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Name: Alina Pintea School: Miheşu de Câmpie

Date: March 5th , 2018 School, Mureş County
Class: VII th grade Time of Lesson: 50 min.
No. of Students: 17 Textbook: English Scrapbook
Level: pre-intermediate Oxford University Press
Language Skills: reading, writing Unit: 6
Lesson/ Topic: Entertainment
Type of lesson: Evaluation

Aims: (teacher’s)

1. To check the understanding of some words in and out of context

2. To check grammatical accuracy

Objectives / Specific competences: (students’)

At the end of the class the students should be able:

1.3. To select the correct information from a clear message
2.1. To produce negative, affirmative, interrogative and exclamative sentences (to
choose the correct answer)

Teaching techniques / Methods:

- Explanation, written test


- T-Ss, Ss-T

Anticipatory problems:

- Ss might need further instructions and explanation

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer
Teaching aids:

- Handouts with the written test, blackboard

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer
ACTIVITY 1: Warmer

Aim: to assure Ss accommodation to the English class

1. T greets the Ss and tells them they are going to write a short and easy test
2. T asks for the attendance
3. Ss greet the T and close their textbooks and copybooks

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T (Whole-class)

Timing: 5 min.

ACTIVITY 2: Lead-in
Aim: to prepare Ss for the written test
1. T tells Ss they are going to solve a 18 item test about the unit they have already finished
2. T hands out the sheets of paper for the test to each S
3. Ss look at the test to see if they need further instructions

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T(Whole-class)

Timing: 5 min.

ACTIVITY 3: The written test

Aim: to check Ss knowledge about the previous unit
1. T has already handed out the sheets of paper with the test. (appendix 1)
2. Ss solve the test

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Timing:20 min.

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer
ACTIVITY 4: Solving the test at the blackboard and in the copybooks
Aim: to further consolidate the knowledge from the previous unit
1. T gathers the finished test from the Ss and asks them to come to the blackboard to solve the
test together in class
2. Ss solve the test at the blackboard while writing it on their copybooks and pay attention to
the correct answers comparing them with what they have written at the test
3. Ss try to evaluate their work having solved the test in class and give feedback to the T
4. T gives homework for the Ss to solve at home, an exercise related to the unit’s topic
(appendix 2)

Interaction: T-Ss, (Individual work)

Timing:20 min

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer
Appendix 1
Test paper

1. What type of film is Dracula?

a. A horror film b. A comedy c. A western
2. What type of film is A Mystery Case?
a. A science fiction film b. a detective film c. a cartoon
3. She isn’t at school so …
a. they can’t be policemen b. she might be on holiday
4. I can hear music at the neighbors’ so…
a. They must be at home b. they can’t be compulsory in their school
5. If you agree with me you say:
a. That’s a good idea! b. Well, that sounds nice but I can’t…
6. If you disagree with me you say:
a. Fine! b. Oh no, I’d rather…
7. Leisure time is …
a. Time you spend at school b. time you spend doing sports or watching TV
8. Choose the correct answer:
Thomas: - I don’t like music.
a. Thomas says he doesn’t like music b. Thomas says he didn’t like music.
9. Choose the correct answer:
Sara: -I am twelve years old.
a. Sara said she is twelve years old. b. Sara said she was twelve years old.
10. Match the right column to the left:
a. Half 1. ¼
b. A quarter 2. ½
c. A third 3. 2/5
d. Two fifths 4. 1/3
11. Write these numbers in letters:
a. 420-……………………………………………
b. 15.300-………………………………………...
12. Tulip Carnival is celebrated in :
a. January b. February c. April
13. Tulip Carnival is celebrated in :
a. Amsterdam b. Bucharest c. America

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer
14. Mardi Gras is a :
a. winter festival b. autumn festival c. Spring festival
15. The Chinese new year is famous for:
a. coins and beads b. a never ending cloth dragon c. flowers
16. Pocahontas was:
a. A simple girl b. the chief’s daughter
17. The Captain’s name in the story of Pocahontas was:
a. Powahatan b. John Smith
18. Was Pocahontas turned into a film?
a. Yes b. No

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer
Test answers:

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. A-2,b-1, c-4,d-3
11. Four hundred and twenty, fifteen thousand and three hundred
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. B
18. A

Each correct answer is graded with 0.5 p

1 point is given ex. off.
Total: 10 p

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer
Appendix 2
Ex. 1/a page 54
Each S must prepare an information card with a festival of their choice.

Top festival information

Name of the festival

Enjoyable activities



Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; Fc = flashcards; Ws = worksheets; Pw =

pair work; Gw = group work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer

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