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Campaign Guide PATHFINDER: STRANGE AEONS Ta! la! Pathfinder Fhtagn! What's Inside? “Remotein the desert of Araby ls the nameles city, crumbling and inarticulate, slow walls nearly hidden by the sands of | luncounted ages. There is no legend so old aso give ita mame, oF ec tat ira ever alive; but i told of whispers around camplies and muttered about by grandams nthe tents of shes, 0 thatal the tribes shun it without wholly knowing why. Ie was of this plce that Abdul Alhazed the mad poot dreamed onthe night before he sang his unexplainable couplet “Thatis not dead which can eternal lie, ‘And with strange aeons even death may die.” HP Lovecralt, The Nameless City Introduction Pathfinder: Strange Acons ra fawmade expansion for Akbar Horror The Card Game, based off the popula athinder RPG, snd in particle the Lower nspired Pathfinder Campaign, Stange Acons So. yes ian Artham Honor cosoverano an RPG eampagn that eady waa Lovecalt crossover in theirs plce. Docs ths Bee etemallevpot My rbted ion) Tats fxd “This expansion includes a numberof elements that can be used individally, or combined together fora complete Pathfinder experience, In this expansion you'l nd (® Rales for Deck Drafting analtemate and challenging way to constrict your starting deck during the est scenario, (® Rales for Medieval Fantasy scenarios forse ith Pathfinder corany ther Medieval Fantasy scenario, (Rates and new cards foe Teena vivant allowing Investigator aces to pomertlunigueitems. they san ind them (2 St adaitional Pathfinder Investigators for use inthis campaign, o elsewhere (@ Twenty-four addtional Player Cards for use in Medieval Fanaay setting scenarios or elsewhere (@ And ofcourse the frst Two Seenarios inthe Pathfinder: Steange Aeons campaign. These ae: “te Search For Sanity’ where the investigators wake up, with no ‘memory, impesoned in an asym fallen int chaos “The Theushmoor Teeror’ where two competing cls of evi scekto destroy the town of Thrushmoor, Drafting Rules Deck Dring an optional set of rues that allow nvestigatrsto ovtrct thet dock om lined dea pool driog the ft {cenario, Drang ake youto make decsions onthe fy about what Aro be bet for your dec wns twist you doth daig ply! Draft Deck “The fist step when drafting ito construct your Draft Deck. The Draft Deck s an additional deck, separate to your normal Deck, ‘that wll be in-play during your frst scenatio, Before paying your First game, construct Drat Deckas follows (© ri selec the Inventor you wish play. Donat ontrct snl Deck your orl Deck wil a my Intend constrt your Disk Deck for tht Investigator (© The sive of your Draft Deck must he your decksre mina fis, fumes thee, (6,75 cans for most investigators). (© The Draft Deck must follow the normal rales for deck onstruction (al cards must be evel 0, no more than two coples + ofeach cant follow the Decking Options and Deckbuilding -Restctions on your Investigator card ete), withthe following, exceptions “© Exception 1: Ifyou areallowed amaximum number ofa certain typeof card in your deck, you are allowed three times that ‘maximum within your Draft Deck. (og, Finn Edwards can have up to 15 Secker/Sursvorcardsin his Draft Deck) “© Exception 3: Ifyou must havea minimum number ofa certain ‘typeof card in your deck, you must have three times that minimum ‘number in your Daft Deck, (eg Lola Hayes must have atleast 21 «ars from 3 diferent classes in her Draft Dec). (© Once you have constructed the inital Draft Deck (75 card for ‘oat invertigators), then addi addtional ears from your "Investigator Deckbuilding Requirements’, e, Signature cards and Basic Weaknesses. Signature Cards that startin play (eg: Duk, Sophie et) are not added to the Draft Deck and startin play se ‘norma. ‘And tha'sit! You are now eeady to play your fest scenaio. Drafting In Play Daing your fet cana you wiluse your af Deck to constrict your el Deck thst you wilthen se, bth forthe eet of the aceart (you complete t), and forthe et ofthe campaign. (® You begin the game with both yur Deck nd your Draft Deck Imply. Asyour Deck empty, wll have no card (@ Your Draft Deckisnot your'Deck. Cards that reference your Deck sil apply to your Deck and not your