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Date: November 19, 2019

Subject: Science
Time: 8:40-9:50

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Subject (Grade 3Sped)

I. Objectives
The pupils will be able to:
Cognitive: Identify different sources of light
 Differentiate luminous and non-luminous/ natural and mad-made
sources of light;
 Enumerate types of luminous materials.
Psychomotor: Show differentiated activities about sources of light

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Identify different sources of light
Reference: The New Science Link pp. 232-235
(Learner Materials)
Materials: flash cards, power point, pictures, activity, activity sheets and video clip
A. Science Ideas: Identify the luminous and non-luminous, Identify the natural
sources of light and artificial sources of light
B. Science Process: Identification, observation, classification, communication
C. Values Application: Appreciate the different source of light

III. Learning Task

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Daily Routines
Let us pray and seek the
presence of God!

Kylie kindly lead the

prayer! Let us bow our head and close your eyes
and seek the presence of God (Pupils are

Good morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!
Good Morning Classmates!


Before you take your

seat kindly pick up those
of litters under your
table and arrange your
chair properly!

1.4.Checking of

Is there any absent

today? No one is absent!

Very good!

2. Energizer

Let us sing together and

follow the steps on the video

(Present the video clip of (Pupils are singing and dancing)

The little light of mine)

3. Review
Let us review! I have here a
ball. The ball has covered
paper which the rumbled
words had written on the
paper. I will throw the ball
towards you then catch it. If
you got the ball, look the
rumbled words on the paper
and you will arrange the
rumbled words in the correct
sentence and you can claim
the ball if you get the correct
answer. Is it clear?
Yes Ma’am!
Rumbled words 1:

Motion object
(Pupils are catching the ball)

of is an
The motion of an object is determined by
forces acting on it.
determine forces

By on the it

Rumbled words 2:

Force exerted
(Pupils are catching the ball)

Energy is Force is a strength or energy exerted.

A or


Good job class! Let us give them Coco-

cola clap! (Pupils are clapping)
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
Glok! Glok!

One, two, three!

Pssssss! Aaaah!
What are the Three Laws of Motion?

Yes Steffany!

The Three Laws of Motion are the

Newton’s First Law of Motion, The
Second Law of Motion, and The Third
Law of Motion!
Very excellent!

What is Newton’s first law of motion?

Yes Renadel!
An object at rest (not moving) will stay
at rest unless a force makes it moves!

Very good answer!

What is the Newton’s Second Law Of


Yes Reese!
The amount of force needed to increase
the movement of an object depends on
the amount of mass the matter has.
That is great answer!

What is the Newton’s Third Law of

Yes Godofredo!
For every force or action, there is an
Very nice answer! equal and opposite force or reaction.

It seems you are ready to our new

lesson for today? Now, let us have a

4. Motivation

Who loves to play a game?

Let’s play a game. This is

called spin the wheel!

Instruction: Spin the wheel

and let us see what color
are you going to spin? In
that color there is an
image at the back and you
will guess and identify
each object. If you got
correct, you will win an
equipment color of that
image for the flavor or
color of candy. So, are you
ready to spin the wheel?
Yes Ma’am!

Let us begin and just raise

your hand if you want to
spin the wheel!

Yes Reese! (Reese is going to spin the wheel)

Now, Identify the picture! This is the light bulb and it produce light
and it also has a color yellow light!

Nice answer!

Do you think that object is

from a natural or man-
Yes Gabby!
It’s a man-made!

Very good! Light bulb

comes from a man-made

Let us spin the wheel! Yes


(Chescka is going to spin the wheel)

Now, identify the picture!

This is fluorescent light and it give us

Is this object from natural or light in the evening and it also has a
man-made? color white light!

Yes Steffany!

It’s a man-made source of light!

Let us spin the wheel! Yes


(Kylie is going to spin the wheel)

Now, identify the picture!

Do you think that this object This is a clock and the numbers and two
is a natural or man-made hands of the clock is glowing in the dark.
Yes Godofredo!

Nice answer!
It’s a man-made source!

Let us spin the wheel!

Yes Rodolfo!

(Rodolfo is going to spin the wheel)

Very good! It’s a torch and torch give us light in the

Do you think that this object
is a natural or man-made?

Yes Mathiu!

That is correct answer! It’s a man-made!

Let us spin the wheel!

Yes Eljay!

(Eljay is going to spin the wheel)

Now, Identify the picture!

Very Good Eljay! This is a chair and it is an object that

cannot emit light.
Do you think that object is a
Natural or Man-made

Yes Steven!

It’s a man-made source!

Yes correct!

Now, we have a free and let

us take a look the picture at
the back.

Everybody! What is this?

Is the firefly being an object
or not? Why?

Yes Lie!

It is not an object because firefly is an

Very good answer!

Firefly is kind of living

organism so this not an

5. Presentation

Can you guess what is our

lesson for today? I will give
you a clue, just lend me your
eyes and ears and let us
watch the short video clip.

(Present the video clip about

different sources of light.)

So, who can answer? What

(Pupils are watching the short video clip)
is the lesson for the day?

Yes Prince!

