X ± meanX)
sessment, and every precaution necessary was taken to ensure

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the highest precision of measurement [20]. The 95 % confi- These functions approach zero for scores close to the mean for
dence limits for all six measurements were within  10 % of the group, but take on positive values when flexibility scores
the mean scores. are either high or low in relation to the mean. A composite
flexibility score was computed as the mean of the above func-
Posture was assessed from direct observation and from analy- tion for the six measures of flexibility.
sis of 250 ” 100 mm prints on which a grid had been superim-
posed. Subjects were assessed wearing briefs, or if a spinal The relationship between days of injury during the second 12-
asymmetry or lumbar lordosis was suspected, in the nude. This month period and the other variables was investigated using
procedure has been described previously [22]; 95 % of repeat stepwise-inclusion, multiple-regression analysis. Days of in-
assessments were found to be within  1 unit of measurement jury during the second 12-month period was used as the de-
and 71 % were within  0.5 units. The following aspects of pos- pendent variable, and the other variables were entered as
ture were assigned a score of 5 (normal posture), 3 (moderate independent variables. This experimental design was selected
deviation), or 1 (major deviation): forward head, kyphosis, because the objective of the study was to examine factors in-
shoulder symmetry, back symmetry, scapulae abduction, sco- fluencing ªDays of injuryº. Since this is an ªinterval levelº vari-
liosis, rib hump, chest mechanics, sway-back, lumbar lordosis, able, regression analysis is an appropriate method of data
knee interspace, knee hyper extension, tibial torsion, ankle analysis.
posture, foot arch.
The SPSS for Windows statistical analysis package was used for
All clinical examinations were carried out by the same experi- all data analysis.
enced assessor (the author). The following were assessed. Gen-
eral: blood pressure, full blood count, urine, cardiovascular Results
system, respiratory system, visual acuity, ears, hearing, nose,
throat, nervous system, reflexes, lymphatics, abdomen, hernia, Descriptive statistics for the study are shown in Table 1. Days
skin. Musculo-skeletal: ankle anatomy, lower limb, knee bur- of injury during the first and second years of the study were
sae, knee ligaments, patella function, other joints, develop- 58.5  18.9 and 55.6  23.5 days, respectively. These results are
ment of the muscles crossing the knee joint, signs of tender- typical of those for the players of field games in Ireland [19].
ness at the origin or insertion of major muscle groups, signs
of previous injury, muscle development and balance. Ankle A zero-order correlation matrix for the variables is presented
proprioception was assessed using the Romberg test: the sub- in Table 2. Days-of-injury during the second year of the study
ject balanced on one foot with his arms crossed in front of his was found to be significantly related to: (1) days of injury dur-
chest and his eyes closed. A score of less than 60 seconds was ing year 1, (2) posture, (3) number of musculo-skeletal clinical
considered abnormal. The selection of these variables was defects, (4) acceleration between zero and 10 m.
based upon previous experience of working with this type of
subject and in order to investigate whether general medical None of the flexibility measurements or their functions were
examinations ± common as pre-participation assessments in selected for inclusion in the regression analysis. Thus in subse-
this country ± were of value in the prediction of injury risk. A quent analyses individual flexibility scores were replaced by
clinical deficiency was recorded when any result was outside the overall flexibility function. The following variables were
the normal range for the variable, as recorded in our labora- then selected for inclusion in the regression equation with sta-
tory. In order to determine reliability, 10 subjects were re-ex- tistically significant regression coefficients (p < 0.01): accel-
eration (A), posture score (P), number of musculo-skeletal clin-
224 Int J Sports Med 2001; 22 Watson AWS