Draft Deck. For many card this means they will have no effet atast until your Deck fs up. (eg, Eureka, Norman Withers, Alyse Graham, et, donot apply ro your Draft Deck) (Q While your rat Deckts not empty, whenever you ate instructed to daw a card, you must dreamed (ee ‘DraingA Card, below), You ms deaf each cand separa, even instructed to dra multiple cards. Ones your Draft Deck i timpy the dafthas ended an you mas fllaw the steps for ‘Completing Your Deck, below (© when dean carafe setups pe the les above, these webs drafted. You annot malign (@ Your Discard Piles stl your Discard Pile, and cards can interact with this normally. (@ tes possibe tough certain cand fects tad cards to your Deck, fac exp by ahuling our Discard pilot your Deck. Thisis fine Note though that you wl be unable to daw a ard feomit util you complete your deta sbove, lfc that search" your Deck wil stil wok however. (@ tryou complete the scenario before your Draft Decks empty then before he esolson ofthe scearo hep drain cards unt your Draft Deck is empty ad allow the steps for Completing YYourDeck’ sb normal. You should rays complet the drat drag one cena. Drafting A Card ‘When instructed taf card’, do the following. (@ Reveal the top 3 cards fom the Draft Deck Select one ofthese to add to yourand, and etum the other to your alt Discard Pile. You can select any ofthe 3 cards toad to your hand with the following exceptions: “© Exception I: fyour Deckbulding Restrictions allow a ‘masinum number ofa certain typeof card in your dec, that must still be followed when drafting a card (eg, Jenny Bares can have wp to Snon-Rogue cards inher deck. She cannot select non-Rogue cand From her draft iit would bring her over that number). © Exception 2: Ifyour Deckbulding Restrictions requte 3 ‘minimum number ofa certain type of ard in your deck, you cannot ‘select card that would make impossible to full this requirement (eg Lola Hayes must haveat last ands fom 3 diferent lasses in her deck. Ifshe has yet achieve this minimums «nd has only2 cards le to draft and needs themll tobe in a ‘certain clas, she cannot drab other clases). (@ tfany ofthe thre revealed eardsae Signature Card of Basi ‘Weakness, immiditely draw that card, then revel another card to replaceitand continue the draft. (Ifmore than one such card is revealed, repeat this proces fo al such cards, nan order of your choosing) (@ i for whatever reason, you cannot draft any ofthe three cards ‘on oe, the draft ear effec fis, and you must retuonall 3 ead toyour Draft Discard Pile Completing Your Deck (Once your Draft Deckis exited (afler25 dows formost Inve guts) yx ra Spt i aor ate Eimee (© Search your Draft Discard Pl for S cards of your cholce, nd ‘ud dhem to your Discard Pile following the Deckbuulding Restrictions on your lavestigato, to complete you deck. (© shutte your Discard Pent your deck ‘Congratulations you have complete the deft Designer's Note: When drafting, investigators vl often havea tough choice between what helps them noveand what is beter sulted long-term for tei deck. ‘Thisisparcofthe challenge! Itis notrecommended that investigators printout their Dat Dee, crossing off cards to see what remains Lastead, > investigators are encouraged to go with theirgut'to keep | ((~ d the main seenaio owing ( Medieval Fantasy Setting Treasure “The Pathfinder: Stange Asons campaign takes place inthe word ‘of Golaion,a realm of ores, dragons and sorcerers, but aso of pirates and traders, of swashbuckers and gothic ono, oflost ‘lsations, heroic nations, NoatingeasUes, demon incursions and ‘meddling gods. In shor, Golarion sa world suitable to many > stores. but nota ‘Youre unlikely to find a M1918 Browning Automatic Rille or fother modem weaponry in Golatian, Likewise the nation of ‘mexlern armed police-force does not exist. For that reason, presented here are roles for running a Medieval Fantary Setting (@ tovesigtoscannotinclade ay arn ther deck with he folowing tats: Firearm, Seenes, Police, Misatoni. (@ Addionally the following cards ae not permite: Dyaeite Bla Fire Extinguisher, Flashlight Keroene, Newspaper Police Badge. (@ The above res donot apply to Investigators or Investigator D signature cand. (Fr instance both Daty Waller