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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 18 22 November 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the eighteenth issue of out in early December. You sure can
Blog never count your chickens before
my newsletter Anita’s Garden for
2019. they’ve hatched when it comes to the
Newsletter back issues
Facebook I hope you have all had a good week.
Running counter to all of these mis-
Instagram Lately, the weather has been quite haps are the successes I have had this
unstable. How are the plants that spring in the garden. We have had a
Twitter you put in over Labour Weekend far- beautiful crop of radishes. Amethyst
ing? Hopefully they’ve all managed to from Egmont Seeds, and Gaudry and
Linkedin withstand the wind, cold and rain but Ravanelli from Franchi Seeds per-
Pinterest if your garden is anything like mine, formed exceptionally, and I would
you may find yourself having to re- highly recommend these varieties to
sow and replant seedlings. This start- other gardeners. To complement our
ed a couple of weeks ago for me. You radish, we have also had a lot of lovely
Contact me may recall me mentioning that I had lettuce this spring from the Salanova
to put in Sweet Heart tomatoes from plants I put in that were reduced to
 Feedback Egmont and Red Cherry from Franchi half price back in August.
to replace some of the plants which
 Newsletter input Although they were grown back in
our wwoofer Eleanor put in over La-
(tips, recipes, gar- summer, we have still been eating our
bour Weekend. Then I lost most of
den photos etc) way through our butternut pumpkins,
the cucumbers and zucchini I planted
a few days after that. Fortunately I with plenty left for Christmas, which
 To be added to my
have more zucchini in the nursery is a good thing as the price is normally
mailing list
and cucumber plants in the green- astronomically high around that time house as reinforcements to replace the of the year as everyone anticipates
seedlings that I have lost. This is a their Christmas roast with all the
testament to always sowing a bit trimmings. It is for precisely this rea-
more than you think you’ll need, be- son that I didn’t hesitate forking out
Inside this issue: cause you can never be guaranteed $16 for more seeds to replace the seed-
that your plants will grow as planned! lings I lost due to the cold weather, as
the delicious pumpkin and butternuts
Most recently, and perhaps most dev- that we have been consuming every
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 astatingly, I lost all of the butternut day far outweigh the cost of seeds. To
Anita’s Garden pumpkins that I planted in our gar- complement our pumpkin and butter-
den near the border with our neigh- nuts, we have been eating silverbeet
bour, where the large willow tree used and spinach from the garden, now
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 to be. These included Rugosa, a varie- moving onto our new plants. I can’t
for the week ty from Franchi seeds, which I am believe we’re already harvesting from
excited to be growing again this year. the seedlings our wwoofers Linnea and
I constantly feel like I’m running out Einar planted for us when they stayed
Tips for growing zinnias 2 of time, but it’s hopefully not too late with us back in September!
to re-sow more seed. I had half a
packet of Rugosa left over, which I I hope you enjoyed this column and
popped onto the heat pad along with have a great weekend.
How to grow beans 3
four different varieties of butternuts.
Anita Kundu
I’m hoping that these will germinate
and will be able to be potted up in the
next week or so, ready to be planted
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Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Update on our mini orchard
Figs There is fruit on our Garden Belle
Apple trees tree!
All our trees are healthy and have
Our dwarf apple trees are all do- fruit on them Strawberries and blueberries
ing nicely.
Citrus Every other day we are harvesting
Apricot tree a bowlful of berries. This year is-
Our dwarf mandarins and orange n’t as productive as last year,
Looks healthy but no fruit on it trees did well over winter, provid- when we were harvesting a bowl-
ing us with lots of fruit. Our lem- ful every day. Our blueberries
Banana tree
on tree did exceptionally well this look healthy and there are lots of
Our banana tree fruited in spring, year, thanks to the Kolush sea- berries on them
providing us with beautiful, sweet weed and Manuka mulch that
bananas for many weeks Palmers kindly gave me to trial in Feijoas
the garden. This winter, I added a
Peaches and nectarines dwarf Tahitian lime and Meyer I added three more trees to our
lemon to our citrus trees. existing five trees, which are flow-
There is no leaf curl on the stone ering
fruit thanks to a strict spraying Raspberries and brambles
regime over winter and spring. Avocado
Lots of little fruits have formed on There are plenty of flowers on the
raspberries and brambles Cleopatra looks healthy, going into
the trees
its second year.
Pear Tree

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Plant zucchini Normally I plant melons in the 5. Plant marigolds

third week of November, when the
Now is the perfect time to plant Marigolds are always a favourite
weather is a bit more settled. If
more zucchini or replace any in our garden. They look great as
you leave it any longer, you risk
plants that have died a bedding or border plant. They
fruit not maturing in time before
are also a terrific companion plant
2. Plant cucumbers the end of summer
and help repel insects from veggies
Now is also the perfect time to 4. Sow zinnias in the garden. As mentioned last
plant more cucumbers. week, I planted my two favourite
I also recommend sowing zinnias. varieties, Durango Flame and
3. Plant melons These flowers are a real butterfly French Vanilla, into two large
magnet and are very easy to grow troughs near our front door.
from seed.

