Caring For Stray Animals

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find food, which exposes both the

stray animals and humans to danger.

Evidence suggests that this occurrence Until very recently there

Caring for
also has a negative impact on the were no animal shelters in
much-needed tourist industry. Solitary the Bethlehem Governorate
strays are often chased and abused out or in other areas of the
of fear that they might be aggressive We s t B ank; a nd lo c a l
or sickly. Stray packs attack domestic

governing bodies still lack
animals, livestock, and humans alike. animal control officers. The
There are many documented cases of managing of stray animals is
dogs attacking children and adults as carried out at a most basic
they head out in the early hours of the level by municipalities that

morning or when they come home late simply kill the animals by
at night.* poisoning or shooting them.
The strays, on the other hand, live in
constant fear and under deplorable
conditions. The absence of food and the
infestation of fleas and parasites may
lead to more serious diseases that can same time, the shelter hopes to be a
spread quickly and affect the human venue for emerging veterinarians where
population and domestic animals alike, they can receive hands-on training
By Diana Babish in various operations and the use of
among them rabies, hear tworms,
high-technology medical equipment.

tapeworms, and other pathogens. All
these factors suggest that there is an Experienced veterinarians will be
urgent need to build an animal shelter available to do complicated surgeries
he cities and villages in the Bethlehem Governorate are growing
with a capacity that allows it to serve when the need arises.
at a fast pace, and residential blocks and industrial compounds
increasingly occupy most of the land. As of 2014, there were 30,200 not only the city of Bethlehem but the
residents in the three major cities of Bethlehem, Beit Jala, and entire governorate. The Bethlehem Animal Shelter hopes one day to
have a fully equipped operating room like this one
Beit Sahour, which cover an area of 7 km2, and 210,500 In December 2013, the Animal and located in Jerusalem.
residents in the Bethlehem Governorate, which Environment Association (AEA) was
includes three refugee camps (Dheisheh, Aida, and established under an accredited license
‘Azza) and a number of smaller towns and villages. at ‘Ush Al-Ghurab in Beit Sahour.
However, there is another noticeable population, Through its board of directors and
equal to or even larger than the human one, dedicated members, the AEA proposed
which consists of stray animals: cats and dogs to design, construct, operate, and
that roam the streets and live on vacant plots maintain a modern, state-of-the-
of land. These animals live in bad conditions, art animal-control shelter that aims
multiply without control, and have a negative to provide services of the highest
impact on the environment. However, they are quality, including the rescue, care,
victims of their situations, and many of them do and treatment of homeless animals.
not make it to adulthood. From its location in the Bethlehem
It is impor tant to note that an Governorate, the shelter aims to care
estimated 800 stray animals for animals from throughout the West
live in the city of Bethlehem, and Bank and to serve all municipalities
10,000 stray animals, particularly that support this project by providing
dogs and cats, in the Bethlehem emergency rescue, medical care, and
Governorate. A great number of rehabilitation interventions that are
these form packs and live in areas carried out promptly and quickly, while
with a low population density. keeping in mind the impor tance of
They venture out to high-density caring for the environment. To support
neighborhoods in the morning these activities, fundraising drives are
and evening hours in order to implemented to solicit donations. At the
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lifetime care and safety. On a regular
basis Adoption Days are being held as
public events in conjunction with local School and leisure activities
businesses in order to encourage and will be offered to the
facilitate the adoption of companion general public, including
animals. Last but not least, the shelter children and youth, through
aims to provide a hostel service for dog promotional events that
owners who have no place to leave their encourage citizens to get
dogs while they go on vacation. involved in acts of kindness
Hoping to be able to change the and compassion.
view of the general public towards
stray animals, the shelter intends
to show how these animals can be
beneficial once they are domesticated.

Animals rescued from

severe abuse and neglect The newly built shelter features large kennels. The
usually suffer from search is on for a larger piece of land where the dogs
acute and at times grave can roam more freely.

health challenges that

are frequently related to
starvation, dehydration, and the public of the dangers that such
physical abuse. practices pose and to shed light on
the impor tance of preserving our
environment from all forms of pollution.
The shelter does not use cages or
chains and considers this method
Striving to implement more humane an important part of the process of
and civilized ways of solving the relieving the animals’ trauma – helping
problem of stray dogs and cats, the them to heal and redevelop healthy
shelter in Bethlehem/Beit Sahour social instincts so that they can be
has thus managed to establish the adopted. The purpose is to facilitate
first Palestinian animal shelter for healing and then transfer the animals
abused animals. The first priority is to safe homes in order to create room
to provide thorough medical care and for new rescues. In cases of severe The current shelter has a yard where dogs like Max, Muphin, and Gold can move around freely several times a day.

nutrition, and administer medicine trauma, a dog is provided a private area

as needed. Through negotiation and where it can feel safe while healing. Intending to empower individuals to Diana Babish is a former bank
collaboration, involving legal assistance Thus, the shelter offers various options stand up for the humane treatment of manager with 23 years of experience
when necessary, the shelter hopes depending on the level of socialization animals, the shelter furthermore seeks in banking. She holds a master’s
to foster involvement of the general degree in international cooperation
furthermore to work to actively remove and adaptation of which an animal is
public through volunteer programs and and development from Bethlehem
animals from abusive environments, capable. The “Second Chance” option University, and is currently president
while at the same time working towards offers a place for cats and dogs to workshops. It aims to serve people
of the Animal and Environment
the enforcement of laws against animal live as they wait to be placed into an who need assistance with their own Association.
cruelty. By housing stray animals, the adoption network that strives to find rescue efforts and to provide animal
shelter also seeks to prevent further them a permanent home. The “Last companionship by removing animals For more information, visit
poisoning of strays, thus reducing the Resort” is a program that provides a from circumstances in which they are
negative impact that such activities permanent sanctuary for unadoptable unwanted or abused to places where Article photos courtesy of the
have on the environment – as poisons dogs, generally an option for a dog they are wanted and cherished. Bethlehem Animal Shelter.
often end up in water reservoirs or that may be less desirable to adopting
poisoned animals are eaten by wild families due to age, health challenges, * Humans are not the only ones who are attacked; there have also been cases that document humans attacking
animals with detrimental effect. At or behavioral skittishness resulting from animals. See “Stray dogs a serious problem in the West Bank,” published on May 9, 2015, via Maan News,
the same time, it intends to inform past abuse. These animals are provided available at

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