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English IV

Modulo # _8_

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: _English IV_____Código: __INE207____
Unidades valorativas: 4 Duración del Modulo: 10 días

 The focus this unit is travel and transportation.

Specific Objectives:
1. The student will be able use be going to and future time expressions.
2. The student will be able talk about vacation activities.
3. Students will learn vocabulary and use it.

Skills to develop:
 Practice the use be going to and future time expressions.
 Practice conversation describing vacation activities.

Brief Description of the Forum:

After reading the material, the student will be able to participate in the
discussion forum and practice the reading segments of conversations use it
in conversation form in the forum.

Brief Description of Activities:

The student will practice conversations using the vocabulary learned.

Homework Description:
Workbook Activities from your Textbook Personal Best Level A2- Unit 11 using
the Richmond Learning Platform by doing practice exercises of skills / self-
study and assignments.
English IV

II. Content:
- be going to and future time expressions.
- vacation activities

Content Development:

Be going to

We use be going to + the base form of the verb:

I’m going to take a few exams at the end of the year.

It’s going to be difficult to get a job during the summer as the tourist industry is
suffering from the economic downturn.

Be going to: uses

Be going to is commonly used in informal styles.


We use be going to to talk about future plans and intentions. Usually the
decision about the future plans has already been made:

She’s going to be a professional dancer when she grows up.

I’m going to look for a new place to live next month.


We use be going to to predict something that we think is certain to happen or

which we have evidence for now:
English IV

It’s going to snow again soon. (The speaker can probably see dark snow

Look out! He’s going to break that glass.


We use be going to when we give commands or state that something is


[parent to a child]

You’re going to pick up all of those toys right now. This room is a mess!

Gonna (informal contexts)

Spoken English:

We use gonna /gənə/ instead of going to in informal contexts, especially in

speaking and in song lyrics. We write gonna to show how to pronounce it:

Are you gonna try and get stuff sorted as soon as you can then? (Are you going
to try and get things organised as soon as you can?)

One day I’m gonna be a star.

Be going to or will?

Will is often used in a similar way to be going to. Will is used when we are
talking about something with absolute certainty. Be going to is used when we
want to emphasise our decision or the evidence in the present:

[An ‘A’ road is a main road. A ‘B’ road is a smaller road.]

English IV

We are now very late so we’re going to take the ‘B’ road. (the speaker refers to
the present and emphasises the decision)

I know the ‘B’ road will be quicker at this time of day. (the speaker states a

Expressions of Time

Past Present Future

yesterday today tomorrow

last week this week next week

an hour ago now in an hour

recently as we speak soon

a little while ago at this moment in the near future

way off in the

a long time ago these days

in the past nowadays eventually

this morning at this time later this evening

English IV

Sentences using future time expressions

Common Future Time Example Sentences Similar Expressions


tomorrow I think I will go swimming tonight

(one day after today) tomorrow. tomorrow morning
tomorrow afternoon
tomorrow evening

the day after tomorrow Joy is moving the day The week after next
(two days after today) after tomorrow. (week)

next week Alice starts school next next month

(the week after this week.
next year

in a year Sandy is going in a week

to graduate in a year.
(a specific period of time in a month
in the future)
in an hour

this morning Tracy has a meeting this this week

(the closest morning in afternoon.
this month
the future)

this year

this weekend
English IV

on Monday Elaine is going to Spain On the weekend

(a specific day) on Monday. In June

Vacation / Trips:

Traveling means giving yourself and your mind a break from the monotonous
pattern of life, each one of us live day in and out. When you travel, you look
forward to an iconic experience that makes your trip worthwhile and
memorable. Everyone has one of those moments in the course of their trip that
holds a special part in their entire travel experience. It could be the journey to
the destination, the picturesque sightseeing, or the friendly people you meet on
your way.