and Roland's 38 pede beg ed oe respectively) (@ These deckbuilding restrictions apply during initial deckbullding and during campaign ply Designer's Note: As wellas being sting appropriate the above redtrictions remove many powerfal cards rom the ‘ardpool sich as Dr Milan Christopher, Best Cop, Lightning Gun, and Flashlight Players vl hae to seok alternate strategies when mising some oftheir favourite cards, Asthe Investigators themsslvesare not affected, players are ‘encouraged to seek alternate explanations for these fsnachronians. Aly ueasure! Where woulda fantasy world be without (@ Treasure cards are player card story aes as indicated by thei ‘encounter set ican, andas such cannot be included in an Investigators deck except through theres below. Treasure cards are indicated by the Treasure trait (When playing a scenario with Treasure, the scenario setup rues willinstuctyouto create a Treasure Deck, and willtell you which ‘encounterats should goin this deck (© Locations may have “Freasure X" in place of"VictoryX". When suc locations revealed, place X'weasure markers’ on (CFreasre markers canbe anything coins for example). (@ ta location with Treasure Xhas no clues on and atleast treasure marker, an investigator a that location may take the ‘Treasure action asfllows: Remove I treasure matker nd place it inthe victory display, then drae 1 card from the Treasure deck (@ Ae the end ofthe scunaro, cards drawn from the Treasure deck canbe added to an investigators deck for free, For each drawn treasure card single investigator may choose toadd that card to their deck. This doesnot count towards that investigators deck limit. Drawn treasure cards that are not chosen tobe added toa deck are returned to the collection (not tothe Treasure Deck). ‘The remaining Treasure Deck continues ato the next scenario in the campaign, possibly wth new cards added tit (@ tmaddition to the drawn treasure cards each treasure matkerin ‘he victory display counts as Victory I” forthe investigators. (Pn addin to their use in the Pathfinder Stange Acons ampatgn the Treaste Deck nd Treasure Cards cn be edt a tavantn any scenario replcingal locations with "Victory" with “Treasure X. ayers can choose which teasure encounter sets 0 sehen playing with uch variant. Additional Rules and Clarifications Campaign Setup Victory (Personal) ‘Certain player cards may indicate “VietoryX (Persona instead of the standard Victory X" Should sucha cardend the scenarioin the wetorydxpay irewards bonus experience only tothe ovener ‘ofthe card rather than toall investigators. Odd and Even (Certain cards may require you to determine fa number s“edd” or even’. Note that zero isan even number, IFanumber does aot ‘exist ris itcounts as nother odd nor even. “To setup the Pathiinder: Strange Aeons campaign perform the following steps cede. 1. Chooteinvestigator(s) 2. ach player assembleshis or her Draft Deck (see Drafting. rales). 3. Choose dificalty level. 4. Assemble the campaign chaos bag. “Easy (Twant to experience the story): $1, H1,0,0,0,-1,-1-1,-2, 20%, AH “eStandard (Iwanta challenge): $1,0,0)-1,-y-1,-2,2, 3,4, A BABS “eHlard (Iwanta true nightmare): 0,0,0,1-122,3,34, 5 AA “Expert want Ackiam Horror) 001,223,345, 6,8 BiB ‘You are now ready ta begin atthe Prologue Prologue ee ee ed Se ere footpeon tery cobb On ata i bllagtand Sento eee emremecisan a eet eee eras Tet Fl tned echos through te mit Then gun and agin Becept Te rund or Omri you doy bu say. ei eciveareaicn aye eraet iad Becca cretsen acy ann Aalgeoe ge peed alg ee arenes ray Seg ape rabies ervat e atrret Iishanwicied or ns ath blige sagt dopof vodraningdosrta Lag lacing we toe Heals Se een ines A eee ies elon ect neat sea ocak ee a pe ae at eee Sahl pepe ralhinl pate (ta cee oe eee) You've never been one to back down froma igh and this tatored ‘man clearly means violence. You draw your weapon, a simple short blade,and lant your heels inthe mud. Before you can breath he upon you, chaning om a slow walk to leaping, bounding hiss. Hivarme move ke lighting his xzor dashing in themoonlight ax he carves it upon your flesh. You try to ight t0 parry, even o strike back but he soo fst. You try to think quickly. Above you la tavern signa heavystel shield tha has “The Thrashmoor Arms” painted on i. Do yo fein, then throw your bide atthe shield, knocking ton your adversaries head, something he probably won tse coming (tam to 6); nun, you can still make itout alive ifturn tll now (tra 104). 