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Practice Problems-II

CHS 1101 (Inorganic Chemistry)

1. Draw the structures and determine the appropriate point group for each of the
following molecules:
(i) NHF2 (ii) methyl radical, (iii) SO2Cl2

2. Why does SF4 have C2v symmetry rather than C4v symmetry?

3. In HOF molecule, the O-H and O-F distances are 84.6 pm and 144.2 pm, respectively.
If the sum of the atomic radii of H and F is 183 pm, find out the HOF bond angle.

4. Consider a nonlinear molecule, which does not belong to cubic group. The molecule
has C3 axis and 3C2C3 axes but there is no h C3. However, the molecule has 
planes containing C3 axis. What is the point group of the molecule? Does the molecule
contain an inversion center? Is there any improper axis of rotation?

5. The oxalate ligand, [C2O4]2-, is a didentate ligand and the structure of the complex ion
[Fe(ox)3]3- is shown below. The view in the right-hand diagram is along one O-Fe-O
axis. What is the point group of this molecule? Is it chiral? Please note that a chiral
molecule lacks an improper (Sn) axis of symmetry.

6. Draw the MO diagram for the heternuclear diatomic CN– . The 2s orbital energy for C
is -19.43 eV and for N is -25.56 eV, while the energy for the 2p orbitals of C are -
10.66 eV and for N are -13.18 eV.

7. Draw the molecular orbital diagram of CO.

8. Draw the MO of HF2-.

9. From the MO, show that NeO could exist.

10. Draw the MO diagram for linear water HOH, using this diagram explain if linear
CH2 is expected to diamagnetic or paramagnetic.

11. Draw an MO energy-level diagram for the MOs that would arise in a diatomic
molecule (M2) from the combination of unhybridized d orbitals. Label the AOs being
combined and the resulting MOs. Let the z axis lie along the σ-bond.
12. Show the relative energy levels of fragment orbitals for H2, H3 and H4 with respect to
H 1s atomic orbital.

13. From the MO of H3, comment on its stability.

14. How the new bonding/antibonding pair would look like upon mixing the following
MOs. Will the new antibonding MO be stabilized or destabilized when the L-M-L
angle becomes 180?

15. What is the expected order of relative energies (most bonding to least bonding) for
the MOs below identifying the bonding/antibonding interactions?


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