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Respiration 3

1. Structure & Function of the Respiratory System

a. Identify the different parts of the Respiratory System
b. Know the functions of the different parts of the Respiratory System
2. Ventilation
a. Mechanics and process of breathing – humans, birds and frogs
3. Gaseous exchange
a. Oxygen and Carbon dioxide transfer
4. Gas transport
a. Roles of hemoglobin in oxygen & carbon dioxide transport
b. Dissociation curve
5. Control of respiration
a. How respiration is regulated
Lesson’s Learning Goals/Outcomes
• Define partial pressure
• Describe how altitude affects the partial pressure
of gases
• Understand the basic principles of gas diffusion.
• Describe how gases are exchanged and the sites of
gas exchange for external and internal respiration.
• Explain the changes in partial pressure of O2 & CO2
in the body
Humidification of inspired air
CH APTER 10 The Respiratory System: Exchange of Gases 261

Notice that the definition of venous blood is that it Suppose an airplane flying at high altitude loses cabin pres-
is deoxygenated, not that it happens to be in a vein. The sure, such that the partial pressure of oxygen in the air in the
pulmonary arteries transport venous blood to the lungs, passengers’ alveoli drops to 35 mm Hg (while the partial pressure
and the pulmonary veins transport arterial blood to of oxygen of their venous blood remains normal). Which way will
the heart. oxygen diffuse—from the venous blood to air or from air to the
venous blood—and why?

Inhaled air

a) Breathing. 160 Exhaled air

Alveolar air

P O2
104 PCO2 Alveolus

b) Pulmonary 40 40 104

Lung CO2

Pulmonary vein
and aorta Capillary
Systemic veins P O2 External respiration
and pulmonary
100 PCO2
40 46
c) Transport.

Internal respiration

46 CO2


d) Systemic
circulation. Interstitial fluid
surrounding cells
Capillary networks
in head, limbs, torso, Cells of tissues
PO2 PCO2 and internal organs
<40 >46

Figure 10.11 Partial pressures. All partial pressures are expressed in units of mm Hg. Differences
in partial pressures account for the diffusion of O2 and CO2 between the lungs and blood, and
between blood and the body’s tissues.
Why is the PO2 lower (less than 40 mm Hg) in the interstitial fluid surrounding cells and the cells
themselves than it is in the aorta (approximately 100 mm Hg)?
CH APTER 10 The Respiratory System: Exchange of Gases 261

Notice that the definition of venous blood is that it Suppose an airplane flying at high altitude loses cabin pres-
is deoxygenated, not that it happens to be in a vein. The sure, such that the partial pressure of oxygen in the air in the
pulmonary arteries transport venous blood to the lungs, passengers’ alveoli drops to 35 mm Hg (while the partial pressure
and the pulmonary veins transport arterial blood to of oxygen of their venous blood remains normal). Which way will
the heart. oxygen diffuse—from the venous blood to air or from air to the
venous blood—and why?

Inhaled air

a) Breathing. 160 Exhaled air

Alveolar air

P O2
104 PCO2 Alveolus

b) Pulmonary 40 40 104

Lung CO2

Pulmonary vein
and aorta Capillary
Systemic veins P O2 External respiration
and pulmonary
100 PCO2
40 46
c) Transport.

Internal respiration

46 CO2


d) Systemic
circulation. Interstitial fluid
surrounding cells
Capillary networks
in head, limbs, torso, Cells of tissues
PO2 PCO2 and internal organs
<40 >46

Figure 10.11 Partial pressures. All partial pressures are expressed in units of mm Hg. Differences
in partial pressures account for the diffusion of O2 and CO2 between the lungs and blood, and
between blood and the body’s tissues.
Why is the PO2 lower (less than 40 mm Hg) in the interstitial fluid surrounding cells and the cells
themselves than it is in the aorta (approximately 100 mm Hg)?

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