3 Amed with the secret knowledge, you dispel the power within him, and te figure cowersin fear. With another ek oF your wrist, you spin your sword around and slay your fe, Remember that "you defeated The Taterman” Proceed to Scenario I: In Search of Sanity. Your don'knove who this igure but the sense of dread that accompanies him s unmistakable. You spinon your hee and run through the fog. Without pause, the figure gives chase, leaping and bounding over the cobbles razor ashing inthe moonlight. You quicken your run, drawing short of breath but he keeps coming. You duck into a alley to lose hin, and double back on a diferent Do you: hide nse a house keeping quiet (tum to 8); draw your blades he's going to catch you eventually, ight as welbe ready fort (tumt09); or keep raning, ou need to stay ahead of him (tara 07). 5 You samp tothe ground the creture standing over yu, your ie dsining trom your body. The last thing you bear lan old woman's soe in the background “Good, good, yes another soul fr me, another sul for my tea Thankyou Taterman, you re most Kind” You de. ‘Proceed to Scenario 1: In Search of Sanity, ‘You move to strike the figure, then pullback. As expected the creature dodges your fake Blow, and you use all your might nd throw yoursword at the lage heavy shield serving asa tavern sign Your aim is tr, the shield wobbles, and then fille crashing towards the creature's hea. nd mises You had your chance, you blew it: One ssh ofthe razorandit’s over. (curat08). 7 "You ru an a, unt your lungs fel like they ae going to burst. You stop and double over, almost retching with gue and fear. Allarouind you is stl fog and confising streets. Surely you've lost tim now. You turn around, to check your purser ha Belly gone, and thatis when you see the zor. (turn 08). 8 You sip inside a hous, hiding behind a worktop containing yesterday’ read, coveredin cloth. Trembling you ty to master your ear and keep silent, you breath lowering toa mouses whisper. For what seoms lke an eternity you stand til, though ouside the window the fog never changes, and no soul walks pat. Eventually you deem it safe and standup, stepping carfly fom behind the bread counter. There ia knock the door. Knock, [noel knack. Knock knock knock. Youreyes open wide as the doorbursts open and the razor arrives. (tum © 8) 9 You can’ keep sunning forever andi seem this stllnt is faster ‘than you are. Fighting is your only option, perhaps youcan strike while he's not ready. You spin aud, racing your weapon, but therun must have taken out ofyou alittle as he is already upon. you before you can even assume a defensive stance You move to strike, but he dodges iteasyand swings eft. You dodge ight, glance around, butt was feint and hes there already, razor in hand. The razor eats down. (tur to8). 10 You approach the Figure arms out indicating parley. It might be holding 2 weapon, sure but theres litle than cannot be solved by rational discourse, even amoung strangers or enemies. "Excuse me. sir... but do you have any idea where we are?” you exclaim. “Most embarrassingly appear to have somewhat, e lost my memory?” “The creature cocks its bandaged head t you, and though you cannot seis fice propedy, you think is fed mouth perhaps ‘wtsting into some kindof wile “Do you understand my language”, you offer and make every fort tobe fiendly. But itisno use. The creature leaps forwards, ‘or ia hand and hocks you tothe ground befor zing its hands forthecut. (tuto). Scenario I: In Search of Sanity You ded that night, you aresure oft That man, with the tattered rags be killed you. Wasit just dream? Itseemed so real. But that was then, this snow. You stand up and ook around. You're ina ‘all prison oF dungeon posiby or maybe... an asylum? Screams can be heard fiom outside, hornbl,blood-curding sereoms just a Few fot aay, Something isn't ight. The screams fom outside increase, man is being tortred,posibly killed. You know you're not supposed to ibe ere, but beyond that, you