Scaping The Virtual

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This project is based in a hypothesis which is both from top-down and bottom-up procedures. spontaneous and the planned, and be open to
driven by a simple observation: Our reality is con- The scapes we chose to focus on are fields of events and occurances. An Architecture that can
stantly accelerating. An indication for this would be information that are covering a sufficient part of the act as the interface between the tangible and the

V I R T U A L the rate at which information circulates globally and

specifically through the urban fabric.
information flow. A vast documentation process
helped us deduce valuable insight for the charac-
augmented, to be dynamic and responsive in real
Reality augmentation via dynamic Information holds a central role in this situation. The teristics and the instant nature of the Infoscapes. The notion of architectural design to the develop-
urban space is not to be studied merely as such Such as are: (a) the CCTV coverage of public ment of a system consisting of a series of proce-
architectural configurations anymore. The fields of information that are born space and area of influence, (b) the cellphone dures and protocols. A system designed and built
and developed in the premises of the contempo- antennas network as the underlying foundation of to manipulate the income and outcome of the
rary city have to be taken into consideration. the information distribution, (c) the flow of informa- Infoscapes.
We introduce the concept of the Infoscapes, tion through the social media and its implications Central place in this system holds the notion of the
Authors |Ioannis Chinis, Chrysostomos Nousias which are defined as scapes of information that for the urban space. event. The event can vary, from an exchange of
Year |2017 cover and amplify the dynamics of urban space. Based on this study we may infer that the existing information, like an upload at a social medium, to a
These scapes: (1) can hold various levels of orga- means of design, strangle to follow the hyper-dy- large gathering of people with various social inter-
nization, (2) they are not tangible, (3) they are namic nature of our reality. What we need is a actions. The constant communication between
defined by n-dimensional variables, (4) they are design that can handle the nature of the Infoscape. the system and theREAL-TIME
Infoscapes is carried by a net-
evolving in real time and (5) they are generated Architecture needs to be able to reconcile the work of robotic functional
CHANGE elements
IN that operate at
the locus of the event. These robotic elements



03.06.17 | 19:45 03.06.17 | 19:46

The days prior the festival,
! AN EVENT IS FOUND! A f # data via the infoscapes
Youth Festival will take
place at Chrimatistiriou infrastructure are collected
Sq. , Thessaloniki [ #dance, #band_1, #booze, #youth ] from all over the area.
[ #live, #shake, #band_1, #friends, #tickets ]
Latitude: 40.636874° [ #booze, #best_moments ]
[ #thessaloniki, #music ]
Longitude: 22.938673° [ #booze, #shake, #band_1, #live, #dance, #artist_2
[ #shake, #band_2, #together, #tickets, #live ]
[ #music, #band_3, #city_square ]
[ #books ]

The GridBot constitutes the structural agent that
holds responsibility for the assembly of floor ele-
ments and columns consisted by prefabricated
lightweight panels that are assemblied into a tetra-
hedral-based space structure.

03.06.17 | 19:48
Without prior knowledge,
correlations between
elements are mined from
the data. Three major
categories are recognized:
[ writer_1 ] Music
[ anim ]
15.06.17 | 07:31 [ book ]

A day before the event, the

bot protocols are initialized. The TenseBot is perceived as a hybrid entity that is
Various bot Swarms step in to both a robotic configuration and a structural
build structures in the areas element. Its ability to variate its components
proposed by the system.
enables it to engage in a cooperative act with other
17.06.17 | 07:31 units in order to create dome-like and freeform-like
The Real-Time data are used roofing structures.
for the extraction of new [ comics ]
distributions and new
structures in space.
[ Chrimatistiriou sq ]

f f

f # #

16.06.17 | 21:15
# # #
During the festival,
Real-Time data are collected GECKOBOT
via the infrastructure of the
The GridBot constitutes the structural agent that
holds responsibility for the assembly of floor ele-
# ments and columns consisted by prefabricated
lightweight panels that are assemblied into a tetra-
hedral-based space structure.

16.06.17 | 22:37
! The Real-Time collected Data,
are used as stimuli for the
robotic structures and ARMBOT
circulated back to the system. ArmBot is a generic multifuctional six axis articulated robot
that is a complementary part of the infoscape robot
swarm. Its main purpose is to handle the part of the
fabrication process that concerns to material
conglomeration. It is equipped with three custom end
effectors that correspond to different functions: [a] milling
and drilling, [b] gripping, [ c] contour crafting.

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