Things trip often describes (“trip ________”)

time, ticket, tickets, fare, delay, transportation, airfare,fares, times, flight,

distance, hike, travel, journey, flights,ride, voyage, costs, hammer, hammers,
cost, wire, delays,engineering, wires, service, loss, gain, passage, cancellation,
trail, latency, excursion, length, rates, walk,basis, trap, voyages, destination,
planning, transfers, drive,hop, expenses, destinations, rate, path, inspection,
excursions, making, cruise, tour, commute, journeys, air,mileage, miles, mission
s, itinerary, discount, frequency,mission, transactions, route, cruises, distances,
run, price,passengers, efficiency, home, speed, loop, makers,containers, losses,
airfares, breaker, reduction, shift, trek,pass, transaction, options, hiking,
driving, matrix, schedule, crossings, trades
English IV

How trip often is described (“________ trip”)

first, long, round, last, second, short, day, next, whole, mile, entire, quick,
recent, hour, special, european, third,worth, extended, pleasant, brief, week,
successful, bad,annual, overnight, nice, western, previous, wonderful,
interesting, minute, safe, way, hard, month, occasional, country, easy,
delightful, hurried, planned, rough,overseas, longer, daily, memorable, fourth,
arduous,dangerous, difficult, extensive, secret, exciting, weekly, slow, world,
exploratory, famous, enjoyable, forthcoming,extra, longest, leisurely, lengthy,
imaginary, outward, fast, historic

Conversational Example Of Describing Your Train Journey:

Jacob- Hey Janice! How was your trip? You had been to Goa lately, hadn't you?

Janice- Yes. I must say I had a ball. Goa was amazing; however, it was the
train journey that actually made my trip all the more special.

Jacob- Oh! You took the train; don't you usually go by flight?

Janice- Yes, I do. But I have just realized how much I missed every time I
traveled to Goa by flight. You have no clue how much fun the entire twelve-
hour journey was.

Jacob- What was so great about your journey?

Janice- Well, we entered the train and found that almost half of our bogie was
filled with youngsters heading towards Goa. All in big groups, singing and
making merry! That was the first time I've ever experienced something as lively
as that. On a serious note, it felt like the partying had begun from the train
English IV

Jacob- That's great! All the party people in one bogie. Ha- ha!

Janice- Yes. Soon enough the train started and before I could know, I was
talking to the other folks in our compartment as well. Friendly and nice people.

Jacob- Superb,right?

Janice- It certainly was. As the journey continued we all were discussing Goa
and that's when I got diverted toward the scenic views through which our train
was passing, beautiful and mesmerizing. The lakes, the bridges, the greeneries;
everything had a charm of its own. Jacob, I can't express how much fun I had
throughout my journey and in barely any time, we had reached.

Jacob- After listening to you, I wish I would have joined you guys too. I
definitely missed a great, great trip.
English IV

Situation: Lucy and Andrew are talking about their end of year holiday.

Lucy: Where did you go on holiday?

Andrew: I went to Beijing with my parents.

Lucy: How was it? Did you have a good time?

Andrew: It was wonderful. Beijing is a great city with many historical


Lucy: What did you see there?

Andrew: We saw the Great Wall and other interesting places such as old
palaces, as well as pandas. They were really interesting!

Lucy: I have been to Beijing once to attend a conference, but I didn’t have time
to travel around.

Andrew: Too bad. You could have stayed longer. It’s not difficult to find cheap
hotels in Beijing.

Lucy: Really? Where did you stay, anyway?

Andrew: We stay at the Orange Hotel near the Palace Museum.

Lucy: Was it good?

Andrew: Yes, it was a great budget hotel. The room was clean and it offered
free drinks, fruit and snacks every day. How about your holiday?

Lucy: I didn’t go out because I took a charity job as volunteer tutor.

Andrew: Oh, that’s good. I may want to try that on my next holiday.
English IV

1. Textbook: Personal Best Level 2B , Editorial Richmond.
2. Diccionario de Ingles / Español o
3. Laboratorio de Idiomas - Personal Best:

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