Table 1 Descriptive statistics for the 86 subjects who completed the clinical examination, days-of-injury during the first 12-month
study period. In contrast, none of the six measures of flexibility or
their functions were predictors of injury. These results fail to
Variable Mean  SD support the frequently made suggestion that high-levels of
flexibility help to protect from sports injury. Although this
Age of subjects (years) 24.34  3.71
relationship is widely assumed, there is in fact very little em-
Height (mm) 1 831  68 pirical evidence to support it [7]. The only prospective study
Weight (kg) 80.1  6.6 that appears to indicate that poor flexibility is a factor predis-
Days of injury during first 12 months 58.5  18.85 posing to injury in field games is due to Ekstrand and Gillquist
Days of injury during second 12 months 55.6  23.48 [3]. Other studies fail to support these findings [5,14 ± 16].
Posture Score 62.7  4.6
Knappick et al. [7] suggest that the relationship between flex-
Clinical deficiencies (number) 5.0  2.3
ibility and injury may be ªUº shaped: athletes with either very
Flexibility (spinal flexion) cm 3.5  4.2 low or very high levels of flexibility being at increased risk of
(hip abduction) degrees 52.4  6.1 sustaining a sports injury. This proposition was tested in the
(hip flexion) degrees 73.3  7.9 present study but no evidence to support it was found. Studies
(ankle dorsi-flexion) degrees 34.8  4.5 on other sports have also failed to demonstrate that stretching
(hip hyper extension) degrees 19.9  7.8
and high levels of flexibility protect from sports injury [5,14 ±
16]. Taken in combination with other research, the present
(shoulder hyper extension) degrees 24.3  6.8
study suggests that flexibility is not an important factor in the
Flexibility (composite score) 50.0  28.3 prediction of injury in field games and that it may be more
Acceleration 0 to 10 metres (m ´ s±2) 2.066  0.191 fruitful to look at other intrinsic risk factors.

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Studies by Shambaugh et al. [14], Power et al. [11], Watson [22],
and Cowan [2] all indicate that defects of posture are important
ical defects (C), days-of-injury during the first 12-month peri- predictors of specific types of sports injury and are in agree-
od (D). This result indicates that these four variables were ment with the present study. All four used carefully validated,
statistically significant predictors of the number of days-of-in- quantitative precedures for the evaluation of posture. Thus the
jury during the second 12-month period. The regression equa- results further suggest that posture evaluation must be quanti-
tion was: tative, precise, and carefully carried out if they are to be of value
in the prediction of sports injury: it is necessary to base the as-
Days of injury = 8.64 A ± 1.14 P + 2.76 P + 0.364 D + 39.98 sessment on high quality photographs of the subject.

R2 = 0.633, adjusted R2 = 0.589, n = 86 The incidence of injury was not found to be related to the num-
A = acceleration between zero and 10 m ber of general clinical defects detected during a clinical exam-
P = posture score ination. Thus the present study fails to support the value of
C = clinical deficiencies ± number detected general medical examinations for injury prevention in high
D = days of injury over the first 12 month period level sport. This result is important because such examinations
are common ± at least in this country. In contrast, the results
All regression coefficients were significantly different from do suggest that a clinical examination that concentrates on
zero (p < 0.01). the detection of musculo-skeletal defects is likely to be useful
in the prediction of future injuries. Pre-participation physical
Discussion assessments should emphasize the detection musculo-skele-
tal defects such as: muscle imbalances, weakness of the mus-
The following variables were found to be significant predictors cle groups that protect and stabilize joints, joint function, and
of injury: acceleration over 10 m from a standing start, posture signs of lack of full recovery from previous injury.
score, number of musculo-skeletal deficiencies noted during a

Table 2 Zero order correlation matrix of the variables

Posture & Body Days of Injury General Clinical Musculo Skeletal Flexibility Acceleration Days of Injury
Mechanics during Year 1 Deficiencies Deficiencies in Year 2

Posture & Body Mechanics 1

Days of Injury during Year 1 ± 0.414* 1
General Clinical Deficiencies ± 0.196 0.326 1
Musculo-skeletal Deficiencies ± 0.446* 0.543* 0.180 1
Flexibility ± 0.084 ± 0.205 0.171 ± 0.178 1
Acceleration ± 0.420* 0.333 0.313 0.330 0.047 1
Days of Injury during Year 2 ± 0.576 0.627* 0.257 0.647* ± 0.047 0.569* 1

*significantly different from zero (p < 0.01)

Intrinsic Factors Related to Sports Injury Int J Sports Med 2001; 22 225

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factors: 1) the elimination of posture defects, 2) the detection Corresponding Author:
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