E-Portfolio Reflection

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E-Portfolio Reflection

1. What did you learn about a person’s experience in this country who is different from

In this interview I learned that each person represents many things, first, we represent our

country whatever it is, then each one represents a culture that makes us unique to each

human being and finally the experience we had to achieve outside from our country it is ours

and is completely different to each person.

I compare it with my own experience since I also come from a different country. Although I

have been living here in the USA for a long time, then I had been leaving more years here in

Utah for many years, I have very positive experiences with people around me, with the

members of my church and with my community. So, when I have the chance to help people

who are not from here, I try to do the same with them.

2. What impact did this assignment have on you or your understanding of the world? Did
it challenge any of your assumptions?

These types of tasks always have an impact on me, since I remember the moments that I

came here; this made me feel that I’m not alone, I had many people around here that

encouraged me to continue here, their support and understanding was a lot of help during

those years. Utah is a good place to live you can feel safe and secure especially if you don’t

have family in Utah.

For this reason I can understand those people who arrive and have no family in this state, and

I always try to do my best to help them, and make them feel that they are not alone and that

all these changes at the long run make sense to sacrifice our time, family, friends to live these
experiences as unique which mark us deeply as human beings and they also make us

vulnerable with the people around us, and we are willing to help them. Also, they make us

strong, auto-sufficient and we can understand the feeling of those people too.

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