Team Contract: Project Name: Rob's Drugstore

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Team Contract

Project Name: Rob’s Drugstore

Project Team Members Names and Sign-off:

Name Sign-off on Team Contract

Henna Kesulahti
David Mutabazi
Lili Tu
Chenxi Shou

Code of Conduct:
 As a project team, we will:
 Work cooperatively to attain the team goals
 Share the team’s progress among members with open communication
 Work proactively to reduce problems

We will:
 Be honest and open to new ideas
 Be on time
 Support diversity in team work
 Have one discussion at a time
 Communicate in advance about possible troubles to take part into meetings, to
meet the dead lines, or tasks

We will:
 Use different ways to communicate: face-to-face meetings, minutes of meetings,
e-mails, blackboard discussion, and telephone calls/conferences
 Share materials and concepts
 Be precise in statements of ideas
 Keep discussion on track

Problem Solving:
We will:
 Listen to all the parties during decision making process
 Use different techniques and tools to be efficient and effective
 Decide that all stands will be taken under consideration
 Agree that the project manager will make the final decisions
Meeting Guidelines:
We will:
 Have face-to-face meetings on a regular basis
 Follow the scheduled meetings
 Be prepared prior to the meetings
 Agree that the project manager will provide an agenda of every meeting, prior to
the meetings
 Provide minutes of the meetings and choose the secretary in the beginning of the

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