Very good! our lesson for

today is about different
Different sources of light!
sources of light. Let us have
group activity about
different sources of light.

6. Activity Proper

Everybody read the

following rules!

A. Remind Standard an (Pupils are reading the following rules

Activity for their activity)

What are you going to


1. Group yourself into

3 groups.

2. Cooperate with the


3. You have finished

your activity within
5 minutes.

4. Each group will get

15 points in your
activity if you got
the correct answer.


Group 1: Activity

I. Problem:

Identify the different sources

of light.

II. Material


III. Procedure:

Paste the image or picture

of different sources of light
into man-made and natural
on the table.
Natural Man-made Natural Man-made


Group 2: Activity

I. Problem:

Identify different sources of


II. Material:


III. Procedure:

Put and paste the correct

source of light on the table
Natural Man-made Natural Man-made
1. Lightning 1. Christmas
2. Lava lights
3. Glowworm 2. Candles
4. Aurora 3. Torch
borealis 4. Oven
5. fish lantern 5. Mirror


Group 3: Activity

I. Problem:
Identify the different source
of light.

II. Material:


III. Procedure:

Write Natural if the object

is a natural source and Man-
made if the objects is man-
made source on the provided

1. Aurora 1. Aurora-Natural
2. Mercury lamp 2. Mercury lamp- Man-made
3. Glowworm 3. Glowworm-Natural
4. Torch 4. Torch-Man-made
5. Oven 5. Oven-Man-made
6. Lightning 6. Lightning-Natural
7. Fish lantern 7. Fish lantern-Man-made
8. Candles 8. Candles-Man-made
9. Lava 9. Lava-Natural
10. Fire 10. Fire-Natural

B. Reporters

Each group will do a (Each group will present their output)

short report for their


There are two types of sources of light

and these are luminous and non-
luminous objects.

All objects that emit light are called

luminous objects.
Different of luminous objects have
different types according the light they

(Present the copy of the different types

of luminous objects.)


1. Incandescence Light
2. Fluorescence Light
3. Phosphorescence
4. Bioluminescence

Everybody, read the different types of

luminous objects. (Pupils are reading)

(Show the picture)

Look at the picture. Can you tell me

what color of light do you see?

Yes Jaant!
Yellow light!

Very nice answer!

All objects that have yellow light is

called incandescence light and like light
bulb. I have here another example.

(Show the pictures of the example of an

incandescence light)

Let us name each object on the picture. Lamp shade, oven, and electric stove!
Very good!
What do you feel when you touch their
light after you used them? It’ very hot!

Yes, because the light of incandescence

object comes from heated object that
glows but be careful for those objects,
right? Yes Ma’am!

Now, can you give another example of

an object that emit yellow light or
incandescence light?

Yes Arvee! Candle!


What do you think about these objects

on the picture? Are they from a Natural
or man-made?

Yes Frank! It’s a man-made!

Very good answer!

Trivia! Thomas Edison is the first

inventor of incandescence light which
is the light bulb. Did you know that? Yes Ma’am!

Ok, let’s go to the Fluorescence Light!

(Show the picture)

Look at the next picture! What color of

light do you see? White light!

Very good answer!

All objects that emit white light are

called fluorescence light!

I have here another picture of some

fluorescence light!

(Show the pictures)

Let us name each object on the picture!
Repeat after me! Electric insect killer, desk lamp, wall
lamp, ceiling light!
Very good!

Do you think that their light is also hot

after you used them?

Yes Fredricka! It’s cool!

Very good!

Fluorescence light comes from material

that absorbs radiation and emits white
light. Is it clear? Yes Ma’am!

Ok, who can give another example of

fluorescence light!

Yes Renadel!
Mercury lamp!


What do you think about these objects

on the picture? Are they natural or man-

Yes Gabby!

Very good!

Trivia! Did you know who is the

inventor of the fluorescence light?
Not yet!
The inventor of the fluorescent light
was named Agapito Flores the Filipino
Electrician early 20th century and
fluorescence is from his last name
Flores but he sold it in the French
people that is the owner of the
fluorescence for now is from the
Residence of French. Is it clear? Yes Ma’am!

I have here a boler and different shape

of moon and stars. Are you familiar
with these objects? Can you explain
what is it?

Yes Fredricka! These objects are glowing in the Dark!

Ok, let us Off the light for a while to

see if these objects are glowing in the

(Light is off and two objects are


Very good! Fredricka is correct!

They are glowing in the dark because

these are substances that emit light after
they have been exposed to the light.
Did you understand? Yes Ma’am!

Class look at the picture and what do

you call to this one?

Yes Zyrish! Firefly!

Correct answer!

Do you think that the firefly is being an

object? Why?

Yes Godofredo! No, because it’s kind of animals that

have produce light!

Very nice answer! There are living

organism that emit light and these are
called bioluminescence.

I will show to you another example of

(show the pictures)

Now, look at the picture and let us Glow in the dark mush room, pandora,
name each picture. Repeat after me! glow fish, glow in the dark scorpion,
lantern fish, and moon jelly fish!

Very good class!

What do you think about them? Are

they natural or man-made?

