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Nyamagabe bread manufacturing was founded in July, 2015 by our group 1, our company is the
maker of the popular breads and cakes or offers breads and cakes supplying services. Our
(PRODUCT/SERVICE) is known for 3 years, We have been quite successful in manufacturing
breads and cakes and notably in satisfying our customers and our markets and also in keeping
data of our customers.

Nyamagabe bread manufacturing currently serves over 12000000 customers in three district
such as nyamagabe, huye and nyanza and employs 20 people in the greater nyamagabe area.

Mission Statement:

 provide job to people around our company

 satisfy our customers and our markets
 provide good customer care to our customers and markets also
 maximize profit to our company or organization


 selling breads
 selling and supplying white flour
 supplying breads
 selling cakes
 supplying cakes
 packages

Competitive Advantages:

The following are competitive advantages that differentiate Nyamagabe bread manufacturing
from other providers:

Company Recognition:

 Brand awareness: brand awareness has increased dramatically over the past two years
 Brand image: it is the most popular in nyamagabe
 Brand identity
 Industry recognition
 Trust: our organization will be the most trusted company according to other business
which manufacture breads

Expertise & Stability:

 Highly knowledgeable workforce
 Skilled labor
 Technological skills
 Powerhouse solution
 High-level standards
 Stability

 High performance
 Flexibility
 Scalability means using few resource and produce more
 Reliability
 Features and functionality

Nyamagabe bread manufacturing is an independent company which manufacture breads and

cakes, started with producing 1000 packs per day with 15 employees and it started with 1.5
million while we were starting we were able to supply in our local area. day per day our
company expand once it reaches to supply three district those are Nyamagebe, Huye and
Nyanza, with the present statistics shows that the company had the previous extra good time
and extra crisis time where in 2016 the company sold 400 packs per day less than what we
were expected to sell that was the crisis time.

This why we are going to conduct a research in order to know why we are getting in crisis time
so that we are losing our clients and also our markets as day pass and know how to keep
information of our customers.

we have faced a problem of losing our clients but we don't know where the problem is? or what
cause our clients to leave us and affect our business produce few product so that our
organization fall down and affect our trade mark

Here we are going to use Applied research as a type of research which it aim is finding a
solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial/ business organization

the purpose of formulating this problem statement is to collect all information about our
markets/customers or internal of our organization in order to know where there is challenges
or problems in our business organization so that we can handle them in order to make our
organization performing more effectively so that we can leave crisis time.

"we wish we knew how to eliminate the problem of losing our customers or markets but this is
why we are going to conduct our research"

the following are some point that we discussed about our markets/customers:

 WHO... "any person who consume our product on the markets and their range of ages,
if they are young people or adult people". who were our consumer before they started
to leave our business, are they boys or girls? are they adult or young people and how
are we going to gain information of all those people in order to know their view on our
 WHEN... "our customers when do they consume our products more than other days, for
example our case study, does bread consumed the same all the time?". here the
information we are going to search for is the season our product are consumed on high
level so that we will be able to know why our customers are leaving or if it is in bad
season of selling our product.
 WHERE..." at shopping malls, supplied at home, supermarket and boutiques". here we
are going to search for information of how our customers are able to access or get our
product in the easiest way for example if they can easily get our product in their village
or town.
 WHAT... "shape of bread we produce such as pain france, tortoise bread, and
nyamagabe bread". here we are going to search for information related to what shape
of bread we are using if it attract our customers or not and also know some information
of how much our product cost.
 WHY... "they are no longer interested in our product". here we are going to search for
information related to why our customers are not interested in our product and why
they are no longer using our products in their everyday life or if our customer care is not
performing well or if our price is high than the price our competitors.
secondly we continue with internal research in our organization/business so that we make sure
that our business perform everything possible to take care of our clients and in total all of our
markets , we have conducted a list of work ethics for an employer or a company that might be:

 What are the most effective ways of introducing a new employee to the organization,
this means that we are conducting research on how the organization use to introduce a
new employee to the whole business so that an employee work in most effective way in
order to achieve business's goals.
 To provide a safe work environment for staff and employees, here we are conducting
research to get information of how organization use to take care of their employees and
their staff in order to make them happy so that they perform well .
 To treat employees with dignity and respect, to this point we conducted research in
order to get information about how organization treat their employees and how they
respect them with dignity in order to make they feel comfortable with the organization.
 To provide a fair wage for the services rendered, here we have conducted a research on
how employees react to their wages and salary, if the organization provide them a fair
wages and salary.
 To handle all business transactions with integrity and honesty, this shows the research
that we have conducted on how the transaction done by business if there are honesty

We have conducted research on a list of work ethics for an employee that might include:

 To show up on time, this research conducted to show up if the employees are

always at work on time in order to perform their work more effectively.
 To tend to company business for the whole time while at work, we conducted a
research in order to get information of how employees took attention for the whole
time while at work in order to perform well.
 To treat the company’s resources, equipment, and products with care, here we
conducted a research in order to get information about how employees treat or use
the organization's resources and raw materials and products in order to use them in
most effective way so that they achieve business's goals
 To give respect to the company; that means honesty and integrity, here we have
conducted search in order to know how employees use to respect the organization ,
once they respect with integrity and honesty

During internal research we will also need to get information about the quality and quantity
of products that the business used to produce before, compare to the product they produce
after facing the problem of losing their markets and clients.
In order to know or to get information about our external of our organization, while we
were supplying our product to our customer we have collected information about our
customers so that once we need to get in touch with our customers it is easy to get
information about our customers.

According to the information we have kept during our research on a problem of losing our
customers or our markets or getting in crisis time we need to be sure that our organization
have conducted research perfectly and honestly so that we obtain successful and trusted
information in order to make a valuable decision.

As we have used ethics in problem solving, here we have discussed about four step process
for making ethical decision at work:

 Define the problem(or ethical situation): here already we conducted a research in

our organization that why we have find a problem of losing our customer and our
markets and we are getting in crisis time.
 List the facts that appear to be most significant to the decision and( consider who is
affected): here we have conducted a research on how this crisis .
 List two or three possible solutions(and how these solutions could impact each
person): here we have conducted a research and decide three solutions, first
solution is to have innovation in our organization, secondly is ameliorate wishes of
our customers and the last one is correct our organization management from the
upper management to the lower management.
 Decide on plan of action: after the whole research that we have conducted we
have decided a plan on which we are going to perform so that our business is going
to boast up from crisis time to extras good time

those plans are the following:

 Ameliorate wishes of our customers and our markets: this means that every
customer whole will buy our product we will need to have his/her information I
mean names and contact so that we can get in touch easily in order what is not
going well in our organization and know what to correct in our business.
 Innovate our organization: this means that our organization need to use new
technology so that we can produce product which have a higher guarantee, once
we use new technology it will attract our customer and we will be able to produce
many product within few time means without consuming much time.
 Correct our organization management : this means that according to our restriction
of our business every department needs to perform more effectively so that our
business boast up
 Managerial function such as planning, organizing, staffing and controlling: this
means that managerial function will be a tool to successful of our business once it
is conducted well
 Took competitive advantages to our competitors for example we will produce
breads for all kinds of people such as diabetic people produce breads will don't
contain sugar or which don't contain salt and also in order to attract young people
we will try to produce breads and cakes with different shapes like tortoise shape,
like gorillas breads and cakes shape

As conclusion it seems that collecting information about internal and external of our
business and decision taken after collecting all the information will help us to maximize the
profit of our business so that we can be role model of others, and also will facilitate our
business to take a competitive advantages over our competitors.


 setup called Business in box(contain all information you need about business)
 online library of University of west
 Research Methods for Business Students, 5th Edition and 4th Edition(these are
 a book called Problem solving in business research(which contain all information
about solving problem that come up in business )

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