Aper Eart: (Pick The Date)

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[Pick the date]


Romance | Jillian Pearl S. Lopez/Grade 7-Humility

There’s always a right time for everything and everything happens for a reason. It can
be either good or bad but it happened because of a reason. In the 21 st century, a lot of people always
wonder why it takes too long for them to have the things they want. One of those people is Luna Jade
G. Lopez or just Jade for short. She has wished to every saint she could pray to for her to get her one
and true love. After all that stuff, nothing good still happened to her. She’s the type that is so impatient
and wants to get something immediately. This trait of her is the reason why some weren’t fond of her.
Though she is like that, a lot of people were amazed because of her creativity and absolute kindness.
She was awarded many trophies that has something to do with art. She’s very cold when it comes to
her dream boy. She looks very average so not that many people remember her face, the name of
hers is the only thing that lingers in their mind. You can basically say that she’s simple but
extraordinary at the same time.

“AAAAAAAHHH! Jade, there you are. I was looking for you. After searching for one
whole hour I’ve finally found you” Her best friend, Keila shouted happily because she finally found her
friend. Jade snapped out of her daydream and looked a bit amused but she asked Keila calmly. “Why
have you been looking for me? I was enjoying my little daydreams of my idol and you’ve disturbed
me.” Jade really doesn’t like being disturbed whenever she’s imagining and daydreaming. “ I just want
to ask for a favor.” Keila asked her friend nervously for she knows well that she’ll refuse her offer.
Even though they’re best friends, Jade is still has this cold personality to her but sometime she’s as
jolly and cheerful like a dog wagging its tail. It’s almost like she’s a different person when she’s happy.

“I told you for thousands of times already that I won’t draw whoever that person is. You
have known for years that I will only draw my idol and only him. If you don’t have anything else to
want to ask then please excuse me” Jade said coldly and passes by Keila, Keila could feel the cold
wind blowing as her friend passes by. Jade soon went to the park that she grew up with. She sat
down on the bench and daydreamed.

As Jade daydreamed, she could feel the cold wind blowing onto her face. Snow was
fallindgand winter could be felt everywhere. Throughout the coldness she still stayed and opened her
bag to get her sketch pad. She suddenly felt inspired so she tried to draw a somewhat close replica of
him. She drew him with physical traits of keen eyes, pink luscious lips, beautiful braces that could be
shown if he smiles, long legs and alluring silver hair.

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