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This method is a challenging method as the teacher is in kind of a passive role in terms of speaking.
Students might think that the teacher doesn’t limit them and they’re free to say whatever they want
which might cause chaos in the classroom. However, this situation might also be the positive part
of this method. As the teacher doesn’t involve in conversations, students have an environment in
which they can express themselves without authority. Their exact thoughts can be listened to
clearly which help teacher to observe his/her students. In some cases, this method is confusing and
demanding as teacher doesn’t complete students’ answers. For example, I have a teacher who
applies this method when he asks a question. When a student answers his question, he stops talking
and nods to make students keep talking. Nevertheless, the student feels under pressure as she
already gave her answer and teacher still doesn’t say anything but waiting her to give the right
answer. We can’t understand what he is waiting from us or what the exact answer is. It also takes
time to wait students to understand or find the true answer as each student’s capability of
understanding is different. Although teacher doesn’t seem to be the authority in the class, he/she
is the one who gets tired as she/he has to prepare clear activities that address all of the students in
the class.

Bilge Sıla SALİH


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