cant remember anything. Where are you? How did you end up here? Whats going on? Gingerty you push the door to your cell nd to your surprise it ‘opens. You step outside and into a word of madness. Setup (© Gatherall cards rom the following encounter sts In Search of Sanity, Dungeons, Dreams, Dopplegangers, Ghoul. These sels areindicated bythe following icons es (@ Pat the Prison and The Grand Hal nto play. Each investigator Dgins play atthe Prison, (@ Pat the Chapel of Many Faiths ad three other Southern Hall locations chosen at randomallinto ply. Remove the remaining Southern Hall locations from the gum. (@ set thefllowing cards aside, out of pay: The Tatterman, “Tatered Shadows, Uer Zandas. (@ Shutile the remainder ofthe encounter cards to build the encounter deck. (© tepaying with Treasure, gather all cards rom the following tueasre sets: Relics of Legend, Relics ofthe Dream. These et ace indicated by the following cons. G&G ay (@ sume Treasure cardia the ueasur sts together to bud the ease deck. Return any thor art the cllocton. g DONOT READ ? i until the end of the scenario Before resolving any other resolution fat ar one easter ieee eerie Investigator Defet ist. Investigator Defeat Openingyoureyes you look arond. Yous tied tachi, Tel garde Onte inant nati sainedrobe, nd hood towards you. "Pre Zande sown “Yew yes inde comes the reply andy tm around al ee eee (9 rae ierer eee Campaign ngthst they were“marked by Zand” (@ ach iver who wa defested may ot lla ieee (@fno resolution was reached (cach investigator was defeated). Go to Resolution 1, Resolution 1 ‘Yu ing open a doo, in an ttre to fnd your way out What gets you is ot oom, buts vst landscape a huge slats ands domed andspired city siboueted aginst the Isk’s ge. Above thecy the ay Bur slow and black, thin suns cast thir shadow overall and ou find yours, ‘yur very sou beng pulled farther and farther into the Iandscape. ‘You gully slam the doo and dv out of window ito the fg Brenthing goes back (@ tnyour Campaign Lg record that Beart Asyan ‘eas conaumed into Carcosa (@ tFehe Tattrman is notin the victory pay, recordin ‘your Campaign Log tit The Tattrman stillives (@ Eachinvestigatorthat"ate the delcions stew’, dren a (@ Fach investigator ears experience qua tothe Victory X ‘al ofeach ead in the victory ply Resoletion 1 ‘You and the remaining survivors run together down the stone steps of the huge mance that war Betrstone Asyuno, {asthe sounds of crashing timber and grinding rock echo out behind you. In the halligh ofthe moon, you stumble ‘onward through the courtyard past the wrought iron gates, and away from this evil place forever. Pausing onto catch ‘your breath, you turn around in ne to see the Asylum ‘olan in great cloud of dust, able and fre. Before log. itisa Bont, ighting up the night. “Tuming your back, you preston, and wth the surivoes beside you pick our may through a cobbled road, ‘overgrown bushes then down ill hough mud and grass before you here the crunch of shingles beneath your fee. ‘The wind howls nthe night and you hear the sound of Siting down on a nearby rock, you ook around, jst as the fist ye of dawn twinkle aver the bay. You ae on anislind an sland! Across the bay, the lights and gulls ofa ishing town are the only sigs ofcvilisation, Perhaps you can get somerestand some answers there (@ myoor Campaign Log record that Brat Asylum seas destroyed (Q tithe Taterman is notin the victory dpa, recordin your Campaign Log that The Taterman til ives, (@ Bach investigator that"ate the dleious te” drs & random token fom the chaos bag. Hit ieaf@ ora Me tha investigator sufers I physical rama, Yuk! (@ Bachinvestigator earns experience qu tothe Victory X ‘al ofeach cad in the victory diplsy Designer's Note: Encounter Sets “The eneunterscts used within this campaign etre in future scenarios, and canbe used in custom campaign in similar way tothe Core encounter sets. Fach st tests OOS a ‘Dungeons puts pressure on movement and health, Dreams - puts pretsure on handsize and sanity Dopplegangers attacks alls, and distracts with sde- quest Lows’ Revenge - deals out delayed tests, nore diffe than normal, bu wth some time to prepare Carsed Town - pats pressure on action compression, and tals