Tips for growing zinnias

want to grow them. I’ve never had sow taller varieties at the back of
Zinnias are one of my favourite
much luck transplanting my own the garden and dwarf ones along
summer flowers and we always
plants, but if you buy seedlings the border
have them in the garden. They are
easy to grow, come in a variety of from Awapuni you should be fine.
 Water well at the time of
different heights and are a great planting and frequently
 Zinnias are gross feeders so
butterfly attracting flower. Here thereafter
work lots of compost, sheep
are a few tips for growing super
pellets and fertiliser into the
zinnias this year.  For best results, liquid feed
ground prior to planting
plants every week
 Zinnias do best when sown
 Zinnias come in a variety of
direct to where you  Save seeds from your plants
heights. You may want to
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 8 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow beans

Beans are a staple in the summer concreted so I can’t sow them to
garden. They are easy to grow and the ground as you normally would.
everyone love them. They’re also The fence surrounding the patio
very versatile and can be prepared has plastic trellis stapled to it for
in many different ways. support.

Growing beans from seed 5. Water well after planting

and thereafter.
Beans are easy to grow from seed,
so I normally start them this way. 6. Liquid feed weekly with a
However, if you’re pressed for time water soluble plant food
or don’t want to start them from such as Thrive or a seaweed
seed, you can purchase plants from tonic like Seasol
the garden centre. Awapuni is a
great place to purchase plants 7. Don’t plant beans too early.
Snake beans
from, because they deliver direct to I normally wait until No-
your door, saving you valuable Snake Beans, Climbing Butter, vember. By then, night time
time. It’s now warm enough to sow Climbing Cobra, Climbing Mixed, temperatures have in-
seeds directly where you want to Climbing Purple, Mangere Pole, creased as it can still be
grow them, or you can raise seed- Scarlet Runner Guinness World quite cool in the evenings in
lings in punnets for transplanting Record and Shiny Fardenlosa. October.
later. John McCullough from Eg- 8. Beans take awhile to devel-
Tips for growing beans
mont seeds cautions against this op. They should be ready in
though, as it interferes with the  Beans need full sun (at least about 100 days from plant-
plant’s roots. At this time of the six hours per day) ing, less for dwarf beans
year, it’s best to sow seeds under- (around 60 days)
cover as they’re a heat-loving plant  Prepare the ground well
and if temperatures are too low, beforehand. I like to mix in 9. Beans should keep for
seed won’t germinate. I recom- lots of com- around two
mend using a heat pad. With one, post, sheep “Beans are a staple in the weeks. If you
you shouldn’t have any trouble pellets and have excess, you
summer garden. They
getting seed to germinate. Accord- fertiliser pri- could share them
are easy to grow and
ing to John, there is no need to or to plant- with family,
everyone love them.
soak seeds beforehand, indeed do- ing. friends, col-
They’re also very versatile
ing so leads to the risk of them leagues and
3. Sow seeds and can be prepared in
rotting in the ground. neighbours.
about 5 cm many different ways”
Varieties deep and cov- Some ideas for
er with soil. If you sow using beans
As mentioned above, there are them too shallow you run
many different varieties of beans– the risk of them being  Boiled or steamed with some
dwarf, climbing, broad beans and scratched up by birds. butter, salt and pepper
exotic beans including snake
beans. This year I’m growing a 4. Dwarf beans normally don’t  Stir-fried
large selection of beans from Eg- need any support but you
mont Seeds (Franchi unfortunately  Bean salad with mint and
will find that climbing beans
don’t have beans as part of their feta (we like Eleanor Ozich’s
do benefit from plant sup-
range in NZ). For dwarf beans, recipe)
port. We grow ours against
I’m growing Admires, Hickok, our fence at the back of our  Bean salad with dry beans
Cherokee Butter, French Baby, house, which has green plas- such as kidney and pinto
French Commander, French Con- tic trellis stapled to it. For beans
tender, French Greencrop, French the first time this year, I’m
Jackson, Top Crop and Green and doing a little experiment to  Snake beans in thai fish
Gold Mix. I haven’t sown these yet see whether beans sown in cakes with sweet chilli sauce
as I’m waiting for my Liseta pota- troughs filled with potting
toes to come out in early December mix in our patio will grow. Have a great weekend
so they can be sown in this space. Unfortunately the area is
For climbing beans, I’m growing
Happy gardening!

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