Yes Paula! Natural!

Very good!

Everybody, can you tell me what are Incandescence, fluorescence,

the different types of luminous objects? phosphorescence, and bioluminescence!

Very excellent!

Now, let us move on to the non-

luminous objects.

(Show the pictures)

Look at the picture! These objects are

The example of non-luminous objects.
What is the difference between non-
luminous and luminous objects?

Yes Godofredo! The non-luminous are all objects that

cannot emit light while the luminous are
all objects that emit light.

Exactly! An object that does not emit

light are called non-luminous objects
like your shoes, chair, books
blackboard and etc. And if it reflects
are called illuminated objects. I will
shoe to you the example.

(Show the picture)

Look at the picture! Who can describe

the picture?

Yes Eljay!
The sunlight directs to the flowers then it
reflects light to our eyes to see the

Very good! You can see an illuminated

object because it reflects light to your

Nice Answer Eljay!

There are two types sources of lights. I

will show to you the copy of two types
sources of lights.

The 2 types sources of lights are:

1. Natural sources of light
2. Artificial sources of light

Everybody, let us name the picture! Aurora, Lightning, Sunlight, Firefly,

Stars, Moon, Jelly fish, glowworm!

Very good class!

Can you stop their light? Can you

control the lights that they produce? No! because they are having a natural
Why? light!

Yes, because these are coming from the

natural light from Earth that man
cannot control the light like aurora,
moonlight, sunlight etc.


Look at the picture of Artificial!

Everybody, let us name the picture! Boler, light bulb. Candle, lamp shade,
torch, and fluorescent light!
Very good class!

These objects are called artificial

sources of light! Now observe the
picture! what is the different between
natural sources of light and artificial
sources of light?

Yes Steffany! Natural comes from the natural light on

earth while artificial comes from man-
made source!
Very good!

This objects that coming from the man-

made source that human can control the
light are called Artificial source of
light. They can switch off and switch
on the light of one object that they
made. Is it clear? Yes Ma’am!

Let us see if you really master the

different source of light. Do this
activity to test your learnings about our
lesson for this day.

Group Activity

What to do?

1. I will divide you into to 3

2. You will cooperate to the group.
3. You will finish your activity
within 10 mins.
4. You have 15 points to your
activity if you can do it very
interesting and wonderful.

Instructions: Each group will make an

output for this theme: “Light help us to
see the wonderful things in this world
and I will enjoy this gift to see

Group1: Draw about the light. You can (Group 1 is drawing)

base your work on the theme.

Group 2: Make a poem about light. (Group 2 is making a poem)

You can base your work on the theme.

Group 3: Make a role play about the (Group 3 is making a role play)
light. You can base your work on the

1. What do you call to the living

organisms that emits light? Bioluminescence!

Incandescence, fluorescence,
2. What are the different types of
phosphorescence, bioluminescence!
luminous objects?

3. What are the differences Luminous are the objects that procure
between luminous and non- light in their own while non-luminous
luminous? objects cannot produce in their own.

4. What are the differences Natural sources if light is coming from

between natural sources of light the natural light from the earth like lava,
thunder storm etc. while the artificial
and artificial sources of light?
sources of light is coming from the man-
made sources.
Very good class!

8. Application

Say: without light, we cannot see. God

is our light. He guides us to see the
right path. If we walk in the light, we
can do the right things in our everyday
activities. If we are in the darkness, we
cannot do things right. You should be
thankful because God give us light to
see the beautiful creature of God. Let us
always ask the Guidance of God to give
us the light that we in order to live

9. Evaluation

Classify each of the materials listed

below as luminous or non-luminous. If
luminous, tell weather they are
incandescence, fluorescence,
bioluminescence, or phosphorescence.

Materials Classification
Materials Classification
1. Boiling
1. Boiling Non-luminous
2. Red hot iron
2. Red hot iron Incandescence
3. Electric 3. Electric Incandescence
lamp lamp
4. Fluorescence Fluorescence
4. Fluorescence
lamp lamp
5. Electric 5. Electric Incandescence
stove stove
6. Dim light 6. Dim light Incandescence
7. Fire 7. Fire Incandescence
8. Lava 8. Lava Incandescence
9. Moon Jelly 9. Moon Jelly Bioluminescence
Fish Fish
10. Fish lantern 10. Fish lantern Bioluminescence
11. Apple 11. Apple Non-luminous
12. Wall lamp 12. Wall lamp Fluorescence
13. Glow stick Phosphorescence
13. Glow stick
14. Floor sign Phosphorescence
14. Floor sign
glow in the
glow in the

IV. Assignment

A. Take a picture of some objects that you will see in your house at least 3
pictures in each table below and put it on the long bond paper and paste the
picture below if it is incandescent, fluorescent, and phosphorescence.

Incandescence Fluorescence Phosphorescence

B. How different lights helps you in your daily life? Make a paragraph or
reflections with at least 100 words and think about the title for your
reflections. Put it on your Activity notebook.


_____________________________________________________________________________ .

Prepared by: Rosela L.Arenas

Practice Teacher

Ma'am Melissa G. Santillana

Cooperating Teacher

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