investigators to do alot ina shor period of ine. Scenario Il: The Thrushmoor Terror. ‘You ston the beach ofthe island, with che remaining survivors of the chaos that was Barstane Aslam, and discuss your next move Despite having no memory except for the ecent events you piece together what litle you know. You were placed in Beiarstone by fone Count Lov the ruler of Versex and Thrushmoor, the town ‘eroes the water. The Count isknown to be a rece, an eccentric, bbutalso harsh and capricious tyrant whatever his reasons, you ddoube they were benign, Ulver Zandalus, the dresmer behind Briarstone's madness, was also a patient ofthe Count. Alroads lead to him “Theushmoor likely contains answers; hopefllyits people willbe fiend and receptive. Inthe dawn light alittle fishing boat passes bbyand you wave, You gaze back across Brirstone Island and notice large obelisk on the shoe, covered in uns. “A Star Stele," says ‘one of your companions. “They've been here forever, since before thetovn even.” “And do they always do that?” you askas the eanes across the stone slow bright yellow, thick blood ericling out oftheir grooves and down tothe beach sinds Setup (athe cards om the flowing encounter sts The Thrushmoor Teer, Lowl’ Revenge, Cursed Town, Sing Feat, Dark aly, Agentsof Hasta Agents oF Chun. These ses ate Indate bythe folowing ons, ans 1 4 aa ¥ @ AR (@ Pet the folowing cations into play with thei Hato side revealed: Brastone isan, Profesional istic is Hi. Each ieee gia py tee wome Eee (© Put the following locations into play with theis Cthulhu side reveled The What Market Distt, The Old Church Fort Hatcoone (© Pathe remaining two lcstions into play unrevesled (Lowe! P Famly Manorand Locked Doon) (© Shuffle the Star Stele story assets and place one of them in play, ast sde up, tached to Brlartone ean, Placa econdin oy Hastie patched to Laws Parl Manot, lcs he Instn play, Cth sie up attached to Market Distt. (O setthefllowing cards ase on of lay: Melienn Kororo, Mrs Bak, (2 Shute the folloeingcncounter sts together to form the Hastur encounter dock: Lows Revenge, Stking Fear (® Shute the following encounter sets together to form the (Cthuthu encounter deck: Cursed Town, Dark Cul (Bf playng with Treasure, gather aller from the fllowing treasure sets: Relics ofLegene Relics ofthe Dream, These sts are indicated by the following cons. a® (© Shue all Treasure cards in the treasure sts together to build the treasure deck. Return any other cards tothe callection. Dual-Locations Each ofthe Thrushmoor lation in this scenatohave no snreealed side stead having two revsled sides one Hasta and oe Cthulhu de: Whenever sucha location entesplay CGching daring setup, or being ppd), place cies on that Tocton equal tots cae ake anormal Treasure tokens are nt refed j Standalone Mode ? you are plying in Standalone Mode and do not wish toreler to any other setup resolutions, you may use the Information beloe when sting up and playing this (© Assemble the chaos bgning the flowing tokens $10,022,340 BI 2 (@ Do not read Interlude I the Fate of Thrushmoor. ( Two Agendas, Two Encounter Decks During tis scenario there are two agenda decks and wo ‘encounter decks, each one representing the progress ofthe forces ‘of Hastur or Cthulhu, When playing thisscenario, players must observe thefllosing addtional roles: ‘Two Agendas “© Thea/b agendas are refereed to asthe Hastur agendas. The e/d agendas are referred tas the Cthulhu agendas, “© Whenever I or more doom is placed on the current agenda the payers may decide which ofthe two agendas to place this doom, “@ Doom on ards other than the two agendas (suchas enemics locations or assets) count towards the doom threshold of Both need © When one agenda advances, doom on the other agenda is not removed. All ther daom in play is removed “© Ifthe doom threshold ofboth agendas are stisied during the “Check doom threshold” step ofthe Mythos phase, choose ‘only one agenda to advance. Then, ance you have completed ‘advancing that agenda, check the doom threshold ofthe other fgenda and advance tits doom theeshold is stil stsied ‘Two Encounter decks “& Each location marked with a Hastur or Cthulhu tra. When

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